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The Annual WWE Mass Firings Thread

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Last reports still had Heyman under contract, so in theory he could be asked to book ONS 07. The venue (or event in general) can change at anytime, but it's scheduled to be from Hammerstein again and I'm not sure who the hell would go see 'the new breed' there if there was no chance of something remotely resembling real ECW.

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Last reports still had Heyman under contract, so in theory he could be asked to book ONS 07. The venue (or event in general) can change at anytime, but it's scheduled to be from Hammerstein again and I'm not sure who the hell would go see 'the new breed' there if there was no chance of something remotely resembling real ECW.


People will show up to a wrestling event. It's a small venue. Why is everyone acting like ECW is down to 4 wrestlers now? There's still 12-15 members on that roster and obviously they'll be moving people over there since it's the new OVW.

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Last reports still had Heyman under contract, so in theory he could be asked to book ONS 07. The venue (or event in general) can change at anytime, but it's scheduled to be from Hammerstein again and I'm not sure who the hell would go see 'the new breed' there if there was no chance of something remotely resembling real ECW.


Im sure they could fill it with people willing to pay $100 for a ticket to stand there and chant "Fuck you vince" for 3 hours thus making one of the biggest PPV disasters of all time. I bet they move it to..Montana or something.

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Last reports still had Heyman under contract, so in theory he could be asked to book ONS 07. The venue (or event in general) can change at anytime, but it's scheduled to be from Hammerstein again and I'm not sure who the hell would go see 'the new breed' there if there was no chance of something remotely resembling real ECW.


Im sure they could fill it with people willing to pay $100 for a ticket to stand there and chant "Fuck you vince" for 3 hours thus making one of the biggest PPV disasters of all time. I bet they move it to..Montana or something.


I recommend Pine Bluff, Arkansas, as the location.


Everyone can see it coming anyway, so they might as well give the wink-wink sign.

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Last reports still had Heyman under contract, so in theory he could be asked to book ONS 07. The venue (or event in general) can change at anytime, but it's scheduled to be from Hammerstein again and I'm not sure who the hell would go see 'the new breed' there if there was no chance of something remotely resembling real ECW.


Im sure they could fill it with people willing to pay $100 for a ticket to stand there and chant "Fuck you vince" for 3 hours thus making one of the biggest PPV disasters of all time. I bet they move it to..Montana or something.


If you are willing to pay 100 dollars to chant "Fuck you Vince" and watch a show you don't like........doesn't that make you a moron?

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Paying $100 for a ticket and then walking out after the first match would be worth it.


Well, I mean, I wouldn't do it, but I know there's people out there that would.

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Last reports still had Heyman under contract, so in theory he could be asked to book ONS 07. The venue (or event in general) can change at anytime, but it's scheduled to be from Hammerstein again and I'm not sure who the hell would go see 'the new breed' there if there was no chance of something remotely resembling real ECW.


Im sure they could fill it with people willing to pay $100 for a ticket to stand there and chant "Fuck you vince" for 3 hours thus making one of the biggest PPV disasters of all time. I bet they move it to..Montana or something.


If you are willing to pay 100 dollars to chant "Fuck you Vince" and watch a show you don't like........doesn't that make you a moron?


Only if you're the only one chanting..which Im sure wont be the case.

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The only problem with the above scenarios is that the only people buying the PPV are likely people that WANT to see the disaster happen. I mean the people who NEED to see that type of scene are the WWE lemmings who can be influenced and kind of molded into people who might witness such a thing and then maybe carry a similar attitude over to WWE shows that they aren't enjoying live, and maybe might voice their displeasure. Imagine all the 20-30 somethings at the show, showing the next generation of rowdy teenage wrestling fans, what a live show experience COULD BE LIKE, before they all finally leave WWE programming for good....that would be a hell of a lot cooler then just a bunch of disgruntled ECW fans buying a show to watch other disgruntled ECW fans fuck it up......although yeah I guess it would still be a hell of a show regardless.

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Apparently Heyman has a deal that calls for either side to end it at any time. He's probably holding out to make sure he's got something to do before bailing out of it.


Terkay wasn't given the Brody gimmick because that was also the gimmick of Freakin' Deacon, aka Fake Kane. Deacon was supposed to get shifted to Smackdown under that gimmick after the failure of the Kane angle, so two guys on the same roster imitating the same character wouldn't work. Sadly though, the poor guy went from being groomed for Undertaker to shipped off to ECW to the unemployment line. I gather he'd be one of the few that TNA might have some interest in, since they could surely use some big men who can go. Tony Mamaluke's been there before, but I think he'll stick to mostly indies/ROH. This could be a HUGE break for the Bashams though, as if they wind up anywhere notable, they can get back to being the characters that got them over and noticed in the first place...not the lame ass S&M brothers gimmick they were stuck with.

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Last reports still had Heyman under contract, so in theory he could be asked to book ONS 07. The venue (or event in general) can change at anytime, but it's scheduled to be from Hammerstein again and I'm not sure who the hell would go see 'the new breed' there if there was no chance of something remotely resembling real ECW.


Im sure they could fill it with people willing to pay $100 for a ticket to stand there and chant "Fuck you vince" for 3 hours thus making one of the biggest PPV disasters of all time. I bet they move it to..Montana or something.


If you are willing to pay 100 dollars to chant "Fuck you Vince" and watch a show you don't like........doesn't that make you a moron?


It would certainly be neat for historical purposes, as that would likely be the last true "ECW" show. Old school fans declaring that the New Breed sucks shit would be the final nail in the coffin of ECW's resurrection. Hopefully the brand is gone after their Sci Fi Channel contract expires.


I think there's only been two or three "ECW" chants on Sci Fi since the last Hammerstein show. That's just sad.

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Dont they always fire a "big man" when there's a mass firing so it doesnt look like theyre holding onto all the 'big men'? I wonder if Boogeyman is in any danger again.

I remember I thought it was stupid when they fired Matt Morgan.



When they fired Terkay the first time I thought it was a shame. If it's someone young they could find work elsewhere if they really want it, and if they were old they use that as an excuse to get rid of them, particularly if they dont take to the work as well as others.


I dont think they care about workrate anymore, and if you're still new to the business and really want to learn, the last place you should go is wwe. Unless they push you to the moon, which wont happen unless you're 6'10, go someplace or you'll never get more than 5 minutes of ringtime, a few times a week.


And you hear more about rehires now then before because theyve already wasted alot of the good talent in the country. The really good workers that dont hate wwe and are under 40, are guys in tna, or guys that have already been there. The next big thing wont be coming for a long time. At least guys that wont suck.


They probably rehire guys for cheaper deals after theyve been fired and realize nowhere else in the business will they get paid as much. That's really pennypinching compared to the money they use up on talent that never amount to anything.

Mark Henry headlined maybe 2 shows in his entire career and they were in 2006, only 10 years after they originally signed him. Money well-spent.


I remember hearing about the ecw deals were so disgustingly cheap they had alot of money leftover to sign more talent. Then I saw that they were being used for 3 minute squashes or not used at all, and they probably realized that alot of guys had contracts that could be considered overpaid, since they were jobbers.


The problem is since most were ecw guys, they made no money anyway, so it's like if i had a PC memory problem and i got rid of files that took up so small space I wouldnt even notice, while other unnecessary files leech off the system.

I dont think it was a budgetary thing and there hasnt been anything about the Wellness Program, if that's even still around.


The guys that have already been released previously, they really need to stop taking their calls.


I just dont want to hear about them signing more no-talents, or that they're making more movies.


Maybe Terkay didnt have the abs that make Vince drool.


They could have given him the same gimmick Khali got and I wouldnt be as repulsed or uninterested as I am now.


they should change the name of the company from wwe to Male Diva Search.


Any attempt to screw with ONS if they still have it, will be misinterptered like everything else that is seen by people who are out of touch with the world. Anything Mcmahon-influenced in ecw that people think sucks makes that Vince think that ecw can't draw and that the only thing people care about now are wwe creations. Like there is actually a real choice.

Instead of ONS they're better off having another Cyber/Taboo show where the fans can finally vote on what color tights Batista wears or how many clothelines Cena can throw.

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According to the latest Observer, Paul Heyman is basically being paid by WWE to sit at home on his ass to keep him away from TNA.


Also, just to clarify: Marty Jannetty, Brad Armstrong, Rodney Mack, & Eric Perez were signed in fall '06 to help mentor the younger talents on the WWECW brand. Jannetty ended up being fired about two weeks later when he no-showed an WWECW show, but has since gotten delusional and swears he's under contract and didn't get fired.

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I hope The Bashams end up like Albright and go to ROH. After months of hearing how great they were in OVW, they turned out to be one of the blandest teams in Smackdown history and I can't remember any stand-out matches. But the same goes for Albright (minus the 'tag team part' obviously) and he's already made an impact with them, so I'd give them a chance if they get one.

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Dunno, but there's a line about him in JR's blog that says something like "if he's under contract, he is being paid" whatever the fuck that means. I can't remember the exact quote but I saw it on Gerweck.net, I believe.

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Scorpio was last seen doing the house show tour about a month ago in cruiserweight(!) matches.


Re: the post earlier about money spent on contracts, etc...Heidenreich said something in his shoot about how guys will get fired, only to get rehired not much later, so that WWE can take them at a lower price. He said he had talked to another former WWE star at an indie show (I'm led to believe he's referring to Albert) and that talent mentioned how he was approached with a smaller deal not long after he was let go (although Albert's doing well for himself in Japan).

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Here are my thoughts about the Bashams and Albright. Albright was really good in OVW and developed into a really solid technician. Shame they brought him up as Gunner Scott. I still can't figure that one out.


The Bashams? They were really not any better in OVW. Just two bland, slightly talented guys. I recall Benoit coming down here for a match with Doug Basham and Cornette kept hyping Basham like he was the 2nd coming....and that match sucked.

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I remember a match on Heat or Velocity, maybe online, that was one of the Bashams against Mark Jindrak (I believe), and it was a pretty good match. Better than just about everything else they ever did on TV.

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I was actually starting to really like Tatanka again too, oh well.


The really stupid thing about most of these releases is that they never gave most of them a chance to even get over or do anything of not at all really. To me, it's just pathetic.

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So they push how much Tatanka has changed and become a dangerous force....only to fire him after the taping.

They promote how Terkay is a deadly foe and with him teamed with Burke, they could be an unstoppable combo...only to fire him after the taping.


I'm sure on some planet, this is uncanny logic. The only flaw is that we're on Earth.

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Re: The Bashams. I strongly recommend you people check out the Damaja (Danny) vs. The Machine (Doug) feud from OVW in 2003. The blowoff match to that feud is one of OVW's greatest matches, and a great match (****, maybe ***3/4 if you're picky) overall. Not anything you'd expect from two guys who came off as incredibly vanilla during their major run.

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Re: The Bashams. I strongly recommend you people check out the Damaja (Danny) vs. The Machine (Doug) feud from OVW in 2003. The blowoff match to that feud is one of OVW's greatest matches, and a great match (****, maybe ***3/4 if you're picky) overall. Not anything you'd expect from two guys who came off as incredibly vanilla during their major run.

The match was **** but the whole scenario was ***** of off the charts greatness. The match, a Loser Leaves OVW match, was built up so well and the entire two-year plus storyline of Doug trying to take over OVW from his Uncle, Danny Davis, was just tremendous. The match and the conclusion generated the kind of emotion from the fans that you almost never see anywhere. With both Damaja and Machine being such integral parts of the feud, they more than carried their end of things and it really destroys the myth that they're somehow 'average'.

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Who the hell would want to work for WWE anymore?


TNA really needs to get their crap together. Seems like the better company to work for, unless you're an upper echelon "name" in WWE. Sure, they pay maybe isn't as good, but less dates and less crap.

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The DOI reports Mike Knox has been fired, and even claims they got the news from WWE.com, which has yet to report it.


That that would be one that I'm actually happy to hear about, if true.


From PWInsider:


WWE released Ohio Valley Wrestling developmental talents Seth Skyfire, Jack Bull, and Ryan Reeves today. All three had been featured regularly on Ohio Valley Wrestling TV.


Skyfire had been a long tenured performer in OVW, holding the OVW TV and Tag Team championship. He had feuded with CM Punk towards the end of Punk's OVW tenure.


Jack Bull, an Arizona native, signed a developmental deal last year and spent time in Deep South Wrestling. He was moved to OVW, where he was managed by developental Diva Sosay and did a "drunken redneck" type of gimmick. He had recently been feuding with Joey Mercury in OVW.


Ryan Reeves was a contestant in the Million Dollar Tough Enough competition who was later signed to a WWE developmental deal. He trained in DSW and was moved to OVW. He had most recently been put together as a tag team with Jon Bolen under the team name "High Dosage".

Also from PWInsider:


CW Anderson posted the following message on his MySpace account in regard to his release from World Wrestling Entertainment's ECW brand yesterday:


First, I want to thank everyone for the messages, comments and emails on the well wishes of my release. I wish I could respond to each email that I've received but I really appreciate each one. I will be on the indies soon and back to Japan. Keep checking back as I'll make more posts and updates on whats going on...


While ya waitin for the next one,


Keep ya hands high!!




Anderson's MySpace.com account can be found at http://www.myspace.com/cwanderson

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