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Guest Paul

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Guest CWMwasmurdered
Paul, tell us about the call you received from Mike.




"Take that feedback back!"

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Paul, tell us about the call you received from Mike.




"Take that feedback back!"

Wow, I'm not the only fan of that old show

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Guest Paul
You know, perhaps Paul can explain for us all when he's going to pay up and assume his modship.

He isn't going to get it at all.


Of course not, oh grand master of ebay fraud.




Man, you guys got me...taking my post count down to the negatives.

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I no longer control the hand-the hand controls me!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Paul

Please, people. A moment of silence...


and pour out a little liquor for mah post count, homey.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"
It could've been any Hawk... Hawk52, Hawk34, JHawk, hawkgirl, Hawk Harrelson...

Man, lemme tell ya summin DJ, these guys, they're givin' our Paulie a hard time here. They threw him out last night! Strap it down! Git awn back there! Ducksnort! He gawn!

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Posts: -2352





So Paul is the third party that owns part of the board, and spent all effort to "work" a board that he has an ownership stake in, then gloated about it on another board, but is now back on this board to prove to everyone "bullet proof" he is.


What the fuck.


I need a drink.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

He was never going to own anything, he was just renting a mod spot for a week, which he isn't even going to do now. Man, this place.

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Guest Paul
Why fuck with Paul's account?


Stop being a child, Mole.

Umm, no.


Go lie some more to make yourself feel better.


Well, you have the prior record. I guess it was big brother, then.


Man, this place.

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Hey, Nightwish made the "Epic Maneuver" music. I feel bad for downloading the whole track now.


I have no idea what's going on. If Paul was part owner of the site as well, why bid on modship? Am I being worked? I need a hug.

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Guest Princess Leena
Paul asked to buy the site and he was denied. He has no ownership in the site right now.

The McKenzie Group only chooses the smartest and highest quality of people for forums.thesmartmarks.com ownership.

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Dear Patrick,


I know that there has been a lot going on in your life at TheSmartMarks.com. You've just come back to find that so much has changed and that people aren't who you may have thought they were. I know that it's very easy to let yourself get down from all of this uncertainty on the horizon, but you can't lose sight that there are people out there that care about you.


Cherish those close to you and you'll find that nothing out there can bring you down. Tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity to take this sad song and make it better!




Keep your head up, little bear, and always remember that I'm there for you, no matter what. If you ever need to talk, just let me know.






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No, because Mike is holding out hope that Paul will retract his negative feedback or something. This shit is so lame. I told y'all this whole "mod for a week" thing wouldn't lead to anything good.

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