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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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(prays for *****)


Teddy Hart vs Shannon Moore.


Match Background: This is a continuation of the T. Hart vs Shannon feud. Neither has managed to get an in-ring victory in this feud.


The Match: Standing leg lariat by Shannon Moore on T. Hart. STIFF high kick on T. Hart by Shannon Moore. Spin kick by Shannon Moore to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Spin kick by Shannon Moore to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Teddy Hart fights out of a grapple. Teddy Hart hits a rolling kick on Shannon. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Shannon takes a NICE hurrancarana from Teddy Hart. Hooks the leg for a two count. Shannon flips out of a Teddy Hart bodyslam attempt. Super kick by Shannon Moore. There's a two count on the pin. Tiger suplex on T. Hart. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, dammit. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Shannon Moore misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Spinning back kick from Teddy Hart. Shannon blocks a kick from Teddy Hart. Shannon Moore hits a rolling kick on T. Hart. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Jamie Koeppe has climbed up onto the apron! T. Hart turns...and falls for the distraction! Shannon Moore attacks T. Hart from behind! Teddy Hart is stunned as Shannon heads to the top rope. Mooregasm! 1....2....3. Shannon Moore leaves the ring and heads off down the aisle at speed. Shannon has the victory, and isn't hanging around for Teddy Hart to look for revenge.


My Opinion: Consider yourself lucky, a ****1\4 is hard to get and it was earned every step of the way. Let's see if you can do better now.


NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I feel like the guy in Mallrats who can't see the damn sailboat. This game hates me!

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Yeah, it's strange because both men are in my main event, with overness in the mid-eighties, but the match reaction was only 79%. Match quality was fine (98%), so maybe I'll do better as the feud heats up. Still, it's very frustrating.

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I don't know if the event level matters based on promotion size. But my rank goes.


MAIN EVENT 100-91 over

UPPER MIDCARD 90-81 over

MIDCARD 80-61 over

LOWER MIDCARD 60-41 over

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Damn it, I still can't get a ***** match yet from the Dames.

Try running with AJ and Juvi Guerrera, i got constant ***** from that series.


Also, Jericho/Daniels, there's LOTS of combo's, you'll get there :)

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Yeah, and at least I'll feel like I've earned it. Problem is, all the usual stars like Styles and Jericho are under contract with the WWE and I really want to achieve it with my UDW promotion (currently National 69PI). But I've brought in some talented new blood (TAKA, Super Crazy) and I've got enough established talent (Backseats, Moore, Hart, Hayashi, Paul London-who seemingly must be hired by EWR law) to get the match quality, it's just a case of getting them over enough.


BTW, can anyone help me find a decent gimmick for Shannon Moore? He's losing reaction with his current gimmick (mysterious) and it's really tricky to find him a new one. He's a heel, not very menacing and with no charisma. I would choose loner, but he's got a manager (Jamie Koeppe) to do his interviews, so that wouldn't really work. Any help muchly appreciated.

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I can get ***** or close to with a bunch of my tag combos


Heartbreak Juniors (Spanky and London)

Truely Amazing (N8 Mason & Truth Martini)

Styles & Storm

Chance Beckett & Christopher Daniels

Mikey & Tajiri

Hero & Steel

Second City Saints


If I throw any of those two together it's a possible 5 star anytime

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Egomaniac. Or if you wanted to make him into kind of the silent, brooding type, why not Ice Man, which I believe stems from Malenko's Ice Man gimmick of "talking in the ring". It worked on Ace Steel with me.

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I have Steel with legit athlete...works for him.


I put Franchise Player on London and damn near killed him. He has creative controll and wouldn't let me change it. So if I used him he'd lose overness...so I had to keep him off tv for months untill I could change it again.

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I have Steel with legit athlete...works for him.


I put Franchise Player on London and damn near killed him. He has creative controll and wouldn't let me change it. So if I used him he'd lose overness...so I had to keep him off tv for months untill I could change it again.

I think Franchise Player only works best when you have high charisma and high stat in at least two of the three abilities, plus maybe Superstar Look. Flik would know more than I.

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I think Franchise Player only works best when you have high charisma and high stat in at least two of the three abilities, plus maybe Superstar Look. Flik would know more than I.

Nailed it right on. Nicely done Zack.


And my fed progress along quite nicely. I'm now half way to making SMALL~!


My only concern is there are two National feds, a ton of Cult feds (like 6, and with DAVE dropping down, it'll make like 7), and then TNA and WWE.


I'm worried I'll lose my current crop of stars. :( Thankfully, I've got Edward James, but still. I worry for the sake of Supreme Wrestling Federation. I haven't even gotten any offers for a new job (which I might actually take in an instant). Hopefully, I can make SMALL~! and rake in some dough finally.

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Guest What_ever

I've noticed that if you keep your wrestlers below Main Event status... they don't get stolen.


It worked for my last game.

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I've noticed that if you keep your wrestlers below Main Event status... they don't get stolen.


It worked for my last game.

It's just I'd have to unpush, Jonny C and Austin Lee. I don't want them getting mad with me. :(

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I've noticed that if you keep your wrestlers below Main Event status... they don't get stolen.


It worked for my last game.

Not necessarily true. I once had someone in the midcard (I want to say Sick Nick Mondo) stolen from my MLW game.

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Guest What_ever

Blah... the one thing this game really needs is the option to not allow your wrestlers to be stolen, or at least lessen it happening.


At least with version 4, you can lock up people with written contracts at Regional though.

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Blah... the one thing this game really needs is the option to not allow your wrestlers to be stolen, or at least lessen it happening.


At least with version 4, you can lock up people with written contracts at Regional though.

You can? Is this with an update or something? I was Wildside one time and no one would sign a written deal with me.


As for the stealing, it makes it more realistic, so I don't mind it. Makes your rise to the top mean something when you overcome it.


Question: Why is it so tough to raise PI when playing as MLW? I put on good shows for cult level, and I still wind up dropping off.

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You can get anyone to sign at any point. As long as you are having increased PI and cash flow, you can sign anyone to a written contract.


Just has to be Midcard or lower. Uppercard or higher and they'll think themselves to big for your company. By midcard, I mean micard overness.


I've managed to sign people to contracts at Small. So it is possible at any level (I'm assuming backyard as well, but I make no profit, so I can't say).

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You can? Is this with an update or something? I was Wildside one time and no one would sign a written deal with me.


As for the stealing, it makes it more realistic, so I don't mind it. Makes your rise to the top mean something when you overcome it.


Question: Why is it so tough to raise PI when playing as MLW? I put on good shows for cult level, and I still wind up dropping off.

As I had mentioned previously. If you are midcard or less in overness, you can usually sign them to a written contract. Just sign them to your company first on an open contract, make sure they have high overness, and you'll sign them in most cases. This can also work for uppercards, but not always. If the person who wish to hire onto a company higher than you, usually forget it unless they are absolutely must have. As you'll end up shelling out so much cash, it is nuts.


As for the stealing, I'd prefer TEW, because I think people would soon get loyal to me and not leave my ass. I hate that about EWR. Thankfully Jonny C (WLW) and Austin Lee (SW) haven't left my ass for new glory.


Because you are competiting (indirectly) against Ring of Honor, Combat Zone Wrestling, and FLI (as if I'm spelling out their whole name). Hence, boost your production values to above what RoH has, and also have your advertising 10% of what you have. It also helps to get a TV show as RoH and CZW both have those. Thus making them "better" than you for that. If you can't get a TV show, go Weekly PPV till you can (and then switch back to regular PPV), as you need to put on something Weekly. Once again, this will mean you will probably have to hire people on permanently, thus you'll have to build up your midcarders and superstars, and pretty much leave any MEs you can't land alone.


Also, it wouldn't be a bad thing to have like kick ass shows. Not good shows for cult level. But kick ass. If you have to scrap a match or two to get your more charisamatic stars on to pump up ratings, do so. Just makes you look better in the end.

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Guest El Satanico

It's 4 months until WM, so it's time to begin the WM feuds.


World Heavyweight - Benoit© vs. Christian: Christian will end Benoit's 10 month reign

WWE Heavyweight - Brock© vs. Edge: I haven't decided who will win

Intercontinental - Jericho© vs. Sonny Siaki: If all goes well Siaki will win

United States - Angle© vs. Cena: Angle retains title if Brock retains

Television - RVD© vs. Low-Ki: If all goes well Ki will end RVD's nearly year long reign

Cruiserweight - AJ Styles© vs. Juvi: Depends on how the feud goes

World Tag Team - Randy Orton/Rhyno© vs. Charlie Haas/Shelton Benjamin: Haas/Benjamin will win

WWE Tag Team - Ultimo Dragon/Funaki© vs. SAT: SAT will win

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Beh...I wasn't thinking, and now somehow my NWA World, X, World Tag Team, X Tag Team, and Brass Knuckles titles are all on babyfaces...I didn't want an all face run, but it kinda happened that way

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Beh...I wasn't thinking, and now somehow my NWA World, X, World Tag Team, X Tag Team, and Brass Knuckles titles are all on babyfaces...I didn't want an all face run, but it kinda happened that way

Does it really matter?


Just work storylines and feuds to your advantage then. Have a brief change in one of the titles to break up the "all-face" run.


Seriously, it isn't that bad. When I used to play WWE, I once had every single WWE title on a face.


Think about all the titles in the WWE, and then think about what I said. That was challenging, but fun to do.


And besides, why is it ok to have an all-heel run, but all-face is frowned upon?

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But I have 5 belts :)


NWA World

NWA World Tag


NWA Brass Knuckles



I changed the NWA Tag Titles to the NWA WORLD Tag Titles...think it makes it sound a tad better.


The problem with my title reigns now are that I seem to have just switched them all, and I have a 3 month rule. Unless there's a rehab or injury.


John Cena was a day away from winning the Brass Knuckles title from Vic Capri till he went into rehab.

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In my 92 WWF scenario I'm onto 1994 and my top 3 Belts are all held by heels, Ric Flair as World Champ,The Best Tag Team(Arn Anderson and Rick Martel) as Tag Champs and Mr Perfect Intercontinental Champion because I prefer heels as the Champions.


My Tag Division is way crowded since I bought out WCW about 6 months ago.I can't do a roster split at the moment because of the Invasion Angle which has plenty of life left in it.At the moment these are my Main Teams.What should I do with teams hardly on TV like the Bulldogs,Steiners and Rockers?



The Best Tag Team(Arn Anderson & Rick Martel)

Evil Emblem(Yuji Nagata and Shinjiro Otani)

The Steiners

La Familia(Eddie Guerrero & Juvi Guerrera)

Hollywood Blondes

The Rockers(rarely used because I can't find any space)

Dustin Rhodes & Barry Windham

Orient Express(I use them about once every 2 months when I need some guys to job to Undertaker in a handicap match)

Midnight Express(they are in my WCW B team Stable with DDP and Tom Zenk)




The Harts(Bret & Owen)

Hakushi & Muta(Just Turned after the Best Tag Team ended their 14 month reign as champs)

The Junior Dream Team(Jushin Lyger and Rey Misterio JR)

The Lightning Dragon(Ricky Steamboat & Lightning Kid)

Burning Army I,I & III(A stable of Misawa,Kobashi and Kawada who are always losing to Evil Emblem )

British Bulldogs(Same as the Rockers)

The Von Erichs(Kerry and Kevin)

Rock and Roll Express(They always lose their matches)

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Guest What_ever

I finally got to play TEW for a few days now.


It's definitely not worth the $35 price tag.


Unless you want a really in-depth game, you won't find it much better.

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