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Name: Caboose


Real Name: Rishi Saujani


Age: 19


Height: 6'1"


Weight: 225lbs


Hometown: Derby, England


Character: Arrogant Heelistic commentator.


Alignment : Tweener


Affiliation: To the money.


Wrestling style: Shawn Michaels (Retired)


Theme music: 'Cochise' by Audioslave


Entrance Style (when competing): Lowers from the rafters onto the stage, then walks down purposively and defiantly, stands on outside second rope and glares around arena.


Entrance attire: None.


Ring attire: Black tights with 'Unforgiven' written down the right leg in White. Down the left leg, a white Celtic Symbol is emblazened.


Commentating attire: Baggy Black Jeans, Long sleeve under shirt, open short sleeve shirt, Airwalk trainers.


Finishing Move(s): Emerald Fusion


Signature Moves: EndOfTheLine(FlatLiner) OneWayTicket(Lo-Down) The Rafter's Elbow (People's Elbow, but I never hit it)


Basic moveset: Mix Shawn Michaels and Sting


Manager/valet/sidekick: None


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: None, He's just too damn unpredictable.


Titles Held: OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship (x2), OAOAST World Tag Team Champion.


History/Career Highlights:


After debuting during the infant stages of OAOAST Caboose forged a reputation as a bit of a Fun-loving drunk. After exorcising his alcohol fueled demons, Caboose was quickly consumed by greed. Caboose walked out on the aWo soon after becoming a Tag Team Champion with his hero D-Lo Brown at the first ever 'AngleMania'. Caboose struggled to forge out a legacy on his own and returned to the aWo in spectacular fashion at 'AnglePalooza' during the Battle Royal. But despite this, Caboose was gone again in a month. After pulling off perhaps the greatest conspiracy in OAOAST history, Caboose screwed over the entire aWo and his fans by achieving No.1 Contendership for the OAOAST World Title at 'AngleSlam' with help from BigPoppaPopick thus joining the Deadly Alliance. A month later Caboose defeated aWo leader and former stablemate AngleSault for the OAOAST World Title at the 'Great Angle Bash'. However as champion, Caboose's demeanour darkened more than it already was, as he grew paranoid about BPP and other OAOAST SuperStars. Caboose's actions became unpredictable and many questioned his sanity. After a controversial series of matches with Zack Malibu that saw Caboose just managing to retain his OAOAST World Title, Caboose slipped into further madness. The Caboose saga took another strange twist as Caboose signed with rival E-Fed the CCW and threatened to take the World Championship Belt with him. It took OAOAST Director Bill Watts, AlfDogg and a low blow to relenquish Caboose of the World Title in his last match before he left, and Caboose seemingly disappeared into the sunset...


In Caboose's absence, a young wrestler by the name of Naz Mistry tried to forge his own OAOAST career on the back of a 'Positively Caboose' gimmick, but this failed and Naz Mistry inexplicibly turned his anger to Caboose despite the former World Champion not being around. Naz Mistry then started questioning Caboose's allegience to the OAOAST and challenged Caboose to a match, but the challenge went unanswered for several months until...


Shortly after the aWo reunited in controversial circumstances, Commisioner BPP announced the resigning of Caboose to help combat the aWo's growing power over the OAOAST. But first Caboose had to confront Naz Mistry at 'Battered, Bloody & Beaten'. Caboose made a spectacular return and defeated Naz Mistry in a bloody brawl. Just as Caboose became embroiled in an intriguing story involving the aWo's CWM and the OAOAST Tag Team Championships, creative issues arose backstage between Caboose and the OAOAST's Head Booker BPP. Caboose signalled his intentions to leave again over the differences, but Caboose was unmercifully written out of OAOAST storylines by BPP. Caboose's exit came about when Sandman brutally choked Caboose to apparent death, as Caboose made his way to the ring on an episode of IZHD. However Caboose's latest disappearance was more real than the usual leaving storylines, but nothing was heard about Caboose for four long months...


...Until Caboose returned at the end of the May 1st Edition of HeldDown to form an alliance with OAOAST World Champion Zack Malibu to fight of the Trinity, led by Stephen Joseph, aka BPP...


Following an emotional speech concerning the state of the OAOAST and his own return, Caboose ran into MISTER WARRIOR backstage. It was revealed the two were related and Caboose himself was a former WARRIOR in training. After Caboose knocked back MISTER WARRIOR's continued offers of WARRIORhood, the two battled in 'Duchess of WARRIORhood' match. Overcoming the bizarre rules, several SHOULDERBLOCKS~!'s and achieving destruicity, Caboose won the match and MISTER WARRIOR disappeared...


During Caboose's final week of altercations with MISTER WARRIOR, another debutant, Hex Macina began taunting Caboose. As events unfolded, it was revealed that Hex Machina had been Naz Mistry's former Tag Team partner in Mexico. Hex was angered by Caboose's embarassment of Naz Mistry and sought revenge. Hex won the first match on HeldDown, inflicting only the second pin fall defeat on Caboose ever! Caboose avenged the defeat by busting Hex open in a 'First Blood' match at 'The Great Angle Bash'. However, the following month at 'License To Pin', Caboose was pinned a second time by Hex Machina to lose a Tag Team encounter involving CWM and Naz Mistry.


This defeat sent Caboose over the edge which he had been teetering on since his return to action. Especially as Stephen Joseph had distracted Caboose during the Tag match at 'License To Pin'. Caboose finally snapped and beat up both OAOAST brand General Managers, Tim Moysey and Damian Gonzales in a bid to get to IntenseZone and get after Joseph. Caboose was given permission to temporarily trade to IntenseZone where he set about destroying Joseph...


...Following several attacks, a verbal war and a violent Contract Signing, Caboose got his match with Stephen Jospeh at 'Angleslam Slam'. The 1st anniversary show of the PPV that had originally alligned Caboose and BPP. The match was to be for 'enforced retirement'.


During Caboose's chase of Joseph, the fans had become growingly shocked by his actions and willingness to cross the line in a bid to get the job done. Finally as Caboose used a Cricket Bat, Steel Chair, and second Emerald Fusion, Caboose retired Stephen Joseph as the fans completely turned on him for displaying the very behaviour Caboose had hated about Joseph.


With BPP retired, Caboose lost his passion for competing and after several failed comeback bids (due to a lack of enthusiasm), Caboose took a seat at the commentator's table on HeldDown to become the OAOAST's definative colour commentator.

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Name: "The Ice Heart" Dan Black


Championships: OAOAST TV title, OAOAST USTV (NA) title, OAOMEF World Title, OAOMEF Tag titles, OAOAST Adrenalin title x2, OAOAST tag titles x 3


Age: 27


Height: 6'


Weight: 243lbs


Hometown: London, England


Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Uber HEEL!


Stable affiliation (if any): Black T, with T.Bod and Jivin' JR~!


Wrestling style: Technical


Theme music: "Quiet" by Smashing Pumpkins


Entrance Style: Black smoke pours out of the entranceway. Black is in it, somewhere, and is only revealed when white and black shots of pyro disperse the smoke.


Entrance attire: Black trench coat, black shades.


Ring attire: Either long or short tights, one leg white, the other black. black boots.


Style: Fast paced technical, but can adapt to brawling if needed. Occasional top rope move


Finishing Moves: Heart of Ice (Crippler Crossface), Heart of Ice V2 (Alex Shelley's Border City StretcH) Pitch Black (Chris Daniels' Angels Wings) and the Blackout (Stone Cold stunner)



(Kinda long, because I like a lot of moves :) )


Dragon Suplex

Tiger Suplex

Exploder Suplex

Wrist Clutch Exploder

Half Nelson Suplex


Black Crush (Orange Crush - suplex to powerbomb)

Northern Lites Suplex

German Suplex

Benoit style WILDbomb

Fishermans DDT


Double arm DDT

Falcon Arrow and Reverse Falcon Arrow

Black Bomb (reverse RockBottom)

Top rope diving headbutt

Knee drop from top rope

Shining Wizard

Shining Black (Shining Enziguiri)

Night Falls (Doug Williams' Chaos Theory)

Chimera suplex sequence (Dragon, German, Tiger)

Cradle piledriver

Back drop driver

Package piledriver

Slingshot brainbuster

Slingshot Powerbomb

Osaka Street Cutter

Fujiwara Armbar

Indian Deathlock

Dragon sleeper

Butterfly backbreaker


European Uppercuts

Ace Crusher from top rope


Reverse superplex


Running DVD

Cross Arm German Suplex

La Majistral cradle

Into the Black- opponent raised in Razor's Edge position, but then flips them over into an Ace Crusher.


Bio: After years of being "forced" to work under the Mystery Eskimo gimmick (See above for M.E. stats and history), Dan Black snapped, unmasking and taking control of IntenseZone at its lowest ebb and becoming NEW General Manager. Since then Black was at odds with his old adversary Stephen Joseph, culminating in a series of bloody matches. Dan's GMship of IZ faltered as many stars left and were not replaced. Eventually Dan fell out of favour with the board and was facing expulsion from the OAOAST until striking a deal with Northstar that saw IZ be absorbed by HD.


Dan's HD career began with a defeat to AJ Flaire in a classic 2/3 falls tussle to lose his Adrenalin Title. Black was quick to regain gold however, as he formed an alliance with fellow OAOAST legend, Tony the Body, aka T.Bod. Black T won the tag team titles on the same night as forming, and went on a long tag title run, over-coming Hell's Hitmen and the New New Midnight Express until the Global Party Xchange finally captured the belts.


Black T were not kept from the titles for long, as they teamed up with fellow OAOAST legend Zack Malibu to form The Original Elite, a 3 man team sharing the tag titles which they regained from GPX.


This alliance did not last long, however, as the Elite suffered numerous defeats, culminating in Black T attacking Zack and kicking him out of the group, along with Black badly injuring Zack's girlifriend Candie.


The returning CWM stepped into his place, and at Anglemania IV the new Elite went up against Malibu and two more returnees, Caboose and Some Guy. Team Malibu picked up the victory, but the rivalry was not over as Dan challenged Zack to go one on one the very next month at Living Angleously...


Archive: Eskimo stats


Name: Mystery Eskimo


Age: 23


Height: 6'


Weight: 233lbs


Hometown: the Depths of the Artic


Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Face


Stable affiliation (if any): none


Wrestling style: Technical


Theme music: "Too Cold" by Vanilla Ice


Entrance Style: walks through a huge, white wall of pyro


Entrance attire: none extra


Ring attire: Sparkling blue mask and trunks, both trimmed with silver.


Finishing Moves: Frostbite Facelock (Crippler Crossface) and the Ice Breaker (Cradle piledriver)


Signature Moves: Killer Whale Plex (Dragon Suplex), may be attempted in succesion or even off top rope as a rare finisher. Penguin Kick, Springboard neckbreaker, Igloo DDT (Reverse DDT), Northern Lites Suplex, Falcon Arrow, Blizzard Bomb (reverse RockBottom), Polar Bear Clutch (camel clutch), the Break of the Ice (roll of the dice), Code Blue (code red), Tiger Shark Suplex (tiger suplex), Falling Icicle Headbutt.


Basic moveset: The usual smarks favourites: Benoit, Guerrero, Angle


Manager/valet/sidekick: Derek the Fish IZ BACK~!


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: obsession with fish


History/Background/Career Highlights:


Eskimo debuted in the OAOAST a couple of months after the start of the promotion. He immediately made an impact, capturing the TV title from BPP and going on to become a popular fighting champion.


Eskimo retained the TV title for some time before going on to unify it with the OAOAST US title by defeating former World Champion Alfdogg in a barbed wire ladder match. Eskimo went on with this title too, making him the longest reigning champion in the history of the OAOAST. Possibly.


However Eskimo grew tired of the lack of respect he recieved in the OAOAST and turned on the fans, teaming up with the monster JINGUS. This move promptly backfired as he lost the USTV title to BPP.


Eskimo's luck changed when he struck oil underneath his igloo. With the MILLIONS of dollars he recieved, he formed the One And Only Mystery Eskimo Federation (OAOMEF), attracting OAOAST members such as JINGUS, Superstar and Angle-plex to join.


But the return of the aWo finished the OAOMEF, allowing Eskimo to concentrate on his newly won tag team titles with his partner JINGUS. In the Miracle Weirdness Connection, the masked freaks dominated the division for month, pitting themselves in a deadly rivalry with Los Infernales, which culminated in the Stairway to Oblivion match at Anglemania II.


Shockingly, after sometime without titles and several defeats, JINGUS viciously turned on Eskimo.

After a bitter and bloody feud, Eskimo waas victorious.


Eskimo was not allowed to celebrate for long however, before the scheming Y2Jailbait damaged his reputation and inflicted a career-threatening injury upon him...now Eskimo must battle for his very existence in the OAOAST...


Best matches:

US vs TV title, Barbed Wire Ladder Match: MME defeated Alfdogg

USTV title, Inferno Match: MME defeated JINGUS

OAOMEF world title, Hell in a Cell: Angle-plex defeated MME

World tag team tites, Stairway to Oblivion: Los Infernales d MWC

TLC Ironman Barbed Wire Strap match: MME 5 JINGUS 4



OAOAST TV title, OAOAST USTV title, OAOMEF World Title, OAOMEF Tag titles, OAOAST tag titles



The Mystery Eskimo DVD


Womens title (!): TrebleCharged d Eskimo (Eskimo's debut)


TV Title: Eskimo d BPP (Eskimo's first title)


US vs TV title unification, Barbed wire ladder match: Eskimo d Alfdogg


USTV title, Inferno match: Eskimo d JINGUS


USTV Title, 2/3 falls: BPP d Eskimo


OAOMEF World Title, Hell in a Cell: Angle-Plex d Eskimo


OAOAST Tag Title, Stairway to Oblivion: Los Infernales d MWC




Eskimo vs David Arquette, WCW Saturday Night

Eskimo/Derek vs David/Courtney, WCW Saturday Night

OAOMEF formation promo

Clips of Derek the Fish in action

Cage match, USTV title: Eskimo vs Angle-plex vs Zack Malibu

Special Derek the Fish drinking game

Ice Ice Baby and Too Cold videos

Edited by Mystery Eskimo

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Name: “Reckless” Drek Stone


Age: 26


Height: 6’2


Weight: 235


Hometown: Brooklyn, New York


Alignment: Cocky heel


Stable Affiliation: None at this time


Wrestling Style: Pretty much an all-rounder. He enjoys using different styles of wrestling when the time comes for it. He has no problem using high-flying moves, technical skills, or brawling tactics if the situation requires it. He’s also, at times, able to overcome his opponent with power. He’s not particularly the absolute best at any of these styles, but he does have good knowledge of using them to his advantage.


Theme Music: “Woke Up This Morning” by A3 (The Sopranos Theme Song)


Entrance Style:

WHEN NOT WRESTLING: There are no flashy lights, fireworks, or anything else interesting happening. Only his theme song plays as he struts down to ringside. He wants everyone on the crowd to be centered on him, and him alone.


WHEN WRESTLING: The arena turns a slightly darker shade as “Woke Up This Morning” plays over the loudspeakers. Walking down to ringside, he poses for the fans, practically smirking the entire way. He knows the fans dislike him, but he doesn’t try to invoke that hatred by being overly aggressive. Instead, he prefers to be amazingly smug and conceited. Once he gets in the ring, he pounds his chest non-chalantly with a grin on his face. At this point, fireworks suddenly rise from the four corners around the ring. Finally, Drek is ready for action.


Ring Attire:

WHEN NOT WRESTLING: Whenever Drek comes out for an interview, guest commentating, or anything that doesn’t require him to wrestle, he likes to wear an expensive-looking suit. Complete with both silver watch and silver chain, he looks incredibly arrogant. Style is something that is very important to Drek, and he conveys this idea any way he can. From his polished, black shoes to his neatly gelled hair, he attempts to look as professional as he can.


WHEN WRESTLING: Shiny, black long tights. Imprinted on the left and right sides of his attire are small Italian flags. They’re noticeable, but not big enough to be a distraction. The word “Drek” is emblazoned on the back of his tights in a golden script style. He also wears polished black boots, neatly taped gloves, and a silver chain whenever he’s wrestling.


Finishing Moves:

The StoneCutter (Implant DDT)

The Recker (Dragon Suplex)


Signature Moves:

Impact: Running Powerbomb, Side Effect, Diamond Dust

Submission: Corner Figure-Four Leglock, Texas Cloverleaf

Aerial: Moonsault, Somersault Leg Drop, High Cross-Body


Basic Moveset: Punches, wear-down moves, various high-impact moves, occasional aerial spots, and posing.


Trademark Gestures: Arrogant smirk. He’s known to stop and fix his hair in the middle of a match. During a match, he also likes to pound his chest or hold his arms out wide, awaiting boos from the crowd.


History/Background/Career Highlights:


Drek Stone was born in Naples, Italy in 1978 to two Italian parents. His father was the head of a local mob unit in Naples, and was respected among the people in central Italy. However, when Drek was three, his family was forced to flee to the United States after a rival gangster family put a hit out on his father. They moved to New York City, where his dad quickly established new connections, starting his own restaurant business. At the age of eight, Drek began to run simple favors for his dad. Sometimes he would have to deliver important packages to “family friends.” Other times, he would be asked to prepare drinks for his father’s more important business partners. Drek became enamored with the mobster life. However, at the age of 17, his father was assassinated by two men representing the rival family from Naples so many years ago. It became a mission for Drek to find the guys that did this. He wasn’t stupid enough to go after the Don, but he felt he had to get revenge against these two men for his own sanity. Within a few months, he found them in a bar, quite content and unarmed. He quickly attacked the both of them and beat them until they were absolutely bloody. Yet, at this point, something snapped inside Drek. He began to enjoy this ruthless beating of the two men, and became more excited with every punch. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling. Never had he felt such a rush before. Not wanting to deal with a full-blown war and the “fucking reckless” ways of Drek – one of the new main members of his family - the two families came to a tentative truce. Drek was invited to become a main capo of his mob family, but he politely declined. He knew he had a new career waiting for him. A career in professional wrestling.


For eight years, Drek Stone has been wrestling under the name of “Reckless” and meeting resounding success. Upon winning the WWCF Hardcore Title in his first match, things have gone uphill for Drek Stone. As Reckless, he won secondary titles in two different federations, and was actually the Heavyweight Champion in THREE different federations. With each passing win and title capture, his ego has continued to grow larger. Not only has he become much more arrogant, but he’s now completely consumed with his appearance as well. Between his previous success in the mobster world, and his current success in the world of professional wrestling, Drek is beginning to feel as if he’s unstoppable. Running roughshod over any federation he’s entered, he’s confident the trend won’t end anytime soon. With his self-proclaimed “untouchable wrestling skills” and “unbeatable handsome looks,” he feels he’ll be a success anywhere he goes.Why, in fact, he’s already planned his next career move. His next stop? The OAOAST.

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**Updated March/05**




Age: 21


Height: 5'8


Weight: 150 (packing on the muscle, BABEEY~!)


Hometown: Coquitlam, B.C, Canada


Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Heel


Stable affiliation (if any): Gunner Sharps


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.): A mix of technical and high-flying


Theme music: "Plug In Baby" by Muse.


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.):The arena goes to a eerie blue during the instrumental before the lyrics start. It remains like that for the first verse and then pyro explodes. Crystal makes her way out of the leftover smoke as the chorus goes on.


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc): Tacky, sparkly jacket (ala Billy Kidman, about the only thing I'd ever rip off from him)


Ring attire: Black shorts and tank top decorated with 'crystal' embordery.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2):

-Submission: The Crystalling (the original Walls of Jericho with the legs crossed ala the sharpshooter)

-Diamond in the Rough (double spring board moonsault)

-Newton's Law. Set up like a vertical suplex, but then turned into a powerbomb. NOTE: Only used on opponents under 200 pounds, therefore, rarely used!


Signature Moves (ex: Shining Wizard, Rolling Germans, etc.)

1)Release German suplex

2)Standing moonsault

3) Rolling butterfly suplexes

4) Spear

5) Hurricanrana


Basic moveset

Benoit meets RVD. Figure THAT one out!


Manager/valet/sidekick: none


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures:

Refering to herself as the "crown jewel". Ha! Get it?

The heel Jericho 'dismiss' gesture (during his entrance)


History/Background/Career Highlights

Went on to completed high school with great grades, but was never really a full-on acadamic. Always loved volleyball and swimming, but wrestling was always number one. Went to one year on university before dropping out and concentrating on wrestling full time, against parents will. Has a great mix of beauty, brains and brawn. Also gets in confortations with a lot of people because of a big mouth. Made her debut feuding with Widow, but the rivalry turned into respect between the two ladies and they are friends now. Had a feud with Brock Ausstin, which unfortunalty for Crystal didn't end well. However, on the same night she lost to Brock, she won her first OAOAST Title: The 24/7 Title from Peter Knight during one of his matches. She brought in Axel too, which would end up having interesting results later on.


After a slight blimp caused by a knee injury, Crystal feuded with Sly, and beat him at his own game. At the climax of their feud, she pinned Sly at Bayside. After that, had a great oppertunity and faced then-OAOAST Champion, Calvin. After losing in a hard fought battle, she went on to have a bit of a slump after that. Lost in the Elimination Chamber, and went on to have a bloody feud with Damaramu, and could never quite beat him. She had a couple of confrontations with Axel, and there it started to get REAL interesting.


It was revealed to the world that Crystal, Axel, AJ Flaire, and Gunner Sharps were all part of a group called the Bleeding Souls back in the Detroit indy scene. The faction disbanded after Crystal got called up to OAOAST, and problems arose. Axel was seemingly jealous, but that's not all that stemmed his seemingly obcession to beat Crystal and make her join him again. Axel revealed his love for Crystal right before their match at AngleMania 3. Though rattled by this revealation, Crystal went on to not only beat Axel, but to win, again, the 24/7 Title.


In the biggest shocker of 2004, Zack Malibu turned and with the help of Calvin, layed down quite a beating on the Female Phenom. Zack and Crystal feuded for the better part of 2004, but Zack always seemed to squeak by with a win, courtesy of cheating, a draw, ect. Finally, Crystal beat her former friend and became the first ever woman to hold the OAOAST Heavyweight championship. Unfortunately, the reign did not last for a long time, but is there really any doubt Crystal will regain it?


Axel and Crystal kissed and made up since their feud at Anglemania 3...literally. The two are now going out. Where will this lead to? Will they become wrestling's first couple? Who knows? Tune in to HeldDown to find out!


Okay, so it led to heartbreak, with Crystal breaking Axel's heart in a thousand pieces. Was it because of jealousy? Crystal feeling used? PMS? Who knows, but what it did lead to is the fans of OAOAST seeing a whole new side of Crystal every week, a side that isn't so lovable. Not since Zack Malibu has such a loved face been hated so fast.

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Updated 9-13-07



Chris Stevens






6’ 1"



221 lbs.



Rochester, Minnesota





Stable Affiliation



Wrestling Style

Technically proficient, with some cruiserweight influences (American, more than Puroresu or Luchadore)


Theme Music

Who Are You - The Who


Entrance Style

The opening riff of Chris's theme music kicks in and the arena lights glow a dark blue as Chris walks down the aisle, either smirking or scowling depending on his mood. Chris climbs up the ring steps and steps into the ring, raising his hands to usually a hearty chorus of jeers.


Entrance Attire



Ring Attire

Long black tights, with "STEVENS" in silver down each side. Basic black kneepads and elbowpads. White athletic tape around the wrists. Black laced boots, polished to a shine. Chris wears his brown hair long, and is certainly conventionally attractive. His body is lean and well-toned.




Finishing Moves

Frog Splash. That's all...for now.... *dun dun dun*


Signature Moves

Diamond Cutter -- Chris used this as a finisher in his early career. RARELY used nowdays.

Superkick -- Chris' main setup move for the Frog Splash.

Tornado DDT (a la FUNAKI~)

Running Kneelift (a la HHH)

Northern Lights Suplex (with bridge)


Basic Moveset

Lots of amateur-type moves and mat moves -- headlocks, amdrags, leglocks, takedowns. Dropkicks often, and sometimes catches opponents with a superkick. Likes to trap his opponent in the corner and use European uppercuts. Chris Stevens is a clean fighter and will break a hold when asked, but he's not one to shy away from dirty moves, if he can get away with it.







Catchphrases/Trademark Gstures

Nothing really. He's just kind of a jerk.


History/Background/Career Highlights

Since I'm too lazy to keep up TWO complete bios, here's just a little history. Born in northern Minnesota to an affluent family, Chris was a pretty normal kid. As such, he idolized his heroes and wanted to be like them, and to Chris there was nothing better than pro wrestlers. They were, like, so cool. In addition to the WWF and AWA shows, Chris would make his daddy take him to any and all local indie shows. Chris ended up becoming a good-sized, well-built, athletic young man, and he made the concious choice to get into wrestling as a career. It hasn't always been an easy road for Stevens, but he's worked his way up to the "big-time" of the OAOAST. However, certain events in his past, most notably involving a good-looking and talented former World Champion, have left his attitude a bit sour. Chris's main goal is to be the best in-ring competitor there is; his second goal is to make Hoff's life a living hell. Fame can wait. It has so far.


Titles Held

OAOAST 24/7 Championship

August 5 to August 12, 2004


OAOAST Heartland Championship

October 30, 2005 - December 18, 2005


Greatest Matches

vs. Hoff, 8/12/04, 24/7 Championship

vs. Sly Sommers, 9/26/2004

vs. Hoff, 1/30/2005, Steel Cage Match

vs. Alfdogg, 7/31/2005, Heartland Championship Barbed Wire Ladder Match

Edited by alfdogg

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Name: Gunner Sharps


Age: 20


Height: 7'1


Weight: 375lbs


Hometown: Detroit


Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Face


Stable affiliation (if any): w/ AJ Flaire


Tag Team: Gunner and AJ with AJ Flaire.


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.): Power Moves, very agile for his size.


Theme music: Dope - "Debonaire"


Entrance Style (what colour pyro, spotlights, etc.): Arena goes Black, Gunner comes out in his Jumpsuit and hits his chest like Rhyno, enters the ring by stepping over the top rope.


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc): Orange Jumpsuit with 'GS' in Black on the back.


Ring attire: Black Bodysuit like Rhynos, with Orange GS on the front and a devil on the back. Black boots, black elbow pads, Orange gloves


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2): All Guns Blazing (Awesome Bomb), Sharp End (MOTHER FUCKING IMPACT SPEAR)



Signature Moves (ex: Shining Wizard, Rolling Germans, etc.): Chokeslam, Tortured Soul Slam (Gorilla Press into spinebuster ala Goldberg)


Basic moveset:

Hard scoop slam

Dangerous DDT

Splash from the top

Full Nelson Slam

running powerslam


Short-arm clothesline

German Suplex

Sidewalk Slam


Torture Rack

Spinning Rack Pancake

Big Boot


Manager/valet/sidekick: None


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: None


History/Background/Career Highlights: Gunner made his debut in the OAOAST as a part of the invading Underground. He formed a tag team with J. Arthur Edwards, but they were on the losing end of quite a few bouts, due to J. Arthur getting pinned.


Then joined with Axel, a former stablemate and friend. Currently reunited with his best friend AJ Flaire and ally Crystal.

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I present to you…


Aussies WithOut Limits (AWOL)



‘The Top Dog’ Cameron S. Aussie III












Upper Class Sydney, NSW, Australia





Stable Affiliation



Wrestling Style

Technical wrestler that can brawl.


Theme Music

"Frantic" by Metallica


Entrance Style

The opening riff hits, and red and blue spotlights pan around the arena. They come to a halt at the top of the ramp, where Cameron makes his entrance, and adjusts his tie. He makes the referee hold the ropes open for him, and greets the crowd with a smirk.


Entrance Attire

Business suit


Ring Attire

Black suit pants, black wrestling boots


Finishing Move(s)

The Pay Cheque (Angle Slam), Seal the Deal (Indian Death Lock)


Signature Moves

Senton Bomb, Whatever You Want (Double Underhook Powerbomb)


Basic Moveset

Technical style mostly, trained by Punk and Bryan Danielson, so there are influences from those guys, plus Kurt Angle.



Usually accompanied by Jarvo Aussie.


History/Background/Career Highlights

This arrogant asshole runs his own major financial company in Sydney. Successful in everything he does, Cameron decided to join his brothers in this barbaric sport when he decided he had succeeded at everything else. Trained by Bryan Danielson, CM Punk and Samoa Joe in the New Japan Dojo, Cameron S. Aussie the Third knows how to wrestle. He is the leader of AWOL.





‘The Brawn’ Jarvo Aussie












The Southern Suburbs, Victoria, Australia





Stable Affiliation



Wrestling Style

Brawler with a Power Moves


Theme Music

"Frantic” by Metallica


Entrance Style

The same as Cameron’s, except Jarvo doesn’t ever smile, and he rips off his shirt after he slides into the ring.


Entrance Attire

Ripped Flannelette Shirt, Blue Beanie.


Ring Attire

Navy Wifebeater (tank top) with Aussie Flag, ripped jeans, steel capped boots.


Finishing Move

The Yobbo (Pumphandle Michinoku Driver)


Signature Moves

The Western Bulldog (clothesline in corner followed by Bulldog), Whitten Slam (Sidewalk Slam)


Basic Moveset

Mostly Power and striking moves (i.e. Press Slams, Body Slams, Sidewalk Slams, Big Boots, Stiff Clotheslines, etc)



Is usually accompanied to ringside by Cameron S. Aussie III


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures

Flips people off at ringside, scratches his balls.


History/Background/Career Highlights

Jarvo had two boyhood dreams: one was to play Australian Rules Football for the Western Bulldogs, the other to become a professional wrestler. Jarvo spent his teenage years getting into trouble in the dodgy Western suburbs, but soon decided to fulfil one of his dreams, training in Melbourne, and becoming a wrestler. He has been working on the Australian Independent circuit for a year now, and was picked up by the OAOAST on their HeldDown: Australia tour, along with three of his cousins.







‘The Looks’ Saxon Aussie












Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia



Cocky Heel


Stable affiliation

AWOL, the FBA with Kevin Jason Aussie


Wrestling style



Theme Music

"Punch in the Face” by Frenzal Rhomb


Entrance Style

Saxon walks out cockily, surfboard in hand, ever-present smirk on his face, just like that of his cousin Cameron. He runs his fingers through his hair and generally acts like he is above everyone else. Plays to the women in the crowd, who react by screaming like 14 year old girls.


Entrance Attire

Black Oakley Sunglasses; carries a Surfboard with him to ringside


Ring Attire

Orange and Blue Hawaiian style Boardshorts, Sneakers, gold wristbands, green elbow pads and gloves.


Finishing Move(s)

Barrel roll (Moonsault 450), Wipe-out (Sunset Flip Bomb)


Signature Moves

Surfboard Hold, The Wax (Reverse Hurricanrana into pin), Moonsault


Basic Moveset

High flying, lots of Hurricanranas, hit-and-run philosophy. Basically Rey and Red.



Accompanied by his Tag Team Partner (and brother) Kevin Jason Aussie


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures



History/Background/Career Highlights

Saxon is your typical surfie guy from the Gold Coast. One with the ladies because of his daring antics, Saxon loves all kinds of extreme sports, but surfing is his first passion.






‘The Mouthpiece’ Kevin Jason Aussie












Brisbane, Queensland, Australia





Stable Affiliation

AWOL, The FBA with Saxon Aussie


Wrestling Style

All Around


Theme Music

"Punch in the Face” by Frenzal Rhomb


Entrance Style

KJ strolls out to the entrance ramp, posing with both arms in the air at the top of the ramp, microphone hooked into his tights.


Entrance Attire

Green and Gold Aussie vest, with Australian flag on the back


Ring Attire

Green tights with a Gold star on one side with seven points (like that on the Australian Flag), with ‘AUSSIE’ written downwards on the other side. Gold boots and gold gloves


Finishing Move(s)

The Grand Final (Reverse DDT into Reverse Suplex into Osaka Street Cutter), Set Shot (Somersault Legdrop)


Signature Moves

Howzat? (Dragon Suplex), Wankersnapper (Stunner)


Basic Moveset

All Around, KJ can work technical, cruiser, or brawl.



Accompanied by his half brother and tag partner Saxon.


Catchphrases/Trademark Gestures

"We will go to any level, climb any mountain, break any rule, because together, we are Aussies WithOut Limits – AWOL!"


History/Background/Career Highlights

Never tongue-tied, Kev speaks for his cousins, only because he has Cameron feeding him the words. A sportsman in every sense of the word, Kevin has starred in Aussie Rules Football, Cricket, and Lawn Bowls. A jock in school, he has looked up to Cameron ever since the family Barbeques, and has always stayed very loyal to his older cousin. He and his half-brother Saxon formed the Tag Team The FBA a few years ago, and wrestled in the same federation as their other cousin, Jarvo. Now that Cameron has joined their stable, AWOL has never looked better.





The Full Blooded Aussies (FBA)



Kevin Jason Aussie and Saxon Aussie


Theme Music

"Punch in the Face” by Frenzal Rhomb



Grand Final (opponent in the middle of the ring, Kevin and Saxon on ropes, both springboard off, Kevin hits The Set Shot, then Saxon hits The Barrel Roll), Automatic Wickie (Spike Piledriver)

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115 lbs.



Rochester, NY


Alignment (heel, face, tweener)



Stable affiliation (if any)

Zack Malibu's girlfriend and valet


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.)



Theme music

50 Cent-Candy Shop


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.)

The intro to the song hits, and the lights in the arena dim simultaneously. Once the first verse starts, Candie comes out from the back, the arena now illuminated in pink and purple colored lights. She will also have purple and pink pyro shoot out over the entrace way like a rainbow that she can walk under.



Wrestling-Short shorts and a sports top, pink with white writing. Various insignia's on the tights include her name, Candie


When with Zack or not wrestling, she's up to date with the trends.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2)

Candiegram-Shoulder jawbreaker (used by Danny Doring and Shane Douglas, who called it the Franchiser. It's almost like a face to face stunner.)


School's Out (taught to her by Zack, of course).


Signature Moves (ex: Shining Wizard, Rolling Germans, etc.)


-"Candierana's"-can be hit from anywhere.

-Handspring into moonsault, showing off those gymnastic skills.


Basic moveset




Arm Drags...a very basic cruiser moveset, nothing extremely hard to pull off though.



Will on occasion have Zack by her side during matches.


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures

"Ready for a taste?"


History/Background/Career Highlights

After coming in two years ago as a part of the famed Totally Endorsed stable, Candie left the side of Calvin Szechstein after weeks of abuse and sided with his then enemy, Zack Malibu. A romance blossomed and soon enough Zack and Candie were an item. She remained in Zack's corner through everything, including his heel turn last year, where she followed suit by agreeing with Zack. An alliance with former partner Calvin and newcomer Hoff led to the formation of The Thrillogy, of which she acted as valet for not only Zack, but Hoff and Cal on occasion as well. Candie has also fought alongside Zack in a lot of his battles, such as the feud with the film crew from Hollywood, and female rivals like Crystal and Alix Spezia. With the recent attack by Black T Candie is currently out of commision, but you cannot count her out just yet. She'll be back.

Edited by Zack Malibu

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Guest cosbywasmurdered





20's, CWM doesn't know his exact age because he was abandoned as a child.



6’ 3"



245 lbs.



Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada



Heel (Egomaniac)


Stable Affiliation

The Original Elite


Past Stable Affiliations

aWo, The Underground


Wrestling Style

Technical Brawler. CWM loves to isolate a body part and go for the submission but he's better known for his crazy hardcore matches. He's been heavily influenced by Japanese Wrestling as he now likes to throw lots of stiff forearms and such.


Theme Music

"You Know You're Right" By Nirvana


Entrance Style

The lights go out and the opening chords of the song kick in as a mist fills the entrance way. As the Opening Verse;

"I would never bother you

I would never promise to

I will never follow you

I will never bother you

Never say a word again

I will crawl away for good"

echo's the mist fades away revealing CWM. CWM walks down to the ring and steps through the ropes. He drops down in the corner like Raven.


Entrance Attire

Nirvana "smilie face" tshirt that's seem better days. Takes the shirt off before match usually. Also wears a gold chain that he takes off before the match.

ALTERNATIVE OUTFIT: Classic aWo shirt.


Ring Attire/Psychical Appearence

Torn jean shorts that end just below the knees. Dull black wrestling boots. No kneepads/elbowpads. His Left Hand and lower arm is taped up. More muscular looking than average but not ridiculously so. Brown hair that he keeps short, blue eyes and facial hair like in the picture of ddp below. He has a number of scars, most prominetly on his forehead (From Zack throwing him through an ambulance window) and two large scars on his Back and down the entire length of his left leg.




Finishing Moves

Pollycutter- Just like the Diamondcutter. CWM can hit this in a 1,001 different ways and is his prime finisher.

Insecticide Lock- Sharpshooter variation.

TeenSpirit Legdrop- Houston Hangover, only does this VEEEEEEEEERY rarely.


Signature Moves

Conspiracy Bomb- Huge Sitout Powerbomb. Does a number of variations (top rope, running, etc.)

Cradle Piledriver and Cradle Tombstone Piledriver

Figure Four leglock

Fisherman Buster

Shining Wizard

Spinning Elbow


Often counters a Powerbomb attempt Kidman style.


Basic Moveset

Likes to wear down body parts. Often works the leg but has been known to focus on any body part he gets an opening at. He's spent alot of his last year training and has become more profiecent at striking with his Forearms, feet, and knees. Wrestles alot like a cross between Chris Benoit and Raven, He's also started to be more influenced by Japanese StrongStyle. He's very precise in the ring, no wasted movement. When he gets mad or frustrated he goes hardcore and puts his body and life on the line with a grin.





Catchphrases/Trademark Gstures

None right now.


History/Background/Career Highlights

Too much to cover really without doing an in justice to someone. CWM was abandoned as a child and grew up on the streets before starting wrestling, at first he was a somewhat goofy nwoish heel but he soon showed his true side developing a sick love of violence and mind games. CWM was a founder of the company. Co-founder of the Awo with Anglesault. Long time tag partners with fellow aWoer Some Guy. Held numerous titles. Won the World title. Famous feuds with; Zack Malibu, The Sole Survivor, and Hoff. Dissapeared last year after Anglemania. He spent a long time in rehab and then in intense training to get into the best shape of his life. Now completely Sober, CWM returned seemingly to aid Zack Malibu in his battle against Black T. However CWM turned on his old Rival and has joined the Original Elite.


Title History


September 15, 2002-October 27, 2002

(unrecognized) CWM wins the title on April 27, 2002, but then Anglesault quickly regains it on April 27, 2002.



(CWM & Some Guy) -- June 16, 2002-July 14, 2002

(CWM & Sandman 9000) -- January 6, 2003- March 3, 2002



October 26, 2003-November 30, 2003



April 14, 2002-April 15, 2002



April 15, 2002-May 3, 2002



May 3, 2002-May 26, 2002



Greatest Matches

Hoff vs. CWM @ Zero Hour, 2/29/2004 -- no-holds-barred, unsanctioned brawl

Hoff vs. CWM @ Anglemania III, 3/26/2004

(There are others that I can't remember the dates of. Any of the stuff with TheSoleSurviver and Zack.)

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Name: Some Guy


Age: 23


Height: 6'2"


Weight: 245 (has been training to add size and strengh while he's been gone)


Hometown: Boston, Mass


Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Face


Stable affiliation (if any): A charter member of the aWo


Theme music: "Sexy Boy"


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.): Walks to the ring (no more Dancing, sorry ladies and CWM), Spins around once and does the HBK pose, but instead of flexing biceps flings one fist up in the air like Rock. Red, white, and blue pyro goes off behind me.


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc): Red Sox hat


Ring attire: Dark red, White, and nazy blue singlet with the Red Sox loge on the abdomen, Alternate attire, navy blue and silver long tights. Same style boots as HBK only navy blue and white, rather than black and silver. White tape on his wrists. Dark red knee pads.


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.): Some flying and a lot suplexing, very quick moving and evasive. Works the neck to set up the Somemission. Kind of a HBK/Bret Hart hybrid with a little Taz sprinkled in.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2):

The SomeKick (Superkick, does the "tuning up the band" stomping in the corner sometimes)


The SomeMission (Full nelson Camel Clutch, it's in No Mercy N64. Can be applied from many different angles)


Signature Moves:

Rolling Wheelbarrow Someplexes (does many as he feels are needed to keep his opponent down and can hook his opponent for them several ways.

Someton Bomb (Swanton Bomb, rarely used),

SomeBOMB ([toss into a spear] lifts opponent up by the armpits, like the Sky High but lets go and spears him out of mid-air)

SomeDRIVER Sit out DVD (where the opponent lands between my legs, Lash Leroux did it in WCW and it's in DOR, called the Yesbu Drop or something).

Top rope elbow drop onto the back of his opponent's neck.



Original member of OAOAST and one of the first aWo guys. Won the tag belts with CWM. Disapeared, came back and feuded with Superstar, AngleSault, and Poppick, and then disapeared again. Returned for Angelemania IV.

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Character Name

The Parka


Real Name

Leroy Andrew Parka









250 lbs.



San Diego, CA


Alignment (heel, face, tweener)



Stable affiliation (if any)



Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.)



Theme music

"California Love" by Tupac & Dr. Dre


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.)

Headlights appear in the entryway as Parka drives a sleek black El Camino with a white racing stripe out onto the stage (or beside the stage if needed) and revs the engine to the delight of the crowd.


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc)

A La Parka mask given to him by his mentor La Parka, which he takes off before the match starts. It is worn as a tribute to his trainer. Other than the mask he wears his ring attire.


Ring attire

A tight black shirt, loose black slacks, black boots, and black wrist bands.


What he looks like with the mask:



What he looks like without the mask:



Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2)

Day of the Dead - Like a Razor's Edge, but Parka doesn't throw his opponent forward. He holds them all the way to the mat so he can determine how hard they hit on the back of their head and neck.


Death from Above - Shooting Star into a Double Stomp


The Supercharger - Three rolling Vertical Suplexes ended with a Michinoku Driver


Signature Moves (ex: Shining Wizard, Rolling Germans, etc.)

Float Over DDT (like The Rock used to do)

Slingshot Senton Splash (from the apron ala Eddy Guerrero)



Basic moveset

Punches, kicks, Chops

Basic Chain Wrestling (armbars, armdrags, etc.)



Fisherman's Suplex

Fisherman's Buster

Samoan Drop

Suicide Dive


Russian Legsweep

Top Rope Legdrop

Second Rope Diving Elbow (ala Bret Hart)

Jumping Leg Lariat



Top Rope Hurricanrana

High Dropkick

Abdominal Stretch


Shining Wizard (the real one)

Jumping Fist Drop

Tiger Driver

Snap Suplex

Half Nelson Suplex

Dragon Sleeper



Eddy Kalm - Inspirational Speaker and Anger Coach for Parka as Parka tends to have a short fuse.


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures

Likes to smoke cigars backstage

Has a very old school attitude towards things (likes to settle things with a good old fashioned fight, usually in the ring, but sometimes elsewhere.)


History/Background/Career Highlights

Parka grew up in California and spent a lot of time wrestling there and in Mexico. While in Mexico he became good friends with La Parka (the original, not the newer one) and was trained by him. The Parka isn't necessarily a high flier, but La Parka did teach him a respect and love of the wrestling business along with a great work ethic.


Parka is best known for being one half of the tag team The Dream Machines with Peter Knight (and originally Shattered Dreams as well). The Dream Machines are two time tag team champions who are best known for their vicious feud with Totally Endorsed. A feud which included the famous Wal-Mart Brawl and the Glass Tables Match. This feud left The Parka with multiple scars on his back and arms from the numerous trips through panes of glass.


Lately Parka has been working to overcome a back injury suffered during the one night only Dream Machines reunion against The Machine in a cage match. During this time he hasn't had much time to keep the El Camino in good shape and it has fallen into disrepair. He also has fallen somewhat into debt and is hoping to rejuvinate his career so he can pull his life back together.

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Introducing the newest members of the 6-Man Tag division: THE TRIPLE THREAT!!


The Triple Threat~!


Names: Nick, Rick, and Dick Garner (Identical Triplets!)


Age: 22


Height: All of them are 5'9"


Weight: All of the are around 225lbs.


Hometown: Green Bay, Wisconsin


Wrestling Style: High Flyers


Alignment: Heel


Theme Music: Word Up by Korn


Entrance Attire: They all wear black hoodies to the ring over their ring attire.


Ring Attire: They all wear the same thing. Black short tights (i.e. the kind Jeff Jarrett wears that comes down to the upper to mid thigh or so) with silver stripes down the sides and a silver 3 on the back of each one. White boots, black elbow pads, black knee pads, and black wrist bands.


Entrance Style: They have the hoods up when they come out and pull them down at the same time before lifting their hands in the air with three fingers pointing up. They pose like this for a second and then walk to the ring.


This is what they look like. (Left to Right: Nick, Rick, and Dick)



Finishing Moves:


The Threepeat - Nick hits a Leg Drop off the top, then tags out before holding the opponent down by the head, Rick then hits a Swanton Bomb before tagging out and holding the opponent's legs, Dick finishes it off by hitting a Split Legged Moonsault. (Since this is hard to do without the opponents partners breaking it up it's only used late in the match when they have time to pull it off)


The TMB (Triple Missile Bomb) - Two of them hold the opponent in position for a Double Team Powerbomb, while the third one hits a Missile Dropkick from the top rope to knock the opponent forward into the powerbomb.


Signature Moves:


Nick: Top Rope Leg Drop, Handspring Elbow into the corner comboed with a Bulldog out of the corner, Springboard Flying Headbutt


Rick: Swanton Bomb, Inverted Hurricanrana, Running Powerbomb (ala D'Lo Brown)


Dick: Split Legged Moonsault, Tornado DDT, Catapult into the ropes, bouncing the opponent back into a backbreaker against his knees (usually followed up by a move by one of his partners as the opponent is prone)


Team Signature Moves:


The Mugging - Three on One Clubbering


Lots of two on one and three on one team moves (varies on the situation in the match and usually involving one of each member's regular moves)


Basic Moves:


Nick: (likes to work the back)

Very skilled in innovative reversals to moves

Chain Wrestling

Sommersault Plancha

Diving Hurricanrana (Top Rope or Springboard)

Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker

Bow and Arrow Submission

Senton Splash off the second turnbuckle


Rick: (likes to work the neck)

Chain Wrestling

Neckbreaker Variations

Indian Deathlock w/ Bridge

Dragon Sleeper

Neck Vice


Dick: (likes to work the legs)

Chain Wrestling

Shin Breaker

Dragon Screw

Half Boston Crab

Tope Suicida

Muffler Stretch

Figure Four



"We're triple the talent, triple the fun, and triple the lovin'"

"Each one of us alone is three times the man you are so just think what we're like combined!"

Basically they're arrogant, ladies men, and they love to pull the switcharoo on the ref during a match since they are identical.

They love randomly entering a room doing the Three Stooges "Hello....hello....HELLO!!!" bit.

They also finish each other's sentences.

They like to hold up three fingers (index, middle, and ring finger) and say, "Read between the lines!"



Identical triplets who love to entertain, especially the ladies, which usually pisses off the men in the audience as they have no qualms trying to steal your girl. When they heard about the 6-Man Division in OAOAST they jumped at the chance.

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Seeing as my return has been made official, I see no reason NOT to post this.


Name: Ragdoll




Age: 21


Height: 5' 11


Weight: 165


Hometown: Las Vegas, NV (now residing in Hollywood, CA)


Alignment (heel, face, tweener) I guess Face


Stable affiliation (if any) Himself


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.) Out-of-his-fucking-mind style...yeah...what?


Theme music: "Bodies" by Sex Pistols


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.) Enters through the crowd, son!~


Attire: tight black jeans, shirts with a V ripped or cut at the neck. Lots of flair.


Ring attire: same as attire.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2)

Devil Doll (Shining Wizard)

Nightlife (Spike Dudley's Acid Drop)


Signature Moves (ex: Shining Wizard, Rolling Germans, etc.)

Murder at The Luxor. (SSP)

Search and Destroy (Step-Up Front Dropkick...STRAIGHT TO THE FACE!~)


Basic moveset - Brawling, submissions...the whole gig.


Manager/valet/sidekick - Jasmine.


(Jasmine doesn't wrestle anymore...yeah, but her music is "Walking With A Ghost" by The White Stripes)


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures - L.V.M.F.


History/Background/Career Highlights - Eh...stuff.

Edited by CandyColoredBlues

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Name: Ken Baker




Age: 22


Height: 5' 11


Weight: 176


Hometown: Hollywood, CA


Alignment (heel, face, tweener) Heel


Stable affiliation (if any) The Upstarts


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.) Tech


Theme music: "Everyone Is Someone In LA" by Felix Da Housecat.


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.): Basic shit, no pyro.


Attire: tight black jeans, t-shirts...shit like that


Ring attire: same as attire.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2)

Hellrose (Pedigree)

The Hollywood Bowl (Superkick to the BACK OF THE FUCKIN HEAD!~)


Signature Moves (ex: Shining Wizard, Rolling Germans, etc.)

Kamel Red Explosion. (Powerbomb onto the ropes)

Sliced Bread #3 (Acid Drop DDT)


Basic moveset - Think Spanky


Manager/valet/sidekick - Josie.


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures - L.A.M.F.


History/Background/Career Highlights - Eh...stuff.




Name: Josie Baker




Age: 21


Height: 5' 8


Weight: 115


Hometown: Hollywood, CA


Alignment (heel, face, tweener) Heel


Stable affiliation (if any): The Upstarts


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.) Tech


Theme music: "Shake That Ass" by The Lovemakers


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.): Walks down the aisle all seductively and the like.


Attire: usually tight blue, white, or black jeans and a black shirt...I dunno.


Ring attire: Tight black short shorts, LA Lakers jersey.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2)

Hollywood Rose (Diamond Cutter)


Signature Moves (ex: Shining Wizard, Rolling Germans, etc.)

I guess power moves you wouldn't expect her to do.


Basic moveset - Think Stacy


Manager/valet/sidekick - Ken.


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures - L.A.M.F.


History/Background/Career Highlights - Eh...stuff.

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Name: Yoshi Tanichiri


Height: 6'3


Weight: 232 lbs.


Hometown: Hakodate, Japan




Entrance song: "Five State Drive" by Less Than Jake


Yoshi skateboards down the rampway, then goes up a ramp set up by the apron and flings himself over the top rope (like the Spirit Squad with their trampoline), grabbing his board in mid-air and landing on his feet in the ring.


Finisher: The Half-Pipe (he runs up the ropes in Sabu-style, like skating up a halfpipe, then leaps up and does a double-rotation twisting splash.


Signature Holds/Moves:


McTwist: a lifted cobra clutch version of the Last Rites/Roll of the Dice


Steve Rocco Special: Triangle choke


Popshoveit: gets opponent tied up between ropes on apron and repeatedly goes into him with handsprings that he uses as double-footed kicks.


He does a lot of sporadic, flashy moves as he's not quite got the skateboarding out of him yet.


Yoshi is a former top-ranked skateboarder in Japan who was banned from the sport for excessive fighting and violence after events.


Entrance Attire: A t-shirt with the sleeves cut off to go along with his ring attire


Ring Attire: Cut-off khaki shorts, wrestling shoes, black kneepads, blue-and-orange athletic tape on his wrists

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EDITED: August 8,2006 (Finisher change)




Name: Peter Knight


Age: 23


Height: 6'4"


Weight: 265


Hometown: Fall River, Mass


Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Heel


Stable affiliation (if any):


Theme music: Metalingus by Alter Bridge


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.): Think Edge's WWE entrance but without the smoke and throw in blue strobes.


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc): Same as ring attire


Ring attire: Blue singlet with black leather pants. Wears fingerless leather gloves (like those used in shootfighting)


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.): Still a power wrestler (using an assortment of suplexes and slams), but will use submission wrestling when he wants to wear an opponent down.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2): 1) The Knightmare (Marc Mero's TKO). 2) Black Hole Slam (Abyss' finisher)


Signature Moves:

Knight Roll - Two rolling vertical suplexes, finished with a delayed falcon arrow into a pin.


Butterfly bomb


Fuijara armbar


Basic moves:

Corner clothesline

Belly to back suplex

Double underhook suplex

Scoop slam

Mostly power moves with a sprinkle of submissions

Strikes mostly with forearm shots and knees, but can get down in a good ol' fashioned slugfest if need be.



Debuted as the bodyguard for Shattered Dreams and LA Parka. Created the Dream Machines with Parka after a falling out with SD. Had a few tag title reigns and also won the 24/7 title on two occasions. Left the OaOast around Anglemania III because of personal and physical reasons. Made surprise appearance at World Without End last October, reuniting for one night with Parka to defeat The Machine. That, and after hearing the derogatory way Prince Killings commented on the business persuaded him to come back and (hopefully) make the impact he always wanted to make. And that he did, winning the X-Title after a controversy in Japan vacated it and defending it for the rest of '05, beating Superstars such as Crystal, Bohemoth, and winning a MOTC candidate in the OAOAST's first Ultimate X match at License to pin. At Dirty Deeds he got his first opportunity at the World Title at Fenway Park in Boston against then-champion Hoff. He fought his heart out, but ultimately tapped to the anklelock in a heartbreaker. At World Without End he was part of an elimination match for the vacated title, but once again fell short as he was pinned by Stephen Joseph.


These losses demoralized Knight, causing him to try a different tact. He challenged Stephen Joseph one last time for the title with the stipulation that, should Knight lose, he would take himself out of title contention for the whole of 2006. The match, that took place January 1,2006 at OAOAST New Year's Spectacular, ended in a controversial fashion when Axel, who had won the HD General Manager position earlier in the night and was known to have a history with Joseph, assisted Knight in finally realizing his dream as Knight pinned Joseph after Knightmaring him onto a chair.


The following HeldDOWN, Knight publically thanked Zack Malibu for helping to motivate him to the title. Malibu confronted Knight about how he won the title, only to be attacked by new GM Axel and then Knight himself. It was revealed that Axel was the true mastermind behind the Upstarts movement and that Knight was the man he wanted to carry the torch. Knight then defeated Stephen Joseph at Anglepalooza later in January in an "I Quit" match. Post-match, Knight powerbombed him through a large glass table, putting Joseph out for months.


Knight then main evented his first AngleMania in April, defending his title against #1 contender Alfdogg. In a competitive match that had the ref knocked out, Stephen Joseph, the supposed "PPV Coordinator", came down dressed as a referee. Knight dispatched him, but fell victim to a Five Star Alf Splash leading to the original referee counting his shoulders down for the three count.


Knight proclaimed Alfdogg's victory tainted and demanded a rematch. He got one at the next OAOAST PPV, Living Angleously when he participated in a triple threat match with Alfdogg and Brock Ausstin. Knight never figured into the decision when Ausstin tapped to a Sharpshooter from Alfdogg. Knight then demanded one last shot at Alf and challenged him to a Stairway to Hell match at the May show, School's Out. That match ended up as a bloody affair as Knight was spinebustered on a stack of light tubes and fell from the top of the cage through a glass table en route to Alfdogg retaining the title. Knight was rushed into emergency surgery after the show to remove glass that was embedded in his body. He also suffered a herniated disc and reaggrivated a knee injury, keeping him out of action for a month.


Knight returned at the Battlebowl show on the 4th of July and advanced to the battle royal, but was eliminated by Longodgger Pete, the man that teamed with him earlier in the night.

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For Permanents. Yeah. Edited Claire to make her Russian. Don't know why...probably because IRA sounded better than FAI.





Name: TJ Burns


Age: 22


Height: 5' 11


Weight: 189


Hometown: Donegal, IRL


Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Tweener


Stable affiliation (if any): IRA (Ireland/Russia/America)


Theme music: "Cover Me" by Part Chimp


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.): Green and Orange strobe lights. Basic, really.


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc): Draped in the Irish flag. Usually wears a Drogheda United or Dublin Bohemians jersey.


Ring attire: Shorts like AJ Styles. Color scheme is Green, Gold, and Orange...use your imagination, stupid.


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.): Gnar-cruiser, but has been bulking up to deliver power moves.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2):

1. Irish Car Bomb (Sit-out Razor's Edge)

2. Viva La Revolution (Front-Flip Elbow Drop)


Signature Moves:

IRA Forever (Headscissors-to-DDT)

Tope Con Hilo

Slingshot - Boston Crab



Former member of TNT, the former OAOAST Tag Team Champions





Name: Regina Craven


Age: 21


Height: 5' 10


Weight: 116


Hometown: New York City, NY (born in St. Petersburg, RUS. Now residing in Donegal, IRL)


Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Tweener


Stable affiliation (if any): IRA


Theme music: "Woman" by Wolfmother


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.): Blue and red lights


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc): Normal clothes


Ring attire: Never wrestles


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.): N/A


Signature Moves:

Low Blow

Hard Slap

High-Kick to the face



TJ Burns' fiancee






Name: Stevie St. John


Age: 22


Height: 5' 10


Weight: 122


Hometown: West Hollywood, CA


Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Tweener


Stable affiliation (if any): IRA


Theme music: "Do You Wanna Touch Me? (Oh Yeah)" by Joan Jett


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.): Walks out. Basic as fuuuuuck.


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc): Trashy Hollywood glam-rock chic style. Think about it. You'll get it.


Ring attire: Lingerie boy-shorts, bra.


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.): Female Puro styleez


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2):

1. Hollywood Sign (Old School Expulsion)

2. Pinky's Famous Special (Reverse Top Rope Frankensteiner)


Signature Moves:

Lots of high-flying death-defying shit. Like...gnarly as fuck. She pretty much has no regard for her body.



Regina's bodyguard.

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Guest LiveFastDieNever

Talked to Zack about the return coming up. Figured I'd go ahead and post it. Let me know if that's a problem.



Angelus (Real Name: James Cone, Formerly “Spider-Poet”)









200 lbs.



Columbia, South Carolina


Alignment (heel, face, tweener):

Anti-Hero, with Face leanings


Stable affiliation (if any):

None. Former member of Los Infernales Tag Team.



Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.):

Technical/High Flyer/Brawler. Pretty well rounded.



Theme music:

“Angel Extended Theme (Sanctuary Remix)” by Darling Violetta



Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.):


As the bell strikes and the cello begins, the arena lights go out. As the drums hit and the full song kicks in, the stage explodes in bright white fireballs revealing Angelus standing in the middle. Only a lone spotlight follows him to the ring, where dull blue lights come up as he slides into the ring and hits the ringposts to throw an arm in the air.


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc):

A thigh length black leather coat and a black sweater.


Ring attire:

Black leather pants with a belt. Boots under the pants. Black knee pads, black elbow pads.



Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2):


Sunrise to Sunset: Whip opponent to the ropes (or just as opponent runs at him), body press up into the air into a stunner.


Signature Moves:


Starcrosser: Basically a hard, fast superkick.


Sudden Death: From a stationary position, or possibly running at an opponent, Angelus leaps and snaps off a quick hurricanrana. If he thinks he can get away with it, sometimes he’ll follow through to a dragoncanrana’ish pinning maneuver.


Floating DDT: A quick favorite, if Angelus can spin around an opponents shoulders and lock in a quick DDT, he certainly will.


Shining Wizard: Another favorite.


Basic moveset:


Angelus is quick and likes to move. He’ll brawl, then quickly switch to technical rests and holds or suplexes in an instant. He’s unafraid to dive from the ring, to hit the ropes or take a big fall.





German Suplex

Belly to Belly Suplex



Cross Body Block

Missile Dropkick

Top Rope Legdrop

Various holds.




Black Widow has not presently returned to active status with Angelus/SP


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures

“Why? Because I beat the bad guys. It’s what I do.”

*Throws one arm in the air and slaps the heart area of his chest twice*


History/Background/Career Highlights:


Former Tag Team Champion w/ El Dandy (Los Infernales)


Most proud of:


OAOAST Tag Team Championship Match: Stairway to Oblivion


Any match with Zack Malibu


Vs. Evenflow/Spools of Barbed Wire


As SpiderPoet, Angelus arrived in the OAOAST quietly and made his way through the ranks, earning a Tag Team Championship reign and a couple of shots at the OAOAST Championship (which he never won). He was continually plagued by his brother who stalked him and his fiancé for months until their eventual showdown, resulting in one of the biggest spectacles in OAOAST history.


Then SP moved up into the company’s behind the scenes work. He quit two years ago or so for unknown reasons and disappeared along with his wife, Black Widow.


Now, he has returned under the name Angelus, without Widow at his side. A slightly older, darker, more worn man. No one knows why.

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502 lbs.


Home Country:

Israel, by way of an unknown North American city






Dynamic Monster


Entrance Music:

"Bloody Murderer" by Cursive


Entrance Style:

The entire arena goes pitch-black, as a dim green spotlight fills the aisleway. Saint Andrew, Gibraltar's manager, comes out cackling like some wicked jackal, as his monster slowly enters the building and heads straight to the ring, like it's the only thing in the building. Andrew sings his charge's praises, as Gibraltar just walks to the ring.


Ring Attire:

Black baggy pants, with black eyeliner under his eyes and black lipstick


Finishing Move:

The ChokeBreaker (chokeslam into backbreaker)


Dominator Over the Top Rope, Face-First Onto the Apron (not a finisher, but he often does it after matches to blatantly injure opponents)


Basic Moveset:

Lots of strikes with no mobility until he gets mad, then he breaks out the slam-style manuevers. Has a mean spinebuster & lariat.



Saint Andrew

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Name: Tony Brannigan


Height: 6'6


Weight: 262


Hometown: Hollywood U.S.A.


Alignment: Heel


Stable affiliation (if any): Black T


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.):

All-rounder, although uses very little high-risk maneuvers outside of double axehandles or flying clotheslines


Theme music: "Simply Ravishing"


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.): None


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc): A long, lavish black robe covered in rhinestones with "Brannigan" written on back


Ring attire: Black tights with the back of a blonde's head in groin area, her hands squeezing his BUTT in the back with various women watching on the pant legs.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2): Out of Body Experience (Spinebuster)


Signature Moves:


Rude Awakening (neckbreaker)

Attitude Ajustment Piledriver

Rubbing opponent's eyes across the top rope

Raking the eyes against the laces of his boots


Basic moveset: Think a little of Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and the late "Ravishing" Rick Rude.


Manager/valet/sidekick: Dan Black


Trademark gestures: Hip swivel


History/Background/Career Highlights: Wrestler-turned commentator-turned wrestler again Tony Brannigan made his OAOAST debut on the premiere of HeldDOWN~! in May 2002 as Tony "The Body," where he was confronted by Caboose. After a verbal smackdown from both sides, Tony sent the future two-time OAOAST Champion to the ground with a hard right hand.


Served as color commentator with J.R., the original OAOAST broadcast duo. The October 2002 pay-per-view event "Apocalypse" would end up being his last as color commentator. Entering the ring to interview Anglesault, who had just won the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship for the second time in a very controversial match that saw the imcumbent World Champ immediately fell to the mat after the imfamous FINGERPOKE OF DOOM~! Searching for answers, he along with Chairman of the board of directors "Cowboy" Bill Watts were inexplicably attacked by AS, CWM, Angle-Plex & Some Guy -- the second incarnation of the dreaded aWo. Tony would eventually join forces with the then-Big Poppa Popick (Stephen Joseph), Zack Malibu and former OAOAST Champion Alfdogg, to form Team OAOAST. At ZERO HOUR: WARGAMES, Team OAOAST defeated the aWo.


Tony The Body moved onto his next encounter -- the spoiled brat known as The Superstar. The Superstar talked a good game, and fought an even tougher match, defeating Tony two-times in the month leading to AngleMania II.


AngleMania II: In a Career vs. Respect Match, the cockey Superstar defeated The Body. The world thought this would be the last time he'd ever be seen again.




Under fire from labor unions, the OAOAST was in need of cheer, and in April 2003 The Body Shop returned, this time only on PPV. But once again, the show would get lost in the shuffle. This time it took Tony with it.


Frustrated, and with a spot on the board of directors, Tony concocted a scheme to attack the Babe Ruth of the OAOAST, the man who started it all -- two-time OAOAST Champion Anglesault. In Feburary 2004 the entire wrestling world was stunned when it was announced Anglesault would be returning to IZ to receive the first-ever "Lifetime Acheivement" award. Little did anybody know it was a plot designed by Tony to get back at the man he thought stole his thunder. All the success the OAOAST experienced was credited to AS, not the man who truely did all the work, Tony.


The plan backfired as Tony thought, since he was retired, and AS being HeldDOWN talent, there was no way the OAOAST would book him in a match with AS. The week after the attack, not only was Tony fired from the BOD, but he found out he still had one date left in his original contract and AS was granted permission to wrestle on IZ so he could settle his score.


The road to AngleMania III saw both men spill blood across the country. During Anglesault's birthday on March 2, having no fear of repriseal, Tony mocked the former champion by slandering him with a fake E! True Hollywood Stories documentary. Moments later, AS would crash the party with the Oscar Myer Weinermobile. Inside a steel cage at AngleMania III, AS pinned his foe via an Anglesault moonsault through a table off the cage.


Out of a job, Tony returned to his L.A. mansion. A few weeks later, he received a call that would change his life forever. Dan Black had promised a mystery partner for the Tag Team Title tournament...that partner was Tony, who changed his name to T-Bod to fit into his rebirth. During the tag tourny on HeldDOWN, the newly formed Black T defeated The Rave & Assault Squad, The Lightning Crew and the Global Party Xchange on their way to winning the titles.

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237 lbs


San Diego, Ca


Alignment: Heel


Stable affiliation: None


wrestling style: power


Theme music: "Bleed For Me" by the Dead Kennedys


Entrance Style: walks out with his head down ignoring everyone else


Entrance attire: hooded robe with "PYROMANIAC" on the back


Ring attire: singlet with flames covering it


Finisher: Burning Hammer, Torture Rack


Signature moves: tilt-a-whirl powerslam, suplex powerbomb, millenium Suplex, back drop driver, northern lights Bomb, inverted surfboard


Basic Moves: typical big man moves, plenty of slams and suplexes


catchphrases: "Bleed for Me!" "Now Fuck off!"


History/Background/Career Highlights: Two and a half years ago, a chubby sloppy comedy brawler known as the Pyromaniac made his debut in the OAOAST. He called out Damaramu on his talk show, The Ring Of Fire, which drew the man out. The feud led to a back alley brawl where Pyro surprised critics why not only staying competitive with his opponent, but nearly winning the contest. After a classic brawl, Pyro was finally put away after driven through a car winshield. Pyromaniac nearly died that day, but was lucky to recieve a blood transfusion. His career was also certainly over as the company fedexed him his release while he was in the hospital. But Pyro would not stay down. Thanks to the guiding hand of his new manager, he was reborn as a wrecking machine ready to roll though his old fed. However, this comeback failed before it even began, and he fell back into depression. Now with bills to pay and no real job skills, he must return to the ring, whether he's ready or not.

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Longdogger Pete


(Note: Stats are written in SWF style; I will be editing in OAOAST information as Pete makes himself known here.)


Real Name: Peter MacDougal

Nicknames: LDP, Miami Menace, One Man Wrecking Crew, the Doggah

Height: 6' 6"

Weight: 277

Hometown: Miami, Florida

Age: 39

Face/Heel: Aggressive face

Stable: None

Ring Escort: None (yet!)

Preferred Weapon(s): Pete prefers straight-up wrestling to hardcore-style matches (though he does surprisingly well in those types of matches).


Quotes and Catchphrases:

"There's a reason I'm a champion in this bid'ness... and you ain't it!"

"Are you ready for the LONGDOGGAH!"



Looks: Pete has tanned skin and short, balding bleach-blonde hair. He usually wears dark sunglasses and a black leather jacket backstage or on his way to the broadcast table. These days Pete wrestles in a solid black T-shirt (or occasionally an LDP "Doggah in the House" or "True Champion" T-shirt to help sell some merchandise; of course he'll need something new now, without the SWF logo) and black or gray jean shorts. On the rare occasion that Pete wrestles, he also wears black knee pads and leg braces to help protect his weakened limbs. Pete has picked up a few pounds since he was last active, but has stayed generally healthy while working as a broadcaster.


Ring Entrance:




A white pyrotechnic explosion erupts across the stage, and the entrance fills with smoke. Pete steps out of the smoke and walks down the ring, slowly and deliberately in tune with his entrance music, "Baseline" by Quarashi, slightly remixed to begin with the chorus and continue with the second verse of the song.


Baseline, baseline

we’ve got fools on the case and their giving me baseline

Baseline, baseline

Baseline, baseline

we’ve got fools on the case and their giving me baseline

Baseline, baseline


Now we’re back in the game

The Quarashi pain it’s plain

I see the suckers fall out and the fuckers call out

Pick me up. But they don’t know what it’s about

I do my shit on the mic and I’m pleasing the crowd

Jump back, get back or else your getting a smack

on your face just like your daddy used to smack you way back in the days

This ain't no silly ass game I’m playing

hear what I’m saying, now start praying



Stats (on the SWF scale of 1-10, 20 points total):


Strength: 7 (he's big, overbearing, and intimidating. very few opponents are larger than him)

Speed: 3 (he has short bursts of speed, particularly at the beginning of the match, but usually not his strong point)

Vitality: 5 (he can last through longer matches if necessary but isn't used to them)

Charisma: 5 (he's developed some mike skills over the course of his career)


Style: Mostly power with some technical ability and a few crowd-pleasing moves thrown in for spice. Pete's size and strength also comes in handy during hardcore-style matches, which he seems to have a knack for, though he prefers ordinary singles matches for the chance to test skill vs. skill. He is also fond of the match he invented, the rare Miami Mayhem match.


Signature moves:

1) Lo' Dogger (Low Blow. Not used very often; "dirty fighting" isn't really Pete's style.)

2) Second rope diving elbow (Pete rarely risks his career with top rope moves)

3) Perfect Dark (double leg pickup with bridged pin attempt)

4) Dogg Pound (Standing Lou Thesz press)

5) Manhattan Drop

6) German Suplex (sometimes held in place for a bridged pinfall attempt or performed as multiple "rolling" suplexes)

7) Samoan Drop

8) Figure four leg lock

9) Longdogger Denial (This move is a reversal to an enziguri. If a smaller, faster opponent performs a spinning heel kick, Pete catches his leg in midair. Should the opponent then bring up his other leg in an enziguri, Pete senses the move and catches that leg as well, slamming the hapless opponent upside down into the mat. Great way to shift momentum against a cruiserweight opponent when Pete can't outrace him.)

10) Chokeslam (on lighter opponents only)


Common moves:

1) Pumphandle Slam

2) Kicks to the groin or midsection

3) Arm Bar

4) Spear

5) Multiple hard right overhand punches (Pete almost always starts a match with this maneuver to gain an early advantage. He also uses this as a comeback move late in the match to help regain his momentum.)

6) Angry stomps to the chest of a grounded opponent

7) Elbow Drop

8) Sleeper Hold (so Pete can catch his breath; he's not as young as he used to be. Used often in longer matches.)

9) Crossface submission

10) Standing Leg Drop

11) Second rope Leg Drop

12) Arm Wrench

13) Scissor kick

14) Sharpshooter

15) Big boot to the face


Rare moves:

1) Longdogger Legdrop (diving leg drop off the top rope. Pete signals for this by holding his hand up with his thumb and forefinger in an "L" shape. Pete rarely uses this move now due to his leg injuries.)

2) Choke Toss

3) Top rope diving elbow (as noted above, top rope moves are very risky on Pete's body and he rarely uses them)



1) Longdogger Clogger (double arm DDT, performed quick and dirty)

2) Musclehead Slam (military press slam. This can be done on a heavier opponent if set up with an Irish whip. Pete uses the momentum of the return trip to lift his opponent. Pete usually goes for the Musclehead Slam if his opponent kicks out of the Clogger, in higher-profile matches.)


Titles Held:


AWF Heavyweight (7/24/00 - 8/13/00)

AWF Heavyweight (12/30/00 - 1/15/01)

AWF Heavyweight (3/25/01 - 4/1/01)

IGNJL European (5/16/01 - 5/23/01)

IGNJL European (7/21/01 - 7/25/01)

IGNJL European (10/7/01 - 10/24/01)

IGNJL Tag/Stables (12/15/01 - 12/20/01)

IGNJL World (12/20/01 - 1/16/02)

IGNJL Tag/Stables (1/30/02 - 2/17/02)

SWF Hardcore Gamers (3/31/02 - 4/28/02)




With 17 years logged in his professional wrestling career, Peter MacDougal is an experienced wrestler and champion, having first recorded three world title reigns in the independent AWF (Arilyn Wrestling Federation) in Central Florida. Pete valued his time in the independent leagues as it taught him how to truly act and feel like a champion, even while not currently holding a belt. Pete speaks with a clipped Southern accent and tends to get on the microphone and rant when he's angry about something.


Since his debut in the IGNJL, Pete moved up to the mid-card level fairly quickly, mostly thanks to Apostle's formation of X Force 9, arguably the most dominant face stable in IGNJL/SJL history. Pete had a continuous feud with Mistress Sarah, his former friend and ally (not to mention five-time champion) in the AWF. On May 23, 2001, Pete defeated Trash for the IGNJL European title, but lost the belt seven days later to Sarah.


The loss only strengthened Pete's resolve. On the final episode of IGNJL Wrath (before the merger of the IGNJL and IGNML), Pete defeated Triple E in the first Miami Mayhem match. Two more Miami Mayhem matches would occur during LDP's Junior League career, including his final IGNJL match, in which he was victorious over Xero.


Two more European titles would follow, but the ultimate prize was yet to come. Five days before Christmas 2001, Pete finally won his most sought-after championship, defeating the Boston Strangler and Ash Ketchum in a triple threat match for Strangler's IGNJL world title. Pete held the title for almost a month, but tragedy soon struck. On January 16, 2002, an unknown attacker critically injured Pete backstage, and Pete was hospitalized for nearly a month. IGNJL commissioner Edwin MacPhisto had no choice but to vacate the title. Upon returning, Pete revealed that his attacker was the Boston Strangler himself. Pete vowed to exact vengeance on Strangler, following him all the way to the IGNWF. Strangler disappeared shortly after Pete's arrival in what is now known as the SWF, so Pete never got his one on one match with Strangler, but he did score a win over Mistress Sarah at Battleground 2002 to secure the SWF Hardcore Gamers title. Proving his win wasn't a fluke, he retained in a rematch against Sarah the following week in a brutal steel cage match.


After losing the belt to Stryke three weeks later, Pete took a break from SWF competition. He made his return over the summer of 2002, quickly recruiting allies to reform the now-defunct X Force 9 with an SWF incarnation. Despite previous feuds with nearly all of them, Pete recruited several new members, unleashing his team on the SWF with the goal of becoming a new dominant force upon the league.


Several months later, Pete was forced into an early retirement when feuds with Chris Wilson and Perfect Bo caused excessive damage to his legs, forcing him into rehabilitation with the chance he might never wrestle again. After healing, Pete took a position with the SJL as a road agent, and while training the newest SJL talent, he also honed his own skills for an eventual SWF return.


The return came in 2003 when SWF creative control forced Pete into a teaming with Frost. The pairing was short-lived, culminating in a failed attempt to wrest the SWF Tag Team titles away from Justice and Rule. Afterwards Pete returned to his road agent career, and soon was promoted to Head of SJL Creative Control, up until the league's dissolution in January 2004. Pete was jobless for a year, and spent his time working across the country for multiple independent leagues. The work was grueling and demeaning for the veteran performer, but he kept at it, determined to keep his name from fading from the limelight entirely.


Fortunately, in January 2005 Pete was re-hired by SWF as the new play-by-play announcer for all SWF broadcasts, teaming with Suicide King for Lockdown, Smarkdown, and Storm shows.


In early 2006, Pete's world was shattered when upstart SWF rookie Kevin Coyote was revealed to be Pete's long lost son. Coyote resolved to exact revenge on Pete for not being part of his life, finally defeating his father in a Street Fight match with Pete's contract on the line. With no contract and no job, Pete faded to the background - until receiving a call from the OAOAST.

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Probably should put this in here...









6' 3"






Hobart, Tasmania, Australia



Heel in America, Face in Australia


Stable affiliation (if any)

w/ Hoff and Drek.


Wrestling style

Primarily a brawler, but has proven in the past that he can hang with a variety of styles.


Theme Music

"I'm on a High" by Millionaire


Entrance Style

PYRO~! goes off at the top of the stage, as Axel makes his way down to the ring, playing to the crowd. Halfway down the ramp, he stops, poitns to the left hand side of the crowd, then the right, then with both fingers to the middle, before striking the crucifix pose, triggering another pyro blast.


Entrance attire

Full Length Black Leather Coat


Ring attire

Black pants with red 'X' on left leg that looks to be bleeding. Red gloves, Black Elbowpads.


Casual attire

A black suit with red pinstripes, usually with a red shirt, open collar. Pimpin it.



Flaming cross on left pectorial, Demon on left shoulder.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2)

Axel Slam (Reverse Death Valley Driver into a Diamond Cutter)

Desperation Finisher: Dark Royalty (Inverted Piledriver)


Signature Moves

Brainbuster/Knee to the face on the ground combo, Spinebustah~!!, Running Enziguri, Stiff Uppercut, LARIATOOOOO!!!, Devil's Clutch (Dragon Sleeper with legs grapvined).


Basic moveset

Harlem Sidekick, Stalling Vertical Suplex, German Suplex, Northern Lights Suplex, Evenflow DDT, Sitout Powerbomb, Death Valley Driver, loves elbow strikes, knee strikes.



Could be accompanied by Hoff and/or Drek Stone.


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures

The Crucifix Pose.


History/Background/Career Highlights



Debuted by saving Crystal from an attack by Brock Ausstin. Worked a program with Brock, culminating in Axel's first Pay Per View match, which he won with an Axel Slam onto a chair.


Entered the Revolution Tournament, had a first round win over CWM. Axel won a Triple Threat match against Ted Weddy and Amazing Rando to advance to the finals. Beat The Mad Cappa in the final match at AngleSlam 2: Screams of no Reply.


Suffered his first pinfall loss at the hands of the X Champion Ragdoll on HeldDown two weeks before AngleSlam 2.


In his first match after winning the Revolution Tournament, Axel DEFEATED the NEW OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion Calvin Szechstein by pinfall, one on one. Then went on to turn heel and join Totally Endorsed, and had an unsuccessful feud with the Tag Team Champions, The Dream Machines. Went completely insane, attacking wrestlers after matches, etc. Was finally suspended after attacking a number of wrestlers, and OAOAST President Bill Watts.


Axel came back and feuded with Peter Knight, which culminated in a loss at Bloody Battered and Beaten, in a very good, technically sound bout.



He entered the Royal Rumble at Number One, only to be eliminated by the monster Gibraltar.


He then aligned with Gunner Sharps, his former Bleeding Souls teammate, and became embroiled in a feud with former partner in and out of the ring, Crystal. This culminated in a match at AngleMania III, with Crystal pinning Axel. The loss drove Axel to the brink of insanity again, which caused Gunner Sharps to side with longitme friend and tag team partner, AJ Flaire, and leave Axel to branch out on his own. Axel defeated Gunner Sharps by submission at Living Angelously in April of 2004, before leaving TV for a number of weeks.


Axel returned to HeldDown one week before the May 2004 OAOAST Pay Per View, School's Out, to save Crystal from a beating at the hands of the newly-formed Thrillogy, consisting of Zack Malibu, Calvin Szechstein, and Hoff. Axel confronted Hoff at School's Out, and the two had a match four nights later on HeldDown. Axel appeared to be getting the advantage physically and mentally, when he threatened to put Hoff in a casket that mysterious figures had bought to ringside (an angle which was blatantly stolen by World Wrestling Entertainment in their Undertaker-Heidenreich feud). Axel ended up being put in the casket courtesy of the Thrillogy, and thrown off of the HeldDown stage.


Axel then went on hiatus for two months, returning to his native Australia, as well as making a start in Japan, in the new HI-YAH promotion. Axel returned to the OAOAST at Licence to Pin, in an angle that was completely fucked up in every aspect except his entrance. Pissed off with management, Axel took the opportunity to go back to Japan for one month, competing in the first HI-YAH World Heavyweight Championship Tournament, and defeating The Great Muta in the finals to win the title.


Axel returned for good in early September of 2004, confronting Zack Malibu, and challenging him to a Dream Tag Team Partner match two weeks later, on the much-publicised OAOAST HeldDown: Australia. On that night, the highlight of Axel's career up to that point occured when he and Ragdoll defeated Malibu and Calvin Szechstein when Axel made Zack submit to his new secondary finisher, The Devil's Clutch. Zack then got his job back two weeks later at Dirty Deeds in Axel's first Pay Per View Main Event, defeating Axel in a casket match.


Then, after the tease of an Axel-Zack singles rematch, Ragdoll shockingly turned on his friend, and set up a Triple Threat HI-YAH Championship match at the October Pay Per view offering, World Without End. Ragdoll won the match, and Axel's title, when he pinned Malibu after fireballing Axel in the face.


Axel sold the fireball like a pro and had two weeks off to give this writer some time to study for final exams. He then returned to be a part of the Elimination Chamber match, where he was screwed by Ragdoll before being pinned by Drek Stone, the eventual winner. The Axel-ragdoll feud had reached its boiling point, so the two settled it in the Main Event of Bloody, Battered and Beaten. But it needed special cirumstances, as the rivalry was too fierce to keep going on. So, the match was not only faught under Las Vegas Deathmatch rules (rules thought up by the twisted mind of Ragdoll), but both mens careers were on the line, making it even more important.


In the brutal bout, Axel reigned supreme, Axel Slamming Ragdoll through a glass table covered in thumbtacks. The roster gave Ragdoll one hell of a sendoff, and Axel's biggest feud was over.



Axel started this year needing direction, and he soon made his intentions clear, entering the Lethal Rumble match at AnglePalooza. Meanwhile, he re-kindled his friendship with Crystal, a move that blossomed into a relationship that is currently in its opening stages. The two were both entered in the Lethal Rumble match.


At AnglePalooza, Axel entered the match late, at number 11, and went on to eliminate The Mad Cappa, Brock Ausstin and T-Bod to land in the final 3, which also included Crystal and Zack Malibu. With Zack Malibu landing a School's Out superkick on Axel, he inadvertently struck Crystal, who was prone on the apron and eliminated her. Axel went on to eliminate Zack Malibu, and win the Lethal Rumble, and perhaps more importantly, a Main Event OAOAST Championship slot at AngleMania IV.


In February, Axel and Crystal's relationship looked rocky, but toward Zero Hour, and Axel's match with The Mad Cappa, it seemed as if they had kissed and made up. This wasn't the case though, with Crystal turning on her beau by blasting him with a chair at the February PPV, and costing him his match against Cappa. Leading into the biggest match of his career at AngleMania, this was not what Axel needed.


Crystal tortured him both mentally and physically in the build to AngleMania IV, as The Dark One did not want to hurt her, he felt that they could sort their problems out. But when it was announced that Axel would face Crystal AS WELL as have his title match at AngleMania, it was clear the dispute needed to be settled in the ring. After weeks of mental torture, Axel finally grew his balls back and flipped out, ready to tear Crystal apart, only to be thwarted by a returning Gunner Sharps.


At AngleMania, Axel defeated Crystal in one on one competition, and then went on to win his first OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship by defeating reigning Champion Drek Stone in the Main Event. The Axel era began.


Shortly after Axel entered into some quality feuds with Tony Brannigan, and once again, Crystal, over the title. After a great ladder match against Crystal in May 2005, Axel was screwed out of the title by Dan Black when Tony Brannigan pinned the champion. Axel got the belt back at the Great Angle Bash to become a two time champion, however.


When Axel's best friend Hoff won the BattleBowl in July of 2005, one of thethe biggest AngleSlam Main Events ever was set. Hoff defeated Axel that night in a closely fought classic, but left the federation, along with Drek Stone, soon thereafter.


Disenchanted with the OAOAST, Axel decided to make a forray into the world of Mixed Martial Arts. The OAOAST cross-promoted these events, and two of Axel's fights were shown on OAOAST programming. The itch of professional wrestling returned to the Aussie, however, and he returned to the ring in late 2005.


Upon his return, the fans did not know what to think of Axel, complete with a more shoot style of wrestling. They were wondering, above all else, what Axel thought of Hoff and Drek leaving the company. There questions were soon answered, albeit in shocking fashion, when Axel not only defeated Calvin Szechstein for the General Manager's position, but aided Peter Knight in winning the OAOAST Championship from Stephen Joseph.




It was then revealed that Axel was the mastermind behind the Upstarts rise. Taking control of HeldDown, he worked alongside Peter Knight to keep the World Title in Knight's posession. This ceased with Afldogg's title victory at AngleMania.


But, Hoff and Drek were also back in the federation, and people wanted to know what Axel thought. It was revealed in April that Axel's position was to come under review. A week after the disastrous Living Angleously pay per view, Bill Watts retired from the Presidents position, and Axel was fired as GM. The OAOAST was, for the first time, without a President.


Then came Syndicated. After not being able to return to the ring due to an injury sustained by his opponent, Ryan Smith, Axel was thought to have left the building. But that wasn't the case, as he shockingling cost Black T their tag team match against Drek Stone and Hoff, and joined with the two hated stars, announcing that he had been appointed the new President of the OAOAST.


Since that time, legal action has not allowed Axel to appear on OAOAST TV, but with the challenge laid down to settle the dispute, that is going to change.

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"The Capturist" Zane Maxwell









Seventeen stone, six pounds (roughly 250 lbs.)



Southampton, England






Pure, down-n-dirty European-style mat grappler with an excellent variety of pinning combinations



"The Ballad of Jim Jones" by Brian Jonestown Massacre



Nothing to it, really...Zane walks down to the ring, adjusting the athletic tape on his wrist as he goes. Outside of an occasional threatening to backhand a heckling child, he ignores the audience while walking to the ring. He rubs off the bottoms of his boots on the apron, then enters the ring.



Thin, long-sleeve warm-up jacket of just one color and a towel around his neck.



Crimson trunks, crimson boots, black kneepads, athletic tape on the wrists



He has one, but it's only in desperation, as his militia of pinning combinations and knockout European uppercut eliminate the usual need for a finishing hold...


The Snake Vine: a hanging triangle choke on a standing opponent.



Unless you count "collar-and-elbow tie-ups" and "Greco-Roman knucklelocks" as signature holds, nope.



Reaistic mat wrestling with a sprinkle of cocky...he's not afraid to get aggressive, but often tries backing off if it gets too much for him (which is rare).


No manager


Trademark Phrases/Gestures:

The Steve Regal/Alex Shelley "one arm behind back, other holding up a peace sign" stance



Zane got trained to wrestle at age seventeen, and quickly rose up the ranks of the British carnival leagues with a phenomenal amount of natural talent and poise. He's held six singles titles in Europe, all of which he held for exactly one year, then gave up to regain them because "he was getting bored". He's headed to the OAOAST to show the world that he's the best grappler in any country, and that professional wrestling's in need of a new revolution: the return of the sport to pro wrestling.

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(Once again, stats are in SWF style.)


Wrestler's Name: Sydney Sky




Full Name: Sydney Elizabeth Sky

Nickname: Riot Grrl

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 170 lbs

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Age: 29 yrs old

Face/Heel: Face

Stable: None

Ring Escort: None

Teammate: Occasionally tag teams with Longdogger Pete

Weapon(s): Steel Chair

Quote: "The Sky is Falling .. are you ready for it?"


Looks: Sydney Sky is a tall woman. Lean, but muscular. She comes to the ring wearing (for a match): A pair of black vinyl pants, a purple corset top, (that shows off her belly and belly ring) and a pair of combat boots. Her hair is usually worn in a ponytail for a match, but can get loosened in some moves. If she is going to the ring as an escort, or is just backstage, she will usually be wearing a black tank top with a white button down shirt over it, tied with the ends of it so it shows her belly, a black and purple plaid 'school girl' type skirt and combat boots.


Ring Entrance: "Cave" by Muse begins to play and Sydney Sky appears on the stage with a serene smile on her face. It stays there for a moment while the crowd cheers. It disappears for a more determined look, as she narrows her eyes towards the ring. Along the sides of the stage, sparkling pyros of purple, blue and white go off. She heads down to the ring with a swagger, high-fives to various audience members along the way. She slides into the ring, winks at the announcers and prepares for the match.


Stats: (SWF style, no more than 10 points per stat, 20 points total)


Strength: 4

Speed: 7

Vitality: 4

Charisma: 5


Style: Mostly a technical and high-flying wrestler. Strong for a woman, but very Lita-esque in her moves. With a wrestler of similar stature and strength, can pull off some powerful moves.


Signature moves:

1. "Hurricane" - Standing Hurricanrana

2. "Fallen Star" - Lionsault

3. "Orbital Stretch" - Spider Stretch

4. "Sky Swirl" - Twist Of Fate

5. Hurricanrana Pin

6. Sleeper Hold and Scissors

7. Headscissor Takedown

8. Tiger Suplex Pin (for similar sized wrestlers)

9. Headscissor Rollover

10. Sharpshooter


Common moves:

1. Queen Arm Scissors

2. Fame Asser

3. Senton Splash

4. STF

5. Spinning Wheel Kick

6. Rolling Wheel Kick

7. Diving Hurrincanrana

8., Diving Moonsault

9. Mahistrol Crade Pin

10. Boxing Straight Punch

11. School Boy

12. Front Dropkick


Rare moves:

1. Flip Suplex with Pin (for similar sized wrestlers)

2. Superplex (for similar sized wrestlers)

3. Asai Moonsault

4. Rolling Boston Crab

5. Snap Suplex (for similar sized wrestlers)


Tag moves:

1. "Tropical Depression" - Backdrop from her partner over the top rope into a senton to an opponent outside the ring.



1. "Daybreak" - A pedigree, performed slightly faster than Triple H's pedigree as she can't support her opponent's weight for long. This move was popularized during her IGNJL career, and was later adopted by one-time ally Annie Eclectic.


Bio: Sydney Sky was a sucker for the limelight. From a young age, she knew that performing, in some form, would be her calling when she grew older. She first started out as a dancer. Modern, tap .. even ballet. It gave her poise, discipline and grace. She was made to dance, as she had always been one of the tallest girls growing up.


Syd attended a school of performing arts, focusing on dance. The pressures of the highly competitive school began to break her down a bit, and she turned to going to the gym to take pressure off, become stronger and to let out stress. It was there that she began learning some wrestling moves, after watching some independent wrestlers working out. It intrigued her and she took an interest in it. They helped her train, showing her the ropes and eventually, she began to surpass their ability to train her anymore. Giving up dancing, she turned her focus completely on wrestling and eventually, after a few years of hard work, she joined their league and has been working independent shows ever since.


In late 2001, she was 'discovered' by veteran wrestler Longdogger Pete, who was then working for the IGNJL. He was impressed by her style, finesse and athleticism and introduced himself afterwards. Even more impressed by her attitude and personality, he convinced the IGNJL commissioner to give her a contract. After joining the IGNJL, she was quickly recruited by Longdogger Pete to the face stable, X Force 9. She spent a lot of time there, becoming an integral part of the team. But after an encounter with Jacob Helmsley and his steel pipe, she landed in the hospital in a coma and was out of commission for several weeks. She quickly made a comeback; however, she was not the same Sydney Sky that had first entered the league. She became cruel, heartless and only cared about furthering her own career and status. Syd turned on XF9, becoming heel and moving out on her own. She became known as the 'Riot Grrl' of the IGNJL (affectionately called that by Commissioner Edwin MacPhisto) and she certainly lived up to that title.


During her tenure in the IGNJL, Sydney enjoyed one reign with the IGNJL European Championship, as well as one reign with the IGNJL World Championship. However, her career in the wrestling industry was not to last much longer. In 2002, Sydney took a Demonstar Driver from a returning Nathaniel Kibagami and suffered a broken neck that prematurely ended her fledgling career.


...that is, until 2006. Having been medically cleared for some time, a rejuvenated Sydney Sky has finally clawed her way back into the business, as a member of OAOAST and an ally of Longdogger Pete.

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John "Rock Hard" Brickston




215 lbs.


Sacramento, California


Finishers: Killswitch (Death Valley Driver), Anklelock


Signature Moves: Bearhug, Bossman Slam, Throwback, Full Nelson Slam, MASSIVE clothesline, Moonsault, Chokehold, Big Boot, Avalanche


Basic Moveset: Power guy, does some technical moves every once in a while


History: Former OAOAST Italian Champion

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Name: "The Manitoba Mammoth" Deon Black


Height: 7-3


Weight: 518


Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba


Alignment: Heel


Stable: Team Canada


Associates: Alfdogg, Ken Pantera, Felix Strutter


Manager: Rick Heyross


Entrance style: Lights out, red strobes, smoke


Entrance attire: Helmet seen below.


Theme music: Speak to Me/Breathe - Pink Floyd


Ring attire: seen above. Wears mask seen here:




Wrestling style: Power/brawling, with a touch of technical.


Finishing move: Swan River Slam (picks up opponent in standing fireman's carry, then swings him around into a BossMan slam/Rock Bottom)


Signature moves: Press slam, big boot, Chokeslam, trapped-arm belly-to-belly, Avalanche. You know, the usual devastating power moves.


Team Jamaica, European Bracket champions




Name: Denzel Spencer


Height: 6-2


Weight: 227


Wrestling style: Booker T, with some high-flying and martial arts mixed in. Is an average technical wrestler, and can do some basic power moves.


Finishing move: Carribean Compactor (Northern Lights Bomb), Kinpuppalick (450 splash)


Signature moves: Scissor kick, axe kick, DDT, missile dropkick, superkick, hurricanrana, belly-to-belly (Ken Shamrock style, not overhead), airplane spin




Name: Reggie Lamont


Height: 6-4


Weight: 252


Wrestling style: Booker T, mixed with power moves. Utilizes martial arts, but doesn't use them as much as Denzel. Average technical wrestler, only does high-flying stuff sparingly.


Finishing move: Blue Mountain Bomb (Sitout front suplex)


Signature moves: Scissor kick, axe kick, bicycle kick, Tiger bomb, Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, high knee, Urinage, Giant Swing





Hometown: Montego Bay, Jamaica


Alignment: Face


Stable: none


Manager: none


Entrance attire: sleeveless black leather vests w/fringe, rasta hats, sunglasses


Theme music: Master Blaster (Jammin') - Stevie Wonder


Ring attire: black parachute pants w/ the Jamaican flag on the side, with red/yellow/green fringe around the flag (think Davey Boy Smith's long tights), black boots, wrist tape


Finishing move: Jamaican Bobsled (Reggie picks the man up on his shoulders as Denzel goes to the top rope. Reggie then spins the man around into a flapjack as Denzel simultaneously comes off with a legdrop.)


Signature moves: Sinsemilla (Reggie picks the man up over one shoulder, as if to deliver a spinebuster. Denzel then runs to the ropes, leaps up, and delivers an axe kick, knocking the opponent to the mat.)


Pappy-show (One man whips the opponent into the corner, then Denzel whips Reggie across, who delivers an avalanche. Denzel then follows with a handspring elbow, before pushing him out into a bicycle kick from Reggie.)

Edited by alfdogg

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Since Bruce is out of the OAOAST :(




Smarks Board Name: Bruce Blank

Wrestlers Name: The Freebird

Nicknames: The ‘bird

Height: 6’8’’

Weight: 300 pounds

Hometown: Badstreet, Atlanta, GA

Age: in his thirties

Face/Heel: Face on the side of being neutral,

Stable: None

Ring Escort:

Weapon(s): Oh no, no, no, no never … well maybe the infamous “Michael Hayes Black Glove” if pressed


Quote: “I’m as free as a bird now


Looks: See picture except with long sleeves and black gloves. The Freebird isn’t one to walk around “non-kayfabe” backstage so it’s mask on from he gets there till he leaves and no one better be touching that mask either – it’s a luncha-door thing after all.


Ring Entrance: The classic Lynyrd Skynyrd (HAIL SKYNYRD!!) “Freebird” begins to play, drawing everyone in with it’s classic opening and mellow feel good vibe. After a few moments the Bird himself makes an appearance, just jamming to the beats and being swept away by that same “feel good vibe” that everyone else in the arena has.


After all who can boo a big 300 pounder who like Lynyrd Skynyrd? I mean that’d be totally silly.


Wrestling Style: Brawler, Southern Classic brawler who relies heavily on the fact that he’s built like a brick shithouse (but smells nicer)


Signature moves:

* Gorilla Press

* Lariats (other wimps do Clotheslines this guy does LARIATS~!)

* Power Slams

* Big Boot

* Inverted Atomic Drop

* Backdrop & punch combo

* Super-Plex

* Turnbuckle Power Bomb

* Piledriver




* “Sweet Home Alabama” - Running Power Bomb (his homage to Skynyrd):


* Free Falling: lifts up opponent in Suplex position and stalls with opponent upside down – pauses varies due to weight, lateness in match etc – then drops opponent down into a sit down power bomb position that leads to a pin attempt at least This move can be executed on most guys except super heavyweights (up to around his own weight probably) and it’s the Freebird’s most used finishing move but also the one easiest to counter too.


History: Well you see the masked man known as The Freebird is somewhat of a jouryneman in the sport of professional wrestling, he made his debut around the time where the 80ties ended and the 90ties started – or so we think, besides it’s not important, just relax and be free dude


Some may call the ‘bird a bit of a hippie with his “mellow” attitude and laid back style but dang it he’s as free as a Bird now – and frankly this bird you cannot change. And while he has this laid back attitude there is always this undeniable vibe that he could open a whole case of whoop-ass if someone decided to mess with him.

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Name: Ramone Juan Jesus Gutierez

Nickname: “La Cicatriz” (The Scar)


Age: hard to say but not over 20


Height: 5’7’’


Weight: 200 pounds


Hometown: Miami, FL


Alignment (heel, face, tweener): Heel


Stable affiliation (if any): Los Vatos Locos


Wrestling style (brawler, cruiserweight, technical, all-rounder, etc.): Normally he’s a Cruiserweight high flier, but when pushed too far he turns into a homicidal maniac kinda like Sabu where he doesn’t care about his own body and just want to inflict as much pain as possible on his opponent - Even if that sometimes gets him disqualified


Theme music: A cool, suave Cuban bossanova (think eddy Guerrero’s WCW heel theme)


Entrance Style (what color pyro, spotlights, etc.): It’s pretty simple, no pyros, no lights flashing just Ramone walking down the aisle looking calm, cocky and confident, swaggering towards the ring oozing machismo


Looks: Ramone looks like a mixture between Eddy Guerrero (the arrogant swagger and demeanor) and Latin Lover (tanned, long dark hair slicked back in a wet look) – has a couple of scars on his right cheek.


Entrance attire (sunglasses, robe, jacket, etc): Ramone comes out without a shirt on, but wears a very expensive looking black and gold vest, black designer shades and a rolex watch (which he always makes sure someone holds for him during the match) when he’s not in “wrestling mode” he’ll also be sporting a number of golden rings on his fingers – if he removes them it’s a danger sign, it means he’s about to bust a skull.


He also wears a very odd looking face mask. It’s made of black leather with straps that go behind his head. The mask covers the entire left side of his face and the right side around the eyes (but only covers his face, not over his hair or anything) the uncovered part of his face shows a couple of dark red scars as a testament to his troubled past.


Ring attire: White pants with white boots, both hands heavily taped up from the wrist to the tip of all 5 fingers. He ALWAYS wears the facemask mentioned under “Entrance attire” and will go berserk if someone tries to remove it.


Finishing Move(s) (try to keep it to 1 or 2): Ramone’s Way (The Pedigree) The Switchblade (The Fujiwara Arm Bar


Signature Moves (ex: Shining Wizard, Rolling Germans, etc.): Anything off the ropes when calm, anything “hardcore” when he’s pissed off


Basic moveset: There are two styles at work here, when he’s calm and when he’s “La Cictariz”.


Calm: High flying mixture of Lucha Libre and Japanese Lightheavyweights (So Rey Misterio meets Jushin Liger)


“La Cictariz”: Hardcore brawling with elements of martial arts thrown in, specifically targeting the throat and neck with straight fingered jabs and pressure point work. When he’s agitated he will gladly use his own body to hurt someone else.


Manager/valet/sidekick: None


Catchphrases/Trademark gestures: Ramone turns his head and looks at someone who’s pissed him off, then his eyes narrow and it’s almost like they flash red for a second – the arrival of “La Cictariz”


History/Background/Career Highlights: We only know what Ramone choses to tell us, according to him he’s a Cuban immigrant who first learned to fight on the mean streets of Cuba and then late on ran with the gangs of Miami (he may even have led his own gang, it’s not clear)


What is clear, or will soon be clear through my writings is that Ramone has a personality issue. Normally he’s a calm, laid back, confident kinda guy – intense yes but not like a loaded gun. The problem really arises when he gets pushed too far, then his personality, his whole demeanour changes and he turns into a bloodthirsty maniac who won’t think twice about cracking your skull open.


How he developed the personality disorder no one knows, nor do they know why his “protective personality” is so violent and sadistic. Ramone doesn’t seem to be totally cognisant of his other personality, he will remember what happened but none of the motivation behind it – he’ll remember Pedigreeing someone on the concrete but have no idea why he did it. And there is no set rule on what’ll piss him off, disrespecting him is a good way to go, it could also be that he feels like someone is taking liberties with him during a match and he can turn. The match can go from a stunning display of X-Division flippin’n’flying to a match more at home in the Hardcore division in the blink of an eye, making Ramone that much more unpredictable.


In only his second appearance in the OAOAST Ramone crossed path with the Space Cadets and somehow they did something to piss off the volatile Ramone. After several vicious attacks on Venom Ramone has managed to take 1/4th of the Space Cadets out and with a burning desire to take out all Space Cadets.


After teaming with El Esperito by random choice the two men found that their styles and attitudes blended so well that they decided to form “Los Vatos Locos” and with the addition of their bodyguard imply known as “Big” Dave the trio is not one to be fooled with.





Name: El Espirito (The ghost)

Height: 5’7’’

Weight: 175

Hometown: The Haunted Mansion


Alignment: Heel


Stable: “Los Vatos Locos” with Ramone Juan Jesus Gutierrez

Associates: None

Manager: none


Theme music: The Theme to Halloween (when coming out unaccompanied by Ramone or “Big” Dave)


Entrance attire: Nothing beyond his ring gear which is pretty elaborate already.

Ring attire: See picture


Wrestling style: Lucha Libre


Finishing moves: 450 Splash off the top rope


Signature Moves:

If you can do it off the ropes he’ll do it

Lucha Libre!


Bio: Coming off a run as the top heel in HI-YAH: Mexico El Esperito had to leave the federation for a while after recieving several threats on his life by rabit Mexican fans due to his actions against the top babyfaces of the federation. He was randomly teamed with Ramone Gutierrez for a “November Reign” 8 man elimination match and the two quickly hit it off due to their shared propensity for cheating. El Esperito is now backing Ramone in his fight with the Space Cadets fighting together as “Los Vatos Locos determined to make a name for himself in the United States.





Name: “Big” Dave

Height: 6’8’’

Weight: 300

Hometown: Atlanta, GA


Alignment: Heel


Stable: “Los Vatos Locos” with Ramone Juan Jesus Gutierrez & El Esperito


Theme music: “Smooth Criminal” (Los Vatos Loco’s theme as he doesn’t have his own individual theme)


Entrance attire: “Big” Dave likes a nice bright blue Hawaiian shirt or something similarly laid back and cool when he’s not competing in the ring

Ring attire: Black boots, white pants and a white wifebeater shirt


Wrestling style: Power Monster


Finishing moves: the Big Goodbye (Sleeper)

Power Bomb


Signature Moves:

Loads of Power moves – tosses, lifts, slams


Bio: “Big” Dave showed up during a HeldDOWN in December 2006 looking for all intents and purposes like a fan at ringside. Only to reveal that he was in cahoots with Los Vatos Locos and helped them beat down the Space Cadets and Los Tigres Del Ring. It was later revealed that “Big” Dave is Ramone & Experito’s hired muscle to watch their backs in the cutthroat world of the OAOAST.


“Big” Dave is a true southern gentleman, he’s well mannered and laid back – but with an underlying vibe of danger in the air, it’s not something you can put your finger on but he comes off a little… off. Of course the laid back gentleman is replaced with a psychopath when it’s “business time” – but don’t hate him for his violent actions, don’t hate him for hurting people, after all: “It’s just business, know what I mean?”




Team Name: Los Vatos Locos

Members: Ramone Juan Jesus Gutierrez & El Esperito

Combined Weight: 375 Pounds


Theme Song: “Smooth Criminal” by “Alien Ant Farm”


Team Finishing Move(s):

I dunno yet, I’ll get back to you.


Team Signature Moves:

I dunno yet, I’ll get back to you.



The song will play for a bit before El Esperito pops through the curtains, strutting out like he’s the king of the world, shaking his head to the beat of the song while encouraging the fans to get up and cheer for them even though they will most likely do the opposite


… Fast Forward …


”Annie, are you OK

You OK

Are you OK, Annie

You've been hit by…

You've been struck by…”


When the song hits that line Esperito does the old “Outsider’s point” towards the curtains


”A smooth criminal”


As Ramone Gutierrez steps through with a confident grin on his face. The two exchange a few words, bump knuckles and then head to the ring in a leisurely, cocky tempo

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Group Name: The Space Cadets



(Guy in Yellow) = Discovery (D)

(Guy in Black & Green) = Venom (V)

(Guy in Black & Red) = Space Pharaoh (SP)

(Guy in Blue & Red) = Supernova (SN)


Space Pharaoh & Supernova are identical twins under the mask



D = 5’7’’

V = 5’8’’

SP & SN = 5’6’’



D = 187

V = 192

SP & SN = 172


Hometown: the Space Academy


Alignment: Faces


Stable: The Space Cadets

Associates: Kenji Kawada

Manager: none


Theme music: The Imperial March from Star Wars.

Entrance: The music stars as green laser lights shoot off in various directions until they all focus on the entrance ramp spelling out the name “Space Cadets”. Out walks one or more Cadets who stop at the top of the ramp for a moment to strike a heroic pose as the wind “mysteriously” flaps in their capes.


Then they run to the ring and get it on.


Entrance attire: As above, each with capes or long jackets they remove before wrestling

Ring attire: Just look at the picture


Wrestling style: All four are high flyers of the Japanese Cruiserweight kind, Venom has a bit of shootfighting ability as well


Finishing moves:

D: The Orbit (Top rope Huracanrana)

V: Ve-normous (Razor’s Edge from the middle rope with opponent sitting on the top rope)

SP: Frog Splash

SN: Superfly Splash


Signature Moves: Knock yourself out with whatever


Bio: These four come highly recommended from HI-GATE and are just looking to entertain you, they are the 2006 "Young Lions" Award winners for most promising group of rookies and have come to American to mix it up with different styles of wrestling.


One one of their first nights in the company they crossed paths with Ramone Juan Jesus Gutierrez in what looked like a harmless incident. Later in the night Ramone struck back and targeted Venom’s neck.


At “November Reign” Ramone succeeded in injuring Venom’s neck taking him out of action – Venom has yet to return to action.


The Space Cadets war with Los Vatos Locos has been brewing for a while resulting in several high flying, well received battles.


Note: they only speak Japanese so it's time to break out the old Kai-En-Tai "Voice Over" gimmick - indeed!





Name: Kenji Kawada

Height: 6’0’’

Weight: 245 Pounds

Hometown: Tokyo, Japan


Alignment: Face


Stable: None

Associates: The Space Cadets

Manager: none


Theme music: “Smells like Teen Spirit”


Entrance attire: Long white, orange, black fakeleather coat

Ring attire: See picture


Wrestling style: High Impact AJPW Heavyweight style (Lariats, head drops etc)


Finishing moves: Lariato!

Orange Crush (Diamond Cutter)


Bio: Kenji has been HI-YAH’s prodigal son for a long time but he’s just not been able to get the big prize being beaten both by Zack Malibu and more recently lost a couple of close matches to Faqu. Now he’s come to the US to get a more international experience before being recalled one day.


Kawada has met with mixed success in the US, having been close to the “breakthrohg moment” on a number of occasions but so far coming up short. His different style and no-nonsense attitude has made it harder for the American crowd to get behind Kawada although he seemed to have won a lot of fans over with an incredibly brutal no DQ match against El Esperito that Kawada won, his first real break in the US.


With Faqu back in the US Kenji Kawada is once again in the hunt for the HI-YAH title.

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