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All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

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I think its all well and good that we aren't telling people our trades.. but I think the big board should be updated, as i'm fed up of pm'ing someone and getting 'sorry, I traded him days ago' response.

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I was honestly wondering if you had any trade offers. You seem like the only person who seemed to have a relative idea of who you wanted on your roster and got a ton of people that fit that. I find it a lot harder to deal for somebody myself if I know that the other person has big plans on them.

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I think its all well and good that we aren't telling people our trades.. but I think the big board should be updated, as i'm fed up of pm'ing someone and getting 'sorry, I traded him days ago' response.



That's the thing, I thought that mellow was going to post any trades he's gotten word of when both posters PM him.

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I thought he was going to wait until after the scavenger round was over.


That is correct, although I believe that everybody's time is up by now, so I will likely post when I get a moment. I also want to space the announcements out just a little bit, mostly because I want reactions. Reactions, damnit!


Also, are there people who are still interested in the 24-hour scramble clusterfuck bonus round?

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I'm in favor of the extra round to pick as well.


You can swipe up to, let's say, five unlisted talents in this round... You can just stake your claims any time within the 24-hour period. When it officially starts, of course.

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I realize that I’m probably in the minority right now and it might stem from frustrations about broken trades and miscommunication but I believe we really should’ve had a cap on the amount of trades. For myself in particular, I spent the whole time on this project making intricate designs and crafting ideas, concepts and personalities. Now, it seems that so many people are completely transfixing their roster that they spent that time building. It feels somewhat tainted that the effort we spent trying to put the right pieces together along the way are being tossed aside in a mad scramble of confusion, politicking and bad timing with mismanagement. I would’ve loved to have seen what the presentation of those rosters would’ve have offered without being altered by these trades. I'm not saying these trades haven't improved rosters or allowed for new and perhaps "better" material for us but there's a definite feeling of something lost.

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Maybe, but these trades ease the pain of getting those guys that would have shaped the roster the way you wanted to. It's a two way street anyway.

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I am making (am going to make?/have talked about) one trade thus far that fits in perfect with my roster and gets rid of a piece that may not quite fit.

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The few trades I've been brewing actually allow me to get a roster that is more in-line with what I was able to pick up, a more concise roster that works better on a lot of levels.

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I would like to announce the first completed transaction.


The Franchise has acquired Shawn Michaels



bps has acquired Kurt Angle and Petey Williams


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The second completed transaction:


Cranda has acquired The Fantastics and X-Pac




The Originals Orange Goblin has acquired Ken Shamrock and Umaga



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Cranda has acquired Michael P.S. Hayes and Jimmy 'Jam' Garvin-

The Fabulous Freebirds



The Franchise has acquired Charlies Haas and Shelton Benjamin-

The World's Greatest Tag Team


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Yeah!!! Our trade was first!!!


So anyway...basically what happened here was that I had HBK fall into my lap and while that was awesome...I had already plotted out a bunch of stuff that I wanted to do (including getting Owen Hart over as a top level heel with his JJ Dillon led stable) that HBK sorta got in the way of. It was a good problem to have though and I had started figuring him into the stories...


Then Franchise offered me Angle and Petey and I decided that it fit better with what I was trying to do.


It's a problem that really comes from what I can do with Angle that I can't do with HBK. I can put Angle against a top Mexican or Japanese guy...and it can be a big time match. I don't like the way HBK matches up with most of my roster. Most of them are smaller and faster than he is...and while that's fine it takes away my favorite thing that HBK does and that's bump his ass off. The only people I have to use HBK for with that is Taker and Hansen...at least at the top (I don't see him bumping around for Matt Morgan...ahem).


Angle gave me a different way to go. A guy who can believably stand with Taker and Hansen as a legit fighter...and a guy who can pro wrestle Steamboat and Hart and steal the show.


I'm gonna make him a no comedy straight shooting wrestler. He can be the top guy in my promotion...and he can work with the lower guys and get them over just by making them look good. HBK wasn't quite as good at the latter.


Oh...and Petey just fit with all my other small fast guys.

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