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Prophet of Mike Zagurski

WWE General Discussion - January 2008

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F4W on CM Punk..


Regarding his loss to Chavo, clean loss to Edge a few days later in the big revenge match, and elimination by Chavo in the Rumble, we're told that Punk is in the dog house of late. The story is that he isn't listening to the agents and his house show matches are considered "indy level sloppy". He's botched a lot of stuff and the agents claim he comes to the back and laughs about it. There also may have been another political issue of some sort recently involving hitting on the wrong person.


The curse of the current ECW title continues.

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F4W on CM Punk..


Regarding his loss to Chavo, clean loss to Edge a few days later in the big revenge match, and elimination by Chavo in the Rumble, we're told that Punk is in the dog house of late. The story is that he isn't listening to the agents and his house show matches are considered "indy level sloppy". He's botched a lot of stuff and the agents claim he comes to the back and laughs about it. There also may have been another political issue of some sort recently involving hitting on the wrong person.


The curse of the current ECW title continues.


No curse, it's just our annual "CM PUNK IS BEING BERRIED~!" story. Remember when this happened last year, then he got into the Money in the Bank match?


Oh, oh yeah, remember when they said Morrison would pretty much take the ECW belt right off him when he returned? Yeah, that didn't happen either.


By now I've learned to pretty much ignore this stuff, especially since it seems they're continuing the Chavo/Punk angle, so I see no burying here.

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The school-room like setting of the writers meeting sounds equal parts hilarious and ridiculous. It's nice to see Stephanie adopting the Eric Bischoff style of firing people, although she picked it when he was on vacation... nice touch.


Still, Lagana has to be pretty careless to be emailing a website information while an official meeting is happening. Even if he was the "tech guy" that could erase his steps, it's still a huge risk to take.


From reading all this, it wouldn't shock me to see the company try to check personal computers/phones. As crazy as it sounds, you know they would want to do it if they could.



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Dave is The One Who Used to Write For Friends. Brian is the wrestling mark.


Are you sure about this? I know Dave wrote for Friends but the PWInsider guys are always referring to him as an ECW Arena alumni. I remember reading - back when he was teamed with Heyman during the ECW relaunch - that he was a regular at ECW shows. Brian Gerwitz has attended ROH shows I think. Apparently he hasn't learned anything.



No, I wasn't sure, and was actually mixing up Gerwitz's ROH fandom with ECW. Enigma explained it a few posts up.

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Here's the list of road agents from wikipedia:


World Wrestling Entertainment

In WWE, road agents are known as "Producers".[1]


Arn Anderson

Senior producer for the RAW brand[citation needed]

Dave Finlay

Senior producer and Active Wrestling Talent for the SmackDown! brand[citation needed]

Dean Malenko

Senior producer for ECW brand[citation needed] Ricky Steamboat - RAW Brand

Michael Hayes - SmackDown! Brand

Pat Patterson

Steve Keirn

Tim White

Sgt. Slaughter - Also Active wrestler occasionally on RAW brand

Mike Rotunda - RAW Brand

Bruce Prichard

Gerald Brisco

Tony Garea

Johnny Ace

Barry Windham

Dusty Rhodes - RAW/ECW brand

Jamie Noble - SmackDown! brand for the Cruiserweight division also as Active Superstar on SmackDown!

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Here's the list of road agents from wikipedia:


World Wrestling Entertainment

In WWE, road agents are known as "Producers".[1]


Arn Anderson

Senior producer for the RAW brand[citation needed]

Dave Finlay

Senior producer and Active Wrestling Talent for the SmackDown! brand[citation needed]

Dean Malenko

Senior producer for ECW brand[citation needed] Ricky Steamboat - RAW Brand

Michael Hayes - SmackDown! Brand

Pat Patterson

Steve Keirn

Tim White

Sgt. Slaughter - Also Active wrestler occasionally on RAW brand

Mike Rotunda - RAW Brand

Bruce Prichard

Gerald Brisco

Tony Garea

Johnny Ace

Barry Windham

Dusty Rhodes - RAW/ECW brand

Jamie Noble - SmackDown! brand for the Cruiserweight division also as Active Superstar on SmackDown!


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So it's either Dusty or Michael Hayes as the "racist" or both?


Punk is really hit or mis in the ring - he seems to work better once he gets comfortable with his opponent, but can't have a one-off match to save his life.


I think it would be Hayes, but that might relate back to 2006, when Hayes and Lashley had heat with each other. Hayes apparently wanted nothing do with him on Smackdown.

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From WO:


Chris Harris signed today. He confirmed it on his web site.



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I have a hard time believing Hayes is really racist. He's worked with plenty of guys like Iceman Parsons and JYD in his career.


Same here. Hayes comes from the area and era where the only color that was worried about was green.

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So it's either Dusty or Michael Hayes as the "racist" or both?


Punk is really hit or mis in the ring - he seems to work better once he gets comfortable with his opponent, but can't have a one-off match to save his life.


I think it would be Hayes, but that might relate back to 2006, when Hayes and Lashley had heat with each other. Hayes apparently wanted nothing do with him on Smackdown.


Hayes' problem with Lashley wasn't racial. He just thought he sucked, wasn't special, and had absolutely zero potential. I'm sure if Hayes was a racist, he wouldn't have bothered to get his ass kicked by MVP in that segment.

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RonL - Noble has been an agent for a while now. He "got made" right before his "feud" w/ Hornswoggle.

If Noble is one for SmackDown!


I say make Val Venis one for Raw

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There is a difference between someone having some amount of prejudice dating back to how they were raised and an outright racist. Hayes for instance is from the deep south and likely has some leftover prejudices, but it doesn't mean he can't function around black wrestlers or get along with black people for the most part.


Bill Watts is probably like this as well. I don't believe he was that much of a racist, since a flat out racist wouldn't push black stars to the top regardless of the money at stake. The MLB owners who passed on Jackie Robinson, Willie Mays, and Hank Aaron are actual racists, since they passed on major talents due to their own prejudices.


Anyway, isn't WWE getting a little carried away with this spying stuff? I'm not saying Lagana didn't deserve to be fired, but it's amusing the lengths they went to. Worry about the actual product, not whether a 3rd tier writer is leaking spoiler info.

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I don't know how paranoid it is when a lot of tv shows have done worse. The 24 staff took to using special dye with the scripts one year to prevent the finale getting out. The Lost people have put out false scripts to confuse fans. WWE havn't resorted to that...yet.

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I don't know how paranoid it is when a lot of tv shows have done worse. The 24 staff took to using special dye with the scripts one year to prevent the finale getting out. The Lost people have put out false scripts to confuse fans. WWE havn't resorted to that...yet.


That's the thing... I love "Lost", but I read the spoilers religiously. It doesn't effect my viewing of the show one bit, and I could give you a detailed account of what's going to happen in the first two episodes of the new season. I don't know why, but I enjoy having an idea of what the show is going to be about so I can focus on some of the little things I might miss during a "Holy Shit!" moment. When I found out about how last season was going to end, I enjoyed it as much as I would have if I didn't know about it before hand.


The same goes with wrestling spoilers. Knowing about certain angles in advance won't change my viewing habits, unless they're just really bad. I'm a fan. I like watching. I find it frustrating when they consider "internet wrestling fans" a cancer. It's like, "Hey... we don't want your money or business because you know about what we're going to do before we do it."

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Among the tentative plans for WrestleMania, and I can guarantee that this will probably change 100 times: Cena vs. Hunter for the title, which means the plan right now is for Cena to win the belt from Orton at No Way Out. I have also heard it may end up a three-way with Orton, Cena and Hunter.


sigh...god please make it stop. please. why don't they just fucking do away with the wwe title and call it the cena heavyweight title.

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Among the tentative plans for WrestleMania, and I can guarantee that this will probably change 100 times: Cena vs. Hunter for the title, which means the plan right now is for Cena to win the belt from Orton at No Way Out. I have also heard it may end up a three-way with Orton, Cena and Hunter.


sigh...god please make it stop. please. why don't they just fucking do away with the wwe title and call it the cena heavyweight title.


What's even worse is that it looks like he'll be a transitional champion for a month.

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sigh...god please make it stop. please. why don't they just fucking do away with the wwe title and call it the cena heavyweight title.


That'd be awesome.

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Among the tentative plans for WrestleMania, and I can guarantee that this will probably change 100 times: Cena vs. Hunter for the title, which means the plan right now is for Cena to win the belt from Orton at No Way Out. I have also heard it may end up a three-way with Orton, Cena and Hunter.


sigh...god please make it stop. please. why don't they just fucking do away with the wwe title and call it the cena heavyweight title.


I like how a fued that could have been built for months is being blown off in three weeks, on a show that already has two (2!) Elimination Chamber matches.

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Remember when Wrestlemania was used to blow off a hot feud and transition the world title to the company's top babyface? This is going to be the third year in a row that Cena has successfully defended his title in the main event at Wrestlemania. If the fed is going to go to such lengths to protect the titles with lengthy reigns, why do title changes at throwaway PPVs?

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Wait a minute..they're going to do 2 EC's at No Way Out? WHAT? Who in their right mind would think thats a good idea?


Has a potential to be a real crowd killer regardless the placement on the card. Even if, say, they open the show with the Smackdown EC match, it's going to cause the crowd to be deflated during the Raw match regardless its spot on the card. The Smackdown guys can't go in and tear the house down with their match at the risk of the Raw match looking bad. Plus, you're going to have two World Title matches on the card so what ends up being the last match of the show?

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