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NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

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The Lakers will win the next game. Then Phoenix will blow them out in Game 5 and take away all the Lakers confidence leading to them getting thrashed worse in Game 6.


You guys that think the officiating favored the Lakers are hilarious. You must have missed both defensive 3 second calls, one of which was bullshit, and the like, 8 traveling calls. A few of them were bullshit too. Plus, Lamar Odom was getting pounded on the inside and he didn't get a lot of trips to the line.


When the Suns got on the inside, we just let them lay it up and dunk it. It's kinda hard to foul Amare when the dude is jumping two feet over Kwame and throwing it down.


If there was one playoff game that I could hang up and say, "we won that game without the help of the officials" this one would be it.

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Jesus, what's with all the ref complaining in this thread. I honestly did not see one questionable call send Kobe to the line tonight. They called a couple charges on him when they were merited and most of the defensive foul calls, he was actually slapped on the arm or at least given solid body contact. 13 free throw attempts is pretty typical for a star player trying to do most of the scoring himself. The reason the Lakers got the win tonight wasn't the free throws, it was that Kobe was 15-26 from the field and that the Suns were badly outrebounded on both ends of the floor.


It was less Kobe was getting too many free throws and more that the Suns just weren't getting any. Case in point: Barbosa's last drive of the game when the Suns were down 2. Barbosa is in the paint laying up the ball, and Kobe jumps on his arm. No call. Then Kobe goes down the court, and Raja gets called on a touch foul for having his hand brush against Kobe's stomach. Nash was mauled every time he came down the court and never once got a call. You're blind if you think the game was called evenly.

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The Lakers will win the next game. Then Phoenix will blow them out in Game 5 and take away all the Lakers confidence leading to them getting thrashed worse in Game 6.


You guys that think the officiating favored the Lakers are hilarious. You must have missed both defensive 3 second calls, one of which was bullshit, and the like, 8 traveling calls. A few of them were bullshit too. Plus, Lamar Odom was getting pounded on the inside and he didn't get a lot of trips to the line.


When the Suns got on the inside, we just let them lay it up and dunk it. It's kinda hard to foul Amare when the dude is jumping two feet over Kwame and throwing it down.


If there was one playoff game that I could hang up and say, "we won that game without the help of the officials" this one would be it.



Anyone pretending that the officiating favored anyone is hilarious. It was bad officiating on both sides. Marion, Stoudimire, Barbosa both should have been to the line more, and Kobe, Odem and Bynum (when he did play) should have been to the line.


I think the reason people are saying the officiating favored the Lakers is because in the last two minutes, most of the bad calls went against the suns (two Barbosa drives where he was clearly fouled, one Amare drive and that blocking call on Steve Nash which was clearly offensive). Those for plays in such a small amount of time in such a crucial moment in the game is what made the officating look more in favor of the Lakers, but that game was just badly officiated all around. They called it tight one minute, called nothing the next...Just no consistancy.


Now that Mavs vs Warriors game...that was officiating favoring one team.

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Marcus Camby wins defensive player of the year, once again telling Shawn Marion "Who the fuck cares if you routinely guard a 4-5 positions on the court very well, one of the better rebounders in the league dispite being a 6'7" small forward and you are in the top 20 in blocks, top 5 in steals. You play for the Suns and they DON"T PLAY NO D."

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Now that Mavs vs Warriors game...that was officiating favoring one team.


I don't know why the NBA would rig a game for Dallas, especially after the Finals last year. You think an 8 over 1 with fun, feel-good team like GS would be more appealing than the battle of I-45. Is Dirk suddenly a draw now?

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lol, Stephen Jackson


The subject: TNT big mouth Charles Barkley comparing Jackson to Terrell Owens, which wasn't meant as a compliment despite the fact that T.O. is beloved in the Bay Area, Dallas and possibly Philadelphia. (Hint for our laid-back Cali pals: that's sarcasm.)


"Oh, I don't listen to Charles," a smiling Jackson said Thursday. "I don't get in conflicts with people that don't have championship rings. I've got one."

"I got hot in one game in the finals, I've no time for that peon, Hall of Famer, Charles Barkley."

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Dick Bavetta is doing the Miami game tonight, so they shouldn't have to worry about going down 0-3.

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Guest Richard McBeef

Of course, the Bulls will have to score some points for the rest of this game in order for the refs to hand the game back to the Heat.

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Guest Vitamin X

I love how terrible the Miami crowd is. Down by 3 points with a lot of time left, and that was enough to silence them and give up. People just started leaving.


I'm going to enjoy the Bulls getting revenge on the Heat. One might be down soon, several to go for teams I wouldn't mind seeing win the NBA Championship.

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wow the Golden State crowd is NUTS!


That is why I picked the Warriors in six


knowing the Golden State crowd I knew that it would be fucking tough to beat them at home. Let's see if they can keep it up.


Funny thing is if they played the Lakers, 40% of the crowd would be cheering for the Lakers

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Man, I'd love to be at Oracle Arena right now. That's how a sports crowd should be. None of that bandwagon Miami shit.


Also, great showing by the Bulls tonight. It's really neat to see that team grow up. Two years ago, they would've caved in after that Miami 3rd, but tonight they they came right back at 'em in the 4th. Miami was god-awful at the line tonight as well. For a veteran team, they showed considerably less composure than the younger Bulls.

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This Golden State crowd is fucking great. I could get used to this.


Dallas is just losing all patience in the world right now.


EDIT: Holy shit, Dallas gets to shot two FT, and STACKHOUSE gets T'd.

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I honestly don't understand what happened to Dallas. Dirk looks like he's not even trying out there. He either stands in the corner or else makes a really shitty attempt to get open and then takes a 20 foot set shot if he gets the ball. They don't look remotely like the team that won 67 games.

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Dallas just got woke up. The blowout losses do that better than close ones.


Unless they come out shellshocked on Sunday, which I doubt.

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So, the Mavs get the Warriors off balance in Game 2, get 'em riled up, pick up a big win, then they follow it with this dogshit effort? It looked like they completely gave up in the second half. Way too much whining and crying too. Jon Barry said it best, the Mavs need to take a page from the Briscoes and "Man up." If they don't win Sunday, they're in huge trouble, but no signs point to that happening.


Would it be wrong to question Avery Johnson's coaching ability and say all he did was pick up a good team? Nellie's making him look like an idiot as his team was controlling every aspect of the game.


Also, Tom Tolbert mentioned John Cena in the Nets/Raps game. Just a useless fact.

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Would it be wrong to question Avery Johnson's coaching ability and say all he did was pick up a good team? Nellie's making him look like an idiot as his team was controlling every aspect of the game.

I wouldn't go that far. There's nothing that a coach can do when his players don't want to go out there and play. That was a real half-assed effort from them tonight, and Avery was trying to do everything he could to get their attention. He called so many damn timeouts, but nothing worked.


I think Nelson's in the Mavericks heads though. Dallas is thinking that Nellie knows all their tricks, so they're confused with the things that Golden State are throwing at them. All the blame needs to be placed on the players, they need to come out with more focus and a better attitude.

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I think the mind games are a big part of his success. With the way Nellie and Mullen keep overtly praising Dallas and degrading themselves in interviews, they might as well be in Avery's face yelling "What's wrong with you, why aren't you killing us" repeatedly. Everyone's confidence on the Mavs is shot right now.

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I kept trying to come up with what I'm trying to say, but I can't. It won't come into words.


Nelson is way in their heads though. If anyone knows how good Dallas is, it's him. So if he's saying that Dallas is playing well and Golden State isn't doing a lot of things right, they're thinking "maybe Nellie's right. We're playing our best and they're just BETTER. They probably haven't even brought their best yet."


And that's where the Mavericks are having their problems. They are torn in half.

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