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Cheech Tremendous

WWE Folder sucks dick

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DiBiase and Rhodes' faction should have an epic name kinda like Evolution. Maybe Legacy?



Alright VKM, when can start expecting my royalty checks to arrive?


Guess someone in the E actually reads these things, huh?


You know, I think if you can prove they got the idea from this board you can sue for royalties, actually. I don't know the legalities of it, but I think I remember my friend telling me that bookers didn't read the Internet for ideas because they could get in trouble if they stole any. Don't mind me, just speculating randomly.

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But horny kicks embarassed's ass everytime!

That reminds me of another thing: His member titles are terrible. "Back in Sac...Ramento!"


You can tell JPopStarKami sucks even without reading that post. You know how? The name.

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DiBiase and Rhodes' faction should have an epic name kinda like Evolution. Maybe Legacy?



Alright VKM, when can start expecting my royalty checks to arrive?


Guess someone in the E actually reads these things, huh?


You know, I think if you can prove they got the idea from this board you can sue for royalties, actually. I don't know the legalities of it, but I think I remember my friend telling me that bookers didn't read the Internet for ideas because they could get in trouble if they stole any. Don't mind me, just speculating randomly.




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Our women sure do come up with some stupid ideas...this deal...the serial pillist...I'm sure Taiga's come up with some stupid stuff as well.


Johnny Come Pitley with some misogyny. Take that, people calling us misogynistic!


Thumbs up to Dandy.

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Is Kami really a girl? I thought that all female posters have to have a picture of a female in their avatar so that we know that they are a female and not a some male posting as a female?


It just doesn't add up.

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We could have a lot of female posters here that we don't know are female or are attempting to pass as male in order to prevent cyber ogling from the peanut gallery here. They could very well be among us, reading this thread as we speak!

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Why do these people still think Victoria is hot?


Also, Venkman, are you siphoning off "bad" posts from WWE General Discussion and putting them in here? Ruins the flow of this thread.

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That's not my usual way of doing things, I just didn't think anyone would notice because they were older than the last few newest posts. They were basically just "Enigma is bad!" posts so I thought they'd fit right in, but the duplicate Styles deal / "I didn't notice" really have no place here. It was a quick and not that well done transition.

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