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Atticus Chaos

WWE/USA network update

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Problem is everyone knows Stephanie is the heir apparent to WWE. And USA and everyone knows that if wrestling is firing on all cylinders they are a great asset have on your station. So if USA starts giving Stephanie shit being in her position she is not gonna want stay around on USA in the future when she takes over.


If USA really wanted get rid of wrestling they'd would do so, especially with all the bad thing happening lately. But USA really wants WWE to get better and become a Solid contender again. Cause then they know they draw viewers to their station.


You can also say not only the ratings dwindled but the quality of the product dwindled. Which it did.


See WWE is willing to blame everyone but themselves for the problems. Especially those at the top. Just like the Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelos blames the fans for not supporting. He blames the managers and fires them year after year. But he never says it's him and his family possibly causing all that trouble. WWE is just like the Baltimore Orioles a mess of an organization still makes a profit but on field or in ring product? Sunk.

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Problem is everyone knows Stephanie is the heir apparent to WWE. And USA and everyone knows that if wrestling is firing on all cylinders they are a great asset have on your station. So if USA starts giving Stephanie shit being in her position she is not gonna want stay around on USA in the future when she takes over.

Where would WWE go though? Spike wouldn't be interested, and I can't think of any other cable network availiable in so many homes that would let them have prime time on Monday nights. Even if they did manage to do 4s or 5s again.

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USA can replace Raw with Burn Notice or Monk. They both can get 3.0 ratings.



Are you kidding? They don't bring in close to those numbers.


This HORRIBLE 2.8 number the WWE is having right now is better than both of their numbers by a long shot.

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Yep see that's the thing, even though WWE's number lower for them, it's still enough as that first quote says, to make USA the "#1 cable network". Also ECW even with their low number made highest rated show on Sci Fi Channel for a while.


So somebody would end up picking em up. Even in these down times WWE is still big enough name that somebody would jump the opportunity put em on.


And if WWE had to I think they'd would make a concession and change from being on Monday Nights.


What about TBS??? Can you imagine TED TURNER and Vince working together? I know it won't happen but would be funny to imagine :)

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Yep see that's the thing, even though WWE's number lower for them, it's still enough as that first quote says, to make USA the "#1 cable network". Also ECW even with their low number made highest rated show on Sci Fi Channel for a while.


So somebody would end up picking em up. Even in these down times WWE is still big enough name that somebody would jump the opportunity put em on.


And if WWE had to I think they'd would make a concession and change from being on Monday Nights.


What about TBS??? Can you imagine TED TURNER and Vince working together? I know it won't happen but would be funny to imagine :)


Turner has nothing to do with TBS anymore. Knowing Vince, though, he'd probably get a kick out of moving his show to Turner's former baby.

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I didn't know that. What the hell TBS stand for then?


And then yeah so Vince probably would want move it there. And I bet TBS would welcome it with open arms. If they let FRANK TV on their station you know they will allow wrestling.

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A lot of cable networks wouldn't be interested because they want prestige and respectability, which isn't something you associate with wrestling. Spike and USA have never had any credibilty to lose (I know USA has Monk, but that's an exception) so they'll show wrestling. But other channels would just turn their noses up at it.

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Vince's easiest option would be to take a cue from the NFL, NBA, NHL and soon MLB and create a Wrestling Channel. Theres enough content in his library as evidenced by 24/7 that he could do it.


The other solution is Vince goes internet only and gets to keep all the ad revenue himself. Hell, he's half way there now with the diva search crap and heat via internet only.








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What does TBS have though? FRANK TV?? Their gimmick is "now that is funnY!" or something. That's not really prestigious. Maybe many network would but TBS with their low selections would love bring wrestling fans into the fold.


Some networks might say no to wrestling but I guarantee you somebody would ready to snatch that up. Especially if Vince in a position where he has to concede some power influence to the network.


Well then how come it still stands for Turner Broadcasting System if Turner ain't involved anymore??

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ohhhh they're not going anywhere...Vince will turn it around. He's a stubborn old cuss, but ratings that low will cause him to sit back and take a serious look at things. History has proven that.

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ohhhh they're not going anywhere...Vince will turn it around. He's a stubborn old cuss, but ratings that low will cause him to sit back and take a serious look at things. History has proven that.



All those other times he wasn't being influenced by Stephanie and HHH.


The old Vince would look at the ratings, realise a drastic change was needed and overhaul the creative team and go in a whole new direction. However he can't do that without getting rid of Stephanie (she's not the entire problem but she is a big part of it) and the chances of that happening are slim.


Seriously, if Stephanie and HHH had the same power in 1997 that they do now, WWE would probably be done now.

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Guest Ant

I cant see how USA and WWE can be on bad terms as isnt it WWE that basically put USA number 1 in the ratings?

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What does TBS have though? FRANK TV?? Their gimmick is "now that is funnY!" or something. That's not really prestigious. Maybe many network would but TBS with their low selections would love bring wrestling fans into the fold.


Some networks might say no to wrestling but I guarantee you somebody would ready to snatch that up. Especially if Vince in a position where he has to concede some power influence to the network.


Well then how come it still stands for Turner Broadcasting System if Turner ain't involved anymore??


Turner was pushed out from his position at Time Warner several years ago. His being pushed out is part of why WCW was removed from TBS & TNT. TBS is no longer "Turner Broadcasting System" as it once was, it's just "TBS." It's a network focused around mediocre sitcoms and "comedy." TNT is no longer "Turner Network Television," it's just TNT, and its focus is on drama. Neither network would feature wrestling. Period. The only networks supposedly interested in wrestling right now are Fox's networks. Other than that, no one cares. Wrestling is nowhere near what it used to be.

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Well look at the Sci Fi channel they put wrestling on. If I would said a year before ECW started that Sci Fi channel would had put em on nobody would believed me. It's different when there's no offer on the table.


And mediocre sitcom comedy? That sound exactly up WWE's alley! Who knows maybe TBS and WWE is a happy marriage waiting to happen. And TNT drama? See that's wrestling for you right there.


Nether of those networks has anything gonna draw in viewers. So once that offer is on the table it'll be harder for em to refuse if just now when the offer ain't there.

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Guest Ant

Getting rid of the 3 way brand split would be a stupid idea. Without the brand split there would be no Kennedy, MVP, Hardy i doubt would be as over and countless others


Its giving newbies a chance

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Well look at the Sci Fi channel they put wrestling on. If I would said a year before ECW started that Sci Fi channel would had put em on nobody would believed me. It's different when there's no offer on the table.


And mediocre sitcom comedy? That sound exactly up WWE's alley! Who knows maybe TBS and WWE is a happy marriage waiting to happen. And TNT drama? See that's wrestling for you right there.


Nether of those networks has anything gonna draw in viewers. So once that offer is on the table it'll be harder for em to refuse if just now when the offer ain't there.


You fail to comprehend that cable networks are designed for specific niche markets. You probably think Lifetime should pick up professional wrestling just because Lifetime needs major rated shows even though they do quite well. There is another network that might consider WWE and that is VERSUS but Vince would never let his company go to a network that a huge chunk of the country doesn't get or can't even locate.


Sci-Fi has ECW because Sci-Fi is a part of the Universal blanket along with USA and Bravo. Bravo is the sophisticated channel while ECW was perfectly fit for underground off the wall viewing that Sci-Fi gets. ECW isn't even Sci-Fi's top show like Raw is for USA.


I can't believe someone actually tried to say USA could get by with Burn and Monk. Are they going to film 52 episodes a year?






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Are you sure that ECW isn't the highest rated show on that channel? I am pretty sure that it is.


I believe BSG while not a regular gets better ratings and Eureka also has done better then ECW's average.

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You fail to comprehend that cable networks are designed for specific niche markets. You probably think Lifetime should pick up professional wrestling just because Lifetime needs major rated shows even though they do quite well. There is another network that might consider WWE and that is VERSUS but Vince would never let his company go to a network that a huge chunk of the country doesn't get or can't even locate.


It may be more that a competition-oriented channel like Versus couldn't stomach the weird off-color mish-mash of Raw. I don't believe there is anything more risque on Versus than "Survivor" reruns.

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I thought there was still no decision on WWE switching to HD after the test they did with Smackdown and Vince wasn't happy with it. I only know that TNA is going to switch in 08, because Spike is making them.



CW already announced awhile back that its fall schedule (except Smackdown) would be HD with Smackdown going HD in January.

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USA might as well force the WWE to allow them to have a member of the USA team on the booking team or in the creative meetings.


Then you have




Triple H

USA member


I smell the ratings from these meetings!

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Guest Ant
USA might as well force the WWE to allow them to have a member of the USA team on the booking team or in the creative meetings.


Then you have




Triple H

USA member


I smell the ratings from these meetings!


Seriously the HHH hate is getting old.


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