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Cheech Tremendous

WWE Folder sucks dick

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CTDWAT is back because, frankly, people are morons. I'm pretty sure massive warnings were given about this but the attempt to "clean up" the folder was still there. It still is there and it's not like King gave up, but basically we had a "Random Thoughts" thread (which would get closed at around 600 posts, then started anew to avoid massive threads I guess) and a "News You Could Barely Use" thread. As simple as you'd think separating random THOUGHTS that don't warrant a thread (ex. "I miss Trevor Murdoch") and news that was too minor to have it's own thread (ex. "Michael Hayes pushed to have Trevor Murdoch come to Smackdown"), people seemed to think minor and even major news items were thoughts they randomly had so stuff was being repeated all over. King basically decided to end the madness and re-institute CTDWAT, but the gimmick is that it's not SUPPOSED to become the cluttered mess where every post ever not about a TV show or PPV went prior to the revamp, and if King sees posts in there that warrant a discussion thread (for example, Mr. Kennedy suffering another injury), he uses his powers to pluck the posts and make a new thread.

Pretty much, yeah. And just checking the last twenty posts in there or so, that's exactly how I want it. It's right.


I didn't really want to do CTDWAT again, but it's better than the two other threads. One negative is that a select few have taken to shitting up the folder since I did so. I won't name names.

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Noah Fentz, but it's a DarKnight that you won't name names.


I wanted to participate in the GAB roundtable, since I was going to the show. Oh well

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I would say bob speaks 'The Truthiness' but his antics have fallen off my radar. I guess he's just a normal guy now (plus I don't venture to TNA land). Wrestling fans don't need to be ashamed.

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DarKnight is a terrible poster, but no one compares to Truthiness.


Seriously, the guy just posts, "that was awesome" whenever something universally shit happens.

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I would say bob speaks 'The Truthiness' but his antics have fallen off my radar. I guess he's just a normal guy now (plus I don't venture to TNA land). Wrestling fans don't need to be ashamed.

That is a golden statement, but I'm sure it's greek to some.

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"Despite this thread's subject line, we at CCITY are not carrying the SS set"


:wub: I love Jericholic.


I really hate Jericholic with a passion.


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cabbageboy is my favorite...no matter how awesome something is, even if everyone else in the thread loved it, he'll find something to hate about it.


This message isn't very coded.


Though I initially assumed Fentz's source was a sleepy Honky Tonk Man spending the night on his couch, I now think it's JN News' MSN contact.

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"Despite this thread's subject line, we at CCITY are not carrying the SS set"


:wub: I love Jericholic.


I really hate Jericholic with a passion.


I still remember your rant about how Best Buy sucks ass...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I really hate Jerichoholic's posts.



I've never read them.

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Cabbageboy called DarKnight his brother. Really, it's not like I uncovered some secret like when Kreese figured out that Andy O was mole.


I love that this warranted mod folder decision.

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We didn't talk about it, it was just that one (or more, like I said, didn't talk about it) of us thought cabbageboy was trying to steal the account. IP being the same and all. That wasn't the case.


Czech just posted a PM that was sent and that was it.

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Noah's really sucking a big fat cock in the "Raven Files a Lawsuit" thread.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I'd say he's a borderline troll, but you're right he hasn't really done anything to get banned.

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