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The Sopranos

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Great episode. All the stuff w/ Johnny Sac and the Cleaver stuff was great. You can see the war coming. Phil Leotardo is going to take the power back and potentially go after Tony. But aside from that we have the impending Tony/Christopher showdown.


The scenes for next week. I know the way they edit these things are always misleading but there appears to be a few shocking things going down.

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Liked the parallel endings between this week & last - this week ended w/ Tony/Christopher's cold, expressionless embrace; last week ended w/ Bobby/his daughter's cold, expressionless embrace (on Bobby's part, at least).

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Carmela being the only person in the world who can't figure out for sure that Aid was whacked frustrates me to no end, how long has she been in the family? come on. good episode, makes me want to see the cleaver movie (in fact they are showing a fake making of the movie on hbo right now) weird to see Johnny sack go so fast. the war in coming soon I can feel it. Despite the fact that I usually hate the Phil character, him explaing to the kinds why his family had to change their name when they got to America was hilarious. He really needs to get over his brother though, espcially stop being so mad at Tony about it (i mean Tony B was paid to do it, it's not like he did it on his own, although I guess never realized he was being paid by Rusty)

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Carmela being the only person in the world who can't figure out for sure that Aid was whacked frustrates me to no end, how long has she been in the family? come on. good episode, makes me want to see the cleaver movie (in fact they are showing a fake making of the movie on hbo right now) weird to see Johnny sack go so fast. the war in coming soon I can feel it. Despite the fact that I usually hate the Phil character, him explaing to the kinds why his family had to change their name when they got to America was hilarious. He really needs to get over his brother though, espcially stop being so mad at Tony about it (i mean Tony B was paid to do it, it's not like he did it on his own, although I guess never realized he was being paid by Rusty)


No, I think you might be mixed up. Tony B killed Joey Peeps for Rusty, then he shot Billy Leotardo when he found out what he and Phil had done to Carlo (his best friend in jail).

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Man, something is gonna go down with Paulie. He thought he was getting whacked tonight, he was dreaming about Pussy... he's gonna end up being too paranoid for his own good.


That hit on the NY crew was brutal. The splattered eyeball pieces all over the ground was awesome and gross at the same time.


Too much Junior and angry Asian kid this episode for my liking.

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I wonder if people get pissy because tonight's show heavily involved a pissed asian with social issues. I always enjoy a Paulie episode and this was a good one.

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Well I think we saw the last of Junior.


And what else is that Asian kid in? I know I've seen him somewhere.


Ken Leung.. He's been in Rush Hour, Inside Man, Red Dragon, Saw and some episodes of Law and Order among other stuff.

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I wonder if people get pissy because tonight's show heavily involved a pissed asian with social issues. I always enjoy a Paulie episode and this was a good one.


That's sort of the first thing I thought when they revealed the kid's anger problem. Nostradamus must write for the show or something.

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We're three episodes into the final season of The Sporanos and this thread barely has two pages? I must say that I'm a little bit shocked.


I like how they're going about setting the stage for the last few episodes. So far we've had three episodes, and in each one of them Tony Soprano has contemplated whacking three of his own guys. First Bobby, then Christopher, and in the latest episode, Paulie. Add in all of the shit going down in NY while Tony continues to get more and more paranoid, and we have the makings for some absolutely awesome final episodes.

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After tonight's episode I really can't see any happy ending to the series.


I could have done without the visual of Vito Jr. shitting in the shower. The farting sound was enough.

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Tony's fucking lost it. The shit he said to Carm, all the insane gambling, my God.


Another solid but unspectacular episode. They are setting the final 5 up to be mindblowing. They better deliver.

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For anyone who watched, at the end were they trying to imply that Tony had Shlomo's girlfriend whacked somehow?


Yes. The short stop at Satriale's is what tipped some people off. I didn't notice but some have been saying he had her killed to prove he was above Hesh or some bullshit.

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Hesh was one of Tony's favorite guys that never bothered him. So this shows how much Tony is losing it. He has nobody to take over for him and his best earner is dead, the old timers are getting weaker and his wife is challenging his manhood by doing her own thing.


The final 5 shows look insane and there is no possible happy ending for this show.

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Tony being a gambling adict is what is killing him. When you are into something that much, nothing else matters blah blah blah. But he would never get help for it. As the previews showed, they are hating on Christopher for not drinking or anything. He has too much bullshit pride.

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Eh..I doubt Tony had the girlfriend killed. They did somewhat drop hints that she was possibly not well, something about headaches. The problem is that Hesh now distrusts T and could suspect her death to be foul play; burning what was left of their bridge.

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Carmela being the only person in the world who can't figure out for sure that Aid was whacked frustrates me to no end, how long has she been in the family? come on. good episode, makes me want to see the cleaver movie (in fact they are showing a fake making of the movie on hbo right now) weird to see Johnny sack go so fast. the war in coming soon I can feel it. Despite the fact that I usually hate the Phil character, him explaing to the kinds why his family had to change their name when they got to America was hilarious. He really needs to get over his brother though, espcially stop being so mad at Tony about it (i mean Tony B was paid to do it, it's not like he did it on his own, although I guess never realized he was being paid by Rusty)


No, I think you might be mixed up. Tony B killed Joey Peeps for Rusty, then he shot Billy Leotardo when he found out what he and Phil had done to Carlo (his best friend in jail).

oh, I must have assumed that rust paid tony to kill billy, sorry for the mixup, that makes sense now


anyhow yea we all could have done without seeing Vito Jr pinching a loaf in the shower. You got to feel bad for the kid though. Sad how everyone knows his dad was gay, but I wonder what the kid thinks happened to his dad? that he ran away for good?


tony is indeed losing it and we should be in for a very bumpy ride till the end. somethings going down you just get the feeling a lot of bodies are htiing the floor and soon.

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They could have at least had him pull a knife or a gun out and still have him expelled. I guess they really wanted us to know he's a fucked up kid.


In the shower? That would have been even more bad timing with the VT situation to have a kid pull a gun out in school, last week was touchy enough with the pissed off asian with social issues. While having him take a shit in the shower was a bit extreme, it served a better purpose then him going off.


This isn't the first time that kidnapping group has been involved in this show. I want to say they tried to do this AJ but I keep thinking it was another kid.

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Yeah I was thinking about the season so far and I am verry disapointed with it. They haven't touched the thing where Christopher had that little affair with Nurse Carol from ER and they are doing WAY too many stand-alone episodes. I just hope it picks up next week.

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I dont get how dropping a dookie in the shower means shit in the big scheme of things - pardon the pun. And then steps on it? What the fuck kind of weird writing is that? I guess supposed to show this kid has completely lost it? It's just a VERY unusual way to tell a story is all. But then again, that's what makes this show so unique and fun to watch. You never know what to expect.


In any regard, the idea I got from the ending was that I dont think Tony had Hesh's girl offed, but that he just didn't express any real legitimate compassion towards Hesh in the aftermath, thus showing how "out there" he's getting. Hesh always was family to him, and he unconsciously "used him" to help faciliate his gambling debt, and now Tony is upset because he thinks Hesh just wants his money back and isn't in the "in" anymore, it's the brotherhood factor dropping out on Tony for various reasons (mostly self driven paranoia - maybe what we will realize is Tony has an undiagnosed mental illness or something, who knows) with all of these people the last month of shows. Anyway, Tony simply came in, gave some quick and far from meaningful song and dance with Hesh, continued to beat the dead horse with the money, and leave immediately thereafter. It's a subtle (well, maybe not so subtle) point that Tony is really falling off the deep end, and like most of the other episodes are showcasing, that things are going to come to a head here sooner than later. I'm just waiting for one of these next episodes to just go over the top with things, as they are drawing some strong tie-ins to past seasons and such (things coming back to haunt certain people, Tony certainly included) and I think it's just going to get stronger as time goes on here.


Whats the next chapter in AJ's story?

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Yeah, the more I think about it the more I think that Tony had nothing to do with her death.


She was complaining about migraines, etc. before Tony even popped into the picture.


I think the key aspect was Tony's lack of sympathy and I don't think that reflects in any way, shape, or form that he actually killed her. I don't know. Someone that young can certainly have a stroke.

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