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OAO Survivor Series Thread - November/26th/2006.

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The Smackdown Matches of ‘03 and ‘04 aren’t that different from this year’s match involving Cena and Show…




Holly, Benoit, Cena, Angle and Bradshaw


Lesnar, TBS, Morgan, Jones and A-Train



Guerrero, TBS, RVD, Cena


Angle, Carlito, Reigns and Jindrak



Cena, RVD, Sabu, Lashley and Kane


TBS, Test, Umaga, MVP and Finlay


Basically, the matches are structured the same in the line up, including involving TBS, Cena and RVD. You get a rounded wrestlers (Finlay) with big men (Umaga, Test, TBS, Lashley and Kane), thrown in with a couple meaningless mid-carders (MVP). The only wild-card is Sabu and he’s probably getting jobbed right off the bat.


Besides, why would you want this match to go beyond 12 minutes anyways? It’s a total train wreck that’ll involve interferance from Heyman and cronies and with the workers involved, it’ll be an ugly match that’ll depend on a hot crowd and a good heat segment from RVD or Cena. These people are best utilized in a shorter frame and there’s no need to stretch it out further then it needs to be when it’ll be mainly used to build for D2D with 5 of the 6 wrestlers for the EC match involved here.


The other match consists of much better wrestlers that are more akin to working a long 25-30 minute tag team match (aside from Knox, who is probably a lock to go out first, anyways). It’s better to give this extra time instead of letting each match get an equal share and it’s pointless to analyze since WWE will make sure that DX/RKO match gets the most airtime given the names involved.

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Kane and MVP will probably DCO with each other right off the bat. RVD Five Stars Test soon after and then walks into a Samoan Spike from Umaga. Finlay pins Sabu and then gets FU'd. TBS and Lashley DCO/DDQ with each other to build up D2D, and then the match ends with Umaga Spiking Cena for the clean win to build their title match.


You can, and should, wrap all that up in under fifteen minutes. Twelve might even be stretching it.

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That's basically what I said in my original prediction. This match will be loaded with DQ's and such which is fine because alot of people here need to be protected. No one is expecting a wrestling match here, the interest is in the big personalities clashing and wild antics going on.


I still think we'll get a RVD victory over TBS after Lashley puts TBS down but is dragged away by Heyman's cronies. I think MVP is eating a quick choke-slam and hopefully they can move Kane away from him and perhaps stick him against Finlay, whom is suddenly not busy anymore and I think that could be an interesting dynamic. The rest can be done any sort of way. I just see Umaga going bat-shit on Cena drawing a DQ with Finlay stealing a cheap pin with assistance before eating a FU from a pissed off Cena with someone else finishing him off.

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The problem with using Booker/Batista for the main event is that they haven’t clicked very well in the ring because with Batista, Booker has to lead and Booker isn’t all that great at it. The feud has been decent and borderline good. Granted, being a great match isn’t required for a main event especially in this show’s case where there are two other matches probably expected to carry the show. They’ll have good heat one way or another but I can’t help but feel that if they really wanted this to be a main event match with the emphasis on being their final match, it should have came with a gimmick. Such as a cage for instance.


If it does end up as the main event and that’s always in the air because they have changed announced main events many times, it doesn’t lead well to the hopes of the DX/RKO match getting the time it should (25-40 minutes) but does improve the chances that Punk will go over.


7 matches and the times should read as follows


Chavo/Benoit: 10 Minutes

Legends/Spirit Squad: 8 minutes

Cena/Show: 12 minutes

Lita/Mickie: 5 minutes (They didn’t work well before and we all know Lita’s last stand really occurs during the RKO/DX match)

First Blood: 15 minutes

RKO/DX: 30 minutes

Batista/Booker: 12 minutes




92 minutes of matches? you do know they usually go 150 (2.5 hours) at least. What's the other 58 minutes going to be? promos?


Chavo/Benoit - 12

Legends/Squad - 10

Cena/Show - 25

Lita/Mickie - 10

Taker/Kennedy - 15

RKO/DX - 35

Batista/Booker - 18

Buildup Videos - 10

Filler - 5


That's 140 minutes there... 2 hours and 20 minutes. I could see the US Title match, the Legends match, and Cena Show each getting an extra 5 minutes each, giving a total of around 155 minutes, which is more toward the norm.

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The problem with using Booker/Batista for the main event is that they haven’t clicked very well in the ring because with Batista, Booker has to lead and Booker isn’t all that great at it. The feud has been decent and borderline good. Granted, being a great match isn’t required for a main event especially in this show’s case where there are two other matches probably expected to carry the show. They’ll have good heat one way or another but I can’t help but feel that if they really wanted this to be a main event match with the emphasis on being their final match, it should have came with a gimmick. Such as a cage for instance.


If it does end up as the main event and that’s always in the air because they have changed announced main events many times, it doesn’t lead well to the hopes of the DX/RKO match getting the time it should (25-40 minutes) but does improve the chances that Punk will go over.


7 matches and the times should read as follows


Chavo/Benoit: 10 Minutes

Legends/Spirit Squad: 8 minutes

Cena/Show: 12 minutes

Lita/Mickie: 5 minutes (They didn’t work well before and we all know Lita’s last stand really occurs during the RKO/DX match)

First Blood: 15 minutes

RKO/DX: 30 minutes

Batista/Booker: 12 minutes




92 minutes of matches? you do know they usually go 150 (2.5 hours) at least. What's the other 58 minutes going to be? promos?


Chavo/Benoit - 12

Legends/Squad - 10

Cena/Show - 25

Lita/Mickie - 10

Taker/Kennedy - 15

RKO/DX - 35

Batista/Booker - 18

Buildup Videos - 10

Filler - 5


That's 140 minutes there... 2 hours and 20 minutes. I could see the US Title match, the Legends match, and Cena Show each getting an extra 5 minutes each, giving a total of around 155 minutes, which is more toward the norm.


I wasn't including entrances which usually add another 5 minutes to each (probably more for the two SS matches), with the team formats, I would expect 4 skits involving each of the 4 teams. Video packages, ad's would fill up the rest of the show very easily.

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It's not what I would WANT, but that's what could happen just because of the players involved. 25 might be quite the overstatement, but TWELVE? I could see 18. Ten people involved, 9 pinfalls/decisions... I can see at least two or so minutes in between decisions. The sheer amount of action that can be had can keep the match going a little extra without being "torture".



Edit: Okay, I included entrances. Still, including them, I could see the match going 18-20. Then again, I don't put it above them to go longer than that either.

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It's not what I would WANT, but that's what could happen just because of the players involved. 25 might be quite the overstatement, but TWELVE? I could see 18. Ten people involved, 9 pinfalls/decisions... I can see at least two or so minutes in between decisions. The sheer amount of action that can be had can keep the match going a little extra without being "torture".


It really wouldn't be any different from most SS matches in recent years that weren't the strong match. Like we touched on eariler, the weaker match has gone 12 minutes and this match is hardly different from those matches.

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I think I just want the show to be good. SurSer has always been my favorite PPV of the year, and I am always praying that it won't stink. I have missed the "classic" matches, and I'm glad to see them coming back, and even with some of the wrestlers involved only marginally suited to the environment, I always want to see them get some time just because it's like my favorite kind of match outside of the Royal Rumble match.

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I think if booked right, Survivor Series 06 could quite possibly surpass Wrestlemania as PPV of the year. the card looks stacked IMO, I'am pretty excited about the SmackDown matches although I hope Batista/Booker does something different in their supposly final mach this time. their matches have been good but not that exciting. I hoping for Batista to finally win back the World Title.


I don't know why everyone is dissing on the woman's title match. I don't think it'll be match of the night or anything but I think it could be one of the show's better matches. Lita and Mickie James are two of the best woman wrestlers in the WWE IMO.

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I think if booked right, Survivor Series 06 could quite possibly surpass Wrestlemania as PPV of the year. the card looks stacked IMO, I'am pretty excited about the SmackDown matches although I hope Batista/Booker does something different in their supposly final mach this time. their matches have been good but not that exciting. I hoping for Batista to finally win back the World Title.


I don't know why everyone is dissing on the woman's title match. I don't think it'll be match of the night or anything but I think it could be one of the show's better matches. Lita and Mickie James are two of the best woman wrestlers in the WWE IMO.


Lita, post injury has been atrocious as a worker (not that she was great before it, aside from being a high-spot machine). The Trish match was smoke and mirrors with Trish going all out for her farewell match. Mickie is the best woman's wrestler on the Raw roster right now but there isn't much competition aside from Victoria who is marred by her long-term injury, Melina who rarely wrestles and isn't that good anyways. They have some good/decent talent in developmentals that could boost thing but people are shitting on this match because the match @ TT was a bomb with them trying to work a straight match and given the nature of Lita's departure and the likely hostile crowd trying to shit on Lita, it'll be rough unless Lita really does have that 2001 magic in her.

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Booker/Batista is the last match


Legends vs. SS will be the opening match


First Blood and DX/RKO will be the last 2 matches before the main event.

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You should because the next trio of PPVs are likely to be horrid and booked in a rush and this card, while short of a (on paper) MOTYC, has probably the best overall booked card with enough intangibles to push it. You have a SS match with loaded talents likely getting great time, a clusterfuck of a trainwreck that can be hit or miss. A raunchy crowd sending Lita off, 'Taker/Kennedy should be a good brawl given how the build has progressed.


I don't usually "feel" a PPV but this one I am actually looking forward to.

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I don't know why, but I get the feeling that Shawn or HHH is eating a surprise early exit.

If that happens, it'll be Shawn so Hunter can be left with Edge and Orton alone at the end and he can make the superman comeback and beat them both. Of course, Edge and Orton will beat on Hunter afterwards for about ten seconds to get a small candle's worth of heat back until Shawn returns to make the 'save'.

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I ordered the PPV and I"m really looking forward to it. I'm just hoping its as good as it looks.

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This'll be only the second PPV I've ordered in years. I don't even mind if the actual wrestling is so-so, the matches and feud's are interesting enough, and the concept is fun.

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Since there is a higher then usual interest in this show, I figured like most "major" shows, we should get a AIM chat going.


So, invite yourself to tsmseries, if you want.

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I didn't order this one because I am hosting December to Dismember next week at my house and I didn't want to carry 2 PPVs on my monthly bill, but my interest is peaked enough to want to know what is going on so I think I will join the aim chat......

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I was going to order, but I couldn't get anyone else over to watch it...can't really justify spending forty bucks to watch a PPV by myself. Also, FOX has new episodes of the cartoon stuff on tonight, which my wife would rather watch...so, yeah.

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I was going to order, but I couldn't get anyone else over to watch it...can't really justify spending forty bucks to watch a PPV by myself. Also, FOX has new episodes of the cartoon stuff on tonight, which my wife would rather watch...so, yeah.

That is one of the main reasons why I love living in California, the PPV will end by 8 giving me plenty of time to watch the new Fox stuff.

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I don't know why, but I get the feeling that Shawn or HHH is eating a surprise early exit.

If that happens, it'll be Shawn so Hunter can be left with Edge and Orton alone at the end and he can make the superman comeback and beat them both. Of course, Edge and Orton will beat on Hunter afterwards for about ten seconds to get a small candle's worth of heat back until Shawn returns to make the 'save'.

Don't forget Shawn getting the return job on RAW tommorrow!

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I think Team Cena vs. Team Show will be the opener, only because they ususally like to start with big multi-man matches, and 2003 had one of the 'main events' start the show, too.

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I don't know if they will do it this year, but I hate the inter-promotional announcing, when King, JR, Cole, JBL, Tazz and Joey all announce at the same time (during the SS Matches)


But I don't think Tazz and Joey are ringside, so it may just be Raw/Smackdown announcing.

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