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Cheech Tremendous

WWE Folder sucks dick

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In the other corner is EHME who says Mayweather is hip hop or something and that makes him important.


I said Mayweather appeals to the Hip Hop crowd, which he does....


He has 50 Cent come out live for his boxing entrances, he flosses bling bling, and is always talked about in various Hip Hop magazines. I don't get what your trying to say... Go on any Hip Hop forum, and they all love Floyd.

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Eventually I'll need to post something of this nature in the folder itself, but I'm not sure where. People, if you are repeating news or reports, put the damn thing in a quote tag. Make it clear from the beginning of the post that it is NOT YOUR WORK.

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Dustin Beaverton is living proof that being bored isn't an excuse for shitty posting.


Yes, he did use that as an excuse when someone told him he was a shitty poster.


Isn't that also EHME's excuse for all his friendly comments?

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Eventually I'll need to post something of this nature in the folder itself, but I'm not sure where. People, if you are repeating news or reports, put the damn thing in a quote tag. Make it clear from the beginning of the post that it is NOT YOUR WORK.



Take that Enigma!


Or is it Mecca? I can't tell the two apart.

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Enigma going around and telling people "we're already talked/discussed this in so and so thread.", it's funny every time I see him do it.

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Guest Vitamin X
Dustin Beaverton. That is all.

I don't know how you did it, but you managed to post this like 1 minute before I did. Good work.

Here's the sad part, cheech: The Beaverton in his name refers to you-know-where, no more than 10-15 minutes away from myself in downtown. Dude randomly PMed me a few weeks ago asking me if I knew any places to go watch the Royal Rumble at. I don't know HOW he could fathom I could give a rat's ass seeing as how I haven't posted in a wrestling folder since the Benoit incident (and that was only because I watched him and wrestling in general YEARS ago).

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Maybe the time has come that we establish a subfolder for the WWE Folder. Newly registered members have to go there to learn how to "post the TSM Style."

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That wouldn't be a terrible idea if we had more than three or four half-decent posters in the WWE folder. There isn't that much difference between the noobs and many of the established posters. Seriously, is Enigmecca that much better than Dustin Beaverton?

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I've always thought part of the introductory period for all message boards should include a read-only period and/or a hazing ritual where you're limited to one board to post on and everyone else gets to mercilessly pick at your faults and break you down. But they would just wait out the read-only period and the latter takes too much effort. So leave them be, since most of the really, really terrible new posters all come for the wrestling shit anyway, and if they make their way out of that, the process of natural selection will eventually pick out those without hope. Just be thankful Enigmecca aren't spreading their filth elsewhere on the board.

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Take that, Spiff!

I used it before you, fatty. "EnigMecca" was to be my username at one point. I was going to post NOOZ! that people had just posted three posts before.


Edit---I was kidding about a WWE minor league folder. There needs to be a WWEolderocaust and just start over.

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Take that, Spiff!

I used it before you, fatty. "EnigMecca" was to be my username at one point. I was going to post NOOZ! that people had just posted three posts before.

I was trying to establish "Eniccma" as the preferred mashup, which is what Slayer was referring to.

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Eventually I'll need to post something of this nature in the folder itself, but I'm not sure where. People, if you are repeating news or reports, put the damn thing in a quote tag. Make it clear from the beginning of the post that it is NOT YOUR WORK.



Take that Enigma!


Or is it Mecca? I can't tell the two apart.


Wait, they're not the same person?

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