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EVIL~! alkeiper

The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

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Guest Choken One

The final three outs...


You got the two big hitters in Matsui and Williams up...so that's good...

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Guest Anglesault

It comes down to the three guys you'd want up, just to tear my heart out.


Unless the ghosts come out and start playing, it's over.

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It comes down to the three guys you'd want up, just to tear my heart out.


Unless the ghosts come out and start playing, it's over.

It's happened before AS. I still believe

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Guest Choken One

Maybe the Babe got Sick today or something...maybe he ate tainted Bacon Cheeseburgers.

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Of all the days to get sick...


Couldn't it have been in 1999????


Come on Yankees! The one time I root for them- they CAN'T lose.



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Guest Anglesault
I still believe!


Come on Yankees- Don't let the disgrace win!

The Yankees are the only disgrace I see.

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Guest Anglesault

Fucking Christ.


I HOPE George takes them all out.


I saw 2, maybe three guys on the Yankees who WANTED to win.

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Guest Choken One

Look at that piece of shit Loria...Wow he really cares...First thing he does is shake his corporate alliances hands and FUCKING YAWNS.


Fuck the abortion.

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I can hear the printers in Yankees offices buzzing, printing out resumes right now.


Is it just me or do most of the Yankees not even look disappointed, more just like an oh well ho hum type of reaction.

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Well...at least Florida didn't buy this World Series title...


Although I would've infinitely prefered a Cubs-Red Sox series. Too late now, I guess.



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Guest Anglesault

I am fucking FURIOUS.


The New York Yankees could have, at the very least made this competitve.


This-THING-that showed up for the World Series would have bumbled through the Tigers, let alone a team the calibre of Florida.


And no, being American League Champions isn't a consolation at all. It's a disgrace.

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