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Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Tourney

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The votes have been tallied, and here are the final two matches!:


Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart, 3/23/97, WrestleMania 13, "I Quit" match


Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, 10/5/97, Badd Blood, Hell in a Cell


Choose wisely!


I liked doing this so much, I think I will start a WCW one next week. Again thanks to all who voted on previous matchups!

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justify yr answer plz


Because I felt like it. It's been awhile since I've seen either match and I always liked Hell in the cell better.

For some reason, there are a lot of classic rivalries where I seem to perfer a different match frm the majority. For example, I've always thought the Survivor Series match was better than WM 13, I like the Flair-Steamboat match from Chi Towm Rumble better than the Nashville match, and I thought the Bret-Owen Sumerslam Cage match was better than WM 10.


This vote is ovviously gonna be a landslide, it's not like I'm the deciding vote.

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... I vote for Bret/Owen.


But given the choices, I guess I'll say Bret/Austin. Even though I still think this 1997 stuff is waaaay overrated by everyone.



Haha, I know, I know. I can understand why everyone loves '97. I like '97 a lot, and it's really the last year I fully enjoyed the product (was a huge Bret fan as a kid) but when I see everyone call it the best year ever I just don't like it. I still prefer the '92-'94ish period although I know a lot of people don't think much of that time. Just a personal preference.


Anyway, I just want to add that I recently watched the Bulldog vs. Owen tournament final on YouTube and wow. I hadn't seen it since it originally aired- I remembered it being good and all but I was blown away. It's now instantly become one of my favorite matches ever. There's something really unique about it. I mean, I was always a big Owen fan and I hate it when people say he only ever had good matches with Bret. Well, here's one match that shoots that theory down.


I think Davey Boy was an underrated worker. It's true that a lot of times he "played down to his competition" so to speak and never really had a great singles match with anyone that wasn't awesome in their own right. But in the great matches he did have with the legendary workers, he definitely pulled his weight and made those matches unique. Just look at some of the athleticism he shows in that Owen match- and that was toward the end of his career, after years and years of steroid abuse. The guy could go. He and Shawn Michaels had great chemistry together (I've always wondered what a Bulldogs/Rockers match would have been like). I think in Shawn's shoot interview he said that he felt he and Davey didn't get enough credit for their matches, and I agree. The '92 IC title match, the '95 mini-program, the '96 feud and the One Night Only match were all quite different and stood out from one another but were all really good. Even with the two Bret matches- just look at how different the Summerslam and In Your House matches really are. Combine those great singles matches with his proven tag team track record and he's got a pretty impressive resume.... I have no idea why I started talking about this but here we are.

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Guest tdv123

I would have said Bret vs Bulldog at SS92, I think it was the best technical match Ive seen from the WWE.


Out of the choices tho I'd go with the Hart vs Austin WM13 for the sheer intensity & great finish.

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