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UFC 81: Breaking Point

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I would pick Brock against Mirko. Don't think Mirko could stop the takedown and he isn't good from his back.


But it would be stupid booking. Mirko has looked bad so far in the UFC. If Brock beats him he gains little and if he loses he looks bad.

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Mirko would most likely kill Brock dead. You are forgetting that Mirko isn't just a kicker. He'd knee Brock in the face the second he shooted, and either KO him, or destroy his face OR make him bleed. He'd do exactly what he did to Fujita which happened BEFORE Mirko gained any real MMA skills. God forbid if Mirko manages to avoid the takedown.


Brock needs to build. Not fight someone who was in the top three just a year ago. Just because Mirko's on the downturn doesn't mean that if he kept fighting he wouldn't peak again. In the age of Randy fucking Couture, you can't count anyone out.


I think my TV idea is the best way to go. And if Brock were to lose, you could try to build that person into a star.

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At the very least if Cro Cop could beat Lesnar than people may see it as a start to redemption (especially if Lesnar keeps getting marketed as a beast) and people can say how Lesnar hasn't polished his skills, give him time, etc. and still look alright coming out. Cro Cop, on the other hand, might get swept underneath the rug (moreso the casual fan than PRIDE fan) if he lost, especially in a forgettable dud. I guess it's all a moot point if he doesn't give the UFC an answer or decides to step away, hopefully he won't but it'd be mildly depressing if he just kept declining if he stayed.

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I loved the Lesnar / Mir bout.



Ref: Stop punching the back of his head!


Mir: Got yer leg!

Lesnar: >_<


On a serious note, it was pretty cool to see Angle, Austin, and Undertaker there to show support to Lesnar. Its been reported that JBL was also in attendance.

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JBL was there, when Lesnar's coming down, you could see JBL aisle-side with his cowboy hat on.

That made me chuckle.


Also seeing 'biker-taker' was quite amusing.


Steve Austin looked very happy to be there.

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I think he just kept saying "here we go".


I'm pretty confident on that as I've watched the Lesnar/Mir fight approximately 15 times as of now.

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Yeah. Except beating Brock Lesnar doesn't make you a contender. Honestly even if Mirko beat Brock with the way the division is right now he'd still be at least three fights away.


But Mir beat Lesnar and they're ready to give him Nog if Randy doesn't come back

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They better put that match below something with drawing power, because Nog/Werdum 2 isn't gonna draw anything. Nogueira might be able to draw, but Werdum means nothing right now.


Plus, the fact that Werdum's only gone 1-1 in UFC and is getting a title shot seems odd to me.

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Dana back pedaled on Werdum being the No 1 contender


He also called Fedor a "fraud" and referred to Cho Hong Man as a slightly racist slur name


Dana's been busy this week...........

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If UFC were smart, they'd give Mir the next title shot.


He'd probably be slaughtered, but Nog has a talent in making people look good in route to them losing, and Mir is coming off a super high profile win. It makes good business sense. Plus, it's a 100% fresh match up. WHOSE JIU-JITSU REIGNS SUPREME?!? and all that.

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Have to disagree. I think Mir is a much bigger name, at least to American audiences, than Werdum. I'm not sure that either one of them deserves it (although agree that Werdum does moreso than Mir), but in my opinion, Nogueria-Mir is an easier sell to the masses.

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I've yet to hear anyone say that Werdum looked at all impressive over Gonzaga, as much as Napao ended up looking like shit. I fail to see what hype there would be.


"Minotauro/Werdum II: Unneccessary Rematch XXIV"

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So, exactly how big was the build-up for the fight? Yahoo! Sports MMA editor Dave Doyle tells us that a Jan. 21 piece about Lesnar penned by MMA writer Dave Meltzer did more clicks that week than any other Yahoo! Sports story — including SuperBowl-related coverage.


They need to feed him a can next to keep the hype train rolling.

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Brock is 1-1 in MMA. I don't care how big of a name he is when it comes to fighting he's not at the level where ANYBODY who faces him would be a can.


Seriously, what the fuck is your obsession with seeing Brock immediately thrown to the wolves against top names? Do you want to see him lose again?

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If you throw Brock in against an Eddie Sanchez, then he'll win. Unless Sanchez suddenly learned how to be talented, Brock would just shoot in and beat the fuck out of him.


The fact is, anyone who doesn't have a great ground game, or a superior sprawl would be in biiiig trouble with Brock even now. Mir only won because he has great Jiu Jitsu. You change that, or make him a little less good at it, and he'd have been mauled.


There's probably around...40+ fighters UFC could call up tomorrow in the HW division that Brock could run through. While it's POSSIBLE he could beat a high level fighter, there's no reason to risk it. I personally think Brock would kill Tim Sylvia. Do I think they should do that? Fuck no. Just because once Brock got him down he'd kill him, doesn't mean it's a smart move.


They've got Brock for atleast four more fights. Give him a lower end guy, he wins, give him a middle end guy. Build him up like a fighter should be built up. Then, if he won those two, by his third fight you could give him another high profile fight with contendership at the line. This would be a year or so down the line, which would be more then enough time for Brock to improve further.


It's simply formula really. The longer you give Brock people he can beat, or will challenge him, the longer he has to train. The longer he trains, the better he'll become. If you keep throwing Brock against names, then you'll have a Dong Sik Yoon. He ONLY fought top guys in PRIDE (with the exception of Takimoto, I suppose) but in the last year has rattled off three impressive submission victories in K-1. Problem is, his record is 3-4. Not that good. Brock would be exactly the same if UFC rushed him, with the possibility of him winning the odd major fight. It's better to take your time, give Brock fights he can win, and see where it goes.

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I think there are certainly cans when it comes to Lesnar. Any lower tier heavyweight who doesn't know jiu-jitsu has little to no chance against Brock. I just can't see how someone like a Hardonk, Eddie Sanchez, Colin Robinson, Soa Palelei would beat him.


Hawk said it pretty well in his first few paragraphs... although I disagree about Sylvia. He'd crush Brock right now.

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