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2/4/08 Raw Thread

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This should be good!


(Wouldn't be shocked if Finlay turned heel right here)

Don't know, rumours of Shane/Vince vs Hornswaggle and Finlay at Mania.


Yeah, I figured as much but for a second I could see Finlay forcing Hornswaggle to do it. I'm glad they're keeping Finlay as the lovable Irish bastard, though.

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Years ago, when Finlay was in his Thunderdome shoulderpads wrestling Screamin' Norman Smiley for the WCW Hardcore title, I thought, "You know, I bet one day he's in the same ring with a midget debating the merits of kissing Vince McMahon's ass."

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Years ago, when Finlay was in his Thunderdome shoulderpads wrestling Screamin' Norman Smiley for the WCW Hardcore title, I thought, "You know, I bet one day he's in the same ring with a midget debating the merits of kissing Vince McMahon's ass."


One of those matches happened right here and I was there. same night Goldberg tore up his arm on the limo!


What are the odds that "social services" shows up next week and arrests Vince?

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Wow listen to the crowd go mild after Horns bit his ass. What a fantastic fuckin angle this is. Ridiculous


I predict the pay-off is Hornswoggle turns heel on Finlay.

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No, I meant to ask this earlier, why hasn't Cody Rhodes gotten the same reaction from the fans as Rocky did when he debuted as the high-fiving blue chipper?


They're essentially the same thing.


No Die, Cody Die?

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No, I meant to ask this earlier, why hasn't Cody Rhodes gotten the same reaction from the fans as Rocky did when he debuted as the high-fiving blue chipper?


They're essentially the same thing.


No Die, Cody Die?


Will they eventually call him The Code?


The Code says..The Code says..

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No, I meant to ask this earlier, why hasn't Cody Rhodes gotten the same reaction from the fans as Rocky did when he debuted as the high-fiving blue chipper?


They're essentially the same thing.


No Die, Cody Die?



Cody has the charisma of a box of Sucretes.

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