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Ask Milky.

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If you could change one thing about this website, what would it be?


If you could erase a website from existence what would it be?


If you could erase a poster from existence(active nowadays), who would it be?

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If you could change one thing about this website, what would it be?


If you could erase a website from existence what would it be?


If you could erase a poster from existence(active nowadays), who would it be?


Jesus, we should rename this thread "Vanhalen tries to kill me". But I love it, don't take that to mean I want you to stop.


If you could change one thing about this website, what would it be?


I'd have Leena unbanned. I really do love her. Not in that "I love potato chips." way either, I really love her. Not in the boy/girl way, but she is spectacular.


I've told her before, it came out in our cyber transripts:


While I honestly can't say that I "love" you...


And so on...


I respect that we are thousands of miles from each other, but she is my ideal mate. If circumstances were different, god, I'd be all over that, but things are the way they are. And so, I allow cyber sex to be the extent of it.


If you could erase a website from existence what would it be?


Does Dr. Phil have a site? I'm sure he does. If so, that one. Also, pervertedjustice. I hate them with every fiber of my being.


If you could erase a poster from existence(active nowadays), who would it be?


I sincerely try to look at every poster as a human being. And as such, I hate nobody. I really don't. Remember Dids? He described me as non-judgemental to a fault. It's true. I will accept and try to be nice to damn near anybody.


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If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, would you spend all the money you had access to, or save it to pass on?


What would be your final meal?

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I also told her I was so sickened by her that she must pay for the honor of my allowing her to fuck me. In drugs. She did, she went out and got me speed.

That's some step towards the direction of immortal when girls have to pay you in drugs for the privilege to fuck you.

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If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, would you spend all the money you had access to, or save it to pass on?


What would be your final meal?


I would leave it all to fucking orphans. Call me a pussy? Fuck you, they deserve it.


My last meal is easy. White pizza from Grimaldi's in Brooklyn.

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Say you could have a threesome but had to pick two out of these four candidates; who would it be?


The Snapple Lady


Raptor Jesus

Barney Rubble

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In January, my father turns fifty and is planning a huge birthday party at Disneyland, wherein he told me to invite all of my friends, and that he would pay for their room and board, and all we had to do was find a way to get out there. As it stands, we're planning a massive road trip out there. Here's the question: you wanna meet us at Disneyland?

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Ok, let's do all these (I'm taking a break from watching Simpsons season 10 to do this, just so you guys know I love you)


Say you could have a threesome but had to pick two out of these four candidates; who would it be?


The Snapple Lady


Raptor Jesus

Barney Rubble


God and Raptor Jesus, easily.


Your views on Astral Projecting/Traveling


Bullshit. Remember, I'm just a nihilist under a different name. However, I agree with what Alan Moore said about magic: "Everything that anyone has said about magic true... if you accept that these things are happening in people's minds." So in that sense, they are true. I myself have done some of that, teleporting and manipulating my own body like a puppet, but nothing ever really happened. I deny and reject anything even slightly otherworldly. It's us and that's it.


Will we get it right this time?


That's what I'm here for. If we get it wrong, I will take responsibility. Where's your Messiah now? I'm right here, bitches.


What is your earliest memory?


This was from Woodson, Illinois. I was playing on a playground, the merry go round in fact, and I remember the ground was covered in wood chips, and it was overcast that day. And my dad yelled "Come on, Flapper!" and I jumped and ran and got in the car. He still calls me Flap/Flapper/Flappage to this day (actually it's usually Flappage, currently... I'll have to ask about the origin of that nickname). And that's the earliest thing I remember.


What do you make of Vanhalen's somewhat unsettling, but obvious crush on you?


He's not the first, and I hope he won't be the last. It's ok, I accept that there's just something about me that draws people to me. It's why I started that cult.


Here's the question: you wanna meet us at Disneyland?


Yes, I do. I really, seriously do. I love Disneyland, and I love you, Jon, and room and board is paid for? I'd be an idiot not to do this. This will be an event on the level of the Inc/Agent meeting. But Christ knows what I'll be doing in January, or what my disposable income will look like. So I'll have to get back to you on this. But if I can, I will.


Why would a 50-year-old man want to celebrate his birthday at Disneyland? That's for JSYK.


Of course, Milky can free to answer if he wishes.


No human should deny the opportunity to celebrate their birthday at Disneyland. Disneyland is fucking awesome. Age: whatever. Disneyland is still fucking awesome.

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Will we get it right this time?


That's what I'm here for. If we get it wrong, I will take responsibility. Where's your Messiah now? I'm right here, bitches.


Just that you had any clue what I was talking about gives me hope. :)

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My dad is a large child at heart, and his parents deprived him of his rightful childhood - my grandpa was vice president of American Express, and as such, forced his family to move all over the country at a whim, causing my dad to have to uproot and leave all of his friends and meaningful relationships behind. His one outlet for his childhood whimsy was Disneyland, which he still loves to this very day. He has an annual pass and goes like four times a year.


And Milky, if you could come, that would be the shit.

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Guest Vitamin X

What do you think about midget porn. I love Bridget the Midget, personally. I mean, fuck.





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I might be offered a job later on today which would require me to move to Norwich (a shitty town in England) and it's not the best pay in the world (14,500). But the job is awesome and would be a good foot in the door to breaking into the industry. Do I take this job and stick out the crap conditions and pay or wait untill something better comes about while I do data entry and envolope stuffing for 9 hours a day?

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Why do people think I have a crush on you?


I would guess that it's because you ask me a lot of questions in this thread, have said a couple times that I was on fire, and have begged me to come to the chat. No worries, though, I like it.


What do you think about midget porn.


Oh god, I love midget porn. Basically any kind of porn that is strange, either from the performers themselves or what they are doing, I love it. And midget porn is a favorite. I prefer the pathetically named Twidget the Midget myself. Cute redhead. Happens to be a midget. Bridget is great, though. To paraphrase Richard, I'd kill my mother for the chance to cum in Bridget's mouth. She hates her family, loves metal, has a spider tattoo, and is a god damn midget porn star. She's great.


Do I take this job and stick out the crap conditions and pay or wait untill something better comes about while I do data entry and envolope stuffing for 9 hours a day?


Take it. The job you have now, there's no room for advancement. Plus, shitty towns are often the best towns, if you get to know them. With all the fucking underage girls and such. Plus in England, legal is 16, so to you guys, fucking a 14 year old is like fucking a 16 year old over here.

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IDRM filled up an old comp of mine with Twidget porn. She has a busted face too and was like a white nympho meatball in my opinion. She also has one of the nastiest cunts in porn.


Oh, you'll be happy to know that one of "the two" grabbed my phone yesterday and looked at my friends list. I have you saved in there as "Milky" and thus I had to kinda explain who you were. They both seemed amused.

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Becky: I've never even looked at your phone before, let me see it

*hand phone over to her while Kayte watches with a mouth full of burrito. Becky scrolls through the phone*

Becky: Milky?! Oh god...what's that?

Me: That's my friend in Cali who I know from online. He's sober now like me but that was anything but the case a couple years back...again like me.

Becky: But why Milky?

Me: Cause it was easier than typing out "I Drink Rats Milk"

Becky: ....

Kayte: Ew! He drinks rat's milk?! I give my dog goat's milk sometimes

Me: Its just an internet thing

Becky: Goat's milk is nasty...hey, you ate all of my burrito!

*Kayte smirks and Becky hands back my phone*

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AWESOME! Be sure to tell Becky that Milky heard about this exchange and sang "Kickstart My Heart" aloud in celebration. (Because I did.) The "WHOA! YEAH!" part anyway. PS/ Fuck these bitches raw before you back out of it. But then seriously do. I can tell just from that, it's going to blow up in your face.


Also, if anyone else has ever had conversations about me in real life, tell me all about it. They'll go in the book. You can pm me, if you feel self-conscious.

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Becky keeps drawing pictures of the three of us in Utah together and while Kayte has backed away a bit she suggested yesterday that I don't bother wearing underwear anymore as its more comfortable and conveniant.


Its not going to be easy to back away from though. I mean the three of us have become best friends too.

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My Girlfriend has big big tits, she lets me suckle, grope and molest them at will. She gets super moist. My dick doesn't move. Why do I have such stage fright? Why must I have ED? Why is my generic viagra failing me? Why can't i calm down and focus on what needs to be done!!??? AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

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You can stay best friends, just don't be in a "three way relationship". You can even have three way sex, but doing that and just being friends is fucking hard, I wouldn't suggest trying it. You kind of have to be me to get away with that, and even I have pretty much given up on fucking friends because it just doesn't work out. Just let friends be all it is.


All of my female friends, I have either fucked or aggresively hit on, and I do regret it. I have had to tell a couple of them I was in AA and at the ninth step and apologized to them so they would talk to me again. But it's hard, when you're used to every woman you know having sex with you, to stop it. It can be done, though. I told a friend of mine "Oh God, I need a girlfriend badly, so I can stop being such a degenerate." And he said "Alright, I get you. I'll try to hook you up with one of the girls I know, but you should know that I have dated most of them myself. Does that bother you?" And I said "You shitting me? I'm coming from a place where everyone who is female has fucked everyone who is male. Of course it doesn't bother me!"

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My Girlfriend has big big tits, she lets me suckle, grope and molest them at will. She gets super moist. My dick doesn't move. Why do I have such stage fright? Why must I have ED? Why is my generic viagra failing me? Why can't i calm down and focus on what needs to be done!!??? AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


Are you gay? If you have seriously considered this and you aren't, that is terrible. Answer one: If this girl really loves you, she will take the time, try different things, and find what you need to get it up. Answer two: Name bran Viagra. If it fails, sue.

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Becky: I've never even looked at your phone before, let me see it

*hand phone over to her while Kayte watches with a mouth full of burrito. Becky scrolls through the phone*

Becky: Milky?! Oh god...what's that?

Me: That's my friend in Cali who I know from online. He's sober now like me but that was anything but the case a couple years back...again like me.

Becky: But why Milky?

Me: Cause it was easier than typing out "I Drink Rats Milk"

Becky: ....

Kayte: Ew! He drinks rat's milk?! I give my dog goat's milk sometimes

Me: Its just an internet thing

Becky: Goat's milk is nasty...hey, you ate all of my burrito!

*Kayte smirks and Becky hands back my phone*


this reminds me of the days i had inc saved in my phone as Squirtle!. with the exclamation point and everything. my girlfriend was amused when i had to explain that to her.

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Do I take this job and stick out the crap conditions and pay or wait untill something better comes about while I do data entry and envolope stuffing for 9 hours a day?


Take it. The job you have now, there's no room for advancement. Plus, shitty towns are often the best towns, if you get to know them. With all the fucking underage girls and such. Plus in England, legal is 16, so to you guys, fucking a 14 year old is like fucking a 16 year old over here.


Pedophillia aside, I would have taken the job. Only I got a phone call 20 minutes ago telling me that I didn't get it. "lack of experince in the world of TV" being the reason. Which is annoying, how am I supposed to get experience if no one will hire me to get some?!


That was a rhetorical question by the way, don't waste your time on it Milky.

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