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A Wrestling Move Discussion

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Yep, High Angle/Implant DDT are the same thing.


I do like the Crucifix Power to Seated Necbkreaker, but but big death finisher is a Vertical Sheer Drop Thunder Fire Powerbomb.


In other words, lift them over one shoulder and drive them completely vertical onto their head.

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Glad you think so. It's a big ouch.


Sounds a good idea. With that and music, we wouldn't have a shortage of stuff to chat about.


Or you can hit my up on AIM

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Guest BDC

I actually had come up with the dragon clutch before I had even heard of it from anywhere.


One character of mine used to have what I referred to as "The Darkest Night" wherein he would hook an inverted DDT position, hook the near leg like a fisherman's suplex, then lift high and drop straight down.

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Actually it's an Inverted Fisherman's Buster (Witchcraft to some Joshi star)


The Cradle EF was the one Hayabusa used to do. Scoop them up as a normal EF, but instead of wrapping an arm around their body, it goes for their legs.


Oh, and added you to AIM Corey.

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Actually it's an Inverted Fisherman's Buster (Witchcraft to some Joshi star)


The Cradle EF was the one Hayabusa used to do. Scoop them up as a normal EF, but instead of wrapping an arm around their body, it goes for their legs.


Oh, and added you to AIM Corey.

Ya...the move the guy described is an inverted fishermanbuster. It's the same thing as Brian XL's X-Clamation Point, only it's a non-sitout version. You slam your foe to your side, rather than in between your legs, although you do still sit down.

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It comes from that Japanese that ment something like Emerald Waterfall I think.


Nothing to do with Frozen Erossion as has been thought before.


It basiclly just doesn't translate very well and is heard under a Japanese accent.


Emerald Frusion I use.

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Northern Lughts Bomb and Nothern Lights Suplex have nothing to do with each other.


The NBL is a Scoop Brainbuster. It's just another gimmick name that has come into common use. Just like Northern Lights Suplex.


And the EF is a version of the Northern Lights Bomb anyway.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I need a name for a move I (think) i came up with. It's a cross arm widows peak, but that won't work as a name, so any ideas? I use a gimmic kinda like Chris Daniels without the religous overtones and more of a Matrix theme. Kinda hard to explain i guess. Thanks for the help

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Actually, I'd just like to point out that the Northern Lights Bomb is somewhat similar to the suplex...In both cases, it involves getting the opponent to put you into a standing facelock, but outside of that, yeah, they're not very similar.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Thanks for the names Corey. Its more of a I can do things you can't because I know there are no real rules type gimmick...

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Guest Kage

I have a question...


What is a Rocket Launcher? I've heard its a tag team move, but I've never seen it. It's not that move Diesel and Shawn Micheals used to do where HBK would jump off of Diesel's shoulders for a splash is it?

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Guest The Last Free Voice

No, It's the Midnight Express Move where Stan would get thrown off the top onto someone by bobby...

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Can someone explai to me what the pumphadle suplex is ? was it the same move that Siaki used to do where he would lift his opponent up in pump handle position and let them go as he fell in a fallaway slam postiton?


and what is a :




nagat lock

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Pumphandle Suplex is under that name in SD5.


Pumphandle arm between their legs, bar other arm under yours and them backwards over your head.


Pescado = Fish. Styles miscall for a Plancha.


Nagata Lock:


1 = Reverse Figure Four


2 = Cross Face


3 = Double Laying Armbar (Original Rings of Saturn) w/ Crossface.

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