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Bowling for Columbine...

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This is quite possibley one of the best movies I've ever watched. However it had me nearly in tears when it showed the scenes from Columbine. I usually don't get emotional but seeing them shoot those people got to me. And then everyone's reaction.

Of course the most powerful and unsettling part of the movie is where it shows how many deaths America has caused over the years. And it tops it all off by showing the WTC attacks and saying "Osama Bin Laden uses his CIA Training to kill 3,000 Americans in New York City." very unsettling.

And the OKC Bombing scenes...since I live in Moore(a suburb of OKC) this hit at home with me very hard.

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I saw this movie and thought it was very well done also. I wanted to see it in theaters, but never got around to it. Then, the incident and the awards made him seem a little nuts, but I got the movie anyway and was glad. I really enjoyed it. I watched the part where he talks about his speech and says it wasn't everyone booing him, it was the people cheering him booing the booers, which makes him seem even more nuts, but he did make a very good film with some very good points.

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I saw this movie and thought it was very well done also. I wanted to see it in theaters, but never got around to it. Then, the incident and the awards made him seem a little nuts, but I got the movie anyway and was glad. I really enjoyed it. I watched the part where he talks about his speech and says it wasn't everyone booing him, it was the people cheering him booing the booers, which makes him seem even more nuts, but he did make a very good film with some very good points.

I want to see the movie, but I could care less about Michael Moore. But I'll still see the movie.

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I find it odd that if it is Michael Moore claiming something, his haters automatically say he is lying yet if some other source that is anti-Moore says,


Fact: so and so, this and that


People just blindly believe that as fact, even though hardly any claims "debunking" Moore were proven to be any more fact than what Moore originally said in the first place.

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Guest El Satanico

No one defending american companies or policies can be misinformed or flat out lie...didn't you know that?

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Great movie. I saw it in a theater in Cambridge and was thoroughly moved and entertained. I can't wait to buy the DVD (and the ROGER & ME DVD which is available now).

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Bob is just biased because he likes good ol' Georgie Bush.

Hey mole-


Wouldn't the fact that I hate that fat fuck Michael Moore be a better example of my bias then pointing out that I like the president?


You make me sad.


Vote mole.

Well, Michael Moore hates the President, you like him, so you wouldn't like Moore because of that.


Hahaha, I'm just jokin with you bob. Damn Gina, gettin all hostile over me?

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A little bit of it is good. And the rest of it is Michael Moore stroking his own ego, bending the truth or flat out lying, and being an asshole.

Not really.

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A little bit of it is good. And the rest of it is Michael Moore stroking his own ego, bending the truth or flat out lying, and being an asshole.

Not really.

Nah, I think I'm right.

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If you think the movie is just full of lies, he did a good job at making those lies then.

But since the movie is ostensibly a documentary, basing it on lies, half-truths, staged scenarios, and speeches edited for effect is dishonest. There's precious little point in supporting a dishonest filmmaker who peddles his wares as the truth.

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I laughed when he put the little girl's picture on Charleton Heston's porch and then walked out of the shot with his head bowed. Way too melodramatic for a documentary.


I want to trust him but can't because he's phony too.

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The movie just bugged me. There's no way to say all this while not sounding a tad racist, but what the hell.


Seems like the PC thing to do now is to go on and on about how bad white people are. And Moore does that a lot in the movie. And yet when he goes into the school shooting in Flint where the black boy shoots the white girl. You can obviously tell what the races are, but Moore doesn't even mention that there could be a hint of race involvement.


And that doesn't even bother me that much. But he works it to where Dick Clark is the enemy in all this.


The mother was on welfare. And the state made her get a job, and the job she gets is in a Dick Clark cafe deal. So Moore harasses Dick Clark and makes him out to be the bad guy in all this cause she worked at a diner that carried his name. Then he does his sad little puppy dog shit "come on Dick" when Dick's pulling away in his car refusing to talk to him.


So Dick Clark's to blame that this kid killed a little girl. The mother's innocent cause she's too busy with her job.


The man makes some good points, but he's a fuckhead.


Was anyone else suprised how easy it is to get an interview with Heston?

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Ok, I have seen the film now. What I want to know is what these lies and half truths are. Could someone point them out? He makes a good standing for himself (Moore) in the movie and I have heard alot about the aforementioned lies and such, but I haven't heard anybody gibve an example. Anybody got something?

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If you think the movie is just full of lies, he did a good job at making those lies then.

But since the movie is ostensibly a documentary, basing it on lies, half-truths, staged scenarios, and speeches edited for effect is dishonest. There's precious little point in supporting a dishonest filmmaker who peddles his wares as the truth.

This movie isn't supposed to be a presentation-of-facts documentary. It's a drama, it's a comedy, and it's a filmed editorial -- all wrapped up in one! One of the best movies of 2002.

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Was anyone else suprised how easy it is to get an interview with Heston?

"After two years of trying to get an interview with Charlton Heston, Michael Moore (II) was going to give up. Showing up at Heston's house was totally spontaneous - on the way to the airport, a staff member suggested that they find his house using a star map."

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I don't know about you, Bob, Asia, the rest, but as a citizen of Australia - not America - I found the documentary both insightful and entertaining. That montage to 'What a Wonderful World' really hit home with me, and I have been raving to my friends about the calibre of this docudrama. I have been a fan of Michael Moore for some years now, as it all started after I had seen an episode of the Awful Truth where Moore had taken victims of Enphasema and other Lung-related diseases to Cigarette companies to sing Christmas Carols. I was surprised that a guy had the balls to do that, and I was even more surprised when I saw Bowling for Columbine. OK, that earlier article proved that Moore was not as accurate as he could have been, but in actual fact, who the hell cares. Over 11 thousand gun-related deaths in America compared to 64 in Australia? Thats incredible. Now I'm not anti-American in any way, shape or form, and I supported Bush's decision in Iraq, but there must be something wrong if America has that many gun related deaths, especially if Canada doesn't, and its only over the river.

I'm a fan of Moore, his baseball cap, and his endevours. If you don't like him, don't watch him.

Well, thats my political speil out for this month.

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And that doesn't even bother me that much. But he works it to where Dick Clark is the enemy in all this.


The mother was on welfare. And the state made her get a job, and the job she gets is in a Dick Clark cafe deal. So Moore harasses Dick Clark and makes him out to be the bad guy in all this cause she worked at a diner that carried his name. Then he does his sad little puppy dog shit "come on Dick" when Dick's pulling away in his car refusing to talk to him.


So Dick Clark's to blame that this kid killed a little girl. The mother's innocent cause she's too busy with her job.


The man makes some good points, but he's a fuckhead.

Why doesn't Mikey hire some of these welfare moms to work for him -- he's got enough loot to pay "real" wages.


It's not like he can ever have more than enough cooks at his place.


Come on heart attack...

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And that doesn't even bother me that much. But he works it to where Dick Clark is the enemy in all this.


The mother was on welfare. And the state made her get a job, and the job she gets is in a Dick Clark cafe deal. So Moore harasses Dick Clark and makes him out to be the bad guy in all this cause she worked at a diner that carried his name. Then he does his sad little puppy dog shit "come on Dick" when Dick's pulling away in his car refusing to talk to him.


So Dick Clark's to blame that this kid killed a little girl. The mother's innocent cause she's too busy with her job.


The man makes some good points, but he's a fuckhead.

Why doesn't Mikey hire some of these welfare moms to work for him -- he's got enough loot to pay "real" wages.


It's not like he can ever have more than enough cooks at his place.


Come on heart attack...

Oww *rimshot!*


Moore does a lot of good work. But lately he's just annoying.

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If you think the movie is just full of lies, he did a good job at making those lies then.

But since the movie is ostensibly a documentary, basing it on lies, half-truths, staged scenarios, and speeches edited for effect is dishonest. There's precious little point in supporting a dishonest filmmaker who peddles his wares as the truth.

This movie isn't supposed to be a presentation-of-facts documentary. It's a drama, it's a comedy, and it's a filmed editorial -- all wrapped up in one! One of the best movies of 2002.

See, that's where I always got confused.


See, I always thought that documentaries were supposed to be based on truth.


Whereas documentaries that were based on nothing but lies and half-truths (which is what Moore does these days) were, at best, "mock" documentaries or just flat out PROPAGANDA.


But I suppose I must be wrong.

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