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DrVenkman PhD

WWE General Discussion - September 2008

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It's been, what, about a year since The Cruiserweight Title was dropped? Anybody miss it?


Count me in. It gave the smaller guys something to do. Let's face it, theres some guys that will NEVER be considered for a run with the WOrld or US/IC belts.

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I miss the Cruiserweight Belt because it meant I could see Jimmy Wang Yang every couple of weeks.


The two Women's and Tag Team Belts should return to being floating belts. If you want thin rosters, look at the Raw tag teams:


-Cryme Tyme

-Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, Jr.




At least Smackdown has three (!) regular teams vying for their belt.

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If they floated the Women's & Tag Titles (I'm assuming the two of each would be unified) then they'd have to unify and float the World Titles, otherwise they'd look less important, IMO, and that ain't happening anytime soon.


Speaking of belts, I would've liked to have seen ECW turn into a stomping ground of sorts for Cruisers & X-division style guys with a secondary title introduced there. This way you get to increase the roster and then you have a second title that can actually change hands on TV most of the time.

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WWE.com has a video up where CM Punk vows to get a tag team partner and go after Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase. He says he won't stop until he has beaten them for the tag titles


Just a thought here. It seems that it will be Kofi and Punk as a team.

But since they are doing nothing with Colt, they should bring him in. These guys work great as a team.

Even better, after a tag team run they could work vs each other.


They could say they traded Kofi for him or say thats who they got for Primo. I mean they are not doing nothing with Colt and this would give him an instant push

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Punk/??? or Goldman would work if they let Manu sidetrack Kofi. No trade would be necessary. Say Goldman wanted a fresh start and was 'released' in order to go to Raw.


I had another idea for Cabana where he begins working as Matt Classic and reels off a string of wins before unmasking as Goldman with the new identity of Colt, but it'd never happen.

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Anyone in the Philadelphia area market with Comcast have them as showing Everybody Hates Chris tomorrow night at 8pm in place of SmackDown? Even though the Phillies game will probably be rained out, That's scheduled to be on Comcast SportsNet. There is no listing for Smackdown on the local CW, but I get the New York CW, WPIX channel 254, and it has it listed on that channel as Smackdown starting at 8. Kinda weird, as I know next week is the move to MyNetworkTV, is this Philly's CW way of saying fuck off? Or just an error?

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WWE.com has a video up where CM Punk vows to get a tag team partner and go after Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase. He says he won't stop until he has beaten them for the tag titles


Just a thought here. It seems that it will be Kofi and Punk as a team.

But since they are doing nothing with Colt, they should bring him in. These guys work great as a team.

Even better, after a tag team run they could work vs each other.


They could say they traded Kofi for him or say thats who they got for Primo. I mean they are not doing nothing with Colt and this would give him an instant push

I dunno how the crowd would take to it, but I would mark so damn hard if Colt and Punk won the belts.

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Never ever would happen and here's why.



Someone: Hey Vince, you know Punk and Goldman know each other from the indies right?


Vince: And?


Someone: Well we can team them up based off that.


Vince: Why?


Someone: Well they know each other from the indies! We can use....


Vince: Shut up, our WWE fans won't know that or will care.

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And it's true too. There's WAY too much of the crowd that doesn't know or give a shit about Goldman/Colt. You CAN'T just instantly have a man who was just the world champion with a complete nobody. It wouldn't elevate Goldman, it would lower Punk. Remember how shitty and stupid it was when Rick Steiner chose to tag with Kaos? It'd be like that, but much worse, since Steiner was just a random midcarder at the time.

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It's amusing to see those who were likely bitching over how Punk was handled at Unforgiven to want him to team up with a guy who's been losing every match he's been in, quite handily. Yes, there is always repackaging, but Colt has to be repackaged on his own before even thinking of getting a rub from teaming with Punk. Otherwise the only rub given is Punk getting the "depush" stink rubbed on him.

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And it's true too. There's WAY too much of the crowd that doesn't know or give a shit about Goldman/Colt. You CAN'T just instantly have a man who was just the world champion with a complete nobody. It wouldn't elevate Goldman, it would lower Punk. Remember how shitty and stupid it was when Rick Steiner chose to tag with Kaos? It'd be like that, but much worse, since Steiner was just a random midcarder at the time.



Its my solution to this terrible angle they are planing of having Punk fued with Rhodes/ DiBiase and challege for the tag belts.


Like having him team with Kofi is going to elevate him ?


I want Punk chasing the title.

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So your solution is to take a bad story...and make it worse?


The fans at least already know and care about Kofi. Tagging with Punk will HELP Kofi, while, if they book it right, won't hurt Punk (much)


Teaming Punk with Goldman would do nothing but drag down Punk's stock.

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goldengreek is full of bad ideas.


I never thought Punk was ready to be champ, but was kinda surprised they decided to take the title off him. I like him in the tag division for the time being, but I hope he's not another Randy Orton circa 2004.

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To be fair, Kofi could do with a leg-up as much, if not more than Cabana. Difference is, Kofi's already been given the chance to get over with the crowd and succeeded, so all he really needs is to be put back in the spotlight. He hasn't done anything of note since losing the IC Title but he's still popular with the crowd.


Sadly, Cabana may never recover from the way he's been debuted, let alone in the space of one segment.


This isn't ROH. Give it up.

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Really, Burchill and Kofi we're getting over with that... it was a short but awesome feud that consisted of them just having some good long matches by TV standards. Then Kofi beats him in like 4 minutes one night and the next thing I know we're on the next shitty Santino reign.

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Might as well team up London & Palumbo as heels to even things out on that side. There'd be some really fun matches coming out of that. Better than having them sit around doing nothing and/or waiting to get released (grr...).

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ECW needs to go.

Raw & SD should go back to separate PPV's with a yearly one pitting each brand against the other.

No more cross promotion stuff.

Give the midcarders more feuds & PPV spots.



Michaels Y2J JBL Batista Cena Punk Orton Kane Rey

Kofi Marella Bourne Rhodes Dibiase Cryme Tyme Cade

Haas D-Lo Noble Manu Burchill London Snitsky Regal Burke



HHH MVP Hardys Henry Taker Khali Umaga Kozlov Show

Miz Morrison Dreamer Benjamin Chavo Finlay

Striker Ortiz Knox Kendrick Ryder Hawkins Edge Festus Jesse

Helms Carlito Primo


I think there's definately enough talent on each roster to fill a 3 hour PPV every other month. Then each program can have more important matches like a title match every once in a while.


Anyone agree, disagree, think im totally fucking wrong??

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Sadly, Cabana may never recover from the way he's been debuted, let alone in the space of one segment.

What all has he been doing that's hurt him so bad? Is he that prominent that people would actually notice him?

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