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Has anyone ever fasted for an extended period of time?

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Well, I've basically accepted a challenge to fast from sundown this coming Sunday to sunrise the following Monday - so effectively for a week.


I'm allowed to drink black coffee, and I'm going to try to bargain for diet coke, but no food for an entire week.


How fucked am I... is what I'm wondering?


I'm thinking that the first day and the last 2-3 will be the hardest with mid week being the easier part.


There will be money involved, not a ton, but a little... but mostly for bragging rights.


Even though this has nothing to do with weight loss, there is also a little side action as to how much weight I will lose over the week. I'm a bit of a bigger guy, so I'm guessing somewhere around 10-15 pounds, but some people are saying only 5 pounds or so. I figure that's impossible. My BMR is probably close to 3000 and I'm not going to be laying in bed all day. By that measure, I will lose minimum of 1 pound per day, plus whatever I burn going through the day.


I figure at least one person on this board has fasted for an extended period of time. Let me know what I'm in for.

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If I were you I'd fuck the diet coke thing and negotiate your way into some milk and sugar in the coffee. Even if you don't normally drink coffee with milk and sugar, I'd imagine you'd want to bargain as much stuff into the deal as possible.

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Have you ever been so hungry that you actually threw up? I have. It's a whole new level of unpleasant.


If you attempt to go through with this, it will totally suck fucking balls, and in about 2-3 days, you'll wonder why the hell you agreed to do it in the first place.


Do it.

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I've actually heard good things about fasting.


Honestly I would love to hear how it went for you. Drink plenty of water, of course, and if you can negotiate yourself some sugars at least, it'd be good for you. Diet coke is not recommended, although I assume you're negotiating some caffeine for yourself with the coffee.


Just don't do anything active or you'll pass out. If you plan on doing anything sporty, don't fast.

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I recently missed one meal in a day because I had misunderstood how much money I would have to spend at a train station. I was almost 15 pounds lighter than usual when I came back. If you honestly think you'll only lose 15 pounds when fasting for a whole week then I don't know what to say.

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It's not that big of a deal. During my speed and coke binges, I wouldn't eat for weeks at a time. Didn't even notice.


If you've ever used drugs heavily, you've probably done this already. Being an Ivy League guy though, you probably haven't used drugs heavily. But yeah, it won't kill you or anything. Stick with it, don't cave in. You won't seriously hurt yourself before long after a week.


If you really need to, sneak off and eat a bucket of fried chicken. Expect to vomit, though. It'll scare you off food for a while.

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I suppose I could say I've "fasted" for days or even up to a week, but often it's just because I forget to eat. And like Milky says, you won't notice, especially if food is not a big part of your lifestyle (ie: eat only three meals or less a day, and not really snacking on anything).

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I'll also like to say Cyber Mark Madden is full of shit with that statement. You cannot lose 15 pounds by missing one meal. 1-5 maybe, 15? No.


*shrugs*, I usually snack a lot in between, which I hadn't been able to that particular day.

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Still likely full of shit. Serious diet and exercise didn't make me lose weight that quickly.


I'm not skeletally thin like you, though, so maybe.

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I'm thin too (145 pounds as a 6'2") and I don't lose 15 pounds missing meals either. And I've gone days without eating (only drinking water), and the most I'd lose is 5.



Sounds like you need to do less walkin' and more eatin', dude.

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What the hell would convince you to do this in the first place?


Well, I wasn't really convinced.


It was more of a progression from an argument into a challenge and I accepted because I know I'm right and I want to prove it.


First of all - I said that I wanted to prove I can do it, and the people who I work with said that I wouldn't last a day (I'm a free food bandit.) But we are all scientists and we argued over how much weight a one week fast would cause you to lose. And someone said... "well, I guess we'll never know." So, put those two things together and I started running my mouth saying that I can do it no problem (oops)... and there you have it.


Some of the comments in this thread kinda worry me a bit, but I'm still going for it.

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I'm thin too (145 pounds as a 6'2") and I don't lose 15 pounds missing meals either. And I've gone days without eating (only drinking water), and the most I'd lose is 5.



Sounds like you need to do less walkin' and more eatin', dude.


That's probably true. I used to eat a lot, and I never gained much weight (due to some sort of accelerated metabolism as a result of a weakened lung), so I figured what's the point. Might as well be a lean 140 than a flabby 140.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

You're going to puke your guts out somewhere between 48-72 hours. Some really vile stomach lining shit. I've gone as long as four days.

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Easy, if you have this really really really busy stretch in your life and you just drink water because you don't have time to go get food, so you end up replacing hunger with drinking water, and then by the time you realize it, you haven't had eaten in days. I read in an article once somewhere that most of the time when people think they are hungry, they are in reality just thirsty. So I guess when I got "hungry" during then, it was really just thirst or something.

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