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UFC 84 - Ill Will

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I think the "heel" heat that Sherk will get in this fight might be the hottest this year. I'm not counting Serra in Montreal because that was a given but I think that the crowd will be out for blood in a bad way.

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I'm rooting for BJ 100% but my rooting comes with the caveat that if Sherk pulls it off* I'll piss myself laughing at the BJ fanboys melting down.


*We all know this isn't happening.

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So if I haven't already announced it, UFC 84 this saturday at my house.....anyone in the Sacramento/Bay Area region on this board that wants to come enjoy the fight paired with some bbq and beer/alcohol lemme know.......

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Talked about it for a bit... Sherk denied it, and gave his reasons why he didn't, and provided a fair arguement. It was more focused on how Sherk had to work for everything he had, and BJ Penn is a rich kid, as far as the Sherk thing went.

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Probably my most anticipated card of the year and also the first UFC available in HD where I live.



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I'm SO rooting for Yoshida to dust War Machine after reading his UFC.com interview. How can you cheer against a man who wants to win his debut by KO'ing his opponent with a judo throw?

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Because he doesn't have a troubled past? Or a grenade on his neck? Those are the only reasons I can think of.


Or because KOAB loves War Machine...

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Hey Broward, you going to catch this somewhere? I don't feel like ordering it, and PPVs like MMA and wrestling always seem to be better suited to crowds anyway. I figure a Hooters or something in the area will be running it.

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I was going to go to Buffalo Wild Wings over in the Village, but money's a bit tight to head out so I think I'll just wind up catching a feed somewhere and watching it that way...otherwise, I'd be acting like a fool for the Tito fight and probably be the only one wanting him to destroy Machida in the first round.

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I was going to go to Buffalo Wild Wings over in the Village, but money's a bit tight to head out so I think I'll just wind up catching a feed somewhere and watching it that way...otherwise, I'd be acting like a fool for the Tito fight and probably be the only one wanting him to destroy Machida in the first round.


Tito still has enough goodwill in SoCal that this shouldn't be a problem for me.

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