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Lt. Al Giardello

What kinda weapons do you own?

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Guest Vitamin X

Finishers don't work, but actually getting a DDT on someone can be quite effective if they're doubled over in pain but still standing. I did that once in high school (don't remember if it was intentional or not) but I just grabbed the back of their neck and just used my weight to smash their face to the ground. broken nose, split lip, etc. all in one swift move.

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this is why i chose a DDT, as opposed to a 450 splash.



oh, who am i kidding, i could never pull off one of those!

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Joshi Company Promotional Ad.


Also side note about catfights, one broke out in Junior High with one of Jimmy Snuka's niece's involved and when the other girl grabbed her hair Snuka's niece just palm slapped her nose creating space and then unloaded 6 or 7 closed right hands until some faculty broke it up. You could see the other girls braces through her lips. It was gross.

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Some wrestling moves can sometimes work in a real fight. It helps if the person you're fighting is drunk, stupid, smaller than you, a bad fighter, or all of the above. Even if someone's head is in perfect DDT position, you're still taking a risk trying to do the move. Just knee 'em in the face.


You fence, Eric? That's something that I flirted with doing back in college, but I only discovered we had a swordfighting club right around the time I dropped out. Probably would've been horrible at it, but still, swords 'r cool.

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Actually, a DDT is cool. It's set up with a front face lock, which is actually a very effective hold in a real fight. Just fall down (but don't break the hold). Most impressive wrestling move that can work in a real fight is a Rock Bottom. Not a dark alley fight for your life, but at least a drunken brawl. Use it as a punch counter, and put your free hand in the small of their back, maybe even sweep the leg, actually making it closer to an STO, but if you get up and start going on about smelling what you're cooking and laying the smackdown, nobody will notice.


This post kinda makes me look like a dork.



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I'm sure more then one people who posts here has seen someone pulled a spear off in an actual fight... I've done it and seen it many times, it's very effective.

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It's a tackle, really. They call it a "spear" but that's like calling burnt fish "blackened". Honey, it's burnt.


Some wrestling moves are like that... Sweet chin music? You just kicked somebody in the jaw.


I've used several holds, such as the kata hajime and the jujigatame, but those are legitimate judo holds which have just been co-opted by pro wrestling.

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I'm sure I've mentioned this here before, but a highlight of my high school life was seeing a black dude jump off a car and hit a chinese kid with a Macho Man elbow drop...complete with the finger in the air and adjusting of the tights gestures. He might have even let out an "OOOOH YEAH!" but I can't quite recall that.

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I am sorry, but what the fuck did I just watch? What happened there?


edit...the first one.

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No fucking way. That was a Ricochet? Well...we ain't doin no more of those.

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"Fuck Ya'll I'm From Texas"? I so want that shirt.


And an appropriate one to match it: "Fuck Me I'm From San Francisco".

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Now there's the definition of practicality in action. :) I'll look forward to your report.


I punched a massive dent into my friends fridge, and punched holes in a few walls... My hand is a bit sore, but nothing major.

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No weapons, haven't even used any. I've always wondered, if neccessary, if using a key between the knuckles would do damage.


Not sure what situation using that would be neccessary, but eh.

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