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OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/29/2007

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I cant remember another time a challenger just opted to get counted out in the middle of a title match on a PPV..so yeah..the Test/Lashley match was unforgetable.


Didn't Jarrett do that ploy to trick Ramon into restarting the match?

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Maybe that's the guy from Donahue who tried to sue Vince saying he was sexually harassed by Pat Patterson.

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did the crowd chant "double double e"? damn they must be bored


Well, first they got a Khali match and then the Russian guy interview.

And I'm suddenly getting the bad feeling that DX is getting life breathed back into it in the form of Edge and Orton.

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welp Flair just gave us the ending...goodnight

now that Cena thinks HBK might superkick him, he makes a pre-emptive attack and FUs HBK in the middle of the match..


Well, one of them will "accidentally" hit the other one to cost them the match. I think most of us can agree on that one.

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It's so obvious that HHH is turning heel on HBK when he comes back.


Just like two yers ago, when Falir hyped HHH up while he was gone, but when HHH returned, he destroyed him.

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welp Flair just gave us the ending...goodnight

now that Cena thinks HBK might superkick him, he makes a pre-emptive attack and FUs HBK in the middle of the match..


Well, one of them will "accidentally" hit the other one to cost them the match. I think most of us can agree on that one.


The only way Cena accidentally FU-s HBK is if Edge/Orton go old school in their heel tactics with powder/salt to Cena's eyes so he cant see..hmm..

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