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If a girl can't get a guy to come on to her when she wants to, that's her problem as much as his..




That's what she said.

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I went through almost a carbon-copy of that. Was going strong for two years plus two years previous without commitment. We wound up splitting last summer, but remained pretty good friends. Fooled around a bit, but for the most part, could just be around each other and have a good time. Then we went through a stretch of not talking and I sort of pressed the issue, since I wanted exactly what you did: her as a close friend.


Well, to take a shortcut, it usually doesn't work like that. We started talking again and I thought we might start back up, but she was seeing someone and led me to believe it was more than it actually wound up being. I didn't talk to her at all for two months and had a very tough time accepting it. Only when I finally talked to her and had her alluding to her sleeping with this guy (who apparently didn't stick around long after I last spoke with her) did I finally begin to see that despite all the pleasant memories I had of us and her, she was doing no good for me now.


We wound up not really talking much after that, although I decided that even if we weren't friends or talking, I didn't want there to be animosity between us. I sorta ruined that during a insanely drunken night out this summer when I gave her number to my friend and he called her a couple times. She wound up calling me the next day and ranting on about me being immature (which I agreed with). I cut her off when she said if he ever called her again, she'd have her boyfriend come kill him. As an aside, I know for a fact she's not in a relationship and at best is casually dating someone, so I found that funny. I figured letting her say her piece would appease her, which wasn't the case, as she tried to send me a virus via text message right after.


Anyway, I apologized again a week later because of guilt, again citing that I didn't want there to be animosity and blah, blah, blah. She wasn't having it, I accepted it and cut off contact again. She had her friend prank call me and my aforementioned friend a couple weeks later, which I thought was ironic given the whole "immature" thing. That pretty much was my wake-up call that she wasn't worth the hassle of even trying to be civil with.


So yeah, hell with her, man. You can't go forcing something like this. And forget the being good friends thing. It takes a strong person to be able to remain friends with a serious ex, especially when they get into the next serious relationship. You're better off not worrying about what she's doing and the best solution to that is to erase her from your life.

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But in all seriousness, I have anxiety, so it's nearly impossible for me to muster up the courage to say something like that. I have trouble enough just talking to them. For instance, there's a cute girl in my japanese class, but all I've been able to do for the past 3 days has been sneakin' peeks. I'm also kind of shy. Well, hell man.

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Wait a minute. I don't remember any of these lyrics being in Rel-OHMYGODIGOTRICKROLLED!



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- You mentioned earlier you lost a lot of respect for girls during college because of your ability to pick them up despite being in such rough shape that the upholstery of your mom's car wasn't safe. Were these girls attractive, traditional or otherwise? Or were they kind who resided among the bottom rungs of the superficial ladder?


A lot of them were. The kind of girls I like sort of lends itself to this. I like really slutty girls, so that's obvious (I've had to tear myself away from that a little, too). I also like sort of alternative girls, you know, weird hair and tattoos and shit. They're sort of more tolerant of that sort of thing. Plus, you know, I had my band. Rock stars are the most fucked up people in the world, they get laid all the time. I wasn't a rock star, but you know, I was cool. Plus, I could still talk about interesting things. And a lot of girls like to party, too. So that's all elements of a guy who should be able to get girls, it's just... I'm a complete addict, I mean, c'mon, have a little respect for yourself.

Funny anecdote, the absolute hottest girl I currently know would beer bong whiskey. I'd still fuck her. I guess that's true all over. I mean, I won't fuck her, cause she's my friend. And she doesn't do that sort of stuff anymore anyway. Still drinks a lot, though.


Anyways, what do you think I should do? Try to rebuild our friendship, or just never talk to her again? I've also thought about waiting until I got to Toronto and then unblocking her on MSN, and hopefully building an "internet relationship" at that time. Would that be best?


Maybe she thought you felt too strongly for her, for just a friend. And you probably did, truth told. But she sent incredibly mixed signals. You want my honest opinion... fuck that girl. She was mean to you. There were better ways to handle the situation. Like, not break up with a guy and then still be his girlfriend for all intents and purposes for four more months. That's just fucking with somebody's head.

And you really can't be friends with somebody like that unless you're a very unique individual. Like Seinfeld.


If you're going to though, because I know it's easy to crack, wait until you move. Then she'll at least know you don't want more.


Would also be good to get a new girlfriend yourself, either way. Will let you know whether you really want her as a friend or not. And if you did talk to her, it would say something to her that you had one.


Seriously though, move on.


But in all seriousness, I have anxiety, so it's nearly impossible for me to muster up the courage to say something like that. I have trouble enough just talking to them. For instance, there's a cute girl in my japanese class, but all I've been able to do for the past 3 days has been sneakin' peeks. I'm also kind of shy. Well, hell man.


I know this isn't a question, but I thought I'd point out that as surprising as it may be, I'm incredibly shy. I overcompensate. As a lifestyle. That may also be why I meet my serious girlfriends on the internet. In that form, I can talk like a normal person and don't feel the need to be the brazen loudmouth that I usually am. I act normal with my friends too, but they've told me I take some getting used to.

The serious girlfriends I didn't meet online, I was friends with first. I'm hesitant about this, though, because I don't want to lose them as friends. I am one of those Seinfeld motherfuckers who can be friends afterwards without giving a shit, but sometimes they aren't.



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Thanks for all the comments on my little...story.


Yes, I'm not 100% over her, and I definately wasn't when we were still fucking. But keep in mind that we still hung out on a regular basis for a few weeks after she got a new boyfriend, and I was perfectly fine with it. I really did like just being her friend... Sure I still had feelings for her, but I know she did for me as well. Maybe she's actually just doing the MATURE thing in not wanting to screw her new boy around. That would be a first. Oh well, fuck it.


Milky, I have "hooked up" with a couple girls since, but I don't think a girlfriend is what I'm looking for now. Unless it's the lead singer from "The Creep Show". I saw them recently when they came through town, and instantly fell in love with her. Interestingly enough, they're from Toronto. I think I will become a stalker once I move down there.


Earlier when I made that post I did feel like calling her, but now I'm back to not caring. I really switch on and off like that far too often.. I'm pretty messed.


Thanks for all the advice!

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Dave, should I focus my attention of my writings of


a) my court-room drama series (based around Phoenix Wright)

b) my semi-autobiographical novel about being a student

c) my zombie film

d) my office based comedy


I can't work out I should spend the time on.


Also, while im here, theres now two chicks at work that I have an intrest in.




Good Points:

- older than me

- can drive

- is very cute

- is "alternative"

- fantastic figure!


Bad points:

- Shit hair cut

- Not very "girly"

- Possibly a lesbian




Good points:

- Insanely cute

- great figure!

- seems like she['d make a good girlfriend

- is slightly younger than me (I think a year)


Bad points:

- University chick, might not be here much longer

- possibly a bit too "girly" - but that might not be a bad thing

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Good Points:

- older than me

- can drive

- is very cute

- is "alternative"

- fantastic figure!




Good points:

- Insanely cute

- great figure!

- seems like she['d make a good girlfriend

- is slightly younger than me (I think a year)


Does this seem odd to anyone else?


Also, since I'm here anyway: Milky, what's the single stupidest thing you can personally recall seeing on this board?

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Well I'm looking for a girl thats more around my age, but older is always good too. I dont think she's much older than me, 26 tops.

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I'd go for Carly, but that's just my tastes.


If you're looking for something fun, Rachel will probably fuck you, but she'll also fuck many others and then leave for home.


If you want something serious, Carly will most likely be devoted, and more mature than Rachel.

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Good Points:

- older than me

- can drive

- is very cute

- is "alternative"

- fantastic figure!




Good points:

- Insanely cute

- great figure!

- seems like she['d make a good girlfriend

- is slightly younger than me (I think a year)


Does this seem odd to anyone else?


Also, since I'm here anyway: Milky, what's the single stupidest thing you can personally recall seeing on this board?


i've always found older girls hot. first, they generally know what they're doing a lot more than younger ones. second, they're smarter. third, since most girls go for guys their own age or older, charming them takes some actual skills. any senior can bang a freshman; not very many can charm the pants off a grad student.

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Dave, should I focus my attention of my writings of


a) my court-room drama series (based around Phoenix Wright)

b) my semi-autobiographical novel about being a student

c) my zombie film

d) my office based comedy


Zombie film. It's the easiest to get made, but it's a saturated market. None of them are original ideas, but with zombie films it doesn't matter.


Regarding the two chicks: Carly. Course nothing says you can't pursue both. There's no ring on your finger.


Also, since I'm here anyway: Milky, what's the single stupidest thing you can personally recall seeing on this board?


Probably Frigid deleting the other board, or Jingus becoming addicted to cough medicine. Politics. My penis.


Regarding older women, meh. I mean, I agree in a sense, but I currently know an 18 year old girl going out with a 15 year old guy and a 22 year old with a 17 year old. And that's just right now. It happens. It's more that the girls suck than that the guys are so great.

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Also, since I'm here anyway: Milky, what's the single stupidest thing you can personally recall seeing on this board?

conversely: The greatest thing you've ever seen on this board (excluding things relating to yourself)?

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I was just at the lone used record shop in town and saw they had an original Fat Boys shirt for 10 bucks. Thing is, it was a sleeveless shirt, otherwise it would've been a no-brainer purchase. Nevertheless, I'm thinking of getting it to sell on eBay. Yay or nay?

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conversely: The greatest thing you've ever seen on this board (excluding things relating to yourself)?

That's more difficult, particularly when you exclude anything I was involved in. A lot of stuff doesn't stand the test of time, and a lot of the stuff I call great, I love because it's terrible. I must say though, I did always like Metal Ed, and that's still funny. Also: Leena's body.


I was just at the lone used record shop in town and saw they had an original Fat Boys shirt for 10 bucks. Thing is, it was a sleeveless shirt, otherwise it would've been a no-brainer purchase. Nevertheless, I'm thinking of getting it to sell on eBay. Yay or nay?


Go for it. There's stores here... they hover somewhere between thrift stores and vintage clothing store. Most of the stuff there is thrift storishly priced, but they are still able to get people to drop $80 on an original KISS tour shirt. The point is, there's a market for it. You'll make your investment back at the very least.


As an aside, I really love those stores. I've been able to pick up a shirt from the first season of American Idol for $8, and some decent 80s era Bowie and Elton John shirts in the $20 range. They also have cool shit like staff jackets for airlines that don't exist anymore and girl scout sashes (yes, I could accessorize that).

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Dave, should I focus my attention of my writings of


a) my court-room drama series (based around Phoenix Wright)

b) my semi-autobiographical novel about being a student

c) my zombie film

d) my office based comedy


Zombie film. It's the easiest to get made, but it's a saturated market. None of them are original ideas, but with zombie films it doesn't matter.


Regarding the two chicks: Carly. Course nothing says you can't pursue both. There's no ring on your finger.


Cheers, I was thinking Carly too, but we'll see what happens. As for the zombie script, the only thing holding me back is that I'm better at writing dialogue than action, and I don't think anyone would want to watch a dialogue heavy zombie film. Even with the title being, "Blood, Sex, Guns and Zombies".

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conversely: The greatest thing you've ever seen on this board (excluding things relating to yourself)?

That's more difficult, particularly when you exclude anything I was involved in.\

I originally asked the question without the parenthetic addendum, but went back and edited it when I realized such answers would most likely be self-centered

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As mentioned earlier, my sleep schedule's been messed up. I've been up since 11:30 a.m. and need to be up in less than two hours to take my brother to the airport. I'm then supposed to leave as soon as possible to make a three-hour drive to see my best friend graduate from police academy. At this point, I don't see much more than maybe a 20-minute nap squeezed in here. What can I do to ensure I don't die in a graphic car accident because I fell asleep at the wheel? Energy drinks, cold air, loud music, food? I'm still pretty alert, but can see fatigue slapping me in the face in a few hours and that could throw everything off.

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Do all of those things.

Just the other day I had been up all night and had to go out at four AM to talk to some guy about a job. I had to drive into San Francisco, and I looked at the gauge and said "Shit. I gotta get gas." So I did, and at the gas station, I was like "Hm, this seems familiar. Why do I feel like I used to stop here every day..." Before realizing that I did indeed stop there every day, buy an energy drink and get cash back to pay the toll on the bridge. I would have totally forgotten and been fined $100. Actually I probably would have parked the car and gone walking back to the cars behind me begging money. But that's not pleasant either.


But the point is, I know all about chugging Rock Stars at four in the morning with the AC on full blast and the window down. Van Halen or Aerosmith work well.

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Shrooms are great because they're a psychedelic but you can still basically function on them. Probably the best was the time I hallucinated that I was inside the movie James and the Giant Peach. I was on some other stuff, but I think that was the primary thing. That movie's a trip anyway, and that was just great.

I kind of fell in love with the spider in the movie during that trip, and then when it was over (the movie, not the trip), I went on aim and told Leena that I was in love with her. I was sort of confusing her with the spider, because they were both foreign. It's true that I think Leena's awesome, but a lot of it's probably residuals from a drug trip where I thought she was a spider. Still, we were good enough friends before that that I could say something like that and she would take it at face value.


Recently I was discussing with a friend of mine my associations of certain drugs with different locations. Like, coke: night club, weed: rap concert, meth: somebody's basement, and so on. Mushrooms was the desert. He was sort of surprised, but that was my usual MO. When I was going to do mushrooms, I'd go out into the desert, or when I moved to Florida, the swamp, and take them and just sit there introspectively. I learned some amazing things.


Hey pbone, if you read this, I remember you talking to me about wanting psychedelic experiences, and that's my advice. Go out into nature and take mushrooms and just sit there. You live in Hawaii, there's so many places with amazing scenery. I don't do drugs anymore, but I would probably consider doing mushrooms again if I was in a position to stare into a volcano, or I was in the Himalayas or Antarctica or something.


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Hey pbone, if you read this, I remember you talking to me about wanting psychedelic experiences, and that's my advice. Go out into nature and take mushrooms and just sit there. You live in Hawaii, there's so many places with amazing scenery. I don't do drugs anymore, but I would probably consider doing mushrooms again if I was in a position to stare into a volcano, or I was in the Himalayas or Antarctica or something.


I'm doing them on saturday. I'm pretty excited. If all goes well, I'm just going to go to this park and shit around. I don't really know though, I would like to go play in the water or something just because. The park is nice and sunny with some areas of shade, and a hurricane just passed through here so the grass is probably huge by now. I'm probably going to do some dxm there tomorrow too.

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