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Paul Stanley

I hate my father

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I moved from TX to MN about 3years ago. When i moved, i didn't bring that much with me, i left all my stuff, including my wrestling tape collection (trading, store, etc.) that i collected for over 6 YEARS, these included mint masters of most Coliseum Video, rare WCW PPVs 91-93 masters, you name it. He tells me today that awhile back he had to sell them cause he needed the money, i said "how long awhile back?" he said, "i sold em for $100 in October"


I said i hated him and hung up.


You cannot imagine how angry i am, anybody ever have a similar experience?

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When I was a kid, my old man and I collected sports pennants -- I had a bunch of old ones, like the UGLY Cincy Bengals helmets from the '70s. When my parents split up my mom threw them all away.


I'm pretty much over it, but I do feel your pain. However, if they were that important to you, you should have brought them with you...

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My old man pitched some toys of mine. I was mad at the time, but I don't care anymore. I have too many. I have an entire closet at home (and it's a walk in closet) filled with boxes and boxes of toys. The only bad part is some of them have come to be worth a bit of money, but these were ones I opened and played with, so it's not as bad as it could be.

The only one I really regret losing is my towel masked Cobra Commander.

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However, if they were that important to you, you should have brought them with you...



I know if my parents (or anyone I know) were to sell anything of mine without my permission, there'd be hell to pay

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I bet there was this one time where you were a kid and your dad went to work and fed you and clothed you, and probably gave you the money to buy the goddamned collection that you are bitching about now when he could have spent the money on himself. So unless you paid for storage in their home, fuck you for thinking that they are suppesed to save space for you 3 years. Get off your ass, get your stuff out of their hose or quit your bitching. Personally, I would sell the rest of your shit, as you haven't touched it in 3 years.


People telling their parents that they hate them over simplistic shit piss me off.

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You cannot imagine how angry i am, anybody ever have a similar experience?

Nope. My dad was an ass about perks like toys and videos, but he never did anything like that. My mom had that stuff happen to her all of the time when she was a kid, so she's never done anything remotely close to that. Hell, she's got more junk than I do.


And he should be appreciative that his dad raised him and whatever, but like IDRM said, that comes with the territory. I can't stand parents who think they deserve some award for doing what they're supposed to be doing, just because there are so many parents out there half-assing it.

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Nah, his image of how I am is still how I was when I was like, 16 or so. Sorta strange, nerdy, whatever. His mental construct of me versus how I really am is a massive gap.

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But then, if your dad didn't want to feed and clothe you and give you money, he should have pulled out.

And if you don't want shit sold, don't use someone elses home as a storage area.


I am not saying his dad should be asking for credit, but dude should be giving some instead of whining over some wrestling tapes he hasn't seen in years.

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My dad didnt feed or clothe me, my grandfather did. I moved in with my dad a year before i moved 'cause he divorced the woman that he left my mom for 18 years ago, and i was paying him to use half of the garage for my stuff.


So really, he's a theif.


No disrespect, Ripper. see you in the Music folder.



Just needed to vent off a little steam, since i found this out today on my b-day.

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What the shit is this?


This angst bullshit I'm reading?


I see this thread title, and I thought it'd be about people really opening up with their feelings about their fathers, and instead it's just some of you bitching and complaining because your dad sold the old junk you had lying around the house.


I hate my father, and have GOOD reasons to do so.

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when I was 14, I moved in to with my mom and asked my father to send my framed Star Wars posters (I had one for each movie from the original trilogy, all bought from an actual theater, not some store)...I'm 30 and STILL waiting...no I'm not still living with my mom, fuckers...

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I used to collect comics years ago, and I picked up a motherload due to a dad selling his kid's stuff while he was away at college. Basicaly the 4 issue Wolverine mini series, and the first 10 or so in the regular series, first 10 issues of Preacher (when it was the big thing), and tons of other good stuff for $10. The Wolverine mini alone was like $120 by itself at the time. I figured if I didn't pick them up, someone else would.

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Once I was sitting at an In N Out enjoying my hamburger when I notice a car pull up and a guy get out and put a box in the trash. There's a kid sitting in the car and he starts bawling like a baby when the box goes in the trash. I decide to take a look and it's full of pogs (this being the height of their popularity). In one fell swoop I had a pog collection to make even the most short sighted fad chasers green with envy, for absolutely nothing. Well, except a small boy's misery.

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Guest Shadow

You should've taken them with you or put them in your own storage space.


It's your fault. You move and you claim this to be important to you; yet you leave it across the country.


I dont blame your father. you had crap laying in the house and understandably, he assume it had no importance to you so he sold it.


It's HIS house. Whats in it ultimately is his property. When you moved; you basically said "im taking whats important" and those tapes were left there.


To him they had no value because they got left behind.

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Guest MikeSC

I understand where Paul's coming from.


I mean, I hate his dad, too.


But not because of selling wrestling tapes or anything.


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Once I was sitting at an In N Out enjoying my hamburger when I notice a car pull up and a guy get out and put a box in the trash. There's a kid sitting in the car and he starts bawling like a baby when the box goes in the trash. I decide to take a look and it's full of pogs (this being the height of their popularity). In one fell swoop I had a pog collection to make even the most short sighted fad chasers green with envy, for absolutely nothing. Well, except a small boy's misery.

I used to respect you

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I have so many assotrted toys / video games / magazines / other miscellaneous junk in my parents basement, that I'm sure will all end up int he trash the day I leave for good. I just have neither the time nor the patience to sort through whats junk and what I want to save. Oh well, it's probobly better to NOT have a definite idea of what exactly is still down there and have it all get thrown away then know that you have a lot of good stuff that all went in the trash.

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Guest cosbywasmurdered
You should've taken them with you or put them in your own storage space.


It's your fault. You move and you claim this to be important to you; yet you leave it across the country.


I dont blame your father. you had crap laying in the house and understandably, he assume it had no importance to you so he sold it.


It's HIS house. Whats in it ultimately is his property. When you moved; you basically said "im taking whats important" and those tapes were left there.


To him they had no value because they got left behind.

Easy for you to say, Choken. Paul doesn't have a mansion like you.

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