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Craig Th

Box Office Report...

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1 N The Dark Knight WB $155,340,000 - 4,366 - $35,579 $155,340,000 $180 1

2 N Mamma Mia! Uni. $27,605,000 - 2,976 - $9,275 $27,605,000 $52 1

3 2 Hancock Sony $14,000,000 -56.4% 3,776 -189 $3,707 $191,504,000 $150 3

4 3 Journey to the Center of the Earth NL $11,910,000 -43.3% 2,830 +19 $4,208 $43,074,000 $60 2

5 1 Hellboy II: The Golden Army Uni. $10,038,000 -70.9% 3,212 +8 $3,125 $56,447,000 $85 2

6 4 Wall-E BV $9,813,000 -47.8% 3,310 -539 $2,964 $182,476,000 $180 4

7 N Space Chimps Fox $7,350,000 - 2,511 - $2,927 $7,350,000 - 1

8 5 Wanted Uni. $5,097,000 -57.5% 2,433 -724 $2,094 $123,347,000 $75 4

9 6 Get Smart WB $4,085,000 -43.3% 2,135 -951 $1,913 $119,569,000 $80 5

10 8 Kung Fu Panda P/DW $1,750,000 -60.3% 1,505 -1,199 $1,162 $206,506,000 $130 7

11 7 Meet Dave Fox $1,635,000 -68.9% 3,011 - $543 $9,374,000 $60 2

12 11 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Par. $970,000 -57.1% 757 -907 $1,281 $312,584,000 $185 9

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The Dark Knight isn't making close to $150 million. I'd say an opening weekend of 88 million seems likely


Good Call


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I freely admit that I was wrong. And I'm happy to be wrong.


In my defence, not until a few weeks ago were people like: Wait, this movie is going to kill everyone.


No movies yet, but I'm sure tomorrow, when the actuals come out, there might be one or two.

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To be fair, I have seen literally no ads for Space Chimps. It's nothing I'd see in theaters but I like Andy Samberg,Patrick Warburton, and kids movies enough that it might be worth a rental.

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I'd be interested to see if TDK has legs. Does it have the chance to break TITANIC's record?

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Consider that Mamma Mia doesn't really have the same audience that Batman would have, so I can see it doing decent. I thought it might do between 25-30. And boy wasn't that decision to release Hellboy 2 last week really idiotic? That ghastly 71% drop is very much due to The Dark Knight taking away business. Hancock at least had Will Smith's star power to weather the Batman storm.


And by the way, no The Dark Knight has zero shot at breaking Titanic's record. That made 600 million in the US and 1.8 billion worldwide. It would be something if Dark Knight beat the first Spider-Man movie amongst comic films though.

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I didn't think Mamma Mia would make that much.


You can't underestimate the box office power of gay men and middle aged women!



And I agree with whoever said The X Files release next weekend is horrible timing. What are the projections for it, Bob? I think it only does $25 million tops. I think like Hellboy II, it would have been a bit better off as a fall release. How many people still really care about The X-Files

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I'd be interested to see if TDK has legs. Does it have the chance to break TITANIC's record?


I doubt 14 year old girls will see this one 9 times in the theater

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I'd be interested to see if TDK has legs. Does it have the chance to break TITANIC's record?


I doubt 14 year old girls will see this one 9 times in the theater


But message board geeks will!

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At the midnight screenings that I attended, there were more teenage girls then any other demographic. I don't know if that means they'll be interested enough to see repeat viewings but there was clearly a interest amongst that demographic. It'll do really well in the long run but not Titanic good.

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I'd be interested to see if TDK has legs. Does it have the chance to break TITANIC's record?


I doubt 14 year old girls will see this one 9 times in the theater


It wasn't just girls. I remember after I saw it (for the second time:) that two guys, about 16 or 17, walking past me bragging that they'd seen it 9 times. Looking back- it was a good movie, but why did people pay so much money to see it so many times in theaters?

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I'd be interested to see the numbers from here in Australia, because there's been talk everywhere about it, more so than any other movie I can remember. Someone I work with, who's past 60, thought it was really great.

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Regardless of domestic there's utterly no way Dark Knight can match Titanic's 1.8 billion worldwide box office. I took a look at the late 1997, early 1998 box office returns and Titanic's run was quite interesting. In its first week it barely even beat out the Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies (28 to 25 million) and in fact I recall some experts thinking Bond might actually win the weekend.


Consider though, Titanic once it beat out Bond had almost NO competition worth a crap for months on end. Maybe Good Will Hunting, but that was a slower roll out type deal designed for long term business, bunch of 10 million type weekends. Titanic narrowly beat out some stuff like US Marshals and another DiCaprio flick Man in the Iron Mask by less than 1 million. That said, there was lukewarm competition for Titanic and then it made more over Christmas, then if it lagged there was the MLK holiday, then came Valentine's Day, and eventually Oscar nominations came out and it had a huge amount of those.


But now? Dark Knight will hang around at #1 for a little while, and then The Mummy or whatever will come out in a few weeks and be #1.

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That Mummy movie looks awful.


Can't say that I'm surprised about TDK. I know my friends and I are planning to see it a few more times in the theaters.

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I say $60 million for week 2.


It's gonna pull a ton in over the week here I think, actually I could see it pull another 60 million BY next Friday at this rate. Then probably another 75-80 million at least for next weekend's haul. There are still a whole hell of a lot of people who probably havent seen it, or will by just the news alone of the take from the weekend, thinking its must-see (which it appears to be). Some theaters are still sold out in advance on showings of it, and will continue to be this week.

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I'd be interested to see if TDK has legs. Does it have the chance to break TITANIC's record?


Titanic. Not TITANIC. TDK will have legs, but is not breaking the record.

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But now? Dark Knight will hang around at #1 for a little while, and then The Mummy or whatever will come out in a few weeks and be #1.

No way in hell Mummy 3 will beat TDK. It looks alright, I'll give it that, but hardly the audience of TDK. I'll make a prediction M3 will make around $30mill first weekend.

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No way in hell Mummy 3 will beat TDK.

That's a fun guessing game: what movie will knock TDK out of the #1 spot? Admittedly, the competition isn't terribly strong over the next month., though with every passing week the chances of that happening get better. Here's the upcoming major releases:


July 25: Stepbrothers, X-Files 2

August 1: Mummy 3, Swing Vote

August 8: Pineapple Express, Sisterhood of Travelling Pants 2

August 15: Star Wars: Clone Wars, Tropic Thunder, Mirrors


And peeking at the next few weeks after that, it gets even lamer. I don't see any surefire hits until High School Musical 3 and Saw 5 in late October. So I'd say Mummy has as good a shot as anything else at being the first one to slip past TDK.







...godDAMN that's a lot of sequels.

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Thanks for the list Jingus. If Step Brothers doesn't take #1 this weekend, I wouldn't expect competition until Pineapple Express, just because it is about time for a comedy (that people want to see) to come out. Wasn't the last #1 comedy Get Smart? Mummy will do good business between fans of the franchise and Jet Li fans I think, however I still don't think it will be big enough. This week, I think Dark Knight is still going to carry over those who haven't gotten to see it yet and the casuals will probably gravitate more toward that than X-Files, IMO.


Didn't realize Clone Wars and Tropic Thunder are going head to head. What are the projections for Clone Wars? I think it will have the fan boy base, but I don't know how many casual viewers it is going to grab. Although that may just be because I have only seen the poster, have not seen a trailer yet.

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I'd be interested to see if TDK has legs. Does it have the chance to break TITANIC's record?


Titanic. Not TITANIC. TDK will have legs, but is not breaking the record.


That's how I type movie/show titles. Being an intern for an entertianment magazine/website, we put titles in caps, and after 4 years, I still do it that way.

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I don't think that Mummy movie is going to beat out The Dark Knight at all, I have zero interest in seeing that. Since its been years since there was a Mummy movie, how many people still care about it? I think the movies that have the best shot at beating out The Dark Knight is either Tropic Thunder (looks hiarious!) or Pineapple Express (also looks very funny). Why in the hell is there another X-Files movie??? I mean really, who gives a shit?

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