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One and Only NWA:TNA Week ? Thread

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This just proved once and for all what many thought all along: This promotion exists for Jeff Jarrett. It exists only to put him over, and to be built around him. How anyone could be so delusional to think he is a draw even though the fans HATE him, as a babyface, is amazing to me. He has never drawn, ever...ever.


In wrestling, if you want to keep a loyal fanbase, you have to give them what they want. When they are dying for the babyface win, you need to give it to them, or eventually they're going to throw up their arms and say "Fuck this". That's what happened in the WWE, and when HHH lost the title, nobody cared, because they knew he'd be back to regain it, which seems to be happening right now.


There are no fresh matches left for Jeff Jarrett, unless you count washed up "stars" as fresh matches. Welcome back to hell, AJ, hope you enjoy your feud with Michael Shane.

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I'm not 'Fuck TNA'- I'm more 'TNA has a lot of problems' and 'Fuck Jeff Jarrett'


Did Jarrett make AJ look bad tonight or was it at least competitive?

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Oh, give it up. You same people bitching now are the same people who bitched when Jarrett beat Raven AND you are the same people who kissed Jarrett's ass when he gave Styles the belt. For weeks you have been saying "Jarrett is gonna win his rematch then Styles is going back to jobbing" or something to the like, then when it happens, you act like it was some kind of surprise and throw a fit. Maybe you dont like it, get over it. Who knows what is going to happen. Hell, maybe the whole 11/30 thing is a bluff for Hogan to come back not in full strength giving Jarrett an advantage and Hogan's win will actually mean something and look hard earned.

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Oh, give it up.


Wow- syxx justifying something stupid TNA does...SHOCKING!


You same people bitching now are the same people who bitched when Jarrett beat Raven AND you are the same people who kissed Jarrett's ass when he gave Styles the belt.


I don't recall anyone kissing Jarrett's ass when he lost to AJ. In fact I remember Corey going off on Jarrett for pinning AJ the very next week. And Jarrett beating Raven the way he did WAS bullshit.


For weeks you have been saying "Jarrett is gonna win his rematch then Styles is going back to jobbing" or something to the like, then when it happens, you act like it was some kind of surprise and throw a fit.


A lot of us knew that Triple H was going to retain at Wrestlemania. It still pissed me off to no end and soured a great show.


Now please tell me how everyone knowing Jarrett was going to get his title back makes him beating AJ okay?


And with the news of Hogan pulling out and there no need for Hogan v. Jarrett- a lot of people thought AJ may retain.


Maybe you dont like it, get over it. Who knows what is going to happen.


syxx- this is has been your mantra forever- especially when I kept complaining about AJ looking like a bitch during his title reign.


Guess what? I was right.


Hell, maybe the whole 11/30 thing is a bluff for Hogan to come back not in full strength giving Jarrett an advantage and Hogan's win will actually mean something and look hard earned.


Given Hogan's injury it doesn't make a lick of sense for Jarrett to go over AJ

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"You are all wrong and stupid for complaining about a horrible booking decision that will cost TNA a lot of buys. If you don't like it, stop watching, I'll be here to make a bullshit excuse when buyrates drop after this show."


Yes, I'm sure there is such a huge market still in 2004 for a tough road to the title for Hulk Hogan. Give me a fucking break. I guess any pushes, interesting storylines, and young wrestlers get to sit on hold while we build around Hulk Hogan and Jeff fucking Jarrett. Are you shitting me? How can anyone think that burying everyone in order to make HOGAN VS. JARRETT more dramatic is a good idea? Did TNA send out free crack as part of a package purchase?


The endless defense of idiotic ideas and stupid decisions really rivals the level of insanity that WCW defenders were at when Russo came in in late 99. He sacraficed everything the company stood for, completely alienated the base, and turned the show into SHIT, but it was still always, "You always complain too much", or something like that. This is what TNA is doing, it is abandoning every aspect that earned it a following (albeit small), and attempting to move everything to a Hogan-Jarrett feud.


BOLD PREDICTION: TNA will not only lose the loyal fans that enjoy great action, but the few extra fans that come in for a Hogan match will disappear soon after. So then what? You no longer have your loyal base, and you no longer have the few nostalgic Hogan fans. This is how companies die.

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I don't know if it's been covered here, but I half expected Watts to overturn the decision like he did in the tag match. Was there a reason that he wouldn't, especially since he SAW Jarrett use the belt on AJ?


The rest of the show was decent, though.

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I guess we can call that TNA logic, restart a match earlier in the show for something, but not later in the show for the same reason.

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Yeah... I'm kindof disappointed even though I get 50% off these damn things. One of the few times I got to watch and it puts me out.

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He never managed the Macho Man did he?!?

Yeah he did in the Memphis territory in the early 80's, I believe.


It's odd to see a hype video for AJ and TNA on another channel and then log on a couple hours later and see that Triple J regained the belt again....

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Did I say Jarrett beating AJ made it ok or whatever? I just said that why are you acting shocked if you are the smarks and know everything and suspected a title change for the past month.


And AJ looked good sometimes and looked bad others. You complain about me making everything seem good when you make everything seem wrong. Styles could put on 3 5 star matches in a week and be bitchslapped by Russo every week from then on and you would call the reign "pussy like" or something, overlooking the fact that he put on 3 great matches, 3 weeks in a row.


Styles had a few good matches and the whole point of his reign was for Russo to "have power". Then once Styles was provoked by Rhodes, he took on Rhodes' challenge, "disobeying" Russo. It may sound stupid and come off looking stupid, but it can also sound somewhat smart if you look at the big picture.

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Did I say Jarrett beating AJ made it ok or whatever? I just said that why are you acting shocked if you are the smarks and know everything and suspected a title change for the past month.

Who says we're shocked? We're just pissed. Pissed =/= shocked, pal.


And AJ looked good sometimes and looked bad others. You complain about me making everything seem good when you make everything seem wrong. Styles could put on 3 5 star matches in a week and be bitchslapped by Russo every week from then on and you would call the reign "pussy like" or something, overlooking the fact that he put on 3 great matches, 3 weeks in a row.


The problem is that AJ wasn't putting on ***** matches, was booked to look like a HUGE bitch (again, I point to AJ/Dusty from 2 weeks ago), and was made out to be a transitional champion. I don't care if there are transitional champions for the lower titles, but this is the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP, God dammit. This is THE title that EVERY wrestler should want, need, desire, CRAVE. That should be the belt where every champion is made to look GREAT. See, when the champions look GREAT, how do you think the man that finally beats them is going to look?


Styles had a few good matches and the whole point of his reign was for Russo to "have power". Then once Styles was provoked by Rhodes, he took on Rhodes' challenge, "disobeying" Russo. It may sound stupid and come off looking stupid, but it can also sound somewhat smart if you look at the big picture.

That would hold water were it not for Russo interfering in all of AJ's matches, even the ones where AJ could have won on his own.

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Jeremy Borash's upcoming "From the Inside":"Jeff Jarrett set out on a mission, and accomplished his goal of once again becoming the NWA World Heavyweight Champion! Congratulations, Jeff!"


*JB kisses Triple J's ass after writing the column up*

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You forgot how then Kermit The Borash would grope Miss Piggy, and get 3D'd by Fozzy and Gonzo.


Well, time to go to bed while watching tapes from when TNA didn't suck...

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood



I can understand you being pissed off at JJ, but saying "Fuck Michael Shane" is just stupid. He was booked to win, so he did win. He has no control over it.

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Jarrett was gonna win tonight anyway, so meh to that. I thought AJ looked all right, considering a kickout to a Stroke off a chair and Jarrett having to win with the belt.


All that aside, a good show for me. I was entertained for the most part. And for the life of me I still don't know how Heavy D is cheered more so than AJ.

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Guest Doyo

You guys are hilarious; all upset because the biggest star in the company and one of the

few wrestlers that is recognizable to the average wrestling fan, has won the title. To Joe

Blow at home, Hulk Hogan vs. AJ Styles = New York Yankees vs. some college team, while

Hogan vs. Jarrett = Yankees vs. major league team that people have at least heard of.

The only logical business decision is to have Hogan vs. Jarrett for the title as a ppv main

event. If enough average fans hear about it, some will order it and then these people

will get a good look at the rest of the roster, and if they are impressed enough then

some of these people will order in the future, even if Hogan isn't on the show. TNA is losing

money week after week. They have to try something to suck in new viewers and having Hogan

vs. their biggest name is as good a shot as any. I'd rather see Sharkboy as champ instead of

Jarrett, but the goal is to make money.

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I wouldn't call Jarrett the biggest star in the company- I would say Piper or Raven is a much bigger one. (He's still around right?)


With Hogan's surgery and the PPV cancelled- there's no idea when they're gonna do Hogan v. Jarrett.


So once again- there was no reason for Jarrett to go over

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Yes, Jeff Jarrett is very well known--well known for being a worthless piece of shit midcarder-at-best. He has never drawn a dime in his whole career, but because people know his name, it is going to help? Are you shitting me?


Let's flash back to 1998. "Hulk Hogan and Sting, those are some well-known names. Undertaker vs. Steve Austin? That sounds like the Bulls against a Junior High School Team. The Rock vs. Steve Austin? Nobody knows *them*, they can't draw shit."


The way to make money in the wrestling business is to create new stars, not endlessly try to use washed up stars to draw in nostalgia buyrates. And why the hell would anyone pay 30 bucks to see Hogan when they just got to see him for that much a few months ago in the WWE? It's not as if Hogan's been gone from the wrestling scene for years, or anything.

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Guest Coffey
I'm not ordering. Raven-Vampiro Dog Collar Match doesent exactly make me run to my wallet and take out $10.

It sold me. I'm a mark for both men though.

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