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Bible groups plan to protest The Amish murder victims' funerals

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Bible-Spouting Group Plans to Picket Amish Funerals

By Susan Jones

CNSNews.com Senior Editor

October 04, 2006


(CNSNews.com) - A Kansas-based group that says "God hates fags" plans to picket the funerals of the Amish girls killed by a disturbed man in Lancaster County, Pa.


The Westboro Baptist Church -- described as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League -- has made a name for itself by picketing the funerals of U.S. troops killed in Iraq. The troops are dying as punishment for America's tolerance of homosexuality, the group says.


The Westboro group says the Amish school girls were "killed by a madman in punishment for Gov. Ed Rendell's blasphemous sins against Westboro Baptist Church.


"Gov. Ed Rendell -- speaking and acting in his official capacity to bind the State of Pennsylvania -- slandered and mocked and ridiculed and condemned Westboro Baptist Church on national Fox TV," the group says on its website.


"Rendell also revealed a conspiracy to employ the State's police powers to destroy WBC in order to silence WBC's Gospel message. Co-conspirators identified by Rendell included state officials, citizens, lawyers, legislators and media," the website says.


Westboro Baptist Church said it is "continuing to pray for even worse punishment upon Pennsylvania."


A number of states have passed laws to keep groups like Westboro away from grieving families at funerals, but last month, a federal judge ruled that a Kentucky law barring protests within 300 feet of military funerals and memorial services is too broad and may not be enforced.


In other developments, the man who shot and killed five Amish schoolgirls apparently planned to sexually abuse them first, investigators said. But he apparently didn't get a chance: Charles Carl Roberts IV killed himself when police arrived on the scene.


Suicide notes left by Roberts indicate he was dreaming of molesting girls. He reportedly told his wife he had molested two young relatives 20 years ago - and wanted to do it again.


"It's very possible that he intended to victimize these children in many ways prior to executing them and killing himself," State Police Commissioner Jeffrey Miller said on Tuesday.


Roberts also indicated he was anguished over the death of a daughter who died shortly after birth nine years ago. In his notes, he said he was "filled with so much hate" and "unimaginable emptiness," but everyone who knew him said they never saw signs of his psychological distress.




This guy is a complete idiot. I mean, the Amish never hurt anyone and generally stay out of everyone else's business. This guy is a media whore.


God bless the Amish who will more likely just ignore him, rather than screaming back and giving him the attention he so craves.


There's a special place in hell for Fred Phelps.

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IMO, this fuck is just as bad as the pope telling people it's a sin to use condoms or birth control. When it comes to religious fanatics, I say fuck 'em all, big or small.

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Wow, Phelps is at it again!


I just don't care about this guy anymore. I mean come on, what else can he do to make people hate him?

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I used to date a girl whos father was a wannabe Fred Phelps. He shared his idealogies and such. I agree with milliondollarchamp. There is indeed a special place in the hottest depths of Hell reserved for people like Fred Phelps. Fuck him.


One day he and his 'fag hating' followers are going to protest the wrong funeral and meet a very violent demise.

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The protest doesn't even make sense. The Amish don't have anything to do with the Pennsylvania governor.


I'm a Christian, but these people need to be punished for abusing God's name for their own ends.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I think they should have their own reality show, and I'm absolutely serious. It would be fucking hilarious in a squirmy embarassing way.

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The protest doesn't even make sense. The Amish don't have anything to do with the Pennsylvania governor.


I'm a Christian, but these people need to be punished for abusing God's name for their own ends.


It doesn't need to make sense. These people are sick in the head. They're like vultures. A lot of people are sad over the tragedy with the Amish kids, there's a lot of publicity around it, so these bastards are going to protest to draw attention to their evil agenda. I hate people like this.

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I'm sitting here watching the replay of Hannity & Colmes from earlier tonight, and they have one of the assholes from that crazy religious group who protest at funerals, and do the whole "God hates fags" deal on the show. They flat out asked the bitch if the young girls deserved to be killed, DESERVED, and she said yes, of course they did.


"They did deserve to die."


That's her exact quote.


That family, and I do believe it's mainly just one family who are a part of that "church", just makes me sick.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

A reality show would provide the perpetrators with the attention they crave, as well as quench the thirst of the american public for outrage, and develop a cult following from the college crowd.

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Why? Why did they deserve to die, when neither they nor the asshole who killed them have anything to do with homosexuality?


She said that they deserved to die because the Amish try to create their own meaning of righteousness. Truth be told, this group believes that anyone not a part of their group and don't share their very strict and insane beliefs, deserves to die a horrible death.

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Why? Why did they deserve to die, when neither they nor the asshole who killed them have anything to do with homosexuality?


She said that they deserved to die because the Amish try to create their own meaning of righteousness.


Isn't that what THEY are doing?


I will never understand these people. Them and that comic book they call the New Testament.

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I'm sitting here watching the replay of Hannity & Colmes from earlier tonight, and they have one of the assholes from that crazy religious group who protest at funerals, and do the whole "God hates fags" deal on the show. They flat out asked the bitch if the young girls deserved to be killed, DESERVED, and she said yes, of course they did.


"They did deserve to die."


That's her exact quote.


That family, and I do believe it's mainly just one family who are a part of that "church", just makes me sick.


I'd say Samuel L Jackson would be perfect for the movie but he's black and they probably aren't too big on the whole additional color thing. White is right, the rest deserves to burn in hell.


Give them to wrong change, you burn in hell.

Don't say thank you when they don't spit on you, you deserve to burn in hell.


The worst part is the media GIVES them the podium when they really aren't one bit different than any other hate group out there. Wanting the Amish to DIE because they do their thing and don't bother anyone? Yeah, that makes tons of sense. Crazy bitch.

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I would not lose any sleep if we sent these lowlifes to the Middle East and let the Islamo-fascists lop off their heads in the name of Allah. It might be the only redeeming thing they ever do.

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I think I read somewhere about 100-150 members...most of them are his family through blood or marriage.


This quote on the church through its link in Wikipedia...


"Phelps does not permit Westboro members to marry persons outside the church. As relatively few individuals have joined Westboro, there have been at least two marriages between the Phelps and Hockenbarger clans, resulting in some members having dual genealogical relationships (one member is both the aunt and sister-in-law of another)."



He's certifiable, to say the least.

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These people are the exact reason why I hate religion. It's always about "God hating" other people. I might be wrong but according to their bible (a fictious book IMO) it says God created man. Everyone has something in them from God, even gay people. I hate people like that.

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