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Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Yes and In Kosovo you showed you were good at bombing hospitals.

Hey now, give us some credit. We also bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade! :) Um, oops? Seriously, you have to admit that was absolutely hilarious. I wish we'd make "mistakes" like that more often.






Anyway, this Canada thing isn't even a sensible hypothetical; it's just unadulterated stupidity. Both of you should just shut up right about now, since you didn't a dozen posts ago.

Yeah that was funny. Damn Funny.




And I'm done arguing about it.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
China? They are so far behind us technologically it wouldn't be a challenge. We'd walk through them with little difficulty.



Like we did in Korea?


or maybe you mean more like the similarly-armed Vietnamese...

We didn't lose Korea --- and Vietnam was not lost by US troops.


It was lost by a gov't that tried to command the troops, rather than allowing the military at the site to actually make their own logistical decisions.


You may not have lost Korea but you certianly didn't win that war either. And you DID lose Vietnam.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

As the "Most Powerfull Nation" on earth as you describe America Marney a withdrawal is as good as a defeat.


When you withdraw you're admitting defeat. You are saying you can't win. You are saying that you are giving up and going home.


The Situation in Vietnam has stayed virtually the same since the war. Your goals weren't accomplished. neither were the Chinese's goals though.

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No, it's saying that the American public has pressured the government to end a war that would have been won eventually (at the cost of several thousand more American lives).


Do you now want to debate Vietnam in this thread? If you're forced to go to delve into that to prove some sort of great American failure, I pity you.

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When you withdraw you're admitting defeat. You are saying you can't win.

No, as Vyce pointed out, when you withdraw what you're saying is that the price of winning is greater than you're willing to pay.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

No. The American people forced you to end a war that you were losing. A war that you should never have gotten into.

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No. The American people forced you to end a war that you were losing. A war that you should never have gotten into.



Look, kid, just go read a book about it, okay?


You may just learn something.

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What about when the crowd in Halifax cheered for Mr. America and his American flag?


It was HULK FUCKING HOGAN, in Halifax, for the first time in ages.


What'd you think we were gonna do? Boo HULK FUCKING HOGAN? It's CANADA. We don't boo Hogan.


For the record, I was at the show, and I don't even like Hogan that much, but JESUS, just to be there was an experience.


We've fought before in 1812, and it was America whose capital was burnt.


Uh, dude? They got York, and burned it, if I'm not mistaken. And yes, that WAS our capital at the time.


the thing that makes america the greatest country on earth is that we can openly express our dispeasures with the system.


I'm sorry, that whole "well, we have freedom of speech, so America is better" thing kinda bugs me.


There's freedom of speech in more then one country these days.


It's not as if our troops would be hunting around the frigid north sniping down Eskimos.


They're called Inuit, dammit! (Pet peeve.)


Sorry...just reading through the thread and pointing out a few things...

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Guest JMA
Johnny Depp is a good actor.

I have to agree there. I like most of his work. I just find what he said to be a little unsettling.

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Guest Urine Sane
I have to agree there. I like most of his work. I just find what he said to be a little unsettling.


Then ignore it. If he says something like this which I don't really care about, then I'm not gonna let it bother me.


At least he has the balls to voice his opinion knowing even though he has the right to, he would be ridiculed by people WHO CARE TOO FUCKING MUCH.


OMG A FAMOUS DOG TRAINER JUST SAID HE HATED AMERICA!!! Where's my pitchfork and torch!?!

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Guest Crazy Dan

I am a big Johhny Depp fan. I have enjoyed most of his work that I have seen. I disagreed with what he said, but I read that he did in fact apologize for his remarks, stating that he was misquoted by the magazine. I am not sure if he was or not, but at least he did apologize. Take that for what is worth. But at the same time I am not all of the sudden going to go on this huge anti-Depp rant or anything. I think I have a little thicker skin than that.

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Screw that hypothetical war crap. Let's do this:


1. We send Bradshaw to Canada.


2. Canada gives us Test in return.


3. Each country's smarks do as they want to their new "wrestler". :bonk: / :boxing: / :firing:


4. Smarks across North America celebrate together. :cheers:

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Guest JMA
Then ignore it. If he says something like this which I don't really care about, then I'm not gonna let it bother me.


At least he has the balls to voice his opinion knowing even though he has the right to, he would be ridiculed by people WHO CARE TOO FUCKING MUCH.


OMG A FAMOUS DOG TRAINER JUST SAID HE HATED AMERICA!!! Where's my pitchfork and torch!?!

It doesn't really bother me much. I'm not going to stop watching his movies or anything. Also, I think people who complain about celebs talking about politics are as annoying (or more) than the celebs themselves.

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So just out of curiosity, how many of you Depp haters also hate Johnny Cash?


Cash spoke out openly against Vietnam and the government's decision to fight that war. Mind you, he did support the troops there. Depp's beef was also with the U.S. government.


So I hope all you Depp haters aren't praising Johnny Cash now after his death, because that would make you a hypocrite. And we all know that there are no hypocrites in America.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
No. The American people forced you to end a war that you were losing. A war that you should never have gotten into.



Look, kid, just go read a book about it, okay?


You may just learn something.

Oh. I'm a kid eh? why? because I disagree with you?


That must make the tens of thousands of anti-Veitnam protesters all kids too. Vietnam was a war that America should not have been involved in.


I admit I am no expert on the Korean and Vietnam wars but I do know enough to know America shouldn't have gotten involved in a war that they could not possibly have won. American troops were not conditioned for the type of Guerilla warfare that they faced.


That's my honest opinion. It doesn't make me a "kid" Nor does it mean I've never read anything on the subject.


I'd be more insulted if this insult didn't come from A guy who makes bad racist jokes about the French.


I mean c'mon...can you pick an easier target?

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Guest MikeSC
China? They are so far behind us technologically it wouldn't be a challenge. We'd walk through them with little difficulty.



Like we did in Korea?


or maybe you mean more like the similarly-armed Vietnamese...

We didn't lose Korea --- and Vietnam was not lost by US troops.


It was lost by a gov't that tried to command the troops, rather than allowing the military at the site to actually make their own logistical decisions.


You may not have lost Korea but you certianly didn't win that war either. And you DID lose Vietnam.

We did not win Vietnam --- but I do not blame the MILITARY for the loss.


The gov't said what the military COULD do and once the enemies figure out what the military is allowed to do, they had a monumental advantage.


We backed a loser (S. Vietnam was run by total idiots). We had a gov't that decided they knew better how to run a battleplan rather than the military itself which is usually a huge mistake.


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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I agree. I'm not disagreeing with you about the government costing you the war.


It is my personal belief that by not WINNING the war you lost the war.


Your belief is different. Either opinion is valid. So I'll just leave it at that.

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Guest MikeSC
I agree. I'm not disagreeing with you about the government costing you the war.


It is my personal belief that by not WINNING the war you lost the war.


Your belief is different. Either opinion is valid. So I'll just leave it at that.

And that is a very fair opinion.


And should whatever Iraqi gov't take over be as bad as the assortment of inept S. Vietnam regimes were, I say we get out and let them rot.


...Who thinks that, next, we should get out of Arabia and let our friends, the Saud family, fall --- then return and clean up the mess

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For someone who hates America, he makes a nice living off it's movie industry.

I think he was more or less talking about the current administration. Every American who makes a living in America also has the right to voice his or her opinion and/or displeasure with the current state of the government. That's what makes America... *gasp* America. You know, "Land of the free"... "freedom of speech" ... or has that been taken out of the constitution? ;p

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Guest MikeSC
For someone who hates America, he makes a nice living off it's movie industry.

I think he was more or less talking about the current administration. Every American who makes a living in America also has the right to voice his or her opinion and/or displeasure with the current state of the government. That's what makes America... *gasp* America. You know, "Land of the free"... "freedom of speech" ... or has that been taken out of the constitution? ;p

So, Depp can protest this country --- but if somebody protests him, they're wrong?


Just checking.


...Who thinks Depp is a decent actor --- but he just has horrible tastes in scripts

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For someone who hates America, he makes a nice living off it's movie industry.

I think he was more or less talking about the current administration. Every American who makes a living in America also has the right to voice his or her opinion and/or displeasure with the current state of the government. That's what makes America... *gasp* America. You know, "Land of the free"... "freedom of speech" ... or has that been taken out of the constitution? ;p

So, Depp can protest this country --- but if somebody protests him, they're wrong?


Just checking.


...Who thinks Depp is a decent actor --- but he just has horrible tastes in scripts

Never said that, did I?

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Guest MikeSC
For someone who hates America, he makes a nice living off it's movie industry.

I think he was more or less talking about the current administration. Every American who makes a living in America also has the right to voice his or her opinion and/or displeasure with the current state of the government. That's what makes America... *gasp* America. You know, "Land of the free"... "freedom of speech" ... or has that been taken out of the constitution? ;p

So, Depp can protest this country --- but if somebody protests him, they're wrong?


Just checking.


...Who thinks Depp is a decent actor --- but he just has horrible tastes in scripts

Never said that, did I?

Then what were you complaining about? Nobody said Depp had no right to say it. He was gutless to do it overseas and it's hypocritical to take money from people you don't like.

But nobody said he didn't have the right to insult whomever he wished.


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Mike, haven't you heard? Whenever anyone makes a claim on the internet that someone else should shut their piehole, it's absolutely and unequivocally an infringement on the yapper's freedom of speech! Why, I'll bet the First Amendment is being subverted 1,000,000 times a day in cyberspace! This outrage really must stop.


Remember, kids: the next time you say "OMG STFU N00B~!!11!!!1!! LOL 2003~!1!!!1!" you're pissing on the graves of the Founding Fathers.

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Oh for christ's sake. Don't get your panties in a knot Tom & Mike - and try not putting words in my mouth. What I was criticising was the "yet he seems to like making American money" arguement as if to say that he should keep his mouth closed if he's paid in USD. Last time I checked, American citizens who make American money are ALLOWED to criticize the American government.


Go figure.

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Guest JMA

Like I said before, those who criticise celebs for speaking about politics are as annoying (if not more) than the celebs themselves. It's become cliche (in record time) to go after celebs speaking about politics. It's kinda like the nineties when everyone would say "I hate this politically correct shit." Of course, by then, everyone had already said that.

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Last time I checked, American citizens who make American money are ALLOWED to criticize the American government.

No one is saying Depp cannot criticize the American government if he feels it necessary. He has been called a coward for doing it from foreign shores, and a hypocrite for taking American money to star in American movies for predominately American audiences. The latter's a bit silly, IMO, but that's neither here nor there. Johnny Depp can say what he wants about the US government (within reason), and that's fine.


However, the last time I checked, American citizens who make American money are ALLOWED to tell a fellow American that he's an ignorant fuckhead and that he should kindly shut the fuck up. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, but it's definitely a two-way street. Pity some can't handle the traffic.


That's what makes America... *gasp* America. You know, "Land of the free"... "freedom of speech" ... or has that been taken out of the constitution?

Nope, and Depp is free to exercise it. So are those who criticize him.

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