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BCS National Championship Game Thread

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If they scheduled Boise St. vs. Florida for a game next week it would be the highest rated game of the year...for the first quarter.


After that when the score is around 42-3 noone would care and people would be whining about how crappy of a game it was.


Shit like this is exactly why we need a playoff. Nobody knows what would happen. It seems like every national title game has a team that is a dead on stone cold lock to win and nobody gives the other team a chance to win.


2002 Miami was a team full of NFL players who were going to wipe the field with the "slow and overrated" Ohio State who struggled to defeat every opponent they played. Ohio State won.


2004 Oklahoma is supposed to be the greatest team ever led by all-everything freshman Adrian Peterson and returning Heisman winner Jason White, they proceed to get assraped by USC in the title game.


2005 USC is the new greatest team ever with the greatest offense ever. They get beat by Texas.


2006 Boise State over Oklahoma and Florida over Ohio State, both teams weren't given a chance in hell of winning by any fans or anyone in the media.


I realize Boise State is a lot less likely to pull off the upset than teams I listed from previous years, but we don't know - maybe they would. We'll never know though, because this system is a piece of shit.



Who besides you know who thought Oklahoma was the greatest team ever? Oklahoma was picked by more people, but it was hardly a monumental upset.


ESPN ran segments asking whether Oklahoma was the greatest team ever. I remember it vividly.

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If they scheduled Boise St. vs. Florida for a game next week it would be the highest rated game of the year...for the first quarter.


After that when the score is around 42-3 noone would care and people would be whining about how crappy of a game it was.


Shit like this is exactly why we need a playoff. Nobody knows what would happen. It seems like every national title game has a team that is a dead on stone cold lock to win and nobody gives the other team a chance to win.


2002 Miami was a team full of NFL players who were going to wipe the field with the "slow and overrated" Ohio State who struggled to defeat every opponent they played. Ohio State won.


2004 Oklahoma is supposed to be the greatest team ever led by all-everything freshman Adrian Peterson and returning Heisman winner Jason White, they proceed to get assraped by USC in the title game.


2005 USC is the new greatest team ever with the greatest offense ever. They get beat by Texas.


2006 Boise State over Oklahoma and Florida over Ohio State, both teams weren't given a chance in hell of winning by any fans or anyone in the media.


I realize Boise State is a lot less likely to pull off the upset than teams I listed from previous years, but we don't know - maybe they would. We'll never know though, because this system is a piece of shit.



Who besides you know who thought Oklahoma was the greatest team ever? Oklahoma was picked by more people, but it was hardly a monumental upset.



Isn't that the team ESPN (OOPS! Sorry!) hyped along those lines? Basically the same treatment USC got last year and to an lesser extent, Ohio State this recent month.

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The question is, who gets it next year?


A good darkhorse would be Michigan: key juniors Henne, Hart, and others returning for one last run to the title + ESPN's Big Ten contract. Or they go back to the well with USC, who they still stuck with this year, which wouldn't surprize me at all.

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Guest Princess Leena

I guess they couldn't fit that in at OSU between the strenuous Basket Weaving and Sleeping classes.

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If only Jarrett would have stayed home and went to Rutgers.




Now the Lions have two choices of wideouts with the #2 pick. Winning in week 17 didn't turn out to be that bad, after all.

Even as dumb as Matt Millen is, I think he'd be gunshy about taking a USC receiver after getting burned by "must-pick" prospect Mike Williams.


On top of that, most projections right now have Jarrett going between 10th and 20th.



I'd agree on that based solely on ability, but that kid's a fucking dickhead based on what I saw of the Michigan game. That may drop his value a bit to some teams, as the problems exhibited by prima-donna WRs like TO and Randy Moss has caused several teams problems over the last few years.

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Jarrett's a nice guy (from what I've been told), but I think that Steve Smith will be the better receiver. He works much harder on his game, and isn't content to let his talent go to his head.

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Off-topic, but somewhat funny, Dama decided to back up Ohio State during this game, to the point of obnoxious. Now they've made a rule where management can suspend or ban certain bandwagoners at they're will.

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Hey, at least on my front Brian Brohm is coming back. I'm not sure it's a wise move on his part due to U of L having a new coach and a tough road schedule next year, nor am I sure it'll enhance his draft status whatsoever (it could drop it if anything). It's good to have him back at any rate.

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