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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Guest TheArchiteck

Well, its done.

WWE is now 75% National.


My PI went waaaaaaaaay up.

I'm 39% Global....and NWATNA just became global. They were 10%......but that first monday came and now their 4%.


Only thing is.....that I snagged Rock, Booker and Charlie Haas.....who was waiting their contract out before they jumped.

When WWE dropped to national.....so did their overness. Booker liks 73....Rock is like 84....haven't even check hass yet.


I really don't have a need for them at that overness level.


Although I can put Booker and Kanyon together for a feud....just for personal marking reasons.

Kanyon is tearing the midcard up now.


Btw, if anyone has Lash Leroux and Trent Acid....put them together. They ended the feud with a 5star match...and both of them are main eventers.

Considering Trent was at like 69 and Lash was at 73 when the feud started.

Now Lash is the 3rd most over face in the company with a 95% and Trent is at 89%.

I let Lash go over.

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Guest Lightning Flik

With 100% Risk, all possible angles.




1 vs 1


Assault Needs Paramedic

Backstage Assault

Backstage Sneak Assault

Call Out And Accepted Challenge

Call Out And Brawl

Call Out And Unanswered

Celebration Ceremony

Challenge For Next Big Event

Challenge For Next Show

Challenge For Tonight

Challenger Floors Champion And Poses With Belt

Champion Floors Challenger And Poses With Belt


Contract Signing

Finger Breaking

Finisher No Sell

Finisher Theft

Held Apart From Brawl

Insult Trading

Midget Impression And Brawl


Returning Singles Attacks

Returning Worker Attacks And Title Steal

Run In Attack

Run In Attack And Title Steal

Run In Blood Attack

Run In Blood Attack Failed

Run In Failed

Run In Ladder Attack

Run In Ladder Attack Failed

Run In Table Attack

Run In Table Attack Failed

Run Off

Sit Down Protest

Worker Announces Retirement And Gets Challenged



2 on 2


Returning Team Attacks

Returning Team Attacks And Title Steal

Run In For Failed Partner Save

Run In For Late Partner Save

Run In For Quick Partner Save

Tag Assault Needs Paramedics

Tag Backstage Attack

Tag Backstage Sneak Attack

Tag Call Out And Brawl

Tag Call Out Unanswered

Tag Celebration Ceremony Ruined

Tag Challenge And Mystery Partner

Tag Challenge For Next Big Event

Tag Challenge For Next Show

Tag Challenge For Tonight

Tag Confrontation

Tag Held From Brawl

Tag Run In Attack

Tag Run In Attack And Title Steal

Tag Run In Blood Attack

Tag Run In Blood Attack Failed

Tag Run In Failed

Tag Run In Ladder Attack

Tag Run In Ladder Attack Failed

Tag Run In Table Attack

Tag Run In Table Attack Failed

Tag Run Off





2 on 1 Ambush

2 on 1 Ambush Backstage

3 on 1 Ambush

3 on 1 Ambush Backstage

3 on 1 Ringpost Attack

3 on 2 Ambush

3 on 2 Ambush Backstage

Distraction And Henchmen Attack





Authority Allows Replacement Partner

Authority Allows A Third Replacement Partner

Authority Announces A New Signing For His Show

Authority Announces A New Team Signing For His Show

Authority Announces A New Worker Will Be Signing Next Week

Authority Announces A Firing

Authority Announces Firing Of Another Authority

Authority Announces New Authority

Authority Announces Special Guest Referee

Authority Announces Steal

Authority Announces Tag Steal

Authority Announces That A Worker Will Be Here Next Week

Authority Awards Singles Title

Authority Awards Tag Title

Authority Books 1 vs 1 Fired Tonight

Authority Books 1 vs 1 For Next Big Event

Authority Books 1 vs 1 For Next Show

Authority Books 1 vs 1 For Next Suspension Tonight

Authority Books 1 vs 1 For Next Tonight

Authority Books 1 vs 1 vs 1 For Next Big Event

Authority Books 1 vs 1 vs 1 For Next Show

Authority Books 1 vs 1 vs 1 For Tonight

Authority Books 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 For Next Big Event

Authority Books 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 For Next Show

Authority Books 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 For Tonight

Authority Books 1 vs 2 Fired Tonight

Authority Books 1 vs 2 For Next Big Show

Authority Books 1 vs 2 For Next Show

Authority Books 1 vs 2 Suspension Tonight

Authority Books 1 vs 2 Tonight

Authority Books 2 vs 2 Fired Tonight

Authority Books 2 vs 2 For Next Big Show

Authority Books 2 vs 2 For Next Show

Authority Books 2 vs 2 Suspension Tonight

Authority Books 2 vs 2 Tonight

Authority Books 2 vs 3 For Next Big Event

Authority Books 2 vs 3 For Next Show

Authority Books 2 vs 3 Tonight

Authority Gets Beaten Up

Authority Gets Beaten Up And Arrested

Authority Gets Beaten Up And Fired

Authority Gets Beaten Up And Suspends

Authority Gives 1 Month Deadline

Authority Activates Title

Authority Makes Worker Sign A Waiver

Authority Refuses Replacement Partner

Authority Refuses Replacement Third Partner

Authority Refuses To Let An Injuried Worker Wrestle

Authority Steps Down

Authority Strips Singles Title

Authority Strips Tag Title

Authority Suspends Title

Authority vs Authority Confrontation

Introduction Of New Authority Figure

Two Authorities Compete Over Worker, Refuses And Attacks

Two Authorities Compete Over Worker, Refuses Both

Two Authorities Compete Over Worker, Signs And Attacks

Two Authorities Compete Over Worker, Signs For One

Worker Signs Contract And Beats Up Authority

Workers Signs Contract For Authority





Authority Debuts

Manager Debuted by Tag Team

Manager Debuted by Wrestler

Singles Asks For Opportunity

Singles Debut As Ally

Singles Debut As Client

Singles Debut As Stable Member

Singles Debut Attack

Singles Debut Attack And Title Steal

Singles Debut Attack Authority

Singles Debut Call Out

Singles Debut Deuling Microphones

Singles Debut To Make Save

Singles Debut To Make Save From 2-on-1

Singles Debut Via Limo

Singles Debut With Authority

Stable Debut As Client

Stable Debut Attack

Stable Debut Attack Authority

Stable Debut With Authority

Tag Asks For Oppotunity

Tag Debut As Ally

Tag Debut As Client

Tag Debut As Stable Members

Tag Debut Attack

Tag Debut Attack And Title Steal

Tag Debut Attack Authority

Tag Debut Call Out

Tag Debut To Make Save

Tag Debut To Make Save From 3-on-1

Tag Debut With Authority





Backstage Argument With Her Man

Bikini Contest

Catches Another Woman Flirting With Her Man


Diva Argument

Diva Flirts With Guy

Diva Kidnapped

Diva Walks In On An Unintentional Compromising Situation

Flirting To An Ambush

Heel Hits On Diva Leading To Fight

Protects Her Man

Protects Her Man And Gets Floored






Host Gets Taunted And Attacks

Host Gets Taunted And Cheap Shots

Host Interviews Two Enemies

Host Interviews Two Enemies, Who Then Brawl

Host Interviews Worker

Host Interviews Worker, Then Brawl

Host Taunts Worker, And Cheap Shots

Host Taunts Worker, And Gets Attacked

Run In Attack On Guest

Run In Attack On Guest Fails





Manager Asks Other Worker To Give Client Match, Accepted

Manager Asks Other Worker To Give Client Match, Rejected

Manager Gets Beaten Up As A Message

Manager Gets Beaten Up By Ex-Client

Manager Gets Beaten Up To Lure Face Out

Manager Has A Plan

Manager Introduces A New Singles Client

Manager Introduces A New Tag Team Client

Manager Lures Face Into Tag Trap

Manager Lures Face Into Trap

Manager Lures Face Team Into Trap

Manager Motivates Worker

Two Managers Agree To Put Two Of The Clients In A Team

Two Managers Argue About Whose Client Is Better






Calling Someone

Celebration Ceremony


Limo Arrival

Mystery Stalker

Retirement And Beating

Retirement And Passing The Torch

Stalker Attacked And Revealed

Stalker Attacks And Reveals

Stalker Attacks Without Revealing

Tag Celebration Ceremony

Tag Champion Partner Switch

Two Partners Hang Out

Walking Backstage

Warming Up

Worker Attacked, Who Did It?

Worker Proposes Team, Accepted

Worker Proposes Team, Rejected

Wrestler Goes Into Another's Locker Room

Wrestler Has Friend's Back

Wrestler On Strike

Wrestler Thanks Another For Help





Face Asks Girl Out On A Date, Accepted

Face Asks Girl Out On A Date, Rejected

Face Buys Flowers For Girl

Face Gets Destroyed Saving Girl From Heel

Face Gets Destroyed Saving Girl From Heel Team

Face Gets Destroyed Saving Girl From Stable

Face Kisses Girl

Face Saves Girl From Heel

Face Saves Girl From Heel Team

Face Saves Girl From Stable

Girl Compliments Heel And Leaves With Him

Heel Beats Up Enemy For Girl

Heel Couple Destroy Enemy In Ring

Heel Couple Plot Backstage


Marriage Interrupted

Marriage Proposal Accepted

Marriage Proposal Rejected





Stable Asks Tag Team For Decision, Accepted

Stable Asks Tag Team For Decision, Rejected, Gets Beaten Up

Stable Asks Worker For Decision, Accepted

Stable Asks Worker For Decision, Rejected, Beat Beaten Up

Stable Attack Authority

Stable Attack Singles Backstage

Stable Attack Singles In Ring

Stable Attack Tag Team Backstage

Stable Attack Tag Team In Ring

Stable Down Both Competitors Before Match

Stable Black Wedding

Stable Blood Bath Singles

Stable Blood Bath Tag Team

Stable Crucify Singles

Stable Hang Out Backstage

Stable Introduces New Singles Member

Stable Introduces New Tag Team Member

Stable Kidnap Female

Stable Kidnap Male

Stable Offer Tag Team Spot, Think About It

Stable Offer Tag Team Spot, Turned Down, Beat Them Up

Stable Offer Worker Spot, Think About it

Stable Offer Worker Spot, Turned Down, Beat Him Up

Stable Sets Gauntlet





Authority Heel Turn By Aligning With Other Heel

Authority Heel Turn By Aligning With Stable

Face Acts Heelish In Front Of Friend

Face Found Talking To Heel

Face Turn By Appearing As Suprise Partner

Heel Turn After Faking team

Heel Turn After Revealing Mastermind

Heel Turn After Swerve Run In

Heel Turn Aligning With Other Heel

Heel Turn By Dumping Boyfriend For Another Man

Heel Turn By Dumping Girlfriend

Manager Face Turn, Appears With Face

Manager Face Turn, Stands Up To Heel

Manager Heel Turn, Appears With Heel

Manager Heel Turn, Reveals Heel Alignment With Heel

Marriage, Bride Turns On Groom

Singles Face Turn Via Call Out

Singles Face Turn Via Save

Singles Heel Turn By Joining Manager

Singles Heel Turn By Joining Stable

Singles Heel Turn On Partner

Stable Kicks Out Singles Member

Stable Kicks Out Tag Team

Stable Offers Tag Team, One Partner Joins

Tag Face Turn Via Call Out

Tag Face Turn Via Save

Tag Heel Turn After Swerve Run In

Tag Heel Turn By Joining Manager

Tag Heel Turn By Joining Stable

Tag Heel Turn On Other Team

Tag Heel Turn On Singles Worker

Tweener Caught Between Face And Heel, Attacks Face

Tweener Caught Between Face And Heel, Attacks Heel





Hype Video For 1 vs 1 Match

Hype Video For 1 vs 1 vs 1 Match

Hype Video For 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 Match

Hype Video For 2 vs 2 Match

Hype Video For Debuting Tag Team

Hype Video For Debuting Worker

Hype Video For Debuting Diva

Hype Video For Singles Feud

Hype Video For Stable

Hype Video For Tag Team Feud

Hype Video For Tag Team

Hype Video For Worker




Man... Writing that all out is a bitch... My hands are like super sore from doing that.

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Guest El Satanico

I gave Chavo family guy since it plays into his families long wrestling history. He seems to be doing good.


I just cleaned house of older guys and guys that can be replaced by a better guy. Goldust, Goldberg, Undertaker, Rico, Regal, Nowinski and Maven.


I also released Hogan for the second time and hired Piper as a manager to replace him. Also signed Konnan to be manager of a mexican stable. So far the stable consists of SAT and Psychosis and I'm waiting on Juvi to return from Japan.

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Guest bob_barron

Am I the only one who never uses angles? They always seem to hurt the others overness

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Guest Lightning Flik
Am I the only one who never uses angles? They always seem to hurt the others overness

Nah... I uses angles all the time. If they've got sucky charisma it tends to hurt it.


Then again, I try not to harm sucky charisma people. I tend to go for buying the WHOLE package. Not just a charismatic bastard that can't work. Or a worker who can't themselves over.


I want the whole thing or nothing at all.

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Guest El Satanico

I don't use angles too often. I usually just use the angles that has someone attacking someone.

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Guest Nanks

Well that's just odd. In an effort to annoy Goldberg and get him to leave I gave him a Glam Rocker gimmick and had him job to The Rock, who he apparently dislikes, and get beaten down by Kane afterward. Somehow, his new gimmick got a positive response and he's not complaining. Where's the option to take away his imported water??

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Guest Lightning Flik
Well that's just odd. In an effort to annoy Goldberg and get him to leave I gave him a Glam Rocker gimmick and had him job to The Rock, who he apparently dislikes, and get beaten down by Kane afterward. Somehow, his new gimmick got a positive response and he's not complaining. Where's the option to take away his imported water??



That's just too funny. Sorry buddy, but Goldberg as a Glam Rocker is just too much.

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Guest Nanks

Well it seems to be working for him too. Perhaps I'll just push him with it now!! Who's this Aaron Stevens monkey bothering me to be elevated from OVW?? He's dreaming. He can get in line behind Lords of the Ring. When am I going to get some people leaving me damnit? I really want to trim down this roster and start picking up some talent.

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I use angles all the time. On a TNA show, I'll usually use two or three. I hate giving away more than two matches in a feud or three at the most, so unless they're an excellent interview, that's the only way to keep the feud going.


Oh, and they always seem to help the workers get over in my fed, and I never get a rating under 70. I wonder what your problem is with them.


I will say though, that I almost always use 1 vs. 1 angles. The only exceptions are debuts, a hot tag feud, an occasional romance or diva angle, and authority angles for my Jarrett/Russo feud. (He was my top heel for three months, what can you do.)

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Guest El Satanico

HHH getting revenge for his quick Warrior job?


Triple H vs Lash LeRoux.


Match Background: This match is for the World Heavyweight title.


The Match: Spear by Triple H. Lash LeRoux is in trouble. Here it comes - Pedigree. 1....2...3, it's finished. The Rock comes running down the aisle with a chair and into the ring! HHH turns...and is dropped by a vicious chair shot! The Rock has left HHH down and bloodied.


My Opinion:  *1 rating. Hey, you wanted to make it harder on yourself, right?


poor Lash and my poor World HW title.


As soon as the HHH/Rock feud ends with Rock taking the belt off HHH, I'm firing him.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

So, I have two main feuds


AJ Styles - Taiyo Kea


Chris Daniels - Jeff Jarrett


Styles is after coming off winning a feud with Raven, and the idea is for him to put over ea, who i then move into an feud with Daniels for the title


However, its July 1, and Kea and Daniels are off to NJYP for a month


Whats a guy to do?


Normally when this happens, like when Kea was feuding with Kojima, and one of them was away, id have Kea cut an interview and then put him in a squash match to get my money's worth, put i dont think i can do this for a month

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A good one is putting Nova and Matt Stryker into a tag team, and Kashmere and Acid own in my mlw.


Oh, and try putting Spanky and Whipwreck together, they keep burning the house down in my game.

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Guest El Satanico

Edge and Brock make a good tag team.


I have a great tag division in the works on my WWE.


World's Greatest Tag Team(Haas/Benjamin)

Riot Act(Brock/Edge)

Canadian Violence(Christian/Lance Storm)

Briscoe Brothers(Jay & Mark Briscoe)

Second City Saints(CM Punk/Colt Cabana)

Backseat Boyz(Trent Acid/Johnny Kashmere)

FNK n' SAK(Funaki/Spanky)

Lost Boyz(Azrael/Gabriel)

SAT(Joel & Jose Maximo)

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Guest El Satanico

Also, I had to hot shot my Booker T vs. Jericho IC feud. Booker wasn't getting over with the belt, the matches weren't clicking and it was causing Jericho to lose morale.


My new IC feud will be Jericho vs. Paul London. I had planned to use Hurricane, but to clear him up I had to hot shot his tag feud which put his overness at 71. Hurricane with 71 overness is way below IC level, so I gave the spot to 80 over London.


London got 80 over thanks to a throwaway unofficial fued with Kid Kash, which consisted of nothing but matches.

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Guest El Satanico

I've done nothing with him and his morale is at 95.


He only wrestled on Raw for the last three months. So I haven't done anything to MAKE him happy.


Maybe you changed his gimmick to something he didn't like? Is his overness high?

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London as at like 70 in my mlw game..not bad and not great...I got him over by putting him with matt cross.


I just went national with MLW and a war with FLI is upcoming, no doubt...should I pick up Edge so they cant?

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Guest Memphis

Mine too, Flik.


London has a fucking attitude problem. He recieved his release notice a long time ago from me.

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Guest El Satanico
I just went national with MLW and a war with FLI is upcoming, no doubt...should I pick up Edge so they cant?

If he has good overness...yes.



Unless you don't have room for another upper carder/Maineventer.

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I thought he had an attitude problem. I was pushing his ass to face Mero after Paul finished off Harry, but my plans got scrapped after the asshole decided to be a bitch with his morale.


The guy has been on EVERY SHOW since his return from injury and I'm at the point where I'm about to say fuck it to both him and Harry Smith.


Besides, I've got people who have more overness than him and are a lot happier.

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Does anyone know how much the number of wrestlers slow the game down?


In my current fed, I cut back down to about 800 workers (a tedious task) and about 12 feds.


I've heard that the number of feds is the only real factor.


The reason I'm asking is that I'm tempted to get the Ravex update, I just don't like how it runs slow. However, pretty much the only reason I want the update if for guys like Bob Sapp, Kazuyuki Fujita, Don Frye, Josh Barnett and any other MMA guys that are in the pics but not in the game.


Also if guys like Vanderlei and Anderson Silva, Quentin Jackson, Nogueria, etc were added.


And some Puro guys that actually have wrestled in the States like Jushin Lyger, Great Muta, etc. Don't really care about Kawada, Misawa, etc.


Can anyone give me an idea of the likes of these guys that have been added.

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However, pretty much the only reason I want the update if for guys like Bob Sapp, Kazuyuki Fujita, Don Frye, Josh Barnett and any other MMA guys that are in the pics but not in the game.


Also if guys like Vanderlei and Anderson Silva, Quentin Jackson, Nogueria, etc were added.


And some Puro guys that actually have wrestled in the States like Jushin Lyger, Great Muta, etc. Don't really care about Kawada, Misawa, etc.


Can anyone give me an idea of the likes of these guys that have been added.

The Guys You Want In The RAVEX Update:

Bob Sapp. Check.

Don Frye. Check.

Josh Barnet. Check.

Kazuyuki Fujita. Check.

Vanderlei Silva. Check.

Anderson Silva. Check.

Quentin Jackson. Check.

Nogueria. Check.

Jushin Lyger. Check.

Great Muta. Check.

Kawada. Check.

Misawa. Check.


A shit load of MMA are in. About 300 at last count. In total there is 35 feds, and about 2929 wrestlers to choose from. So it's safe to say that if there is someone you want in the game, they are in.

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Guest Memphis

I can't stand how anti-smark those stat ratings are in the update, therefore I go with Adam's original version.


Nash's brawling ability is around 75, I think, when in reality he is 39-40 AT BEST.


Has the new updated EW version been posted here yet? Adam recently released a version that fixed up a whole host of bugs, such as the house show problem.


In case it has yet to be announced here, head over to the Battleground? and have a look around in the EWR sections, it's pinned as a topic.

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I can't stand how anti-smark those stat ratings are in the update, therefore I go with Adam's original version.

Actually, they aren't all that bad. Awful in some cases, yes. But it's to make sure that you stay afloat.


Especially considering the contract prices are a lot more realistic in the update. At least I found.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Personal favorite EWR moment so far: Fleisch/Stryker/Shane vs. "Dames' Dream Team" Ace Steel and the SAT's.


he gave it 4 stars! HA!

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...well, EWR fans.


I'm posting up my card for my December-28th-2003 monthly event "End Of Days".


Take a guess at who's going over and stuffy~! Or just wonder how the hell I'm at 50 PI in Cult with this type of card.


Results to be posted soon after I've finished plugging this into EWR and letting it go.


Here's the card, the stips and what's at stake:




Riot Act© vs. The Last Hard Men vs. X-Rated vs. Chance Meeting

For SWF Tag Team Titles


~This is an elimination match for the SWF Tag Team titles. At November's "Rightly Burial", SWF saw Riot Act defeat the then Champions, Chance Meeting, for the SWF Tag Team titles. This match was built on the premise that the other teams deserved equal shots at the titles as The Last Hard Men and X-Rated have scored tag team victories over Chance Meeting. Thusly, they have been included into the chaos.


Chance Beckett© vs. Mad Mikey For SWF Xtreme Title

For SWF Xtreme Title


~Since the inception of this title, Chance Beckett has been a truthful Champion as he ruthlessly defends his title against all upcomers. Now it's do or die for Mad Mikey as he gets a return match and chance to strip Beckett of his title.


Spiffy Sean Stylez vs. Insane Dragon


Feud Stats:

Clean Wins = 0-1

Cheat Wins = 0-0

Ambush Wins = 3-3

Other Wins = 0-0


~This feud began when Spiffy Sean Stylez decided to bring Insane Dragon on his show of "That's Spiffy". Spiffy mocked and taunted his guest until Insane Dragon had had enough and absolutely clobbered Spiffy. The two have been fighting all over the place, from the backstage, to the ring, to even where our fans watch. Thusly, these two violent men shall have a go at each other in the ring.


Air Paris vs. Eddie Valentine© vs. Jinsei Shinzaki vs. Spanky

For SWF International Title


~Although Eddie Valentine won the SWF International Title by defeating Nova, many believe the only reason why Eddie won the title was because the fact that Sick Nick Mondo helped him retain his title. This match was created by SWF Commish, Bret Hart, to allow Eddie to prove that he is worthy of holding this titile.


Sick Nick Mondo vs. Nova


Feud Stats:

Clean Wins = 0-2

Cheat Wins = 1-0

Ambush Wins = 6-2

Other Wins = 0-1


~Way back when Nova first debuted onto our show, he came here to announce that he was on a mission to prove that he was a superstar that SWF would love to have. Apparently, Sick Nick Mondo didn't think so. Sick Nick flaunted how that Nova wasn't "sick and twisted" enough to be anything more than just a "walking step along the path to the SWF Supreme Title". From there it's only been insults, assaults, and you can name just about everything else. Since Sick Nick and Nova are willing to sink to the ultimate of depths, Bret Hart has sanctioned this match as a hardcore match. The first one in SWF history. How far are these two willing to go to destroy one another?


Harry Smith vs. Paul London


Feud Stats:

Clean Wins = 0-0

Cheat Wins = 0-1

Ambush Wins = 0-6

Other Wins = 2-0


~Paul London was injuried just after he recently joined full time with SWF. After he returned, he saw and upstart named Harry Smith and thought it best to put this young man to bed before he could bore any of the SWF fans. However, Harry Smith is still standing strong and standing tall from the ordeals he has had to face from London as London has repeatedly attacked him and harassed him. It doesn't seem to have fazed Harry and now these two will go at it in the squared circle.


Colt Cabana vs. Johnny Kashmere


Feud Stats:

Clean Wins = 0-0

Cheat Wins = 0-2

Ambush Wins = 3-4

Other Wins = 1-1


~What originally started as a rivallry between tag teams Second City Saints and Backseat Boyz has escalated into Cabana's and Kashmere's own personal feud. Both of these men are have such utter passionate hate for one another it's amazing that SWF will be allowing this match to continue. This match should be a great one as both men will bring their a games.


Marcus Chavayada vs. Leo Branford


Feud Stats:

Clean Wins = 0-1

Cheat Wins = 1-0

Ambush Wins = 6-6

Other Wins = 2-2


~It's a tradgic tale of two best friends gone wrong. Marcus betrayed Leo by waffling him with a steel chair and then repeatly berating his former friend. Marcus felt used because he was always the guy being told "oh, your that person that hangs with Leo Branford" and finally he had just had enough. Leo didn't get why this had become such a problem to Marcus. If he had had a problem, he should've at least talked about it. Marcus loses it by saying "now it's my time to shine... I will no longer be in your shadow as I will destroy you if I must to claim my stardom". These two have done everything to each other, be it scorning words, deadly chair shots, or being bloodied so bad that neither should be wrestling. Well, Bret Hart has added three stipulations to this match to add to the intensity. The first stipulation is that this WILL conclude with whomever wins as SWF can not have two wrestlers continually assaulting each other the ways these two have been. The second stipulation is that this will be a first blood match to signify an end to this bloodlusted feud. And the final stipulation is that the winner will become the NEW #1 contender for the SWF Supreme Championship.


Kid Kash© vs. Marc Mero

For SWF Supreme Title


Feud Stats:

Clean Wins = 0-1

Cheat Wins = 2-0

Ambush Wins = 5-5

Other Wins = 1-2


~Since September-28th-2003 at "Xtreme Overdose". After that show, and onto the very first TV show of Outbreak, Kash went on about how he's the greatest Champion to ever live. There will NEVER be a Champion like him and there is no one who could challenge him for his Supreme Title and win. Without warning, Marc Mero arrived and interrupted Kash's words. Mero went on a tirade of words against Kash about how Kash should respect the fact that he was GIVEN a shot at the Supreme Title and had never actually earned it, like everyone else who had to. Of course, Kash took offense to these words and smashed Mero with the Supreme title. At Harmony Of Screams, it appeared that Mero was about to win the SWF Supreme Title, but SWF fans saw that hope be dashed when Kash smashed Mero with a brass pair of knuckles and gained the victory. Commish Bret Hart wasn't pleased with this and ordered that Kash give a return match to Mero and at Rightly Burial, the feud continued on. Yet, as like the last time, Kash cheated his way to victory by using the ropes to ultimately gain his victory over Mero.


Although Kash thought he would not have to deal with Mero anymore, Bret Hart made a match between the two once more and for the final time. This time however, the match would be a ladder match and although Kash could use whatever means were necessary to win, so too could Marc Mero. And after December 27, 2003's Outbreak where Mero pinned Kash in a tag match, Supreme Wrestling Federation's most highly anticipated match also raises the mightiest of questions. Will Kid Kash successfully defend his title?

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Oh and just to add if someone has completed a year (going from 2003 to 2004), you'll be awarded the 100 Top Wrestlers of 2003 and find out where some of your guys list up with the big boys.


My roster didn't do half bad.

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