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The OAO ECW Thread for 1/9/07

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Other than losing to Bob Holly, he's been undefeated so far. How much better should he be booked? Should he have been handed the ECW Championship upon debuting, while Paul Heyman and Joey Styles blew him in the middle of the ring?

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I said how you, referring to the smarks, want/expect him to be booked. I don't watch ECW, all i've seen is when he was 1st out of the Elimination Chamber. I don't care how he's booked, i don't watch it.

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I think there was something about Shannon Moore pissing off Vince earlier last year just before he debuted on television. Do not count on him winning any matches until he gets released sometime in mid-2007.


Also, there will be no CM Punk - Hardcore Holly match at the Royal Rumble. The ECW title is the only ECW match that will sniff a major card for the time being. No one can convince me that jobbing CM Punk clean to Hardcore Holly was a good move. What upside does Holly have left? Is he ever going to be a challenger for the title? He should have been a bump in the road and if they wanted the feud to continue then they should have had Holly get DQed on purpose (if they insist on using DQs in ECW that might as well use them properly).



I have a serious question. When is the last time anyone here remembers Hardcore Holly tapping? Pinfalls sure, but submissions not so much. This is CM Punk's first real feud. Punk's thing with Knoxx wasn't so much a 'feud' as an extended, extended angle, which is what they've been doing with him since his debut. In this feud, Holly is the tough smashmouth vet and Punk is the upstart rookie sub specialist. While Holly doesn't have much upside that finish wasn't really about him. The whole point of this feud seems to be to get over Punk and his Anaconda Vice. Isn't it completely based around Holly saying you can't make me tap out and Punk trying to prove him wrong? Don't the announcers put over the AV and his MMA/brazilian jujitsu almost every minute? Didn't he make Hardcore tap after the bell and then almost make the man submit in under three minutes or something? What kind of threat is Holly if he doesn't get a pinfall through his smashmoth style? There has to be some give and take cause there's no drama otherwise. This is supposed to be the feud that allows Punk to take Holly's spot in the upper midcard, so a clean job isn't going to kill his momentum when he's going to make Hardcore tap after a hardfought match in the blowoff. No one can deny Punk's over, but he's currently building his fanbase like Cena did during his 03-04 run. Since they have no midcard title, this is what they've come up with. This isn't the feud people should be upset at the writers about cause it actually makes sense, but that's just my opinion.


Holy fuck someone else actually gets this feud.

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I'm confused as to why people are still watching this so called "ECW". Ok so CM Punk is there, but you KNOW he won't be booked like you'd want/expect.

CM Punk has been booked just fine since debuting in ECW.


I watch this "So called ECW" because its a hell of a lot better than the shit storm that is Raw.


In a one hour time frame, you get a lot more wrestling, you get a few promo's here and there, and none of it feels rushed and even though it doesn't feel rushed, the hour just flys by. Sure every once in a while a show might bite but it happens, but there's been a lot more positive's to the shows than negitives.

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I'm confused as to why people are still watching this so called "ECW". Ok so CM Punk is there, but you KNOW he won't be booked like you'd want/expect.



I watch this "So called ECW" because its a hell of a lot better than the shit storm that is Raw.


that's debatable. Raw this week was terrible though, so i suppose i should shut up right about now.


I ask simply because everyone knocks it, Vince CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about the heritage of ECW, yet people are still watching and posting about it. If we didn't watch these shows, they would know about it and be forced to change. Instead we just watch and moan about it afterwards (and during in most cases). that's all i'm saying. Jeez, people seem so pissed off with everything i saw lately.

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I'm confused as to why people are still watching this so called "ECW". Ok so CM Punk is there, but you KNOW he won't be booked like you'd want/expect.



I watch this "So called ECW" because its a hell of a lot better than the shit storm that is Raw.


that's debatable. Raw this week was terrible though, so i suppose i should shut up right about now.


I ask simply because everyone knocks it, Vince CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about the heritage of ECW, yet people are still watching and posting about it. If we didn't watch these shows, they would know about it and be forced to change. Instead we just watch and moan about it afterwards (and during in most cases). that's all i'm saying. Jeez, people seem so pissed off with everything i saw lately.

Dude, i just gave you a simple answer. Where you got I was pist off, I have no clue.

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I'm confused as to why people are still watching this so called "ECW". Ok so CM Punk is there, but you KNOW he won't be booked like you'd want/expect.



I watch this "So called ECW" because its a hell of a lot better than the shit storm that is Raw.


that's debatable. Raw this week was terrible though, so i suppose i should shut up right about now.


I ask simply because everyone knocks it, Vince CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about the heritage of ECW, yet people are still watching and posting about it. If we didn't watch these shows, they would know about it and be forced to change. Instead we just watch and moan about it afterwards (and during in most cases). that's all i'm saying. Jeez, people seem so pissed off with everything i saw lately.

Dude, i just gave you a simple answer. Where you got I was pist off, I have no clue.


I'm very sensitive right now. forgive me.

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They kept saying that Lashley/RVD was an "epic rematch." :bonk:

well it was better than last week's match.

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They kept saying that Lashley/RVD was an "epic rematch." :bonk:


Maybe they meant it in an Epic Movie sort of way. It was a decent match for what it was. Better than any RAW matches I've seen in awhile but I'm still not getting the Lashley love. I must be missing something about him.

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Were they intending to have RVD dive at Lashley last week the way he did? Or did they intend the pirouette legdrop he did this week to put Lashley through the table and have that lead to the no contest? It seemed like RVD was set up for it...and then Lashley got up and it looked horrible.

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Were they intending to have RVD dive at Lashley last week the way he did? Or did they intend the pirouette legdrop he did this week to put Lashley through the table and have that lead to the no contest? It seemed like RVD was set up for it...and then Lashley got up and it looked horrible.

I think this week's finish was suppose to happen last week but something went wrong and it got switched at the last second so the finish happen this week.

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Maybe they meant it in an Epic Movie sort of way. It was a decent match for what it was. Better than any RAW matches I've seen in awhile but I'm still not getting the Lashley love. I must be missing something about him.


You're not the only one. I've always thought Lashley was overrated. His promos suck and his matches are only watchable when he has opponents with a good workrate. King Booker CARRIED Lashley through their entire feud on Smackdown.


As for this week's ECW, it was another mediocre show. I hope they put the title back on RVD soon.

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ECW might not be great, but I'd easily put it's hour of wrestling up against any other hour of WWE Programming that is currently being aired.


Also, Lashley isn't that good, but RVD seems to be carrying him in the matches just fine. You don't have to be a Five Star ring technician to have an entertaining match. Not everything is going to be a five star classic, but to complain about their two matches, I couldn't imagine how you feel about what the matches on RAW have been like lately, besides maybe the women's matches.

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So I looked ahead on my guide for the ECW description for Tuesday and it says "ECW Champion Lashley hunts for Test"


Now correct me if I am wrong here, but shouldn't it be RVD that is pissed at Test for ruining his chance at the ECW Title? Lashley might be mad that his match was interfered with, but he is still champ and should be content enough. It is this kind of stupid booking that makes it harder to watch. So now RVD just kind of gets lost out of the title picture, even though two weeks in a row his title match has resulted in a No Contest.....if RVD is not involved in the ECW Title match at Royal Rumble and they just go with Lashley/Test I hope the match gets shit on by the fans as much as it deserves to be.

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ECW might not be great, but I'd easily put it's hour of wrestling up against any other hour of WWE Programming that is currently being aired.


Don't see much Smackdown, huh?

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They need to have some kind of super show at the end of every month. Give them an extra hour or half hour. They're not really gonna build a feud until June so you could argue it's just like Heat or Velocity where every show isnt building to anything it's just trying to fill an hour. They look really inferior not having as many ppvs. The problem, again, is Vince doesnt care about anyone except Lashley. The roster is made of guys he's never heard of or midcarders who would otherwise not be on the other tv shows. And then there are newer guys who are in the doghouse for stupid reasons.

The agent stuff is confusing and stupid. They dont have any real creative power but they do have a say in the work of others. You always hear about saying this guys sucks and they always end up being good workers but you never hear agents saying anything bad about the horrible guys like Khali.

Punk was the only new guy that was booked as a babyface, so now everyone's at about the same level now. I don have a problem with Holly being the guy he lost to because it's just bad booking. There's no upside for anyone, no one was really interested in the feud to being with so a clean win in the 3rd match is stupid, and Holly was punked out of being in the Chamber by Lashley and that was never mentioned. It just comes off as a loser getting a win off an up an comer and it's not really helping anyone. At least it wasnt a worse worker, or someone like Striker. That's an upside of burying everyone, that even the guys I dont like get booked badly.

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Well, if RVD isn't getting the title at the Rumble they might as well put him in the Rumble itself and have the best finish for an ECW guy. Like 5th or so. Thus he can make some claim to the title for WM.


Dare I say put the title on Test at the Rumble, then RVD can finally beat his ass in an Extreme Rules match at WM?

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I wouldn't be surprised if it is Test vs Rob Van Dam for the ECW title at Wrestlemania with Test going in as champion.

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I would rather see the Sweater Vest Militant, Matt Striker in the main event than Andrew "open book test but still gets an F for failure" Martin. If WWECW is about pushing the lowcard guys who never get a chance to do anything....what the hell are they doing wasting time on Test?

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I personally think Test is better than a lot of people here give him credit for. I think he's decent in the ring, has a good look, and cuts pretty good promos. The fact is though, that he shouldn't be contending for a world title right now.

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Well looks like my Dish Network preview was a little misleading as we just found out on RAW that tomorrow's main event is a triple threat match for the ECW Title Test vs. Lashley vs. RVD......of course, the money bet is on RVD being pinned which will lead to Test vs. Lashley :(

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Well looks like my Dish Network preview was a little misleading as we just found out on RAW that tomorrow's main event is a triple threat match for the ECW Title Test vs. Lashley vs. RVD......of course, the money bet is on RVD being pinned which will lead to Test vs. Lashley :(

Watch it be another no finish.

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I saw RVD in the huge group that are in the Rumble tonight on Raw, so I'm assuming he jobs here via some nefarious means and then has ECW's highest placing in the Rumble (which means he'd finish like 9th or something). I actually think they might put the belt on Test tomorrow, though I have no idea why.

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Well looks like my Dish Network preview was a little misleading as we just found out on RAW that tomorrow's main event is a triple threat match for the ECW Title Test vs. Lashley vs. RVD......of course, the money bet is on RVD being pinned which will lead to Test vs. Lashley :(

Watch it be another no finish.

Like having Holly run in before Lashley can botch the finish?

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