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Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

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If we WANTED colonies, there is not a country on Earth we could not take, and take fairly easily.


We don't have colonies, regardless.


I wouldn't go that far. Russia and China would be tough, if only due to their massive size.

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Guest MikeSC
No offense intended but I disagree about America being able to take any country you want.


You guys didn't go into Afghanastan or Iraq by yourselves. You did manage to kill your enemies but you also managed to kill a fair number of allies and your own troops.


America does have the best equipped soldiers in the world but that doesn't account for everything. Nor does sheer numbers.


If America did try to set up Colonies they'd be opposed by the rest of the world and no country can fight the entire world. American leaders know this which is why America is always making sure to play the political games and trying to pin down allies before engaging in any military action. They know if they just did whatever they wanted without other countires being part of it that sucsess would not be easy.


The Roman Empire fell, The Greek Empire fell, so did the Egyptians, the Britains, and every other empire this world has seen. America's dominance hasn't lasted anywhere near as long as those Empires did. Overconfidence can cause even the mighty to fall.

We could have done both efficiently without any assistance from anybody else.


Let's go for a hypothetical: Let's say that, tomorrow, we said that we are going to conquer Canada. What on Earth could ANYBODY do to stop us?


Militarily, we're so far ahead of everybody, it's absurd. Economically, nobody can compete.


Nobody can fight the world? Seeign as how the world is unwilling to act against anything, it would hardly be a problem. What is everybody going to do? Boycott us and kill their own economies? Attack us and get annihilated?


We are untouchable at this moment, and we don't have colonies.


Explain that away.


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Guest MikeSC
No empire that has ever existed in the entire sum of human history has ever wielded the power that America does today.  Militarily, politically, economically, culturally.


That dominance won't slip in my lifetime, nor likely the lifetime of my great-grandchildren.

A facile statement if ever there was one. Relatively speaking, there have been a fair few great powers that have compared to the present USA, with the British being the most recent example. 25% of the world's industrial productivity coming from one tiny little island? Amazing how people forget the extent of British supremacy in the nineteenth century. And of course US dominance is likely to continue for many generations to come, its only been a true great power for just over a century now. The British, the French and the Austrians managed to be great powers for around five hundred years, and they were all fighting each other constantly, something the US doesn't have to worry about.

Unlike Britain, people CHOOSE American culture willingly.


Unlike Britain, we can be fairly self-sufficient.


The level of dominance of the U.S is unprecedented in history.


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Guest MikeSC
If we WANTED colonies, there is not a country on Earth we could not take, and take fairly easily.


We don't have colonies, regardless.


I wouldn't go that far. Russia and China would be tough, if only due to their massive size.

Russia has the most overrated army in history. They are known solely for getting ground up like hamburgers in major wars.


China? They are so far behind us technologically it wouldn't be a challenge. We'd walk through them with little difficulty.


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Guest cobainwasmurdered
No offense intended but I disagree about America being able to take any country you want.


You guys didn't go into Afghanastan or Iraq by yourselves. You did manage to kill your enemies but you also managed to kill a fair number of allies and your own troops.


America does have the best equipped soldiers in the world but that doesn't account for everything. Nor does sheer numbers.


If America did try to set up Colonies they'd be opposed by the rest of the world and no country can fight the entire world. American leaders know this which is why America is always making sure to play the political games and trying to pin down allies before engaging in any military action. They know if they just did whatever they wanted without other countires being part of it that sucsess would not be easy.


The Roman Empire fell, The Greek Empire fell, so did the Egyptians, the Britains, and every other empire this world has seen. America's dominance hasn't lasted anywhere near as long as those Empires did. Overconfidence can cause even the mighty to fall.

We could have done both efficiently without any assistance from anybody else.


Let's go for a hypothetical: Let's say that, tomorrow, we said that we are going to conquer Canada. What on Earth could ANYBODY do to stop us?


Militarily, we're so far ahead of everybody, it's absurd. Economically, nobody can compete.


Nobody can fight the world? Seeign as how the world is unwilling to act against anything, it would hardly be a problem. What is everybody going to do? Boycott us and kill their own economies? Attack us and get annihilated?


We are untouchable at this moment, and we don't have colonies.


Explain that away.


Well if you decided to attack Canada TOMORROW...


You wouldn't have the necassary military might to engage in a full scale attack dur to that little occupation thing you have goin on in Iraq. Your army, navy, and airforce is drasticaly out of place.


There are millions of Americans in Canada everyday you'd have to avoid killing them and it's hard to tell a American and a Canadian apart.


Also Canada is the second largest nation in the world. It would be awful fun to see America try to rout us out of the Rockies and other areas.


Also you couldn't use chemical weapons or large bombs for fear of damaging your own nation...it's part of the beauty of us being neighbors.


Then there's the fact that it would be a act of open agression against a democratic nation which would bring the British Commonwealth ant the UN into the war on the Canadian side. even if the UN just stopped trading with America and closed off the sea to you it would cause havoc.


Not to mention that if you attack us we have hundreds if not thousands of canadians stationed in your military infrasturcture. And something like 3 million Canadians living in America...lots of possible spies eh?


Oh and we could cut off the power and the hydro and the lumber and the...well you get the point.

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Guest MikeSC
What a ridiculous hypothetical. Why would we ever go to war with a country which is not only our biggest trading partner, but our beloved little sister?

It'd be like when major league teams take on local college teams during spring training (I know the Braves have played Georgia Tech in the past).


Not really a challenge.


Besides, Canada is too darned cute to dominate.


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Guest Cerebus
Watch fans chant USA during a Dudleys/La Resistance match. Imagine how annoying that would be if you weren't American.


There are worse things, but none so stereotypically American...


So when an American heel insults Canada and they boo they are being assholes too? What about when the crowd in Halifax cheered for Mr. America and his American flag?

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Well if you decided to attack Canada TOMORROW...

Wow, now who is guilty of taking it too literally :P.


You wouldn't have the necassary military might to engage in a full scale attack dur to that little occupation thing you have goin on in Iraq. Your army, navy, and airforce is drasticaly out of place.


Considering that we were handling the situation in Iraq, the Army, Navy, and Air Force would have almost definitely called up their reservists, plus National Guard and such. Considering that ANY full scale operation is impossible without setting up some pieces, we could probably have done this and pretty handly beaten the Canadians.


There are millions of Americans in Canada everyday you'd have to avoid killing them and it's hard to tell a American and a Canadian apart.


True, then again we aren't in the business of killing civilians. A Canadian Soldier wearing a uniform is pretty easy to identify.


Also Canada is the second largest nation in the world. It would be awful fun to see America try to rout us out of the Rockies and other areas.


Then again if we just out of the blue attacked you, you'd probably have little chance of even getting to the Rockies (Your military forces, that is). You might have a small militia there, but I highly doubt anything outside of that.


Also you couldn't use chemical weapons or large bombs for fear of damaging your own nation...it's part of the beauty of us being neighbors.


Chemical weapons? No because we don't use those. But large bombs? Are you serious? There'd be no problem with those.


Then there's the fact that it would be a act of open agression against a democratic nation which would bring the British Commonwealth ant the UN into the war on the Canadian side. even if the UN just stopped trading with America and closed off the sea to you it would cause havoc.


Not as much as you think. We are pretty self suficient no matter what you think. And hey, the UN couldn't declare war because we'd just veto the proposal. How's that for irony?


Not to mention that if you attack us we have hundreds if not thousands of canadians stationed in your military infrasturcture. And something like 3 million Canadians living in America...lots of possible spies eh?


Indeed. My father is Canadian. Then again, if the military was planning a large operation against Canada you don't think they would have taken care of possible liabilities in their own service?


Oh and we could cut off the power and the hydro and the lumber and the...well you get the point.


If this did just happen out of the blue, those would be captured within the first few HOURS of an offensive. Lumber? We have lumberjacks, and I'm sure they'd like the Canadian NW.


Sorry man, but Canada wouldn't stand a chance in a war, no matter what you think.

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I'd steal your precious Maple Syrup and make you surrender if you ever want to taste it's sweet ecstasy on your pancakes again.

Edited by MrRant

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
If this did just happen out of the blue, those would be captured within the first few HOURS of an offensive. Lumber? We have lumberjacks, and I'm sure they'd like the Canadian NW.


Sorry man, but Canada wouldn't stand a chance in a war, no matter what you think.

True, then again we aren't in the business of killing civilians. A Canadian Soldier wearing a uniform is pretty easy to identify.


You aren't? damn. Fooled me. Anyway Militay bases in Canada are sometimes very close to civilian places.


ain if we just out of the blue attacked you, you'd probably have little chance of even getting to the Rockies (Your military forces, that is). You might have a small militia there, but I highly doubt anything outside of that.


We have bases in the Rockies. ALso as i said there are Canadians posted at American bases and Americans posted in Canadian bases. You bomb a Canadian base and you kill your own soldiers, some of whom are your best and brightest. There's no way you could withdraw all or the majority of those troups without us getting at least a little bit curious.


much as you think. We are pretty self suficient no matter what you think. And hey, the UN couldn't declare war because we'd just veto the proposal. How's that for irony?


Even if the UN as a body didn't declare war the member countries can. And I'm sorry but America is not self sufficent. The reason America is so great is because of trade. Stopping and limiting trade was one of the big factors that led to the Great Depression.


My father is Canadian. Then again, if the military was planning a large operation against Canada you don't think they would have taken care of possible liabilities in their own service?


If you did anything to Canadian Military personal then Canada could respond in like kind. Also if you just detained them, well that's alot of people to keep under gaurd. Canadian troops arenot the best equipped but they know how to cause alot of problems in WW2. We did it in WW1 and WW2.



did just happen out of the blue, those would be captured within the first few HOURS of an offensive. Lumber? We have lumberjacks, and I'm sure they'd like the Canadian NW.


Canada is such a huge country that if you just tried to seize all of these areas you'd be far far too spread out. Not to mention these sites are heavily gaurded due to that whole war on terror thing.


Canada might not win but it wouldn't be a walk in the park. We've fought before in 1812, and it was America whose capital was burnt.

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If this did just happen out of the blue, those would be captured within the first few HOURS of an offensive. Lumber? We have lumberjacks, and I'm sure they'd like the Canadian NW.


Sorry man, but Canada wouldn't stand a chance in a war, no matter what you think.

True, then again we aren't in the business of killing civilians. A Canadian Soldier wearing a uniform is pretty easy to identify.


You aren't? damn. Fooled me. Anyway Militay bases in Canada are sometimes very close to civilian places.

Wow, aren't we the condescending prick. My mistake, our soldiers and generals LOVE killing innocent people! It's not as though they are normal human beings with families and friends and morals and all that...


We showed quite well in the bombing of Baghdad how precise our bombs can hit. Don't think that we'll suddenly start carpet bombing you guys.


We have bases in the Rockies. ALso as i said there are Canadians posted at American bases and Americans posted in Canadian bases. You bomb a Canadian base and you kill your own soldiers, some of whom are your best and brightest. There's no way you could withdraw all or the majority of those troups without us getting at least a little bit curious.


You have around 40,000 soldiers in your army TOTAL and as you've mentioned you are the second biggest country in the world. There wouldn't be this massive number of troops in the Rockies like you are suddenly assuming.


Even if the UN as a body didn't declare war the member countries can. And I'm sorry but America is not self sufficent. The reason America is so great is because of trade. Stopping and limiting trade was one of the big factors that led to the Great Depression.


And that wouldn't help them anyways. Geographically speaking, when it comes to fighting us, unless you welcome Armageddon it's a real big task, especially considering that we have the greatest Navy in the World.


Far more self-sufficent than you give us credit for. If anything, limiting trade would hurt other countries more than us. You know that we are one of the few countries that has large surpluses of food? Do you that Canada is one of the other ones? If the world doesn't want to starve, they'd probably not boycott us.


If you did anything to Canadian Military personal then Canada could respond in like kind. Also if you just detained them, well that's alot of people to keep under gaurd. Canadian troops arenot the best equipped but they know how to cause alot of problems in WW2. We did it in WW1 and WW2.


All we would need to do is send them back, saying "Their presence really isn't needed right now". It doesn't require immediately killing them.


I don't doubt the hardiness of Canadian troops. I probably know much more of their victories and failures than you do. But considering they are grossly outnumbered and most likely giong to be on the receiving end of a Surprise attack.


Canada is such a huge country that if you just tried to seize all of these areas you'd be far far too spread out. Not to mention these sites are heavily gaurded due to that whole war on terror thing.


Wrong. The things you mentioned (Hydroelectric, Powerplants and such) are only a hundred or so miles away. They are plane drop away from us no problem. And if they are guarded by Canadian troops, that spreads out their numbers and effectiveness even more. Sorry, but Candian regulars not expecting anything aren't likely to be able to go up against US Special Forces (They would be used in vital areas like this where things need to be taken intact), especially when they aren't even expecting it.


Canada might not win but it wouldn't be a walk in the park. We've fought before in 1812, and it was America whose capital was burnt.


No, it would be pretty easy. Don't fool yourself. And if you'd like to note, a lot of things have changed since 1812. Not sure if you knew that.

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i wonder what everyone in this thread think of malcolm x or martin luther king. both of these people have said negative things about america. the thing that makes america the greatest country on earth is that we can openly express our dispeasures with the system. all of the people who say depp makes movies here and money here have forgot to mention that he's generating money for american studios and has to pay american taxes.

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The leaders of said country (U.S.) reflect the image that everybody is a complete and total fool, years of bad choices(and presidents) Things like, sending the Armed Forces intoa conflect from which they don't belong. (Korea and the Vietnam) and completely overreaction to the simple things (Bill and his affair) reflect(again) the image that the U.S. are very anal and retarded.

America isn't to blame for bad presidents. The public is only able to choose from a few hand-picked candidates after anybody decent, dynamic, or capable has been weeded out, and usually only get to pick one or another mediocre, middle of the road candidates. Gore would make just as shitty a president as Bush turned out to be.


Sending the Armed Forces here or there is usually something decided upon by the President or Congress--depending on whether or not it is a true "war." However, World War II ended the U.S. foreign policy of isolationism and forced them to think about potentional global threats.


The American media obsesses over celebrities and their love lives. The average American likely doesn't give a fuck about it, but it's news, it's easy material for comedians, so it is covered.


You can't take every collective bitch that you have against any American or Americans, throw them together, and use "America" or its entire population as a collective scapegoat. Well, you can, but that makes you sound like an ignorant bitch, and every bit as full of bullshit as you declare those others to be.


Want to bitch about the government? The media? Foreign policy? A particular party line idea? Go right ahead, but be specific instead of misleading by throwing blame at an extremely general group.


All those lefty elitist prick actors should join Depp in France. :D

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Guest MikeSC
You aren't? damn. Fooled me. Anyway Militay bases in Canada are sometimes very close to civilian places.


ain if we just out of the blue attacked you, you'd probably have little chance of even getting to the Rockies (Your military forces, that is). You might have a small militia there, but I highly doubt anything outside of that.


We have bases in the Rockies. ALso as i said there are Canadians posted at American bases and Americans posted in Canadian bases. You bomb a Canadian base and you kill your own soldiers, some of whom are your best and brightest. There's no way you could withdraw all or the majority of those troups without us getting at least a little bit curious.


much as you think. We are pretty self suficient no matter what you think. And hey, the UN couldn't declare war because we'd just veto the proposal. How's that for irony?


Even if the UN as a body didn't declare war the member countries can. And I'm sorry but America is not self sufficent. The reason America is so great is because of trade. Stopping and limiting trade was one of the big factors that led to the Great Depression.


My father is Canadian. Then again, if the military was planning a large operation against Canada you don't think they would have taken care of possible liabilities in their own service?


If you did anything to Canadian Military personal then Canada could respond in like kind. Also if you just detained them, well that's alot of people to keep under gaurd. Canadian troops arenot the best equipped but they know how to cause alot of problems in WW2. We did it in WW1 and WW2.



did just happen out of the blue, those would be captured within the first few HOURS of an offensive. Lumber? We have lumberjacks, and I'm sure they'd like the Canadian NW.


Canada is such a huge country that if you just tried to seize all of these areas you'd be far far too spread out. Not to mention these sites are heavily gaurded due to that whole war on terror thing.


Canada might not win but it wouldn't be a walk in the park. We've fought before in 1812, and it was America whose capital was burnt.

1) Ah, is that an attempt at wit, you twit?


2) If we are going to attack, do you think for one split second that our forces wouldn't be out of harm's way pretty quickly? God, think a little, would ya? You could be curious all day long --- it would STILL be an absolute bloodbath.


3) Thing is -- any country that boycotts US gets hurt worse than we would. Isn't that funny?


4) Canadian troops may "cause problems" --- American troops tend to win wars.


5) 90% of uoir population is within a few miles of the U.S border. It's not like most of Canada is heavily populated or anything.


Keep on remembering the War of 1812. Just remember that should it ever happen again, Canada would be under the U.S flag in about a month.


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Guest MikeSC
i wonder what everyone in this thread think of malcolm x or martin luther king. both of these people have said negative things about america. the thing that makes america the greatest country on earth is that we can openly express our dispeasures with the system. all of the people who say depp makes movies here and money here have forgot to mention that he's generating money for american studios and has to pay american taxes.

You can criticize all day long.


And you can get shredded for it.


Freedom is a 2 way street.


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Guest JMA

Although I disagree with about everything Depp said, I do like how he's pissing people off. I wonder if the talk radio crowd has jumped on this yet. Anyway, this doesn't really change my opinion about him. He can believe what he wants, and I'll believe what I want.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
China? They are so far behind us technologically it wouldn't be a challenge. We'd walk through them with little difficulty.



Like we did in Korea?


or maybe you mean more like the similarly-armed Vietnamese...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Wow, aren't we the condescending prick. My mistake, our soldiers and generals LOVE killing innocent people! It's not as though they are normal human beings with families and friends and morals and all that...


I apoligize that was going to far. What I mean to say is that civilians would be killed in large numbers if you did invade Canada.


We showed quite well in the bombing of Baghdad how precise our bombs can hit. Don't think that we'll suddenly start carpet bombing you guys.


Yes and In Kosovo you showed you were good at bombing hospitals. And In Iraq you managed to land bombs in completely different COUNTRIES. The thing is like MikeSC said most of the major Canadian population is very close to the border so If you were to bomb Canada you'd need to be very very accuarte so as to make sure you didn't bomb your own people.


You have around 40,000 soldiers in your army TOTAL and as you've mentioned you are the second biggest country in the world. There wouldn't be this massive number of troops in the Rockies like you are suddenly assuming.


I didn't say we have massive amounts of Soldiers In the Rockies. We Don't. I said we have Bases in the Rockies. There's a big difference between what I said and what you said I said.


And that wouldn't help them anyways. Geographically speaking, when it comes to fighting us, unless you welcome Armageddon it's a real big task, especially considering that we have the greatest Navy in the World.


Yes you do. And it's currently spread across the world. And while it is the greatest Navy in the world a combined Navy of say the UK and Japan would do fairly well against it.


Far more self-sufficent than you give us credit for. If anything, limiting trade would hurt other countries more than us. You know that we are one of the few countries that has large surpluses of food? Do you that Canada is one of the other ones? If the world doesn't want to starve, they'd probably not boycott us.


Yes it would hurt other countries. Until they realize that they can just trade with eachother instead of America. Canada isn't too shabby in the foodstuff area, a large amount of what we make is exported to America, CHina, etc. We can look after our own.


All we would need to do is send them back, saying "Their presence really isn't needed right now". It doesn't require immediately killing them.


Yeah you could do that but you have signed treaties with Canada allowing our personal there. Also it'd be a little suspicious for you to tell them to all leave. And then you'd have no hostages while we had thousands of potential American hostages.


I don't doubt the hardiness of Canadian troops. I probably know much more of their victories and failures than you do. But considering they are grossly outnumbered and most likely giong to be on the receiving end of a Surprise attack.


You may know more about them then I do, I'm no expert by any means. I do know that it isn't just Canadian troops you'd be fighting though because every Canadian able to pick up a weapon would be out there fighting. And because so many of us do live in isolated areas it would be very hard to isolate and capture them.


Numbers don't always win. By that logic we'd all be speaking Mandarin.


No, it would be pretty easy. Don't fool yourself. And if you'd like to note, a lot of things have changed since 1812. Not sure if you knew that.


Now who's being condesending? I'm well aware things have changed since then. For one thing Canada is an independant nation who has proved itself time and time again to be a nation of men and women who are willing to die for their country and who sell those lives very dearly. Ask the Germans.



Anyway this is all hypothetical because Canada and America will never go to war. We will always be allies and partners.

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Canada is such a huge country that if you just tried to seize all of these areas you'd be far far too spread out. Not to mention these sites are heavily gaurded due to that whole war on terror thing.


Isn't most of Canada tundra? And isn't their entire population only about a TENTH of America's?


C'mon, give us some credit. It's not as if our troops would be hunting around the frigid north sniping down Eskimos.


Canada might not win but it wouldn't be a walk in the park. We've fought before in 1812, and it was America whose capital was burnt.


They were aided by the British Empire, who, at that point, were still quite formidable.


What is the point of this particular argument? Canada is like our rebellious little brother. We get frustrated with you at times, but we love you silly Canucks up there.

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Yes and In Kosovo you showed you were good at bombing hospitals.

Hey now, give us some credit. We also bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade! :) Um, oops? Seriously, you have to admit that was absolutely hilarious. I wish we'd make "mistakes" like that more often.


And In Iraq you managed to land bombs in completely different COUNTRIES.

Well, considering what kinds of countries are around Iraq, that might not have been accidental either.




Anyway, this Canada thing isn't even a sensible hypothetical; it's just unadulterated stupidity. Both of you should just shut up right about now, since you didn't a dozen posts ago.

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Besides...Puerto Rico would kick everyones asses...EVERYONES!!!!

*Can see the PR soldiers sicking their girlfriends on the USA and conquering it within hours.*

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Guest MikeSC
China? They are so far behind us technologically it wouldn't be a challenge. We'd walk through them with little difficulty.



Like we did in Korea?


or maybe you mean more like the similarly-armed Vietnamese...

We didn't lose Korea --- and Vietnam was not lost by US troops.


It was lost by a gov't that tried to command the troops, rather than allowing the military at the site to actually make their own logistical decisions.


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