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HHH tore his quad tonight

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We can't say for sure that this injury has anything to do with his past usage of steroids. He looks to have been off 'roids for some time now. The injury looked like a freak accident to me.

This type of injury is consistent with steroid users, whether they're current users or not, who have packed on too much muscle than their bones and tendons can safely carry. Hunter might have been off the gas for some time, might have just taken less or be one something else entirely, but it's more likely than not his new injury is related to current or past steroid use and the muscle they gained him which he's had to work to maintain.

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Oh. I'm surprised guys like Batista, Benoit, Test, and others havn't torn muscles more often then.

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Oh. I'm surprised guys like Batista, Benoit, Test, and others havn't torn muscles more often then.

Batista has torn his triceps three times, at least, and I think he's torn at least one other muscle. The injury rate can also be dependent on how much mass you put on. If your steroid usage is moderate and you don't overdevelop yourself then you're a little less likely to injure yourself as compared to someone of the same size as you who is heavily into steroids and packs on far too much muscle. I thought The Dicks were certain to injure themselves in OVW because one of them was around 5'7 but looked at least 265. If you don't overdo it, you can help reduce the risk of injury.

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I thought the tricep injury was only once or twice?

He tore it once in his pre-wrestling days, and at least twice during his wrestling career with the second of those tears coming while he was recovering from the first.

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Guest Anubis

I see everybody here is discussing and speculating just when Hunters music will hit again, may it be june or october, raw or ppv. As one of his fans I might have to ask if it ever will.


Can anybody except for me imagine Triple H to never come back to ring as an active wrestler again? I mean, he tore his quad now, he'll be off for I guess half an year at least and will be having to pay a great ammount of effort to get through that rehab and back into in-ring action. Being almost 40 now, he could also circumvent this hard way, stay home with Steph and his child and take over backstage roles or say be a manager once.


Is Hunter really so hard into this? Can you be sure he'll come back after all this??

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Oh. I'm surprised guys like Batista, Benoit, Test, and others havn't torn muscles more often then.


Batista is a guy who tore something while jogging with his wife... I know he was recovering from an injury, but that's still pretty damn bad.


I'm surprised Benoit hasn't had more injuries considering he's pretty much been juicing since what... 95?


Steroids can be pretty safe if you use the right amount and cycle... but almost everyone in wrestling overdoes it.

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You don't tear your quad lifting a guy up and dropping him back down in a guarded position if you haven't been chemically altering your body for quite a while. What Triple H was doing wasn't high impact work. It was a fully cooperating effort on a basic physical movement he's been doing without issue for many years now. I won't say it's steroid assisted, but it isn't without sketchiness.


I'll admit that I'll miss him. The arguments about Triple H holding down talent in the back haven't held any water since he put Batista over like Jesus two summers ago and he's been a pretty reliable and watchable personality for the past year. I think Wrestlemania will be hurting without him.

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I will be happy to see a WrestleMania that does not have him involved in a major role. 1st time since WM 15. Were due from a guy who can't draw, I have had enough.

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I've got no doubts that HHH will be back at some point, probably sooner rather than later, but I'd like to think he takes his time about returning. He's got much more reason to stay away than back in 2001, with his child.


And besides that, what has he got to prove anymore? Last time, argueably, he'd established himself as a main eventer, but he still wasn't considered at the level he wanted to be. He came back, he proved he could still hold his own after the injury, he got into the bona-fide main eventer spot he's at right now and in the eyes of the majority of fans, he's held in the regards of a top level guy (certainly closer to Rock and Austin than he was before Quad Tear 1). Plus, the past few years he's managed to redeem himself a little with the helping hand he gave Orton (until they botched the face turn) and Batista, plus putting over Benoit and Cena.


I just don't see what there is left for him to really do.

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You don't tear your quad lifting a guy up and dropping him back down in a guarded position if you haven't been chemically altering your body for quite a while. What Triple H was doing wasn't high impact work. It was a fully cooperating effort on a basic physical movement he's been doing without issue for many years now. I won't say it's steroid assisted, but it isn't without sketchiness.

Cooperated or not, if anyone loses their footing on a move like a spinebuster, it could result in damage to their quadriceps or groin. You still have to carry your weight and most of the weight of the opponent who you're bringing back down to the mat. The spinebuster, just like that clothesline Trips did in the first quad tear, was a plant move. If anything goes wrong, that will result in an injury.


A lot of these injuries don't go hand in hand with steroid use. It's just a freak accident compounded by guys not taking the time off to rest. Batista tore his lat muscle when Kane shortchanged him on a big boot, and then it resulted in the tricep tear when he continued working a full schedule.

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I've got no doubts that HHH will be back at some point, probably sooner rather than later, but I'd like to think he takes his time about returning. He's got much more reason to stay away than back in 2001, with his child.


And besides that, what has he got to prove anymore? Last time, argueably, he'd established himself as a main eventer, but he still wasn't considered at the level he wanted to be. He came back, he proved he could still hold his own after the injury, he got into the bona-fide main eventer spot he's at right now and in the eyes of the majority of fans, he's held in the regards of a top level guy (certainly closer to Rock and Austin than he was before Quad Tear 1). Plus, the past few years he's managed to redeem himself a little with the helping hand he gave Orton (until they botched the face turn) and Batista, plus putting over Benoit and Cena.


I just don't see what there is left for him to really do.


Does he still have a hard on to break Flair's record? Got to admit people could not have seen 2 years without HHH holding the big title.

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The only saving grace for HHH here is that it wasn't the same quad as last time. If it was his left one again, I'd say he might be done. However, I could see him coming back from this. Yeah, he's 5 years older, more roided, has a kid, etc, but I think he'll be back. Hopefully his recovery time is a lot longer, though, since he clearly wasn't 100% when he came back last time and his work suffered greatly.


It will be very interesting to see where Raw goes from here. Someone's gonna have to fill the #3 babyface spot (Shawn will move up to #2), but there's no clear choice. Jeff Hardy is the most over midcard face right now, and has been looking more motivated than ever since his return. If WWE ever had plans of pushing him to the next level, now would be the time to try it out.

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The only saving grace for HHH here is that it wasn't the same quad as last time. If it was his left one again, I'd say he might be done. However, I could see him coming back from this. Yeah, he's 5 years older, more roided, has a kid, etc, but I think he'll be back. Hopefully his recovery time is a lot longer, though, since he clearly wasn't 100% when he came back last time and his work suffered greatly.


It will be very interesting to see where Raw goes from here. Someone's gonna have to fill the #3 babyface spot (Shawn will move up to #2), but there's no clear choice. Jeff Hardy is the most over midcard face right now, and has been looking more motivated than ever since his return. If WWE ever had plans of pushing him to the next level, now would be the time to try it out.



I hope they push Hardy.

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Guest MrSquizz
I don't like Michaels but he's one of the few guys who doesn't lose his cool when something like this happens, and can come up with stuff on the fly... that will actually make sense.


Hate to disagree, but just watch his match w/Vader from SummerSlam '96. I'm sure you'll retract your statement. (A match BTW, which he was supposed to job in, but didn't.) Oh yeah, and this reminds me: I've got tickets to WM 23, and it looks like I won't have to see HHH. BONUS!

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I don't like Michaels but he's one of the few guys who doesn't lose his cool when something like this happens, and can come up with stuff on the fly... that will actually make sense.


Hate to disagree, but just watch his match w/Vader from SummerSlam '96. I'm sure you'll retract your statement. (A match BTW, which he was supposed to job in, but didn't.) Oh yeah, and this reminds me: I've got tickets to WM 23, and it looks like I won't have to see HHH. BONUS!


And his brief snapping at Foley during their Mind Games match.

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Well, Triple H will have a doctor's order for steroids to help his quad heal after surgery. Remember how big he is when he comes back from injuries. Now if he were smart, he would this time to get back to his 2000 shape, where he was still big but very lean, especially around the waist. I think he would be better off and make a comeback much easier.

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I don't like Michaels but he's one of the few guys who doesn't lose his cool when something like this happens, and can come up with stuff on the fly... that will actually make sense.


Hate to disagree, but just watch his match w/Vader from SummerSlam '96. I'm sure you'll retract your statement. (A match BTW, which he was supposed to job in, but didn't.) Oh yeah, and this reminds me: I've got tickets to WM 23, and it looks like I won't have to see HHH. BONUS!


Like Vader never stiffed anyone?

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Well, HBK did visibly lose his cool during the match against Vader, but you're citing something from 10 years ago. I think he's probably matured somewhat since then.

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