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Guest Kesh

Predict-a-card: Wrestlemania 23

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If they want a match in the Main Event they simply HAVE to go with Cena/HBK. Cena NEEDS that one awesome match in his resume to help kill the doubters. Since he hasn't wrestled HBK yet it's a great choice.

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Guest Princess Leena

But, the only way that would be awesome match is because HBK bumped like a pinata, and he'd get all the praise.


The only matches Cena are good in now are garbage matches, and he can do that with basically anyone.

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Maybe it'd motivate him after going for a loooooong time without a really good worker and promo guy to play off of.


HHH doesn't count. Edge doesn't count either because I've never heard him say anything on the mike that sounded epic Wrestlemania-worthy.


A pipe dream is a super-intense Flair/Cena program after reading that the new Rocky movie might inspire a last run in WWE. Flair wouldn't win, but he'd wrestle his ass off and retire afterward. End of Silverdome Redux has the old wrestling-based sport becoming wrestling-based entertainment. Sad ending, but it'd be the best way to send Cena off into the future as the face of this new fluffy WWE.


This can be done to a degree with Shawn, who simply represents the 90s and Attitude time periods. Shawn should retire afterward as well if they go the Rocky route. Then HHH can come back and become the salty old veteran.

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You know I'm fully behind the HBK/Cena supporters all over the net, but there was one person who made some interesting comments on why Vince may balk on doing this match.


1. HBK outshining Cena in the match causing the boos to come back fill circle. You know how Angle outshined him at Survivor Series in '05?


2. Which HBK is Vince going to have to deal with? If he's asked to job is he going to Diesel/Hogan the match to make Cena look stupid?


3. What the hell are they going to do turning HBK full heel and he ends up jobbing and then leaves for time off?


4. Cena is going to get booed worse than last year with 70,000 fans against him which JR and King can't twist around


5. Which HBK is Vince going to have to deal with?


Some good observation here, but damn it book HBK/Cena and let HBK tear down the house. Cena survived that ecw arena match with RVD. I don't think he'll get a more hostile situation than that. Plus, if HBK is for real and believes it should be all about the new guys he'll be about making Cena look good. Of course...it is Shawn Michaels we are talking about here. We saw what he did in the Hogan match.

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If HBK actually played heel... and I do mean a real heel, not the way Angle did... then Cena would have most of the crowd on his side.


And really... Cena is not a bad wrestler. He knows more than he shows, has great selling, and good timing on the babyface comeback. He doesn't pull out a lot of his stuff because it doesn't fit the gimmick.

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I saw somewhere on the 'net someone talking about HBK coming out and doing what Hunter did after WM14, introducing a new member of D-X. I wouldn't mind seeing him do that to get out of the match with Rated -RKO by introducing the newest members of D-X, Rated RKO. Maybe have HBK win the Rumble, going full blown heel mode. Have him win it at WM, and hold it untill Hunter comes back for their eventual match.

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Guest RayCo

Since nostalgia is the general theme of 'Mania this year, how about Gimmick Battle Royal 2.

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But, the only way that would be awesome match is because HBK bumped like a pinata, and he'd get all the praise.


The only matches Cena are good in now are garbage matches, and he can do that with basically anyone.

Doesn't matter. As long as Cena got a close to 5 star match he would take another step up in recognition. It takes two to tango Leena, so it isn't like Cena would be out there doing nothing on the years biggest stage.

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Cena/HBK is the money match...if Vince is smart, he will pursue it. HHH's injury is actually an easy step in the right direction. Dump the Umaga program after the Rumble, get Cena and HBK teaming up against RKO leading to the eventual split and match at WM (due to HBK winning said Rumble with Undertaker coming in 2nd, who then gets a shot at Batista, but that's another story). How do you initiate the split? I don't know, but HBK would have to be a full blown heel. Not supercool heel like he did against Hulk in 05. Oh and do NOT align HBK with RKO at all.


Both HBK and UT could have one final title run, doesn't have to be long, and can then job the titles to upcoming stars. That won't happen, I know, I know... so don't waste your long posts telling me about how they won't job to the young, new guys, rather they'll job to guys like Cena, HHH and Batista. Just hypothetically speaking.

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HBK-Cena isn't a money match because HBK isn't a draw. Cena-Hogan is probably the only possible match with any potential to make money.


And what upcoming stars does WWE have? Kennedy and Carlito draw midcard reactions, and I can't think of anyone else in the midcard with any real potential.

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I'm not so sure anybody HAS to be a draw at Wrestlemania. They just need a big match that hasn't happened yet. In this case the HHH injury is a blessing since this stage (read: Ford Field in front of a bigger than normal crowd) requires a fresh match that hasn't happened yet. But in this case I'm only talking about the live crowd.


Give HBK the mike on TV over the next couple of months and he'll sell the PPVs. I have no doubt. The only hurdle to get over would be essentially an abrupt (full on or semi???) heel turn. I'm not even the biggest HBK mark but I am postive he could make it work. And who knows? Maybe Cena will finally come out of his promo slump he has been on for awhile now.

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Guest Anubis

I recently read on the internet - I beliieve it was at PWTorch - that HBK is scheduled to have some time off anywhere soon. Since his back is really hurting him and he refuses to take painkillers against it (which is quite commendable I guess), he might be out of the company just before or after WrestleMania...

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Guest Doombiscuit

I love threads like this so couldn't resist doing my own card. Starts with opener down to main event...


1 CM Punk vs Holly


Punk continues to lose to Holly. I'd have him enter one in rumble with Michaels and last a long time till Holly enters and elliminates him by pulling the top rope down. Punk finally gets revenge here via the Vice. Should be a fun opener.



2 Nitro vs Carlito (IC title)


Nitro gets the win (with Mercury's help) to continue to build him up. Its a shame Carlito looks so lost now. I thought he could've been a rung below main event by now


3 Rated RKO vs Hardyz (title match)


I want dge to win the title after Mania to build to a program with HHH. He's a stronger heel than Orton and can beat HBK after a short reign. This'll be a good, relatively high profile match that comes out of RKO saying they've beaten everyone. Its also got history. RKO win to look strong but lose the belts the next night on Raw due to miscommunication. Tension between the two could be good as they go after Michaels for the belt (maybe a four way at Backlash)


4 ECW Title Fatal Four Way Lashley, Test, RVD, Sabu (if he's still there)


Likely to suck but has to be on card otherwise ECW will look useless.


5 JBL does the Masterlock Challenge


JBL has slagged off Masters before and this could lead to fun promos


6 MITB 3 (Kennedy, Booker, Kenny, Flair, Benoit, Umaga)


Umaga could look strong but not be able to climb a la Joe in the Ultimate X a while ago. Flair has to take a big bump and be stretchered off to set up his hole Rocky comeback deal. This leaves Kennedy to win as he's got the most potential (and its time Smackdown won this).


7 Hogan vs Kahli/Show


Its gonna happen. I’ll probably mark. Let’s just accept it and move


8 A Women's Match of some sort


9 Michaels vs Cena

Michaels wins the title and then drops it to Edge in a few months to setup his program with a returning HHH. Michaels is the right choice as Edge/Cena has been done to death and Orton’s not credible as a Wrestlemania challenger after so many losses over last few years


UT vs Batista


Which leaves us with our main event. If its not too long I think this should be a good match. UT should get the win as Batista won’t benefit from ending the streak. Batista could get the belt back in a Hell in A Cell at Summerslam which would be good for him. I’d like to see Edge/Taker next year in a streak vs streak match. Edge would be helped by finally beating Taker at Mania in his last match.


So that’s my card. I do like the idea of the four way TLC instead of MITB and if they do that I’d be pretty happy though I think this card builds better for future stories.

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Guest pith
Hulk Hogan vs The "Great" Khali

Are they really going to go with this?


i think they are but they might also add the big show

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Michaels-Cena makes sense.


Michaels could even play the Rocky role that's been discussed a few times of Flair in this thread. Who else is left?


No one alive is buying Umaga as a credible challenger. Scrapped after the Rumble.

Orton makes sense, but he's dropped the ball a few times now.

Edge vs Cena's been done to death.

Carlito, Nitro and Kenny aren't ready.


Maaaaaaaaaaaybe Flair, but I still think that Michaels has the fan support, mic ability and desire to make this a realistic possibility. From a mark standpoint, it makes worlds of sense with his achievements in the ring, and the Rumble in particular. Plus it sets up the feud between HHH-HBK, and there's no way this won't happen at least once before the end of the year.


And this is coming from a guy with a Bret Hart tat on his arm.

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Guest pith
I think the MITB concept wouldn't work this time around because the last two times it paid off but like with Edge, whom used it to build it and delay the cash in by waiting for the best moment to strike or RVD declaring his intention right away...you can't do anything differently.


A 4 way TLC match involving WGTT/MnM/Kendrick+London/Hardyz would probably be the most explosive and spotty ladder match ever and really it seems they are building that direction. I'd keep the titles on Kendrick/London and get the other titles on WGTT and insert them with the Hardyz and MnM whom are still feuding. It'd really work if Mercury's first match back would be the TLC match considering that was the type of match that shattered his face. If he played cocky but showed he was afraid of being in the match, that would be tremendous. They could easily stretch the dissension angle between London and Kendrick out and play that up as well. I'd have Cryme Tyme involved but not in the match itself. Have them do a bit during the match by stealing the ladders and stuff away from WGTT to prevent them from winning. They like having the TLC matches on the WM card and they already have a built in story for the match and can include new players instead of slapping six mid-carders with no direction in the match like the past two years.


The card needs a big match. A match on the level of Andre/Hogan or Hogan/Warrior but they don't have that right now with the exception of Batista/Cena which gives you that WM6 vibe. Batista is a huge liability with his injury prone record and quite frankly, I don't think they can trust him to be healthy a year from now. They considered this match along with Batisa/Undertaker and it seems to me that the face/face with Cena pays off more right now. I know the arguement is that UT/Batista is limited but the Cena match can be saved. We keep assuming UT will be hanging the boots up soon but it never happens. I could easily buy UT still wrestling in three years on a limited schedule while Batista is chasing Mark Henry for "most stints on DL". I think you can establish other big matches and even save matches down the road by taking the titles off the current champions and putting Cena and Batista in the top billed match for Mania.


My push is that R-RKO can and should take those two championships. Edge winning the Rumble would be great in that he could jump to SD claiming he doesn't want to waste his streak by beating John Cena once again. Orton can just as easily be named the #1 contender by the conventional methods (probably a battle royal, giving WWE history). I'd actually set up a double title change with the heels taking the titles leading to Orton finishing the program with Shawn and Edge facing UT which I think is a better option for WWE and the fans. UT/Edge is just as much a "big match" as Batista/UT is and by doing so, you could easily save UT/Batista to sell another PPV and make more money there. I don't like the idea that UT will be involved in the World Title scene just because it becomes a political nightmare since I still don't think he'll drop the streak. Batista doesn't need it and to a lesser extent, Edge doesn't need it but he'd gain more from it then Batista right now. It might work better for Orton/Cena, Edge/Batista and give UT the usual monster (Umaga, for instance). Let's stop the Benoit pleas. It'll probably never happen, or if it does, it won't be at WM but rather a secondary PPV.


There are alot of ways to go right now but they seem dead set on Batista/UT but they have changed plans many times. I'm not saying UT/Batista is a bad decision as it would certainly appeal to the fanbase but there are other options to explore.


I don't like the idea of Hogan/Khali. What's the point of paying homage when it'll just be an obvious desperation ploy to recapture that moment. Can Hogan even lift the guy? I'd be more worried about that. The whole appeal to that match is that and if he can't do it, the fans will be let down. If he is unable to slam Khali, it does make Khali look big time but it's Khali here. How long can they carry that anyways? He doesn't have Andre's charisma or TBS's ability to sell and put a match over through effort. I think using Lashley to slam Khali provides you with the homage and puts over someone who can give the company something better for the long run.


I'm also bothered that Orton might finally get that one on one main event he was primed for the last couple years but didn't get but only to be against Cena in a program that'll likely only have 2 months behind it. I think they could get a little more out of Orton beating Shawn and finally living up to the destiny claims.


Since Khali is off ECW, it seems like they might just do a 4 Way for that title. Probably involving Test and RVD. The wild-card would be Holly, Punk or Sandman (likely Holly).


you type a lot and make a lot of good points but undertaker vs edge can't sell as much as undertaker vs batista or at least not in my opinion. see the way i think of it is you have to match talent with talent, accuracy with accuracy, height with height, and weight with weight. ex: u wouldn't want to see rey mysterio vs kahli (unless u want to compare the height but thats the only reason) besides edge and the undertaker have fought each other b4 maybe not one on one but in tag team matches for sure one was kane and the undertaker vs edge and christian yea now they both got different from over the years but bottom line it's happened, batista vs taker never happened it's fresh and thats how wrestlemania is supposed to be.

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I was thinking about MITB this year, if they have it I would have Jeff Hardy win. He is over enough for a main even slot, has been 100 times better since his return and would be another new face in the scene. I would have him win MITB at Wrestlemania feud with Umaga over the IC in the next month or so to elevate Hardy and then have him challenge Cena for the title at Summerslam in a ladder match (the MITB winner can pick when the match is, so why not what kind of match it is).


I would book Cena to win, but having Hardy win in a "title v. title" ladder match and have a short reign like Edge last Summer could work as well.

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Orton/Edge/HBK - WWE Title

Dave/Taker - World Title

Vince with A star (Returning Hogan, Rock, Jericho, anyone) vs Trump with Cena

MnM vs Hardyz - Street Fight for the RAW Titles

Lashley vs Monty Brown - ECW World Title

Womans Match of sum sort

Benoit vs Finley - US Title

Benjerman/Kenny/Kennedy/Booka/RVD/Punk MitB



9 matches.

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The whole HBK-Cena thing makes soooo much sense it's ridiculous. Everything from the Royal Rumble win, to face vs face at WrestleMania (ala Warrior-Hogan, Hogan-Rock) with HBK passing the torch to Cena, and with the background they could play up on, I'm telling you, this makes TOO much sense.





Which is why Vince won't even bat an eye to it. MAYBE if he had competition.

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It's true. Don't forget the whole 10 year anniversary of HBK regaining his title in Texas as a backstory for him wanting to win in Texas to get his last title shot perhaps at a WrestleMania. I know some said HBK would have to win with this angle, but I don't see it. Vince loves Cena as he sees him as the new era Hogan-Austin/Rock-Cena. HBK is the guy who can give him something resembling a classic wrestling match and put him over at a historic event. HBK can then take his time off and come back with HHH as DX against Cena down the line where the established veterans try to take down the new crowned prince of this era. It saves Orton from jobbing in another high profile match at Mania and it prevents repeating Cena/Edge.


Then on Smackdown they can run the same veteran against the new crowned prince angle and tie that into all the passing of the torch stuff that Mania 3 folklore has. I would actually have Edge win the Rumble and go to smackdown against champion UT, but Batista has the wwe believing he's the same guy he was during the build to Mania 21.

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Heels Vince and Rock vs face Trump and Cena would be incredible. Might be the only match that would make me buy this PPV.


I can almost put my life on the fact that The Rock would be the "heel" going in, but would get the biggest pop of the year at the Mania itself. We're trying to make Cena look good here, remember.



But, I do agree, that that'd be the only match that would catch my interest. That, and Austin-Hogan.

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I think Vince can get either Hogan, Rock or Jericho to face Cena at WM.


It a way better route than vs Shawn or Edge or whoever. RKO and HBK have hot fued going now, no reason to cut it off before WM. Hell, a heel Benoit coming over to face Cena is better than breaking up the HBK/RKO thing. Its the best they have now, don't fuck it up.


Umaga should win the IC title from Hardy and have his match with Flair b IC title. Forgot to mention that.

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I think Vince can get either Hogan, Rock or Jericho to face Cena at WM.


Jericho-Cena has been done. You seem to think that Jericho is up there with Hogan and Rock, when really he isn't even close. Nobody is gonna buy the pay per view to see Jericho vs Cena, especially since we know Jericho would win..and he hasn't been gone that long either.

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Its face/face when face/face is already being done in your OTHER Main Event and you cutting off your hottest fued. Plus your two hottest heels are left in the cold.


Its quite simple.

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