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Guest Tzar Lysergic

NFL PLAYOFFS! Divisional Demolition

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So what if he said he's not "all that?" Fuck, the guy lost a playoff game that really.. they had a shot at winning. I mean, do you want him to just open up his mouth and allow Brady to fellate himself? Seriously.

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A completely bullshit call swings the momentum back to Indianapolis as they go into the half up by three.


San Diego will get the ball to open up the 2nd half, but part of me thinks they're going to try too hard to make-up that called back pick six and wind up gifting the ball to Indy.



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Well, either way between Favre vs. Brady or Favre vs. Manning it is a massive ratings bonanza for the NFL. Thing is, I think the Colts would simply beat the Packers in that game and it's not as romantic somehow as the notion of the old, nearly washed up Favre going up against the invincible New England machine.


I'd rather see the Giants than the Cowboys in the Super Bowl at this point. Truthfully, Dallas needs to just lose today and go away. I seriously don't want 2 weeks of Romo and Jessica Simpson hype leading to a Pats/Colts beatdown of the Cowboys. We know the Cowboys can't beat the Patriots and likely can't beat the Colts....but we know the Giants can play with New England and could likely give the Colts a game. And the Packers are a fresh matchup for either NE or Indy.



You're Cowboys hate is always hilarious, cause you're always so damn wrong.

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Playing devil's advocate, and I think the ref saw him fall and assumed he got held and thrown down.


That's all I got.

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Playing devil's advocate, and I think the ref saw him fall and assumed he got held and thrown down.


That's all I got.


More like they want that Colts/Pats rematch next week.

Enough to alienate everybody outside of Indianapolis?

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Guest Tzar Lysergic
Wait, don't you hate the Colts?

What? I'm Bears-first, that's a fact, but I live a little more than 90 minutes from the RCA Dome.

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A completely bullshit call swings the momentum back to Indianapolis as they go into the half up by three.


San Diego will get the ball to open up the 2nd half, but part of me thinks they're going to try too hard to make-up that called back pick six and wind up gifting the ball to Indy.

Sure looked they were trying too hard on that kickoff.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Oh, I know better than that. I picked the Colts to win, and they're not favored in this game for no reason, but San Diego is good.


Strange to see the role reversal here, though. The Chargers are the ones on the road with the injuries. Time for Indy to start hitting these beefcake WRs like they've been doing all year. Get them a little more reluctant to reach up, shrink Rivers' windows of opportunity.

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