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Former WWF champion The Ultimate Warrior updated the splash page of his official website www.UltimateWarrior.com with the following message:


"Check back here on Tuesday October 28th for an important announcement regarding Ultimate Warrior's return to professional wrestling!


I highly doubt it's gonna be WWE.


You guys don't think...

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I will piss my pants and wear them as a hat to class all day on Thursday. I guarantee it.


That's harsh dude.


And Bob, nobody is going to argue that Warrior couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag...but do you think his name value could help TNA?


From a publicity standpoint...not workrate.


I wonder if enough fans would buy, just to see him since he hasn't been seen in so long.

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I don't think so.


Warrior didn't help WCW when he returned in 1998.


Warrior didn't help WWF when he returned in 1996.


Warrior doesn't really have any name value anymore.

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Guest PhantMan

the only name value Warrior has is that people know him as a basket case, the 'roided version of Ghandi.


A third match vs Hogan could gets some burates despite the fact they can't deliver when paired with each other.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I'd be interested in a return of the Warrior.


His '96 return was cool, his '98 one stunk...but thats because he was brought in solely to job to Hogan.

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You know, I am not sure about this.


I know he can't wrestle much...he never could, but you can't deny that in his day he was WAY over.


Lets say even 1/4 of the fans that loved him back in the day show some interest were he to come to TNA. That can't hurt.


This does have to potential to go terribly wrong...but it could be interesting if he does come...kind of like watching one of those Car Crash shows on FOX. You know it's stupid, you know it's going to be a mess...but you watch anyway.


That's even if he's going to TNA.


For all we know he could be opening a school again, or going to Japan or something.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

TNA actually went after Warrior in the first two months of their existence, but stopped when he demanded partial ownership and a ridiculous salary.

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It wouldn't surprise me if they brought him in. This promotion is desperate.



What makes you think they're 'desperate'? Because they signed the biggest free agent (and the biggest name in wrestling history) in Hulk Hogan to a contract? How is that desperate?

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Guest Big_Jay101

Theya int got much money at all ^^ they are desperate, they have to have some more buyrates or they wont survive much longer.

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Guest JMA

Warrior pissed away the SMALL credibility he had by becoming a "political pundit." Of course, appearing/disappearing in a cloud of smoke and being inside of mirrors didn't help either...


I don't think indy wrestlers or TNA fans will buy into his act. Hogan can pull it off, but not Warrior. I do know that Shark Boy can't stand Warrior (he's said it) and I doubt he's the only one. As for Warrior becomming a color commentator...



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That's just ignorant.


I had thought the whole doom & gloom "TNA will fold any day now!" rhetoric was finished, but here it is, alive and well.

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Guest Devin
Theya int got much money at all ^^ they are desperate, they have to have some more buyrates or they wont survive much longer.

Did you fail to notice the fact that TNA just signed the majority of the roster to one year contracts, with the option for a second year? How about the fact that they have Electronic Arts, the biggest publisher of sports oriented video games in the world, producing a video game for them? How about the fact they've come to a working agreement with not only IWA and AAA, but also New Japan and possible CMLL and/or EMLL as well? How about the fact they just picked up national distribution of Xplosion by having the show air on Empire, which is shown on DirecTV, InDirect, and most major cable providers? Shall I go on?


This certainly doesn't sound like a company ready to fall apart at any moment to me...

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They lose money every week and are beholden to the Panda folks for their existence.


No deal has been signed with EA for a video game.


I know Hart 'announced' that Hogan has signed for the company, but I still wouldn't take it as read that he has till I hear the actual details of any contract he's meant to have signed.


Panda do seem committed in the long term, so I reckon they'll support the company through to at least June of next year.


The only possible disaster I see on the horizon would be the total failure of the Bound For Glory special souring the Panda guys on the company, and I don't think we'll even see that special pre-Wreslemania.

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Guest Devin
They lose money every week and are beholden to the Panda folks for their existence. 


No deal has been signed with EA for a video game.


I know Hart 'announced' that Hogan has signed for the company, but I still wouldn't take it as read that he has till I hear the actual details of any contract he's meant to have signed.


Panda do seem committed in the long term, so I reckon they'll support the company through to at least June of next year.


The only possible disaster I see on the horizon would be the total failure of the Bound For Glory special souring the Panda guys on the company, and I don't think we'll even see that special pre-Wreslemania.

The game is already in production, and has been for months.


You're assuming Hogan hasn't signed, even though his manager's appeared on the show saying so. None the less, it doesn't really even matter. The fact that Hogan is currently working with TNA makes my point all the same.


Throwing out June of next year as when you assume they'll stop supporting TNA has absolutely no bearing on anything. The fact is, from the moment they became involed, they have been committed to the company as you said. Until they show even remotely any change in that, any and all assumptions mean nothing.


The same goes for the Bound for Glory PPV becoming a disaster. I can just as easilly say that Bound for Glory will become this generation's WrestleMania, and it holds just as much weight. I believe that had it gone down in November, it would not have lived up to expectations. How dissapointing or even disasterous it would have been, I really can't say. Fact is, the show didn't go on.


The show could just as easilly never happen as it could be a failure, or even a huge success. There's no way for any of us to tell, at least until a new date is given, a venue has been set, etc.


In the end, every reason you have for the company becoming some big disaster, are simply assumptions or What If?'s. You look at just the facts available to us, and there's no indication of things falling apart in any way at this point. That's not to say that the company is perfect, or doesn't have any problems. There are many aspects the company could improve on right now, or in the future.

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The game is already in production, and has been for months.

Although I agree with the rest of your points, the deal with EA was a rumour by IGN that was shot down by TNA and EA a few days later. Mike Tenay said that there were numerous parties interested in the game but he did say that it probably wouldn't be made by EA. That was about two weeks ago on his column on NWATNA.com. So yeah, a video game deal is pretty much guaranteed, but nothing has been signed (that we know of) yet.

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Guest dvkorn

Didn'y Warrior increase ratings for WCW in 98 for a bit... i read that somewhere.... i would have to check to be sure though...

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Yes, for the first show or 2 he did out of intrigue for Warrior-Hogan. Honestly, revisionist history is acceptable in U.S. wrestling for some reason, so it wouldnt shock me if Jimmy Hart brought him in claiming he managed him.

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Guest RickyB

I'd like to see Warrior come in... IF he came in as a heel. I've always thought it would be interesting to see Warrior as a heel, as I think his promo style is more suited to being a heel. A very conceited, arrogant heel (although that might just be him :P). It would be interesting to see him come back, at the least. Although there have been rumours of him going to the WWE instead, so I see that as the more likely option.

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