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South Park: Season 12

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1201: Tonsil Trouble

After a routine tonsillectomy goes horribly wrong, Cartman comes face to face with his own mortality.


Wednesday! Let's hope at least one episode this season comes close to the greatness of Imagination Land.

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That's pretty quick for it being on again.



And wait?? People liked Imagination Land?? It stunk of that whole season's approach of just taking the same old generic shit and slapping a different coat of paint on it. I'm a huge Trey Parker fan, but that last season (and some of the previous season) just seemed lazy.

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Imaginationland was one of the best South Park episodes (ok 3 episodes) of all-time in my opinion.


I'm not sure what everyone else thinks. There was some South Park paint by the numbers there, but the woodland creatures and a lot of the stuff they did there pushed it in to an elite level.

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I haven't seen much of Season 11, but what I've seen I liked. If I were to ranked the seasons (minus 11) it'll be like this.



Season 8

Season 6

Season 7

Season 5

Season 9

Season 1

Season 10

Season 4

Season 2

Season 3.

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I haven't seen much of Season 11, but what I've seen I liked. If I were to ranked the seasons (minus 11) it'll be like this.



Season 8

Season 6

Season 7

Season 5

Season 9

Season 1

Season 10

Season 4

Season 2

Season 3.


'Splain yourself, good sir!


Season 9 had "Die, Hippie, Die", "Best Friends Forever", "The Losing Edge", "Two Days before The Day After Tomorrow", "Ginger Kids", "Trapped in the Closet" and "Bloody Mary". Maximum pwnage from Stone and Parker. Though anything SP from about Season 5-on is fantastic (Season 1 is better than Season 10?!)

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I liked Imaginationland. They probably could've cut out some of the repetitive stuff and made it into just two episodes instead of three, but it was certainly a lot better than the last mutli-parter (that awful one about Cartman in the future with athiest beavers, or whatever the fuck).


I just hope we don't EVER see another episode like "A Million Little Fibers".

True dat, yo. It was, quite literally, unbelievably bad. That was such a horrible, worthless, offensive episode that it took me a while to get my faith in the show back.

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"AIDS Burger in Paradise!"



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Kyle laughing at Cartman having HIV, perfect.

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Holy Shit, Magic Johnson.

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"Magic Johnson is the key"

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"Cure Burger in Paradise!"

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I haven't seen much of Season 11, but what I've seen I liked. If I were to ranked the seasons (minus 11) it'll be like this.



Season 8

Season 6

Season 7

Season 5

Season 9

Season 1

Season 10

Season 4

Season 2

Season 3.


'Splain yourself, good sir!


Season 9 had "Die, Hippie, Die", "Best Friends Forever", "The Losing Edge", "Two Days before The Day After Tomorrow", "Ginger Kids", "Trapped in the Closet" and "Bloody Mary". Maximum pwnage from Stone and Parker. Though anything SP from about Season 5-on is fantastic (Season 1 is better than Season 10?!)




But "Mr. Garrison Fancy New Vagina" bombed horribly. Well the whole dolphin angle fell flat and really unfunny. Trapped in the closet was ok, but nothing special, and I felt like they bombed on "The Death of Eric Cartman" Season five only had one bad episode in "Towlie" but the rest of the season was fairly strong. How do you not like "Butter's Very Own Episode", "It Hits The Fan", "Cripple Fight", "Scott Tenorman Must Die".



Season seven would have been the best season, but "Cancelled" and "Fat BUTT and Pancake Man" was horrible.


Season 1 and 10 are interchangeable.


Season 3 flat out sucked.

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Season 5 is debatable, but season 6,7,8 are not better than 9.


The Death of Eric Cartman, while not being a classic by any means, still has the breaking point of the boys with Cartman being that -not all the whacky shit Cartman did in the past that were downright evil- he ate the skin off KFC.

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I love all of the first half of season 8, the second half kind of fell flat but did deliver one of my all time favorite episodes with Christmas Critters.


I didn't think Season 9 was that good myself. I thought Trapped In The Closet and Best Friends Forever were more clever than funny and both episodes are kind of dated today. Ginger Kids was also a clever idea, but not too interesting of an episode to me. Plus season 9 did have stinkers like Wing, Free Willyzx, and Marjorine. The rest of the episodes are all funny (Although without Randy Marsh, Bloody Mary and The Losing Edge would both be awful. Randy carried those episodes), but I enjoy pretty much every episode from season 5 through the first half of season 8.


I think Season 4 is better than Season 9 or Season 10, but that's just me.


I think Season 11 was their first great season since Season 8.

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Randy Marsh is the greatest living embodiment of the human perfection. So yeah, those episodes all rule.


Trapped In the Closet, beyond the hype, is pure pwnage. Ditto BFF and Bloody Mary. SP just outright rips into these social conventions with a very pointed fury that is generally unseen in television today and is what really puts the show well over and above almost everything else, for me at least. They make A.A. look bad, which I never would have thought possible. "This is what they actually believe". 9 did have stinkers (I thought the concept of Marjorine was better than the execution, but Butters always delivers) however the peak episodes during the season more than make up for it (C'mon, JEW GOLD! So awesome). I would equate it with Simpsons Season 4 in that same regard, where the all-timers made up for the groaners.



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Even in the commentary, Parker and Stone said they hated Marjorine so much because it ruined three storylines. "Free Willzyx" is underrated. Its a simple episode with one goal in mind. How to get a whale to the moon. The whole payoff is when the Whale is dead on the moon. "Wing" had its moments, and "Erection Day" kinda fell flat.



Season 8 is gold all around. Everything except for "The Jeffersons." Besides Good Times With Weapons is the best episode South Park has ever released.

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I wish they would've ran with the HIV storyline for a little longer than one episode. Kyle feuding with Cartman over being given HIV could've probably carried a lot of this half of the season. In the end though, I thought it was funny as hell that Magic Johnson has been able to resist the HIV virus by sleeping with all his money. Gold!


I regards to the older episodes, I thought Marjorine was pretty funny. I liked Cartman telling Butters, prior to going to the girl's sleepover, "If they start lezzing out, just go with it".


Fat BUTT and Pancake head almost as bad as "A Million Little Fibers".

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"Fat BUTT and Pancake Man" was horrible.

Fat BUTT and Pancake head almost as bad as "A Million Little Fibers".

Shame on you people. Cartman jerking off Ben Affleck was one of the bigger laughs from that season.

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Yeah, I don't get the backlash of Fat BUTT And Pancake Head either. The ending was hilarious and sheer Cartman brilliance.

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"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I got you kinda!"

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