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*Smackdown Spoilers*

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From PWI:


Rob Conway and René Dupree lost to Jamie Knoble and Kofi Kingston in the dark match via Kingston pinning Conway.


Mr. Kennedy hit the ring to open the show. Quick promo hyping his mania win. Said forget the Austin era.. The Kennedy era just began. Afterwards.. Jeff Hardy hit the ring. Kennedy wins via neck breaker after a really good match. Kennedy argues with ref. Gets another three count.


Place is legit sold out.. Long makes a match for next week.. Kennedy versus Hornswoggle and Finlay (who attacked Kennedy). Backstage Timbaland and Ashley make fun of Jillian.


Chris Benoit loses to The Miz via MVP interference.


Matt Hardy over King Booker via small package. SHARMELL turns on King Booker after the match.



KANE defeats Dave Taylor in a squash after a brawl outside the ring. Kane destroyed both Taylor and William Regal. Crowd is on fire.


In a backstage segment, Sharmell slapped Booker T.


Paul London and Brian Kendrick over Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Gregory Helms in a fantastic match. Lots of fast action. Deuce, Domino and Cherry watched from the ring.


Taker comes to the ring like at Mania, with druids. Biggest pop of the night by far. Batista hits the ring in a suit.. They go face to face. Batista congratulates Taker, and leaves. King Booker runs in from around the announce table and attacks Taker from behind. They battle outside the ring. Booker gets a tombstone on the table for his trouble. Table does not break! Taker leaves. Doctor Andrews runs out with paramedics. Stretcher job ensues as they go off the air.

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These just scream fake to me for some reason.



Why is Jeff Hardy on SD facing Kennedy for no reason? Why would Sharmell turn on Booker?



Dave Taylor? Chavo and Helms wrestling?

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Looks like Sharmell turned on Booker for not going for the win instead of saving her. If they would just turn Matt into a full heel.


Helms and Chavo have been teaming lately and Jeff apparently can work any show he wants at any time. I assume that Long requested Raw workers in exchange for sending Smackdown wrestlers over to Raw.

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Guest Teckneek

Kennedy vs Jeff Hardy, the hardys winning the Raw world tag belts. What happend to the brand split? It really needs to fully end now. THere's no point anymore, its just oversaturated with championships and doesnt even make sense.

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Looks like Sharmell turned on Booker for not going for the win instead of saving her. If they would just turn Matt into a full heel.


Wouldn't that be funny if they copied from the Edge/Matt feud, and tried it with Booker/Matt. Not a full out sleaze way that they did with Edge... but something a little more subtle.

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From those spoilers, I don't see how Booker turned face. Makes no sense for a new face to attack The Undertaker.


It looks more like Sharmell trying to motivate Booker and causing him to get injured than her turning on him.

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well if they're serious about Miz, sadly, he's going to have to start getting wins somewhere. Benoit is obviously there anymore to help get younger guys over.


And what's with all the bitching about guys from other brands crossing over? They've been doing it for months now.

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From those spoilers, I don't see how Booker turned face. Makes no sense for a new face to attack The Undertaker.


It looks more like Sharmell trying to motivate Booker and causing him to get injured than her turning on him.


Maybe Booker went nuts from his wife turning on him and has been injured as a result, so in a few weeks he'll come back as good ol Booker T?


Another set (also from PWI) to confirm the above:


Jamie Noble & Kofi Kingston defeated La Resistance of Conway & Grenier in the dark match.


MR. KENNEDY is in the ring to open Smackdown. Looks like Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy to open. Kennedy beat Hardy. Finlay attacked Kennedy from behind afterwards.


Miz defeated Chris Benoit with help from MVP.


Matt Hardy defeated King Booker. Sharmell berated Booker afterwards.


Kane vs. David Taylor goes to a no contest as Kane destroyed both Taylor and William Regal.


In a backstage segment, Sharmell slapped Booker T.


Paul London & Brian Kendrick defeated Chavo Guerrero & Gregory Helms. The Untouchables were watching from ringside.


Smackdown ended with Booker T and Taker in a brawl. Taker gave Booker a piledriver on the announce table. Smackdown ends.


Batista vs. Taker is dark match main event

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Whoever booked Miz beating Benoit should be taken out back and beaten into a bloody pulp.

It was due to MVP interference, continuing that feud. Benoit probably destroys Miz all match, only for MVP to clock him and have Miz fall on a knocked-out Benoit for a cheap win.

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sounds like a great show. Can't wait to see the first SmackDown with Undertaker as Champion.


Why the hell are the Hardys on Raw? they're the Raw World Tag Team Champions and have no busniess on SmackDown anymore. why don't SmackDown push they're own Tag Champions and leave the Hardys on Raw. these cross-brand appearences for no reason is getting really irratating.

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sounds like a great show. Can't wait to see the first SmackDown with Undertaker as Champion.


Why the hell are the Hardys on Raw? they're the Raw World Tag Team Champions and have no busniess on SmackDown anymore. why don't SmackDown push they're own Tag Champions and leave the Hardys on Raw. these cross-brand appearences for no reason is getting really irratating.

Because, unless something has changed on the roster page, Matt Hardy is still a Smackdown superstar?

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Where are these people getting there info.


I swear this is the second time that Kane was suppose to get squashed and take time off....

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Whoever is serious about Miz should be taken out back and beaten into a bloody pulp.





I don't know why, but I find him funny. I think he would be good in a manger-type role, he can cut a decent promo, and has charisma.

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sounds like a great show. Can't wait to see the first SmackDown with Undertaker as Champion.


Why the hell are the Hardys on Raw? they're the Raw World Tag Team Champions and have no busniess on SmackDown anymore. why don't SmackDown push they're own Tag Champions and leave the Hardys on Raw. these cross-brand appearences for no reason is getting really irratating.


I think the cross-brand appearences makes the shows more interesting and builds up new matches. I think this is leading to a London/Kendrick vs Hardys match sometime soon which should be a really good match

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Where are these people getting there info.


I swear this is the second time that Kane was suppose to get squashed and take time off....

Never believe it until you see it.


Isn't the plan to merge the tag titles. London and Kendrick going over The Hardys.


Where did you hear that?

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Guest jonnymack

What they really ought to do is just get rid of the tag belts all together. What they've done to tag team wrestling is a total joke. At MOST they should have one tag team champ, they can barely support that. Heaven forbid they cut into some of Vince's precious promo time by *gulp* giving the tag teams something to do.

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The Sharmell turn was entertaining. It'll be interesting to see where this goes.


Taker was put over well. I'm really going to enjoy his title run.

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