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Cheech Tremendous

WWE Folder sucks dick

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570. "It's so cool that Shawn Michaels stood up to Vince McMahon and dressed him down in front of the whole locker room. It's about time someone told Vince off."


Maybe when the teenagers who inhabit that folder get a real job they'll realize that it's not always easy to get along with your boss. He might say some mean shit once in a while, but you have to deal with it if you want to get anywhere. Otherwise, just quit. There's nothing gained by being a jerk right back.

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real job

Pro wrestling is such an anomalous industry that trying to draw any comparison between it and "real jobs" is laughable

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Maybe when the teenagers who inhabit that folder get a real job they'll realize that it's not always easy to get along with your boss. He might say some mean shit once in a while, but you have to deal with it if you want to get anywhere. Otherwise, just quit. There's nothing gained by being a jerk right back.



Well thats bullshit.


I was going to elaborate, but basically all of it is bullshit. You don't have to deal with a bosses bullshit, there is plenty to be gained to standing up to it.


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570. "It's so cool that Shawn Michaels stood up to Vince McMahon and dressed him down in front of the whole locker room. It's about time someone told Vince off."


Maybe when the teenagers who inhabit that folder get a real job they'll realize that it's not always easy to get along with your boss. He might say some mean shit once in a while, but you have to deal with it if you want to get anywhere. Otherwise, just quit. There's nothing gained by being a jerk right back.


Perhaps we went one too far with Reason #570.


You're off here. You need to stand up for yourself once in a while. Otherwise you're little more than a doormat, and doormats just do not rise too high in the business world.

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"Well, I’m glad I’m fired, because uh, because this company is run by a lunatic!"


"You’ve got guts...


... the guts of a man who's fired."

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Haha, you'll find that supermarkets do NOT pay high on hourly rate at nights.


I only earn £11 an hour, and thats INCLUDING night rate.


AND, i'm head of my department.


Recommendation: Don't do it.

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Haha, you'll find that supermarkets do NOT pay high on hourly rate at nights.


I only earn £11 an hour, and thats INCLUDING night rate.


AND, i'm head of my department.


Recommendation: Don't do it.

Good lord, that's about... $22 bucks an hour


Earlier this decade when I worked retail, my earnings peaked at $10 (appr £5) an hour

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Well, £5.60 (I think, something like that) is considered minimum wage here for over 21's, and when you consider in the fact you have to work unsociable hours, £11 isn't that much.


Also, I am incharge of the warehouse, and the backyard and all deliveries.


It's not like I just stack shelves.


They earn about £7.20 an hour with night bonus.

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Yeah Franchise, that's like double or more than what you'd make for the same job in the States. Maybe the UK's cost of living is higher? The American minimum wage works out to about £3.18.

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah but the UK gets taxed like all hell, too, so the common argument is that although the pound is worth so much more than the dollar, it evens out after all the tax.

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Haha, you'll find that supermarkets do NOT pay high on hourly rate at nights.


I only earn £11 an hour, and thats INCLUDING night rate.


AND, i'm head of my department.


Recommendation: Don't do it.


Dude, I'm only earning like 8 quid an hour but I guess I am only a bottom rung shelf stacker. But hey, if I'm lucky, after 25 years of solid working at Waitrose, I get 6 months paid holiday! <_<

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Yeah Franchise, that's like double or more than what you'd make for the same job in the States. Maybe the UK's cost of living is higher? The American minimum wage works out to about £3.18.

Well, things cost more over here.


Things like petrol, I dont know how much you pay, but I know its a lot less than us.


& just as an example, I saw that 3 disc HBK DVD is only $20 - it'll cost between $40 and $45 here.

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Nintendo has confirmed that its Wii console will launch on November 19th in the USA priced US$ 250


I don't know if that price stuck, but in England, a Wii sets you back £200 for the same deal.


There's plenty of other examples. but yeah, don't let the number of my hourly rate fool you, earn 'high', but you need to live high.

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Yeah Franchise, that's like double or more than what you'd make for the same job in the States. Maybe the UK's cost of living is higher? The American minimum wage works out to about £3.18.

Well, things cost more over here.


Things like petrol, I dont know how much you pay, but I know its a lot less than us.


& just as an example, I saw that 3 disc HBK DVD is only $20 - it'll cost between $40 and $45 here.


That's an Amazon sale. MSRP is $35.

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real job

Pro wrestling is such an anomalous industry that trying to draw any comparison between it and "real jobs" is laughable

No, I'm sorry , this is just wrong. There are plenty of things wrestling and "regular jobs" have in common. The big one is politics. Politics is everywhere. It's always a good idea at any job to be well liked by your peers and superiors, whether or not you actually do a good job. Also, there's plenty of backstabbing going on, where a supervisor may not promote someone simply because he doesn't like his "style." If you want to get anywhere at your job, make someone high up on the totem pole like you and more importantly don't make them not like you.


And don't give me that "Well, London and Kendrick work their asses off and are just jobbers! Vince takes one look at Kahli and wants to make him WHC!" That stuff happens all the time in real life. Bosses always have their favorites.

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Do you not see? Woking hard at a job will get you no where because they will just promote Khali instead of you.

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No, I'm sorry , this is just wrong. There are plenty of things wrestling and "regular jobs" have in common. The big one is politics. Politics is everywhere. It's always a good idea at any job to be well liked by your peers and superiors, whether or not you actually do a good job. Also, there's plenty of backstabbing going on, where a supervisor may not promote someone simply because he doesn't like his "style." If you want to get anywhere at your job, make someone high up on the totem pole like you and more importantly don't make them not like you.


And don't give me that "Well, London and Kendrick work their asses off and are just jobbers! Vince takes one look at Kahli and wants to make him WHC!" That stuff happens all the time in real life. Bosses always have their favorites.

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This thread pretty much sucks now, everyone is just taking one thing a poster says (and many times not fully understanding what the poster means) or just making things up, and acting like the whole folder is in agreement on a stupid point. The last couple have been bad in particular.

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