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Sports. Bitching. Porn. More bitching. Etc...

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46. Rest of the lists.

46.   No more yammering on the list.   I don't want to hurt anyone else's feelings.   Well, I'm lying, I deeply enjoy doing that. But, I have connections with celebrities, now. I don't have time for you plebeians.   GOOD   1. -MikeSC 2. Slayer 3. Hawk 34 4. Dr. Tom 5. Czech Republic 6. CanadianMuggy 7. Carnival 7. Anglesault 8. Black Lushus 9. Damaramu 10. EricMM 11. Cancer Barney 12. Milky   BAD   1. iggymcfly 2. banky 3. Porter 4. EvanderHolyfieldblahblah 5. kkk 6. Vitamin X 7. Hoof 8. The Thread Killer 9. A smorgasbord of sports posters 10. NYU   If anyone wants further comments on these selections, please ask nicely. Or, if you have any questions or comments feel free to ask. If I like you.   xoxoxo Alyanna.      




40. My favorite posters. Top 10.

40.   I'll stop with the lame fantasy booking for a while.   Soon, I will be creating my Top 10 favorite poster list. Discuss amongst yourselves.   I might do a Worst 10 list before that... but, there wouldn't be many surprises in that.   Anyway, I look forward to spreading joy.   Thanks.




59. My WWE Fantasy team. That blows.

59.   I need filler, so here we go!   My strategy this week was to take a ton of risks, since I'm still bitter about my awful performance last week.   Beth Phoenix (Her "diva" debut this week. Good chance she gets a win. Or, at least some tag match filler).   Bobby Lashley (He's the US Champ... so, he has to be on SD. Odds are he'll have a match since he'll never have an interview segment, and has nobody he hates enough to just interfere against yet).   Brian Kendrick Paul London Kid Kash Jamie Noble (Tag champs, and soon-to-be #1 contenders. I assume at least one of these teams is winning on SD. So, I played safe and took both teams.)   Chloe (Had $500,000 left. Plus, Torrie might get an appearance since they're near Boise.)   Gregory Helms (Velocity fodder last week... I'm taking a risk and guessing that won't happen again. The CW division can't be totally ignored.)   Kenny (11 points guaranteed. At least 4 points+ per million already. Easy pick.)   Mark Henry (Supposedly getting title shot soon vs. Rey. I'm hoping for a squash win here over someone, and not just a random interference killing.)   Triple H (I hate taking $5 million guys... but, Trips already gets 11, and probably will have a few appearances before that. I didn't know who else to take besides him, either).   Umaga (Please get an official match this week.)    




25. #9 in the crap list of sporting depression.

25.   Nine... nine... god, I hate how ESPN does that. But, the one chick in there is sooooo cute.   As I grew up in Buffalo, you can expect that there will likely be many NFL induction in here... as the Bills franchise has been nothing but pain and misery. And we'll start that here with #9.   Everyone has a player they really hate. Everyone has a player they know is just absolutely horrible from the first second they watch them. And then they even exceed your expections. Everyone has that player on their team that makes a gazillion dollars, and basically ruins their franchise. There's people you just look at their picture, and you know they're dumb as dirt, and useless in all facets of life. It's not often that there's one player who manages to combine all these traits into one big steaming pile of suck. But, there's no doubting this dufus easily fits all the aforementioned descriptions...     9) Rob Johnson. His entire career. Which was like 20 minutes of playtime in Buffalo.   Ugh. Just thinking about him makes me cringe.   From the start here in Buffalo, things just never seemed to add up... but, this was still the time when we all had faith in the Bills management, so we trusted John "Bubblechin" Butler (RIP) making this trade.   The Bills traded their 1st round pick (9th overall, or close to that) and 4th round pick for Robert. Note that Robert himself was only a 4th round pick, and his only notable NFL experience was a strong EXHIBITION game for Jacksonville. Now, the Bills were desperate for QB... it was a few years since Kelly, and horror of the Todd Collins experiment still lingered in our brains... but, this just didn't add up. Plus, we're giving this asshole a 5-year, $25 million deal, and it would cripple Buffalo capwise in the future.   But, whatever, HE COULDN'T BE WORSE THAN TODD "DEER IN HEADLIGHTS" COLLINS!!!   Oh, I didn't mention that 1st round pick for Jacksonville ended up being Fred Taylor. While the Bills had Antowain Smith, and some other jackasses at RB. But, again, whatever.   As for Robert's career... well, there wasn't much of it. He was 7-14 as a starter, while lifetime little backup scrub Doug Flutie was 21-9 with basically the same team. He got totally overshadowed by Doug Fucking Flutie. When you're infinitely more annoying than Flutie Flakes, you really need to lock yourself in some basement, far away from humanity. And in those 7 wins, I'll bet he had a "concussion" in about 5 of those. The fragile surfer boi managed to get hurt every fucking game. And he was the master of simply standing in the pocket while getting sacked 10+ a game, while blaming his offensive line for every loss. Rob was slick in his press conferences, also... managing lots of uh's, and even the occasional duh.   But, Robert teaches us all an important lesson in life...   If you can somehow bullshit stupid people into giving you many millions of dollars, it doesn't really matter after that. Screw everyone over. The world is yours.   Someday, I will do what Rob did.            




58. 5-day weekend.

58.   I have a 5-day weekend, which rocks. Our place is having some security something, so we're off Tuesday. I don't know if that's a good thing. But, with my scheduled Wednesday off, I have 5 days to do nothing.   I recently put in for another part-time job, but that already went by the wayside as their hours couldn't work with my current full-time job. Oh well.   There will be no more avatars of myself here, because of all the whiny bitches. Therefore, only porn stars now. Mostly of my look-alike porn star, the lovely Teagan Presley. Pre-boob job, of course.   Myspace has been boring lately. Alex Shelley deleted me after I told him I hope his leg breaks, and it ends up looking like Kevin Nash's chicken legs. What an asshole he is. I can't wait until he's fired. How hard is it to be nice to your fans that took the time to stalk you cuz you're cute.   That's all.   K. Bye.    




80. Suggestions for other boards to post at.

80.   So, I don't really like it here at forums.thesmartmarks.com. I guess I just come here out of habit, and the usually good sports forum. I've always found most of the "established" posters here to be very annoying and put them on ignore... but, it's gotten even worse in the past couple months here with the stupidity, especially in the modding ranks, and the "let's side with the biggest loser to make us feel good about ourselves" garbage in HD has gone into overdrive. I'm also not a wrestling fan, whatsoever, any longer.   I need to leave here. And the only way that will happen is if I can find another board. Because my internet addiction will never die. I've tried finding board with my interests with not great results...   1) Sports boards. I've tried many, and these are always a no-go. They're either: 1) Dominated by homers (ala Damaramu) who are stubborn and impossible to have any discussions with. Or 2) Dominated by gambling types (ala iggymcfly, but MUCH worse). As for tennis boards, where there's few hardcore fans, I already post at a couple smaller ones. But, the issue with tennis fans is that most are gay. And when there's a large group of gay people, mixed with gay extremists, bad things happen. If someone could direct me to a quality sports message board, it would be very appreciated.   2) Games boards. See the ""let's side with the biggest loser to make us feel good about ourselves" garbage" line.   3) Fashion boards. There's one I post at sparingly, but the problem are teenage girls. Most of which who purposely type like fools.   So, suggestions are welcome. Thank you.




42. #9 in the countdown of boredum.

42.   Not much response for the last one. Lame. I wanted fights in here. Oh well. #9.   And my good list is fucked up, because I totally forgot someone. So, I'll make up for it now with #10 and #9 on that side.   GOOD   #10: Damaramu.   I'm sure to draw some jeers for this one.   Positives: Genuinely good guy. Draws the ire of the assholes in the sports forum. Posts high quality comedy, although not always intentional. Certainly makes the board more fun to read. HOSS.   Negatives: Can be a really big, dumb lummox. Stubborn as anything, and beats hits points until the dead horse is buried in the ground.   #9: Black Lushus   Positives: Has a fun attitude. Just a great guy to chill with. Brings the comedic value with many of his stories, especially being enormously pussy-whipped by his Wifey. Brings a perspective in the wrestling forums that I agree with, and many others should be more open to. Huge nerd. Probably looks like a buff Urkel.   Negatives: Fucks Carnival. Gets a bit too defensive at times. annoying...typing style. Says he wants to talk to me, but never does. (I DO RESPOND TO YOUR OFFLINE MESSAGES.)   BAD   #9: CanadianGuitarist (and generally, your average poster in the sports forum).   The sports forum here sucks balls.   Granted, many sports fans are rude assholes. That comes with liking competition. But, here, it's even worse.   CanadianGuitarist, the max, CanadianChris, Kingof609 or whatever, etc... you can go on and on with many posters in the sports folder. Besides the especially bad ones I'll mention later...   A bunch of rude, curt jerks who insult people, think they know everything there is about sports, and horrible people to talk with on any basis. And you can't even have sports conversations with these types. They post everything as "facts", and tear you down by disagreeing with them.   #8's soon.   xoxoxo Alyanna.




30. #5. Music City Miscue.

30.   I'll continue my sports crap, due to demand.   Except I'll only be posting the "popular" worst sports moments, since you kids are so penurious and maladjusted. Which means no #1 - Monica Seles' stabbing.     5) Music City Miscue.   No, it was not a miracle.   And, damn, those Titans jerseys are ugly. Like, the worst in sports, until the recent trend of gross NBA, and college football jerseys. And the Thrashers jerseys... puke.   I have a different view on this catastrophe than most Bills fans, and poor, unfortunate, bitter Buffalo souls.   Was Frank Wycheck's lateral a forward pass? When you closely re-watch it 1423423 times, and draw a line precisely where he throws the ball and Dyson catches it... it does look like Frank releases the ball at the 25, and Dyson catches it at the 25 1/4. It was probably a forward pass.   Does it matter? No.   You're crazy if you think Phil Luckett was going to reverse that call. Even now, people aren't sure if it was a lateral. He'd have to be 100% sure to change that call in Nashville. And even then, it would have been difficult, since the crowd would have peppered him with various flying objects. Also, don't forget that this is the schmuck that can't even administer a coin toss correctly.   Besides, the Bills deserved such a fate...   No... not because of the Rob Johnson disaster, where the gazillion Flutie Fanatics were whining that midget mullet boy was benched for no reason. Despite Flutie probably being a better option for the Titans game, with their huge pass rush, I still stand by my statements then of supporting the change to Rob. As much as Flutie freaks want to defend their boy... he is not, and never was, a talented enough QB to remain as a long-term starter. He definitely is not the optimal choice to lead a team to a championship. Plus, the offense was bogging down late in '99... mostly because teams had finally figured out how to defend aaainst Flutie (i.e. leave 10 yard outs open, because he doesn't have the arm strength, and don't let him run). That's why Robert was signed. And, back then, we didn't realize how much Robert blew. He actually played well in '98 before getting his head ouchies every game... and impressed in the final game in '99 vs. Indy.   No... not because of Daryl Porter. Who made the brilliant decision of running across the field, from the right sideline... to help defend the blazing speed of Lorenzo Neal, and Frank Wycheck's Pollack ass... leaving the Titans' star WR, who just happened to be standing near the sideline for no reason.   No... not because of special teams' coach, Bruce DeHaven... who was screaming to the top of his lungs to watch for that inevitable pass during the play, which nobody could hear. And was subsequently fired like the day after the game. He only had so much to work with...     It's Bum's kid's fault. Wade Phillips.   Bless Wade. He's a genuinely good guy. He's got a GREAT football mind. He's one of the best defensive coordinators around.   But, Wade's on record for saying "special teams isn't important". And that he'd "never play his first-line guys in them situations".   What a fitting way to be remembered as a head coach.   What steams me most about this game, though... the Bills had so much talent that year. And it was their last hurrah. The Bills' defense was stacked in '99. It might not have been the Ravens' D of the following year... but, they were close, and deserve more recognition than they get, i.e. none. Sam Cowart, Marcellus Wiley, Pat Williams, Henry Jones, Thomas Smith, etc... all playing great football. If only the Bills had any solidity on offense... they would have been a scary, scary football team. Heck, even if they did win that Titans' game... any other AFC teams would have a heck of a time trying to score on that team.   And the Bills have sucked every year since then.   The end.




32. Random TSM things that annoy me.

32.   This is the start of another series of blog entries, that I'll probably forget about and stop adding to in like 2 days. Random TSM things that annoy me.   Hawk 34, for ALWAYS putting a comma after someone's name when referring to them.     GRAAARRRRR!   He's, a good poster, though.   CanadianChick, for becoming a sarcastic, and somewhat mean poster lately.   GRAAARRRRR!   I'm the heel bitch here! Not you! You're face! I'm the Randy Orton of female posters... and you're... Samoa Joe. But not fat.   And, of course, I love Ms. Matthews.   Adam, for not being a Nice Guy, anymore.   GRAAARRRRR!   You're Australian! Stop being not Australian! Every Aussie is nice! Because it's perfect there! And the water makes half of you retarded! And you like basketball! The only allowable basketball enjoyment there is scoring in Lauren Jackson :drool:   And, of course, I like Adam, too.   Black Lushus... FOR HIS HORRIBLE USAGE OF ELLIPSES AND RANDOMLY CAPITALIZING WORDS AND YOU JUST KNOW HE'S GONNA COME IN HERE AND CALL ME A DORK FOR POSTING THIS. And you hung out with fucking CARNIVAL. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SERIOUSLY MEET HIM... YOU JUST TEASE HIM. Teeheez. YOU'RE THE FUCKING DORK. WIFEY SHOULD DO DOMINATRIX SHIT ON YOU.   And, of course, I hate Black Lushus. He is black, after all.   I'll continue this later!   But, tomorrow, I start another boring sports countdown.   The end.




62. John Cena: Inane Wrestler Ratings.

62.   Someone gave me the idea to stupidly rate wrestlers with my little wrestling knowledge, and so I shall.   Here is my criteria:   Match Quality: 25% Sexxiness: 35% Charisma/Interviews/Intangibles: 40%   And we shall start with John Cena. Just because everyone here hates him.   Match Quality:   Even though I'm a silly mark, I know Cena is a god-awful wrestler. The majority of his matches are him getting his ass kicked, with poor selling. Comes back with his shitty set of moves... five whatever punch, FU, STFU and stuff. It's lame, and everyone knows it. The only positive I have with Cena is he has been in some decent brawls... Judgment Day '05 with JBL is generally regarded as a fine brawl, and one of his PPV's with Taker, the one with the steel chain a few years ago, a pretty good match. But, Cena generally blows now... so, he gets 6/25   Sexxiness:   Cena is a pretty boy, no doubt. And he has just about the perfect body for a wrestler. Muscular, but not too big. Only negatives would be that he's got a naturally goofy face. And usually looking wiggerish is always a deterrent. Therefore, 28/35   Charisma/Stuff:   This section includes the main reason I watch wrestling... to see crappy actors try to put on entertaining segments. And obviously, this is where Cena shines. He's the most fluent speaker in WWE since Rocky. He never sounds like he's spouting lines, and there's usually emotion in his speech. Although, that's changed in the past year or so, with his neutered, lame character. He's ok with his facial reactions, but he overdoes them at times.   And as far as his segments being entertaining... that's dropped a ton recently. Not his fault... but, seeing him basically admit that he's an inferior wrestler to HHH a few times. Bad, bad, bad. He was OK back in the heel rapper days... but, Cena needs major transformation to be a decent face. So, overall in this section, I give John: 25/40   John Cena Overall: 59%   He fails. Go away.   I don't know who to do next.




9. I was halfway through with my latest entry...

9.   Then, this happens:   http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=78468   Oh, Lordy.   THIS is the shit I LIVE for on message boards.   Since I've (somewhat) matured, and most of the Internet has matured as well... it's been a long time since I got one of these. One of those posts that I can look back on every day for months, and just laugh.   Thank you, Damian. I knew you were capable of spreading such joy.   That's all for this entry... I better copy Damians' joy for safe keeping.   "The Gloves are off, motherfucker.   I've gone out of my way to pretty much cut you out of my existence for the last 2 or 3 years or so and your ass continues to come back, so fuck it. This will be theraputic.   I'm gone from pure anger towards you, to indifference, to just being goddamned annoyed by you lately.   What the fuck makes you so special?   Out of about 500+ guys that post on the board, you seem to attract the most attention simply because of the fact that you have a vagina and this is probably the closest that a lot of guys would get to associating themselves with a psycho bitch like yourself.   Guys, there's tons hotter, most of whom aren't racist pieces of shit who are actually a lot hotter and dont have their heads all gassed up, like this crazy attention whore.   Anyway,   I hope your doctors have gotten the most they can out of the research money theyve been able to come up with to deal with your bipolar, mental disorders and if not...then hopefully one day, the medical industry will do us all a favor and make sure you don't reproduce.   Goodbye, Bitch.   Dames"   I might have another entry tonight.   Luvz u, blog.   Leelee.




44. #7.

44.   #7's.   GOOD   #7: Carnival. REMOVED!     BAD   #7: Hoff   Positives: He's usually an intellligent poster. He plays the jerk role pretty well.   Negatives: He goes through spurts of being a very whiny bitch. He should never try being funny. He relies on being established too much. He hates me.   #6 coming eventually.




48. Hugs.

48.   I always give everyone I know a hug when I meet them.   I suggest you give someone a hug today.   It always makes people feel better.   xoxoxo Alyanna.




14. My avatars: People will never shut up.

14.   Yesterday was an awesome day. Played tennis with some new friends at the pretty park yesterday. I was out there the entire day, too... and I'm sore as fuck today. My hamstrings feel super tight, and my toes are numb. I don't know if that's good, or not... but, I love that feeling. I need to get back into shape. I want my leg muscles to cry in pain. My goal is to get my legs to like Elena Dementieva. Someday. I will.   So, the idiots here are yammering about how attractive/unattractive I am. First off, why people are responding to Evanderblahblah is beyond me. He's such an obvious troll. Obviously, I'm attractive. I'm hardly model material, but I do quite a bit to make sure I stay in good shape, so I do take it seriously. Plus, insulting girls' looks is a heartless thing to do. I know I deserve it since I insult everyone and I'm an uber-heel... but, it's really not something you should be doing. For females, our entire offense and defense when meeting people is our looks. And when you tell us that we're not attractive... it can easily fuck with people's minds. So, cool down on it. Thanks.   Not much else. Bored at work today. Want to go outside and play. Damned beautiful weather is cutting off my online time.




78. Ignore list. Part I.

78.   So, it's time for my ignore list again. It's great filler for my blog.   It may seem like I have fun doing this. And, I do. But, the reason my list is so huge is because I really REALLY hate reading stupid things. And when I read stupidity, we know how I respond. Therefore, ignoring them is optimal for all parties.     surreaList: Constantly rude to people. Rather dumb as proved by most of his decisions. Plays the whole "I'm too cool to care about boards" bullshit. The Thread Killer: Just a horrible poster... tries to be funny, and always fails. Easily the most pathetic person on these boards. bob_barron: Nothing really against him, he's just kind of a pompous jerk. Only posts crap in sports. Only stuff worth reading from him is SNL reviews or stalking celebrities, and I don't care about any of that. Marvinisalunatic: Decent guy... but, he's on ignore until he stops the WP v2.0 gimmick. Although, it seems he's adopted the Comic Book Guy-like pissed off nerd gimmick lately, which may keep him here longer. Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye: "Established" poster who only posts lame garbage like so many of them do. tominator89: Unnecessary dickish comments towards me. Kinetic: "Established" poster. Or one the lame "clique gimmicks". Either way, whatever. kkktookmybabyaway: We've already mentioned him. netslob: Useless, sad person. Invader3k: Stupidity. godthedog: Jerk. Maybe gimmick. Mole: Stupidity. Stalks me. RavishingRickRudo: "WWE suckz" troll. Lord of the Curry: "WWE suckz" troll, and constant annoyance in other forums. Blue Bacchus: Stupidity. Troll. CheesalaIsGood: Stupidity. alfdogg: Immature. Obvious gimmick account user. snuffbox: Stupidity. Possible gimmick as a purely awful poster. Sandman9000: Troll. Absolute joke he's not banned. Sex Machine Gun: Ok, sometimes... but, has too many issues. Nice one day, then rude as possible the next for no reason.     Part II, later.




73. More degenerative gambling!

73.   Last week was still a success, but a disappointment after my perfect 9/22-23 week. Ohio St. and Navy won 2 of my big 3 bets, so I still came out in the positive.   Bets this week so far (I'll probably have some O/U by the weekend):   Hawaii (-9) vs. Nevada - 1 unit.   Historically, the home team dominates this series. I don't see anything different here. And I think Nevada is overrated by many because of the NW and UNLV blowout win. And Hawaii is underrated, since they lost two tough road contests. Nevada's defense still has many holes, especially in the running game. I'd be shocked if Hawaii doesn't at least put up 42 here with their high-powered offense. I'm pretty strong on this one, and the line is just to keep going up throughout the week, I could even see this hitting -14.   Tennessee (-2) @ Georgia - .5 units   Georgia is desperate and starting that Polish QB who sucked ass last year, and their depleted offensive line. UGA will struggle to score anything. But, this is the SEC, and Tennessee probably fucks up just as well, and someone wins 13-10 in a hideous contest. I'm more on the under here, but I'll wait to see possible weather conditions, and such.   Oklahoma (+7) vs. Texas - .5 units.   Wish I could have nabbed this at +8 when it first came up. I'm not very confident on this game... 50/50 on who will win. Texas obviously has more talent, especially on the defensive side. But, Texas has Mack Brown, and he always loses these games, until VY could run around the field and nullify Brown's ineptitude. The line sucked me in, and I couldn't pass it up.   NC State (+11) vs. Florida State - .5 units.   With Weatherford starting, I just don't see FSU putting up many points. 20's, at most. Not that I have any confidence in NC State, but their defense is holding teams to respectable point totals. 11 just seems like too much to give here.   Buffalo (+5.5) vs. Ball State - .5 units.   Alumni bet. No other reasoning here. MAC games are probably the toughest to pick in the nation.   Air Force (-3) vs. Navy - Undecided   If this stays at -3, I might put a .5 unit on this. Improves any, I'm all over this. These teams are very similar except for one big difference. AF's run defense has been stellar against good competition. Navy's has been weaker against worse competition. Like AF here, but points will be at a premium.    




57. lovecraft and some numbers.

57.   He begs me to reply to him forever...   Then, I post in his blog, and nothing.   Oy.   And, yes, I'm fully aware that my recent entries really suck here. I've stopped trying. Sorry.




22. Ecstacy.

22.   I lived out one of my dreams yesterday. Twas a lovely day. I can't wait for next weekend.   Otherwise, nothing to talk about. Horrendous sports weekend. Ignoring all of that.   That's all. I will feed you more verbage during the week, blog.   *hugz blog*




33. Random bitching.

33.   I lost 2-6 6-7(4) today in my first competitive match since moving here. I am not pleased with this. I want to smash things when my serve gets broken, which happened twice. Next time, things will be different. Domination will be established. And many 7-6 7-6 wins will ensue.   My truck is a piece of shit. It's a Dodge Van thingy. It's pretty, but I don't like it. I WANT MY COROLLA BACK. I loved that thing. It was an unpenetrable tank of gas saving glory. I need to find another. But, used ones are a bitch to find, since everyone wants one. And there's too many fucking Mexicans down here, that love cars like that.   Oh, shock. I turn on ESPN, like the dumbass I am... and it's NFL DRAFT SPECIAL #123423!!! Do they seriously have new draft "update" shows everyday? This is so horrible. Any more mentions of Brett Favre, and I'm breaking the TV. Brett should sue ESPN for talking about him. Like, seriously, if I was some popular athlete, I'd torture ESPN if they ever mentioned me. Especially if they dragged Pedro Gomez to cover me. Poor Pedro, you just know he's sucking on Barry's cock by now. And someone kill Sean Salisbury. Nobody likes him. Except maybe Damaramu.   Well, at least there's tennis on. Bless you, Tennis Channel for showing a zillion hours of Monte Carlo this week.   I want to have lots of sex with Katharine McPhee.   There's not much else here. I'll go on Gaim, and get bombarded with messages! Which I mostly enjoy. Don't stop.   Hugs.   Leelee.




76. Name change. Help me.

76.   So, I want to change my name here. Princess Leena sounds so heelish. I need to show what a face I've become.   All suggestions are appreciated. Except Princess Cunt. You'll be banned for that.   Oh, and my Negatives about TSM thing is done. Sorry.   xoxo.    




63. Randall Orton.

63.   Randall now faces his JUDGMENT~   Match Quality: This can't be too high, because for most non-important filler, his matches are slow and boring as fuck because of his neverending chinlocks. However, for most PPV matches outside the HHH disasters in 2004-05, he brings the quality. His selling is top-notch, and Randy can tell a great story in the ring. His concussion angle a few years ago was extremely believable, and even fooled the biggest smarks. 18/25   Sexxiness: Randall could be a legit model in any form. His body is perfect. His face is perfection. Sexy, yet rugged and tough looking. The full package. 35/35   Charisma, whatever Unfortunately, Randall can be rather on/off with his promos. Sometimes he'll stumble over his words, and sometimes he'll sound great. Randall plays a great heel, and despite what the jealous dorks here say, he gets good heel heat when the angle isn't ridiculous. As far as facial reactions, Randall is up near the top. You just want to smack him in the face when he does his smirks and shit. If only he could be given that one angle that really makes his heel character shine. The Evolution stuff was a great start, but it's all gone downhill from there. But, eventually WWE will get it right with Randall... they won't stop until they try 10000 times. 35/40   Randall Orton: 88%   Very good. Randy is definitely one of the best stars in wrestling.   Samoa Joe will be next.




41. The best and the worst. #10's.

41.   I finally did my lists.   It was tougher than I thought.   The best was much tougher. I tried to avoid some personal biases. There's so many good posters here... it was tough to choose.   And both lists will exclude gimmick posters. So, no wildpegasus.   But, first some yammering about my boring life:   I own tickets for Game 2 of the Suns/Clippers series. I am so excited to see the Clips in the Elite 8 of the NBA Playoffs. It will be a surreal feeling. Plus, I've never been to an NBA regular season game, let alone a playoff game before... so, fun will be had.   I think I've finally met someone I'm compatible with. While shopping at Gamestop, there was a 6 foot tall female worker. Who obviously was a video game geek. And she played sports. I was seriously in awe. We talked for a good 10 minutes in the store. I hope to meet her some more, and be bestest friends. While I have many fellow female acquaintances... I can't say I'm good friends with many. I'm a very unique person. So, I'm excited.   I play in another tournament next weekend. I will win at least one match. And it's very much needed. I'm on a long cold streak.   I hate my nose, and Jennifer Garner jaw.   Ok, list time.   BAD   #10: NY Untouchable   Positives: Improved somewhat lately... was in the Top 5 for much of the past few years. Decent wrestling poster.   Negatives: In the past, he basically just posted: 1) Lame attempts at starting fights with people, 2) Horrible jokes, 3) Lame e-fed shit.   Oh, and T#10: The Satanic Angel   Negative: Any of her many descriptive posts mentioning her sexual trevails, makes me seriously gag. Not that I'm a beauty queen by any means... but she's disgusting, fat, and most people here probably assume she's a man from her avatar. I hope she's a gimmick poster.   GOOD   #10: EricMM   Positives: Very smart guy. Sweet, kind person, also. Money in the CE threads, going against the mighty MikeSC. Cute and successful in life.   Negatives: Can struggle at bringing the funny. Very liberal .   #9's in the next entry.   xoxoxo Alyanna.          




29. Hating allof you. And a survey!

29.   None of you like tennis.   Go to fucking hell, assholes.   I might continue my countdown later, but not now. I'm tired, and thus in lalalalalelelelee land.   Here's a survey.   Full Name Alyanna Lanikova. Nickname Leena. Leelee. Birthday September 13th, 1983. Hometown Dubna, Russia. Current location Tempe, Arizona. Eye Color Hazel. Brown-greenish. Hair Color Currently blonde. But, I can be all colors! Height 6'1 3/4" What's your sign? Virgo. Birthplace Dubna, Russia. Do you get motion sickness? No. Can you play any instruments? Yes. Flute. Very well. Righty/Lefty? Ambidextrous. Do you like to sing? Yes. Do you like to dance? Yes. Have any piercings? No. Any tattoos? No. What's the weirdest dream you've ever had? I had 6 cocks inside of me, and I was murdered by Scott Baio during it. And Jerry Mathers sat on me. While Al Bundy insulted him. And Elena Bovina won the Grand Slam. With me cheering as a dead corpse. Biggest turn-off People who aren't completely honest. Sweetest friend Larisa. And she's black! Wildest friend I know nobody wilder than me. How many best friends do you have? 1. What are their names? Larisa. But, she lives far away now. And fucks icky nigger dick daily, instead of talking to me. Have a crush? What's his/her name? No. Crushes are stupid. Favorite color Dodgerblue or Magenta. Favorite girl name Natasha. Favorite boy name Al. Want to get married someday? No. How many kids do you want to have? None. How do you want to die? Drowning in a mixture of hot boy cum, and my juices. Have you ever had any broken bones or stitches? Yes. Ruptured achilles, broken ankle, broken foot, broken bone in my wrist, bone chips in my elbow. Most embarassing moment? I've never been embarassed. How many people have you kissed? At least 100. How many CDs do you have? None. I only download illegal music. Have you ever committed a crime? Yes. I've killed someone. And stabbed a few boys. And did jail bait with a boi. And probably lots of other stuff. Have you ever been in a fight? Yes. I always win. I'm a HOSS. If you could be any character from literature or film, who would you be? Teagan Presley or Danni Woodward. I kinda look like them. And I want to be a huge slut. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Kitty. The cutest. And be lazy all day, while people cavort to my every need. If you could have one super power, what would it be? Read people's minds. But, I already can do that. If you could have three wishes, what would they be? 1) Be a tennis pro. 2) Be a porn star, without any reprecussions. 3) Fuck Randall Orton and Elena Bovina at once. What is the last book you read? did you enjoy it? Fuck that. I don't read books. I'm hot. What is the last movie you saw? did you enjoy it? Barely Legal 21. Enjoy it lots. I don't know who the blonde is in the first scene, but OMG do I want to lick her dry, and vice versa. Do you collect anything? No. What is your favorite restaurant? Chinese one across the street. Do you have any scars? How did you get them? Yes. Surgery on my shoulder. And foot. And leg. And wrist. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes. Lots. Have you ever stayed up all night? Yes. Lots. Guess why. Do you cook anything well? Yes. Chicken. That's all. What is your favorite game? Scrabble. I'm sick good at it. And Boggle. Where do you want to go to college? I gradumated college. What are you doing this weekend? Tennis tournament. I'll win. What are you wearing right now? Nude. About to go to sleep. When was the last time you went shopping? Today. Single or group dates? Single. Always. Where would you most like to visit? Australia. Gold Coast. And fuck my loser friend there. The Simpsons or Family Guy? Neither. Simpsons blows now, and Family Guy ain't my Cup o' tea. What is your favorite dog breed? Collie. First thought waking up? Sex. Last thought going to bed? Going to sleep. Motto to live by Do whatever makes you happy. The end.




8. An insomniac's rant.

8.   I stay up far too late. It's 1130pm now, and I have to get up at 630. Not good. I trained myself at a young age to only sleep 4-5 hours a night, due to various issues. I'm going to have ugly bags under my eyes by 25.   I do nothing at these late hours, also. Blab on with the few friends on AIM I haven't blocked yet. Continue my awful obsession with poker... although, it's a lot easier to quit when I don't play with real money. That's something I never want to get back into again. Even though I made out pretty nicely.   I really need a new TV. It's a pain in the ass hooking up the XBox to my monitor. Damn XBox is heavy in my fragile hands. And the top always comes off because I couldn't fit the wires in after modding it. How I love my modded XBox. It's entertainment bliss. It's more great reason for me to waste hours indoors, watching lots of crap, and playing with little Mimi.   It seems like everyone at The Pit hates me. Which I don't mind. I never want people to like me. I'm a horribly insecure person always afraid of being hurt. And people online love to lie, especially to a person like me. When people lie, I seriously want to stab them. And everyone does. This is why I hate people. And, I'm probably going to be banned there. No biggie, again. It's basically Malibu franchise territory. Don't want to bother with people like that. Unless it's to troll and piss him off.   I hate being so tall. It makes me look so different. Like even in my avatar, I look so lanky and awkward. Always been that way. And since I'm old and can't play sports much anymore, it's not an advantage. Just a hindrance. And will likely lead to lots of back pain in my future. Well, such is life.   That should be enough. Mimi is bugging me. She always wants to play. I probably don't give her enough attention. The Princess gets what she wants.   Fin.


