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Guest ToddRoyal

KB Toys.


Yup. Sounds dumb, but I get along awesomely with my manager and at least 3 co-workers, and we get to play with toys. It's only a summer-school break job, but its often a ton of fun.

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Guest Choken One

I work for the C.I.A.


You are all under investigation...except Dames, he's clean...couldn't find anything on the fucker.

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Just out of curiousity, how does one apply for a job at the CIA? It's not like you can just visit Monster.com or anything...


Me? I'm just a high school senior. I turned down a job that paid twelve dollars an hour, flexible hours for my school schedule, and a chance for promotion.

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Guest Choken One

Some Guy in a Black came Up to me and asked...


But seriously, I believe there is a CIA enterance exam just like the FBI as well...I'm sure there are a shitload of requirements and stuff...

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Today it felt as though I worked in hell. In reality, though, it's just Old Navy.

You're not the one responsible for all those annoying commercials, are you?

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Guest stardust
Today it felt as though I worked in hell. In reality, though, it's just Old Navy.

You're not the one responsible for all those annoying commercials, are you?

Oh hell no. In fact, I think Old Navy employees complain the most about those damned commercials. I mean, Fran Drescher is in our newest promo ad. Geezus, could it get any worse?

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Today it felt as though I worked in hell. In reality, though, it's just Old Navy.

You're not the one responsible for all those annoying commercials, are you?

Oh hell no. In fact, I think Old Navy employees complain the most about those damned commercials. I mean, Fran Drescher is in our newest promo ad. Geezus, could it get any worse?

She could be naked.

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Guest Fire and Knives

I stock shelves at Target from 8-2, and I wash dishes from 4-11. Every now and then, I work a Sunday at a warehouse owned by my dad's contracting company. Hooray for getting paid in cash at the end of the day.



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Guest stardust
Today it felt as though I worked in hell. In reality, though, it's just Old Navy.

You're not the one responsible for all those annoying commercials, are you?

Oh hell no. In fact, I think Old Navy employees complain the most about those damned commercials. I mean, Fran Drescher is in our newest promo ad. Geezus, could it get any worse?

She could be naked.

Thanks for that mental image. I now have to find a much more pleasant one to replace it.

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I work for the C.I.A.


You are all under investigation...except Dames, he's clean...couldn't find anything on the fucker.


You're being lazy or not looking hard enough.


By the way, a friend of mine actually did apply for the CIA. They were recruiting from my college campus. He would have taken the job, but didn't want to deal with the responsiblity...and their screening process was ridiculous.


Oh, Choken...I love the Alias joke. My buddy was actually going to be making gadgets for them, ala Marshall.


I mean, Fran Drescher is in our newest promo ad. Geezus, could it get any worse?


My best friend Keith and I have a hilarious joke about this commercial. She doesn't close her mouth during the commercial at all....and just when you think she will, she opens it even more! We mark out for it as we see it coming...We're weird like that.


As for me, I'm currently unemployed, trying to collect unemployment checks which haven't arrived yet before I go back to my sad existance, working for the Man.



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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I work third shift shipping cigarettes to Kroger stores throughout the midwest. I do everything from dealing with invoices and computers, to running a stamping press or a forklift, to cutting open and stacking case after case of cigarettes. It's easy as hell, and I'm constantly surrounded by tobacco, as well as the morbid satisfaction of aiding and abetting the demise of thousands of midwesterners.

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Go to sixth form college, i study chem, maths, economics and french. Work in a chemist on saturdays, stocking shelves, selling perfume and drugs, among other things. Its allrite really, the one guy i work with is cool but we we keep gettting a bollocking off the supervisor for talking too much and offering customers independent *ahem* advice on birth control.

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I pitch tents all day....


Seriously, people who are having weddings, or other type of gatherings that require a large amount of people will call us up and order a tent, then we drive over there and build it. They also rent tables, chairs, lights, etc... from us. It's pretty cool, you get paid to travel and it's mindless, so there's no real pressure... the only problem is that I have 3 bosses who hate each other so they always enjoy to contradict each other... it gets annoying, but I can do nothing and be on the clock for like 4 hours before we actually have to BE somewhere

That's cool. I used to work landscaping, and although the work was backbreaking, the time we spent in the truck rolling from job to job was often long and kinda fun.


Anywho, I work in the film lab at my school. I just sit at a desk and make sure people sign in and out. That's it. Nothing more.


I used to work at the Texaco station near my house. It's an awesome summer job, but it BLOWS in the winter. The station also used to fill propane tanks, which was ok, but dangerous. One time, I was putting the nozzle into a tank and it wasn't on tight enough. The thing blew off, spewing propane everywhere. :headbang:

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Guest Choken One

actually that was the whole joke...I always get called asshole by the fucking telemarketers...

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Unemployed currently. I'm turning 16 on the 31st, though, so then I can start applying to RETAIL~. Actually, there's a Starbucks opening close to me, and I could apply there. Which would be funny, because I don't even like coffee.

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Circuit City. Mostly video games and small electronics, although sometimes I'm in the music/movies department.

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