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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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WWF @ Syracuse, NY - War Memorial - March 17, 1997

Raw is War:

WWF World Champion Psycho Sid defeated Bret Hart in a steel cage match by escaping through the door; the match saw interference from both Steve Austin, who wanted Hart to win so their match at WrestleMania would be for the world title, and the Undertaker, who made sure Sid kept the belt; after the match, Bret Hart shoved Vince McMahon to the mat when McMahon attempted an interview and uttered several obscenities on live TV


WTF? Didn't the Undertaker slam the cage door into Bret Hart's head? I could have sworn Sid won by going over the top.

I'll see if I can find the tape a little later on just to make sure, but yeah I'm almost positive he went over the top.

Yeah, Sid went over the top to win as Bret tried to go through the door.

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Thats freckin nuts, you'll never see a title run like that again.


Why did Eddie Gurrero form The LWO & speaking of The LWO whatever happened to it?

A "worked shoot" uniting the Luchadores after a supposed incident where Eric Bischoff threw coffee at Eddy.


Eddy came out at "quit" to form the LWO


Somewhere along the lines, before making the jump, the LWO became the Filthy Animals (this time Rey Misterio was a full fledged member)

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When the NWO reformed on the infamous Nitro with the finger point, Nash and Hogan demanded that all "World Orders" would be stopped.


The jobber luchadores agreed (also, Eddie was injured at this time), but after months of fighting AGAINST the heel LWO, Mysterio (who was forced to join), had pride in his "colors" and didn't want to give them up. This sparked the feud where Mysterio lost his mask...upset Nash on Nitro...and then got destroyed by Nash at the PPV rematch.

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Guest drdrainoscott

Here are some new questions:


1. How did Adam Bomb turn face?


2. What was the angle that led to the breakup of the Smoking Gunns, and did they ever have a blowoff match?


3. Did Bret and Owen ever have a blowoff match? I know they were still fueding at the 1995 Rumble, and that was after their match on the Action Zone I'm pretty sure. They didn't ever have another high profile match.


4. Was Aldo Montoya's gimmick some kind of rib on someone. I mean, who would even think about giving a guy a character of a Portugese Man of War?

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I think the last "high profile" Bret / Owen match was the No Holds Barred one in early 95. Its on the Brawl In The Family VHS. I could be wrong about this post though.

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2. What was the angle that led to the breakup of the Smoking Gunns, and did they ever have a blowoff match?


3. Did Bret and Owen ever have a blowoff match? I know they were still fueding at the 1995 Rumble, and that was after their match on the Action Zone I'm pretty sure. They didn't ever have another high profile match.

I believe the story went that Billy loved Sunny, more than he loved the Tag Titles, and that caused friction, and eventually a falling out. They had a match on Raw in which Bart "injured" Billy's neck, but when Billy made his comeback it was never mentioned again, and Billy went on to have one of the best gimmicks in history - Rockabilly.


As for Owen and Bret, i dont think they had another match until Bret's comeback to Raw in November 1996, which Stone Cold interfered in and tried to break Brets ankle.

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1. How did Adam Bomb turn face?

All I know is that Kwang's interference backfired in a match against the 1-2-3 Kid and Adam wasn't to happy about it, there might have been a segment where he fired Harvey but his face turn seemed to come out of nowhere.

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Guest Astro
Here are some new questions:


1. How did Adam Bomb turn face?


2. What was the angle that led to the breakup of the Smoking Gunns, and did they ever have a blowoff match?


3. Did Bret and Owen ever have a blowoff match? I know they were still fueding at the 1995 Rumble, and that was after their match on the Action Zone I'm pretty sure. They didn't ever have another high profile match.


4. Was Aldo Montoya's gimmick some kind of rib on someone. I mean, who would even think about giving a guy a character of a Portugese Man of War?

Kwang misted him during a match vs the Smoking Gunns or something, and Bomb finally had enough and laid him out



2. They were on opposing SSeries teams in 96


3. When was there NHB street Fight on RAW?



4. Justin Credible spoke Porteguese, business was in the shitter and WWf wanted to expand internationally. Having a native son in the ring would supposedly make Portugalians more interested.

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Here are some new questions:


1. How did Adam Bomb turn face?


2. What was the angle that led to the breakup of the Smoking Gunns, and did they ever have a blowoff match?


3. Did Bret and Owen ever have a blowoff match? I know they were still fueding at the 1995 Rumble, and that was after their match on the Action Zone I'm pretty sure. They didn't ever have another high profile match.

1. Kwang cost him a KOTR qualifier against the 1-2-3 Kid by misting him in the face.


2. Bart was all business, Billy was more interested in impressing Sunny. They had a match on Raw in December 96 in which Billy suffered a "stinger". Even paid off a few chicks to pretend to be their respective wives. Billy was carted off on a stretcher and wouldn't return until February or so but the angle never went anywhere.


3. Bret beat Owen on Raw 6 days before WrestleMania XI in a no holds barred match. It's not the same one on CHV.

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Guest Choken One

That ALWAYS pissed me off that they didn't just have the Hart/Hart blowoff at WMXI instead of the I Quit Match with Backlund...


They could have EASILY done the Yoko return at the IYH that followed it...

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I agree that the Owen/Hitman match should've happened instead of the Backlund/Hitman match, simply because it would've been a far better match and would've been a fitting ending to feud one year after their amazing WM X match. But...at least Owen's first title victory happened at a Mania and won't ever be forgotten. To me thats the highlight of that horrible WM.

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Guest Choken One

Backlund jobbing to Johnathon Taylor Thomas at chess was MY highlight.

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Or Luger completing his year long slide down to curtain jerker a year after being a part of the main event mix at WMX. Couldn't have happen to a more humble guy....


Better yet, I try to not think much about that Mania period.

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1. Kwang cost him a KOTR qualifier against the 1-2-3 Kid by misting him in the face.

You sure about that? I remember him still being heel at Survivor Series 94, but in 95, as a face he lost his KOTR qualifying match to Mabel at the first IYH

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Guest Choken One
Or Luger completing his year long slide down to curtain jerker a year after being a part of the main event mix at WMX. Couldn't have happen to a more humble guy....


Better yet, I try to not think much about that Mania period.

Yep you have to love that...Amazingly; Luger isn't the only one to pull that feat off...Paul Orndorff headlined with Piper against Hogan and Mr. T at WM1 and jerked for WM2 against Murocco...and techically Bret Hart did the same as well...headlined WMIX and opened WM10.


Amazingly...Only Chris Jericho has pulled the opposite feat...Jerking to Headline. (he opened WMX7 and Headlined WMX8)...



Ironically, Despite being the "MAIN EVENT"...HBK has jerked the most Manias ever...with Three straight from WMVII, WMVIII and WMIX.


Haku, Martel, Tito, Murocco, Bret, Davey Boy,Owen, Headbangers, D'lo brown, godwins, bob holly, Eli/DOA, Bradshaw and William Regal have all jerked twice.

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You sure about that? I remember him still being heel at Survivor Series 94, but in 95, as a face he lost his KOTR qualifying match to Mabel at the first IYH


It happened not too long before KOTR 94. He was heel for SSeries 93 when he was part of IRS's team. 94 is when he was part of Luger's team. :P

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Ah, I see. I dunno why, but I have absolutely no recollection of Adam Bomb as a face prior to 95.


Now that I think about it, other than his cool ass theme song and pyro, I really can't remember anything about Adam Bomb. :wacko:

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Ah, I see. I dunno why, but I have absolutely no recollection of Adam Bomb as a face prior to 95.


Now that I think about it, other than his cool ass theme song and pyro, I really can't remember anything about Adam Bomb. :wacko:

Not even the footballs that he would toss out in the crowd?

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Ah, I see.  I dunno why, but I have absolutely no recollection of Adam Bomb as a face prior to 95.


Now that I think about it, other than his cool ass theme song and pyro, I really can't remember anything about Adam Bomb. :wacko:

Not even the footballs that he would toss out in the crowd?

Oh, I could never forget that. I wanted one of those things so bad when I was little.

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Adam Bomb's nerf-like footballs ruled, I wish I got one also. Along with a pair of Bret's shades. :(

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Guest wayzing

I have no memories of Adam Bomb handing out footballs. Complete blank. :huh:


Anyone got a picture or something so I can refresh my memory?

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They were yellow and black nerf balls with little fins on one of the ends to make it look like a missile or something. For a while he threw them out into the crowd before his matches.

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I couldn't find the football pics, but God those googles were fucking awesome!

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Well I dont know if those goggles were awesome or not but they sure are something....Im just not sure what that something is.

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Guest Choken One

wasn't the gimmick that he worked at a Nuculear plant and there was a chemical Meltdown and he was hit by radioactive waves or something?


I dunno...I remember some stupid fucking fluff piece in WWF Magazine.

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Guest Astro

Does it amaze anyone else that 17 of the competitors in the 92 Royal Rumble were gone from the WWF within 13 months?

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Does it amaze anyone else that 17 of the competitors in the 92 Royal Rumble were gone from the WWF within 13 months?

Really? 17 people??? Who?

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Guest Choken One

Gone 13 months later

Flair-Bossman-Sid-Martel-Mustafa-Piper-Roberts-Sags-Skinner-Bulldog-Snuka-Valentine-Volkoff-Von Erich-Warlord-Berzerker-Barbarian

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