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The OaO Raw Is Taped thread - 11/2/2008

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I'm really enjoying this match so far. Should really be on PPV though or if they are going to have it on Raw, they should have hyped it up much more.

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Guest cheetoe

:headbang: for the decisive clean finish. It makes a match so much better.


I really dug the Michaels/Hardy match. There were a couple moves in there I haven't seen from Hardy before. The ending was a little rushed it seemed. If i was nitpicky i would say that it kinda bugged me that Hardy just sprung up after Michaels agonizing submission move to run up the turnbuckle and swanton. He couple have limped/stumbled over to the corner a bit more. But that's only if i was nitpicky. Overall Jeff usually sells great. I guess that's why it seemed rushed to me.




I would love for a mini fued to culminate in a 30 minute ladder match between these two. :) It wouldn't mattter who won, it would just be hella-entertaining.


On a side note, Melina is an awesome womens heel. There are alot of small nuances that she has incorporated into her character. She reminds me of Moolah at times. I think I read somewhere that she was trained by Lance Storm. Did Moolah ever work with her?

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Interesting show tonight. Jeff/HBK was a good match and you gotta love the anti TNA clean finish there. Also curious to see what they do with Jericho/JBL now that Jericho beat him clean in the middle of the ring.


It's going to be so weird to see HHH win the EC at the PPV after not being on the 2 Raws before it.


As far as the Burchill/Katie Lea angle goes, it really wasn't so bad....at least not so far. They could do some interesting Scarface type booking with them if they insist on this sort of angle. Have some dude be into Katie and Paul wants to kick his ass. Is he being a protective brother, or is something else going on? That sort of thing.

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I really enjoyed the main event. Great wrestling from both guys. One thing I would've liked to see after Hardy pinned HBK, is for him to hold his leg in agony after the finish. You know, like he pushed the pain aside just long enough to scramble up the turnbuckles, hit the Swanton and get the win? Then sell the leg from being in HBK's inverted Figure Four of Death. Little nitpicky things aside though, it was a really good main event. I especially liked Hardy's Double Knee Inverted Atomic Drop. That was certainly different. WWE was able to swerve everyone with Cena's return at the Rumble, so I hope they swerve everyone again and give Jeff Hardy the win in the Chamber.


Eh, who am I kidding? HHH FTW!

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As far as the Burchill/Katie Lea angle goes, it really wasn't so bad....at least not so far. They could do some interesting Scarface type booking with them if they insist on this sort of angle. Have some dude be into Katie and Paul wants to kick his ass. Is he being a protective brother, or is something else going on? That sort of thing.


I doubt it'll be that subtle. I have a feeling they're going to smash us over the head with the incest angle.

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Subtlety is not the strength of the wwe, in fact it simply doesn't exist i the wwe. Expect a live sex segment with Paul and Katie coming soon to a Raw near you. If they kept it smart and nuanced, it could actually work - but this is the wwe afterall. I completely agree that the curbstomp should simply be his finisher.


I'll also echo the Hardy no-selling the reverse figure-4 was beyond ridiculous and I hope somebody pointed that out to him.


Maria's clotheslines were more like flying wrist strikes.


I couldn't care less if Candace is coming back.


Writing it "'Roids" looked stupid in the anti-PED promo.


Cena is already chance the channel material for me. Why is Mark Henry now on Raw?


Does anybody care about Finlay vs McMahon?


Jericho vs Bradshaw was solid, if unspectacular. Jericho needs to wear a shirt of something for his entrance - the look just isn't working for him right now.




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Subtlety is not the strength of the wwe, in fact it simply doesn't exist i the wwe. Expect a live sex segment with Paul and Katie coming soon to a Raw near you. If they kept it smart and nuanced, it could actually work - but this is the wwe afterall. I completely agree that the curbstomp should simply be his finisher.


I'll also echo the Hardy no-selling the reverse figure-4 was beyond ridiculous and I hope somebody pointed that out to him.


Maria's clotheslines were more like flying wrist strikes.


I couldn't care less if Candace is coming back.


Writing it "'Roids" looked stupid in the anti-PED promo.


Cena is already chance the channel material for me. Why is Mark Henry now on Raw?


Does anybody care about Finlay vs McMahon?


Jericho vs Bradshaw was solid, if unspectacular. Jericho needs to wear a shirt of something for his entrance - the look just isn't working for him right now.


I'll care about Finlay/McMahon if it turns into a tag match featuring Regal so them two could stiff the hell out of each other.

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In Canada there was a technical problem with Raw - it joined in progress at 9:15 instead of being on the 15 minute tape delay so we only saw the ending to Vince / Hornswoggle (for the better I assume) and the show wasn't even in HD due to a technical problem (maybe the same one that caused it to be JIP). It went into HD during the Cena / Nascar commercial, then I fell asleep before Hardy / Shawn got going. That sucked.


On the bright side I SHOULD be home from work in time to catch the afternoon replay of the match.

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I'm really enjoying this match so far. Should really be on PPV though or if they are going to have it on Raw, they should have hyped it up much more.


To be fair..didnt they start hyping up all 3 matches (hardy/HBK, hornswaggle/vince, Cena/Henry) last week? A non PPV match getting a week of hype is rare. And for the most part, substitute JBL/Jericho and for the vince crap and you had a pretty solid show..that they hyped somewhat.


the biggest surprise to me is HHH not being on RAW for the two weeks prior to No Way Out and the EC. I wonder if theres any chance (yes I know it was unfortunately timed personal reason to miss a double taping) that they go with Hardy in the EC instead? HHH goes to the MITB match maybe?

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WWE / HBK Logic says he's earned the right to pin Jeff Hardy in the EC match, but they're at the point where they'd be giving him big (and clean) wins over people for no reason if they don't push him any harder. Yesterday, he was leading the "Who Will Win the Raw EC" poll on WWE.com with over half the votes in a 6 person race. I'm not one to fantasy book, but ideally HHH vs. Flair would be a big mania match, Michaels can wrestle someone else for a big match (Jericho rematch?), and Hardy vs. Cena vs. Orton (due to a disputed finish at No Way Out) or Hardy vs. Cena OR Orton could be the Raw main event.

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The problem is that once Hardy wins the belt, it'll be Rey Mysterio reign 2.0...however, just like Rey, they can no longer deny his overness and have to pull the trigger sooner or later.

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From what we've already seen Jeff isn't getting the Rey jobber treatment. He's already gotten wins over guys like Umaga and Michaels, also HHH. Rey was getting squashed by Mark Henry and then pulls off a miracle Rumble win, then jobs to Orton (in theory losing his shot) and then didn't actually pin the world champ to win the belt.

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He's John Cena. Some people, for some pathetic reason, think it's still en vogue to hate on John Cena. Beats me.


I know what I like and what I dislike. Do you enjoy being a douche bag? Makes you feel good about yourself?



And you dislike everything WWE, so why do you even grace this folder? Make better use of your time, and our time, elsewhere, so we don't have to read your godawful posts.

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Ah, the dreaded "you don't like WWE do stay out of the folder!" response. The TNA folder would be nothing but Canadian Destroyer talking to himself if people played forums like that.


However - and this isn't referencing anyone as an example, just a general comment - there are times where I'm inclined to agree that we don't necessarily need people adding such constructive comments as "HHH squashes everyone and sucks!" every 5th post.

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