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Guest Natchou

2006 in review...

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Guest Natchou

Was inspired to do this from another thread from another board. Since 2006 is going to be over in about 2 weeks or so, I thought it'd be nice to see everybody's opinions on how the year was. Now, what/who in your opinion were:


Wrestler of the year:


Tag-team/Stable of the year:


Match of the year:


Best heel:


Best face:


Most improved wrestler:


Quote of the year:


Markout moment of the year:


Funniest moment of the year:


Worst moment of the year:


Worst wrestler of the year:


Best brand:


Worst brand


Best PPV:


Worst PPV:


Biggest disappointment:


There you go. :)

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Wrestler of the year: Dave Finlay


Tag-team of the Year: Paul London & Brian Kendrick


Stable of the Year: King Booker's Court


Match of the year: Kurt Angle vs. Undertaker, No Way Out


Best heel: King Booker


Best face: John Cena


Most improved wrestler: Carlito


Quote of the year: Nothing stands out in particular, but it would certainly have to be something JBL said on commentary for Smackdown.


Markout moment of the year: Chris Benoit is Regal's mystery opponent at No Mercy


Funniest moment of the year: Nothing in particular stands out.


Worst moment of the year: The decline of Kurt Angle resulting in his release


Worst wrestler of the year: Boogeyman


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: Judgment Day


Worst PPV: December 2 Dismember


Biggest disappointment: RVD's conduct while holding two world titles

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Biggest disappointment: RVD's conduct while holding two world titles

He was just living the gimmick....damn the politics for killing ECW before it could be come something worth watching.

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Wrestler of the year: Edge


Tag-team: London/Kendrick


Stable of the year: King Bookers Court


Match of the year: Edge/Foley Wrestlemania


Best heel: Edge


Best face: RVD


Most improved wrestler: Jeff Hardy


Quote of the year: "Got to get Batista on there before he gets hurt again." - - Edge


Markout moment of the year: Bret Hart HOF


Funniest moment of the year: The live crowd at ECW ONS.


Worst moment of the year: ECW debute episode on Sci-Fi


Worst wrestler of the year: The Giant Khali, whatever the hell his name is.


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand: Raw


Best PPV: Unforgiven


Worst PPV: D2D


Biggest disappointment: The self-destruction of Kurt Angle

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Wrestler of the year: Edge


Tag-team/Stable of the year: London and Kendrick


Match of the year: Angle vs. Undertaker


Best heel: Edge


Best face: RVD


Most improved wrestler: Carlito


Quote of the year: Anything JBL says


Markout moment of the year: Bret Hart at the Hall Of Fame


Funniest moment of the year: Whenever Armando says Umaga. It always cracks me up.


Worst moment of the year: Exploitation of Eddy Guerrero


Worst wrestler of the year: Great Khali


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: Unforgiven


Worst PPV: D2D


Biggest disappointment: Kurt Angle's self destruction and release.

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Wrestler of the year: Kurt Angle


Tag-team/Stable of the year: dx


Match of the year: Angle/Taker


Best heel: edge


Best face: lashley


Most improved wrestler: lashley


Quote of the year: DAMN!


Markout moment of the year: Kurt going to TNA


Funniest moment of the year: RVD getting busted


Worst moment of the year: ECW turning into a joke at D2D


Worst wrestler of the year: Khali


Best brand: smackdown


Worst brand ecw


Best PPV: summerslam


Worst PPV: D2D


Biggest disappointment ecw

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Wrestler of the year: CM Punk/Edge


Tag-team/Stable of the year: Spirit Squad


Match of the year: Foley/Edge 'I Quit'


Best heel: Edge


Best face: CM Punk


Most improved wrestler: Jeff Hardy


Quote of the year: Anything JBL says.


Markout moment of the year: RVD over Cena


Funniest moment of the year: ECW crowd shitting all over Big Show vs. Batista


Worst moment of the year: D2D


Worst wrestler of the year: Cena


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: Survivor Series


Worst PPV: D2D


Biggest disappointment: D2D

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Wrestler of the year: Edge


Tag-team/Stable of the year: King Booker's Court


Match of the year: Angle/Taker NWO


Best heel: Edge/Kennedy


Best face: Cena, I guess


Most improved wrestler: Carlito


Quote of the year: JBL's quotes


Markout moment of the year: Edge cashing in at NYR/Last night's WGTT reunion


Funniest moment of the year: Farouqq's first DAMN


Worst moment of the year: Cena taking the title from Edge at RR after just 3 weeks/Rey winning the Rumble


Worst wrestler of the year: Khali


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: WM


Worst PPV: D2D


Biggest disappointment: Edge's first title reign

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Wrestler of the year: Fit Finlay


Tag-team/Stable of the year: MNM


Match of the year: Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker (No Way Out)


Best heel: Edge


Best face: CM Punk


Most improved wrestler: Johnny Nitro


Quote of the year: "They're gonna let you back into Germany?" (Michael Cole)


Markout moment of the year: Edge winning the WWE title at NYR


Funniest moment of the year: King Booker meets Cryme Tyme ("I DON'T SPEAK E-BONICS!")


Worst moment of the year: Vince McMahon no-selling what should've been a feud ending ass-kicking at Mania and challenging Shawn Michaels and God to a match


Worst wrestler of the year: The Great Khali


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: Judgment Day


Worst PPV: December 2 Dismember


Biggest disappointment: The total collapse of the Trish/Mickie program right around Backlash


For new awards that should be included, I'm adding:


Total Package (For best promos/wrestling/everything): John Cena

Best Comeback: Finlay

Best feud: Trish vs. Mickie

Worst feud: McMahon vs. Michaels (also encompasses McMahon vs. DX)

Best Diva: Mickie James

Worst Diva: Ashley

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Wrestler of the year: Edge


Tag-team/Stable of the year: God help me...DX


Match of the year: Edge/Foley vs Dreamer/Funk at ONS just beats out Angle/Taker


Best heel: Edge


Best face: Batista


Most improved wrestler: Edge


Quote of the year: "Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Foley, the WWE sucks!" -Terry Funk


Markout moment of the year: Ric Flair's Legends showing up on Raw NARROWLY beats out Bret at the HOF, Dreamer and Funk returning for the ONS build, and Benoit's return at No Mercy.


Funniest moment of the year: Vince and Shane in church before Backlash.


Worst moment of the year: Cena getting the title back at Royal Rumble.


Worst wrestler of the year: Khali.


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: ONS squeaks by Wrestlemania.


Worst PPV: D2D, Survivor Series.


Biggest disappointment: EC FN WWE.


EDIT: Shawn "tapping" to the Sharpshooter at SNME in March warrants honourable mention for my personal mark-out moment.

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I usually look at other peoples answers so I don't miss obvious things, but i'm not going to this time. Since this is the WWE folder, i'll use only WWE wrestlers.


Wrestler of the year: Edge - Has been consistently good throughout the whole year, a couple of WWE title reigns, overall the best heel in WWE. I'd have given a special mention to CM Punk but he's only been in ECW a few months.


Tag-team/Stable of the year: Spanky and Paul London - Both immensely talented wrestlers, and have been putting on good matches all year. Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of competition for this spot - although the tag division seems to have picked up big time over the last month.


Match of the year: RVD vs John Cena - ECW One Night Stand II - Finally got to see Van Dam win the 'Big One' - the crowd heat was amazing for this. Special mention for Team DX vs Team Raked RKO - If only for the Punk chants.


Best heel: Edge - As descibed in the WOTY catogory. Honourable mention for King Booker.


Best face: This is really lame. Any of DX, by default. This was a HORRIBLE year for a face wrestler.


Most improved wrestler: I think you have to go with Finlay. Trainer to WWE Main Eventer in less than a year?


Quote of the year: I'm not one for qoutes, Triple H letting Punk read his lines at SSeries.


Markout moment of the year: Seeing Bret Hart on WWE TV again, and also watching CM Punk rise and rise.


Funniest moment of the year: OVW, Kentucky. Come on, that was great.


Worst moment of the year: OVW, Kent... Haha, no. Bobby Lashley winning the EEC.


Worst wrestler of the year: Samoa Joe. Wait, no. What's his name. Umaga.


Best brand: ECW, by default.


Worst brand: SmackDown.


Best PPV: Survivor Series 06.


Worst PPV: ECW December 2 Dismember - I think this will be everyone's pick.


Biggest disappointment: CM Punk and RVD being eliminated from the EEC so soon.


There you go.

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Wrestler of the year: Edge


Tag-team/Stable of the year: The Mexicools..just cause I refuse to vote for DX or Spirit Squad.


Match of the year: Foley/Edge WM 22


Best heel: Edge


Best face: Rey Mysterio


Most improved wrestler: Umaga..seriously


Quote of the year: I cant think of anything specific off the top of my head..


Markout moment of the year: Rey Winning the Rumble


Funniest moment of the year: The Cryme Tyme/Highlanders Skits


Worst moment of the year: Big Dick Johnson


Worst wrestler of the year: The Boogeyman


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: Of the Big 4 + ONS: Wrestlemania


Worst PPV: Of the Big 4 + ONS: Survivor Series


Biggest disappointment: ECW rebirth

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Wrestler of the year: Chris Benoit, even though he wasn't pushed and was injured, he's still by far the best wrestler in the company


Tag-team/Stable of the year: London & Kendrick


Match of the year: Kurt Angle vs The Undertaker-No Way Out


Best heel: Mick Foley


Best face: Rey


Most improved wrestler: Jeff Hardy


Quote of the year: Anything JBL says


Markout moment of the year: None.


Funniest moment of the year: Big Show winning the ECW Title


Worst moment of the year: Big Show winning the ECW Title


Worst wrestler of the year: The Great Khali


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand: Raw, though ECW has the worst roster


Best PPV: No Way Out?


Worst PPV: December To Dismember


Biggest disappointment: WWECW

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Wrestler of the year: Fit Finlay


Tag-team/Stable of the year: Londrick / Booker's Court


Match of the year: Hmm....don't know


Best heel: Finlay


Best face: Cena, I guess


Most improved wrestler: Lashley


Quote of the year: (Not word for word) "Wow Edge, what an acomplishment, I retired his last six years ago!" Triple H to Edge after Edge was bragging about beating Foley at WrestleMania


Markout moment of the year: Punk coming to the WWE


Funniest moment of the year: Flair miss timing the crotch chop with D-X and generally looking confused / HBK's "shaking" on the mat when he's been knocked down


Worst moment of the year: Too many to list


Worst wrestler of the year: Benoit


Best brand: SmackDown


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: Don't know


Worst PPV: ECW December to Dismember or Survivor Series


Biggest disappointment: RVD fucking up after years of bitching about being held down by the mighty invisible glass ceiling

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I didnt see it..But was Angle/Taker really that good of a match?


Back in February, I wasn't about to believe it either. Honestly, I don't either guy would be in my top 15 or 20 again, but I haven't seen a better match this year than the Angle/UT NWO match. And I'm talking overall, not just WWE. They work a great striker/wrestler dynamic with good build, nice spots, and all the anklelocks actually make sense. It could very well be the best match of both men's careers.

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I seriously doubt that. Angle will never top his match with Benoit from RR '03, unless he and Joe go for longer than 20 minutes, or he and American Dragon hook up. And, Taker's best match was against HBK at Badd Blood '97.

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Wrestler of the year: Edge


Tag-team/Stable of the year: London and Kendrick


Match of the year: Edge/Foley at WM


Best heel: Edge


Best face: Trish Stratus


Most improved wrestler: Jeff Hardy


Quote of the year: Some JBL line probably


Markout moment of the year: Trish winning in her retirement match with the Sharpshooter in Toronto, Edge winning the WWE title on Raw


Funniest moment of the year: Maria and Jeff watching paint dry like Nitro and Melina's promos was hilarious to me


Worst moment of the year: So many... Edge losing the title in Toronto, Lita being humiliated after her final match, DX burying the entire Raw tag division, Federline being on my TV, Rey getting jobbed out as champion, Eddie's in hell, etc.


Worst wrestler of the year: Khali


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: ONS2


Worst PPV: Summerslam (I didn't see D2D)


Biggest disappointment: Edge gradually being made Cena's bitch


Total Package: Edge


Best Comeback: Finlay


Best feud: Mickie vs Trish


Worst feud: McMahon(s) vs HBK/DX, Khali vs Taker


Best Diva: Mickie James


Worst Diva: Layla and the rest of the Diva Search 06 airheads

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Guest Toddiwod

Wrestler of the year: Jeff Hardy


Tag-team/Stable of the year: D-X... yeah I know everyone hates them, but they make me laugh.


Match of the year: Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match on RAW


Best heel: Edge


Best face: CM Punk


Most improved wrestler: wow, I'm stuck on this one...


Quote of the year: The way that HBK said "Dad!" when he was impersonating Shane McMahon made me laugh.


Markout moment of the year: Arn Anderson, Hot Rod, Sgt. Slaughter coming to Flair's aid against the Spirit Squad.


Funniest moment of the year: Ron Simmon's "DAMN!" right after Cena revoked Booker's "black card".


Worst moment of the year: seeing Orton succeed at anything... I hate him.


Worst wrestler of the year: Big Show


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand ECW


Best PPV: Survivor Series


Worst PPV: December to Dismember


Biggest disappointment: Sabu not competing in the Extreme Elimination Chamber

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Wrestler of the year: Edge, narrowly defeating Finley. I enjoyed Edge vs lesser guys like Cena more than Finley vs lesser guys like Batista and Lashley more. Both were great tho.


Tag-team/Stable of the year: Rated RKO


Match of the year: I dont watch Smackdown cuz its Friday and I am usually at wrestling shows or out on Friday's, so, Ill have to say Edge/Foley WM


Best heel: Edge


Best face: CM Punk


Most improved wrestler: John Cena





Markout moment of the year: HBK vs Vince WM


Funniest moment of the year: Something Maria did, Id imagine


Worst moment of the year: Bobby Lashley: ECW Champion


Worst wrestler of the year: Great Khali


Best brand: RAW


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: WM


Worst PPV: That recent ECW one


Biggest disappointment: ECW

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Wrestler of the year: Edge


Tag Team/Stable of the year: Spirit Squad


Match of the year: Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker, No Way Out 2006


Best heel: Edge


Best face: Rob Van Dam


Most improved wrestler: Carlito


Quote of the year: "Didn't you write a book called 'How To Lose 40 Pounds in 3 Weeks?'" -- Triple H to Chris Masters backstage


Markout moment of the year: Joey Styles' "I Quit" speech on the 5/1 Raw


Funniest moment of the year: "Change The Channel" chants during Big Show vs. Batista on the 8/1 ECW on Sci-Fi @ Hammerstein


Worst moment of the year: The relaunch of ECW


Worst wrestler of the year: The Great Khali


Best brand: Smackdown


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: One Night Stand 2006


Worst PPV: December to Dismember 2006


Biggest disappointment: The relaunch of ECW

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There should be a thread like this over in the TNA folder, too. And "Misc." for the various indies and MMA promotions.


Wrestler of the year:

Edge. He was, IMO, the single most watchable talent in all of WWE this year. The feud with Foley was great (Edge going face-first into the flaming table is STILL a great visual, and in my top 5 WrestleMania spots).


Tag-team/Stable of the year:

MNM. Nitro rules, Mercury isn't as good as I remember him being when he teamed with Christian York (though the chants of "Hardy Boyz" during their matches always made me smile), and Melina is flat-out hot. Nitro's going to be a star one day.


Match of the year:

Mick Foley vs. Edge - WrestleMania 22. Foley is my favorite, and Edge is my pick for the best of '06.


Best heel:

Edge. He's just gonna sweep my picks.


Best face:

CM Punk. Only because I've hated nearly every other face on the roster this year.


Most improved wrestler:

Edge. He went from being acceptable in the main event when given the ball, to proving he could run with it and make some great television.


Quote of the year:

"OH MY GOD!" Just because it was fun to hear that again.


Markout moment of the year:

Edge Spearing Mick Foley off of the ring apron through a flaming table. The fact that Edge still has sight in both of his eyes after going face-first through the table amazes me.


Funniest moment of the year:

HUNTER: THE BARBARIAN. HHH's entrance at WrestleMania was great.


Worst moment of the year:

The realization that the new ECW isn't the real ECW at all. Big Show as champion, disqualifications, wrestlers being told to slow it down, half of the roster being nothing but WWE b-teamers...yeah.


Worst wrestler of the year:

John Cena. His only interesting streak, IMO, was the feud with Edge towards the beginning of the year.


Best brand:

SmackDown due to the workrate.


Worst brand:

ECW since it's not fucking ECW.


Best PPV:

WrestleMania 22, as it was the only PPV I watched outside of One Night Stand II that didn't disappoint me all over the card.


Worst PPV:

N/A since I only got 2 of 'em, so voting for the other one would be stupid. I guess I'll say December to Dismember, but I didn't actually SEE it.


Biggest disappointment:

ECW in general. I hope the contracts of RVD and Sabu are up soon so they can go to TNA.

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Worst brand: SmackDown.

Justify please. Do you watch the brand? I mean, it's been heads and tails above every other brand this year, simply by being an average show with logical booking. It wouldn't be tough to beat, but RAW, ECW and TNA have all had ridiculously retarded booking and wins by default.

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Wrestler of the year:Edge


Tag-team/Stable of the year:King's Court


Match of the year:Foly vs. Edge- WM. Didn't see Angle vs. Taker at No Way Out, but I do have to say there re-match on SD was great, and I have a feeling I'd chose the No Way Out match if I had seen it.


Best heel:Edge


Best face:Hard choice. No one really stood out this year. I liked underdog Rey going into WM, then the weak title reign ruined it. I'm going with the Bogeyman. Stupid on paper, but to be honest the guy really entertained me.


Most improved wrestler:Umaga


Quote of the year:Damn


Markout moment of the year: Mickie feels up Trish in rout to women's title at WM.


Funniest moment of the year:Spirit Squad debutes


Worst moment of the year:World title hot shoted back to Cena after 1 month Edge reign.


Worst wrestler of the year:Great Kahli


Best brand:Smackdown


Worst brand: Raw


Best PPV:Royal Rumble




Biggest disappointment:RVD gets caught. I was cautiously optimistic about WWECW. But that incident killed any hope WWECW would have any of the old ECW feel.

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Wrestler of the year: Edge or Finlay


Edge: The best heel there's been in years. He busted his ass all year long and had multiple good-great PPV matches (vs. Foley at WM, vs. Cena vs. HHH at Backlash, vs. Funk & Dreamer at ONS, vs. RVD at Vengeance, vs. Cena at Unforgiven). His big con for the year, which isn't his fault to begin with, would be that he got screwed during his first title run, and he's been jobbing to DX every week for the past month and half.


Finlay: He would probably be the guy who had the most consistantly good matches from week to week. He brought some of the best out of Batista and Lashley, with included a really entertaining TV feud with Lashley in Feb-March that resulted in awesome pull apart brawls. He had awesome matches with Benoit on PPV and TV, and had a really good match with Mysterio on TV shortly before WM.


Tag-team/Stable of the year: London & Kendrick


There is no one else. It just sucks that they're apparently being split up soon. Just another idiotic move this year by WWE, but who's keeping track anymore?


Match of the year: Angle vs. Taker from NWO


I'd have trouble coming up with 10 candidates. This is one of the best matches ever for both guys. I've watched it a bunch of times since February, and it's held up each time. The last five minutes were tremendous with all kinds of awesome counters. My only gripe is the "disputed" finish. It still looks like a clear Angle win to me, but getting a rematch the week after didn't hurt. The 'pull down the straps' and deadman sit-up back to back was an awesome moment.


Best heel: Edge


No contest. Booker T was extremely entertaining, particuarly in the first two months or so of the King gimmick, but Edge is just an awesome dick heel. His tearing apart the Summerslam BBQ poster was hilarious. This is the one guy who actually had a good portion of the crowd cheering Cena over Cena's opponent. That's how good of a heel he is.


Best face: RVD


Most improved wrestler: Carlito


Going into the year, he was one of my most hated. After turning face, he suddenly began to have entertaining matches on a consistant basis. Unless I'm forgetting someone, I can't think of any other real improvement.


Quote of the year: Probably something JBL said, but I liked this Edge line toward Jeff Hardy: "Didn't you die a couple years ago!?"


Markout moment of the year: Edge wins the title at NYR


The crowd was ready to riot after Cena managed to win over 5 other guys in the EC, but then Edge comes out, and there's once again hope. From his celebration post-match, along with the crowd going nuts for his win, this was an awesome moment.


Honorable mention: NWO, Angle pulls down his straps, and Taker answers back with a zombie sit-up.


Funniest moment of the year: THE HAAS OF FIRE


Worst moment of the year: Something DX related... take your pick.


Worst wrestler of the year: Khali

Boogeyman at least had some 'so bad they're entertaining' backstage skits once and a while.


Best brand: Smackdown


No contest. Yes, all the Eddie stuff was absolute shit and unfortunately dominated a good portion of the main event storylines, but there was some good mid-card stuff all throughout the year, and Finlay, Regal, Booker, London, and Kendrick all actually got decent pushes/development. Having JBL on commentary does lend a few points, too.


Worst brand: Raw


ECW at least had semi-decent run somewhere between August-November. Raw has become a huge chore to watch. Endless handicap main events during spring-summer featuring HBK, HHH, and the Spirit Squad made you yearn for the days of JBL main events on SD. Vince's ass and other male ass got more air time than half the roster. If you didn't realize it the first hundred times WWE told you, DX is better than everyone else, especially the Spirit Squad, Edge, Orton, and the McMahons. Meanwhile, Carlito's hot face run is cut off for no reason at all, and he's paired with Trish and Torrie, if only to get him on TV. It doesn't help that Shelton, my favorite, disappeared for weeks at a time on occasion. It's sad that up until this WGTT reunion, the momma storyline is all he was actually given this year.


Best PPV: WM 22, closely followed by Judgment Day.


Worst PPV: Cyber Sunday (haven't seen D2D, but I'm sure it'd win.


Biggest disappointment: The entire Royal Rumble PPV


Saying anything about ECW here would be laughable, because anyone who had much hope for it was just asking to be crushed by disappointment. About the Rumble though, we knew the undercard wouldn't be that good, but the Rumble match actually had intrigue over the winner for the first time in many years. Not to mention the line-up of wrestlers was loaded. The match itself was very average and focused on Eddie and Rey, who's iron man performance sucked in comparison to the previous year. Plus, the Rumble match happening mid-way through the show let a horrible Angle-Henry match close the show, if only to allow a rediculous Taker super zombie power stunt happen. Having JBL-Boogeyman and Ashley-Mickie matches doesn't help.

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Guest Phoenix

Wrestler of the year: John Cena

Tag-team/Stable of the year: King Booker's Court


Match of the year: Edge/Foley at Wrestlemania 22


Best heel: King Booker/Egde - They both had a great year. I can't just pick one.


Best face: John Cena


Most improved wrestler: Johnny Nitro


Quote of the year: ("JBL") - I was never in the King of the Ring Cole. ("Cole") - You were never in the King of the Ring? ("JBL") - Ok I lied. I was in it once, and I lost to Jake Roberts.


Markout moment of the year: Edge winning the title at NYR.


Funniest moment of the year: caRKO


Worst moment of the year: The Boogeyman squashing Booker in less than 5 minutes at Mania.


Worst wrestler of the year: The Great Khali


Best brand: Raw


Worst brand: ECW


Best PPV: Wrestlemania 22/Royal Rumble


Worst PPV: D2D


Biggest disappointment: Batista getting hurt before the Rumble.

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Worst brand: SmackDown.

Justify please. Do you watch the brand? I mean, it's been heads and tails above every other brand this year, simply by being an average show with logical booking. It wouldn't be tough to beat, but RAW, ECW and TNA have all had ridiculously retarded booking and wins by default.

Raw to me will always be special, plus it's live, & i've enjoyed that aspect of it. I have also personally enjoyed ECW as i'm a big fan of Punk, and ECW some could say has been mostly about him, even if he hasn't been given the strap, he's the next big thing and they don't hide that.


As for SmackDown!, With Benoit being missing for a while, and Londrick being held in the tag division, JBL aside there's been nothing to grab my attention.


But that's me speaking, personally.

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How can people vote for CM Punk for WRESTLER OF THE YEAR when all he did was squash Mike Knox all year?

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