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The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

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Guest Choken One

He should keep the beard anyways, REALLY looks good on him although that doesn't fit with his current character...

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I totally agree. He could grow a great beard (you know, some people's beards just look choppy and suck)


It was very precisely cut during most of the years he had it, so I'd say he could easily pull it off with his current character.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Kinda like mine...I had his beard before he had it...

You should be so proud.

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Guest Askewniverse
Why the FUCK does HHH still have a beard?

I am NOT impressed with the way HHH looks in this game. Usually they nail his character model, but that face barely resembles Trips and he looks a little off.

On the positive side, HHH's entrance theme isn't edited this time.

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On the positive side, HHH's entrance theme isn't edited this time.


What do you mean?


*been awhile since last playing SYM






Guess they weren't kidding about the Greenwich part.

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On the positive side, HHH's entrance theme isn't edited this time.


What do you mean?


*been awhile since last playing SYM


It's his normal theme, but they cut out the middle portion in order for him to get on the ring apron and do the spitting water pose for the right time in the music.


In HCTP, it's in its entirety... like WMXIX.

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Guest TheCrowCall

Where exactly is the website where I can download Quicktime again? I really want to check out all these videos, but don't have the right program for .mov format. Thanks so much in advance!


~ Pac

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Guest Metallica
Where exactly is the website where I can download Quicktime again?  I really want to check out all these videos, but don't have the right program for .mov format.  Thanks so much in advance!


~ Pac


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I got my Decemeber issue of PSM yesterday, and they gave it a 9, so yay.


However, one thing is that they say the game is online compatible. However, they didn't talk about this in the review.

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Guest Real F'n Show

watching some of the vids, there are some cool new moves in here, like Rey has Code Red and Rodney Mack's Tiger Driver '91 both look sweet. I'm hoping moves like the cradle piledriver, Styles Clash, Ki Krusher '99, Angel's Wings, etc. are in

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I got my Decemeber issue of PSM yesterday, and they gave it a 9, so yay.


However, one thing is that they say the game is online compatible. However, they didn't talk about this in the review.

Typo. Major Typo.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Flair's face totally makes the screenshot what it is. By God, he even sells a blowjob like death.

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They put the Ki Krusher 99 in, forget my continuing incarnations of Rendclaw, I am making Low-Ki and running him exclusively....

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Guest Real F'n Show

yeah I'll definately be making Ki too, and probably Styles, Lynn, Daniels, and American Dragon if they put any of their moves in this time around...

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It's been speculated about for weeks now. Since receiving a near-final build of WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain several weeks ago, we've been perplexed as to why we haven't heard any play-by-play during our matches or why call names had been removed from the create-a-wrestler feature. The signs all pointed towards the idea that the planned announce-team of Michael Cole and Tazz had been eliminated from their vocal duties. But up until now, no one at THQ was talking.


But confirmation finally came to us today when we had the opportunity to play the 100% finished version of the game for ourselves. Totally complete and the same copy that will be pressed to create retail discs in just a few weeks, the final build of Smackdown has made it clear that the announcer option has been nixed entirely.


We'll be back with more on Here Comes the Pain as we approach its release in the coming weeks.


This is from IGN.Com. I didn't see anything posted about it, but if there was, sorry. Just thought you guys might be interested in this. With no announcers in RAW 2 and WM XIX either, looks like THQ has given up on the announcers entirely.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I think we should all screen-cap pictures of Ultimo beating Vince's ass in this game and send them to WWEanservices via email.

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Well since announcers are gone, why not axe referees as well.


There have been countless occasions in SYM where I've had to cease my attack on my opponent just so I can kick the crap out of an insanely irritating Earl Hebner. I think I've put him through more tables than anyone else.



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