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Survivor Series will be great!

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The Dallas, TX crowds are always super hot.


Smackdown Elimination Match: Lots of good stuff here, actually. Yeah, I know, the heels are HOSS-IFFIC, but who cares? Honestly, I think the cool point about this match is you get a classic mat/science little guy team (well, most of them...but Bradshaw will be out 1st) against a gigantic, and I mean HUGE team.


John Cena will arrive and get a super pop...this show will make him as a fan favorite. Kurt Angle will finally be phased away from Brock (for now), and I honestly believe Benoit will shine.


And stop bitching about Team Hoss! OK, A-Train can wrestle, but he's huge. Jones and Morgan are huge. Brock can wrestle and is huge. Show is a monster. Sure, most of them SUCK at matwork, but for one show could we stop BITCHING about "Oh gee, Jones sucks, he can't do a dragon suplex!" and have FUN watching both the MARKS and the SMARKS clear-cut favorites, Angle's Team try to chop down the huge heel team. I'm telling you, this is gonna have a lot of heat, and be FUN, if anything.


Noble/Tajiri: I think Tajiri holds the strap and all, but it'll be a good match. Crowd should be hot for Tajiri's kicks and Noble has some cool ipact moves.


Vince Vs. Taker. OK, I'll agree...two old men using punch and kick attacks is kinda boring. But it's different, I guess, we've never really seen these two go at it. Shit, Vince and the one-legged wonder was decent, and Taker's in great shape. This should be passable.


Goldberg/HHH. I don't even want to hear complaining. These two have ruled RAW for the past year, and the match should have great heat (not sure for who...the crowd could turn on Goldberg, easily). Hopefully Hunter is able to perform close to 100%. Rumors of Evolution turning on HHH....HHH taking the belt....Goldberg retaining leads to a pretty unpredictable contest.


RAW 10-Man: The Dudleys involvement won't gain extra stars, but it won't lose any either. They'll pop the crowd and work hard. Jericho is always a player, Christian is improving, and even Steiner sees more comfortable and at least a little more watchable as a heel. RVD and Booker T, whose movesets are getting VERY boring (though RVD sees to be putting some extra effort in lately...hmmm...) will also improve the match. Orton will add some heat and will likely draw a good pop when/if he is eliminated. Austin is a heat machine, as is Bischoff, so expect their involvement. An HBK turn wouldn't be crazy...


I dunno, Survivor Series looks better than say SummerSlam, or any PPV this year (except WM 19). IF everything hits, I think we'll be raving about it.


I would've liked to see Eddie G involved.:(

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

Hmmm...you make good points. It may be a good PPV. But I agree with someone else that the ambulance match should've been changed to a Texas Death match, since they're in Texas. I'll still order it though. My theory is, if you can survive Backlash, you can survive anything.

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I would've liked to see Eddie G involved.:(

Well, it's likely they'll go with Eddie-Chavo...or so I thought.


And I admire you for having a different view...you'll probably get flamed to hell for it, but it's a nice change to see someone not bitching about this and that.


Hopefully you're right.

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I think Survivor Series will be pretty good... just not as good as you think, Sledgehammer.


When was Tajiri-Noble announced? Unless it's a SD spoiler~! Anyway, they should just make a 5-on-5 cruiserweight tag match...


Mysterio, Kidman, Ultimo, Noble, & Gowen vs.

Tajiri, Matt Hardy, Shannon Moore, & TWGTT

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Tajiri/Noble wasn't announced. I'm throwing that in there because I think they need a cruiser match.


Honestly, Ultimo Dragon doesn't have the crowd reaction to face Tajiri on PPV (yet...) and Mysterio/Tajiri has been beaten to death.


A lot of talent left off, yeah....Dragon, TWGTT, London Spankings, Guerreros, etc.

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Guest Loss

This PPV has done a better job than any PPV in a long time of mixing and matching main eventers and midcarders in a meaningful way. The problem is what's on top, but still, at least the possible chemistry in the 10-man tags has enough train wreck appeal to tune in and see if either will be worthwhile or not.

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For once....since WM XIX, I am hyped for a WWE PPV. I am looking forward to both the Survivor Series matches going on.

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Anyone think the annual SS "screwing" will occur?


I predict Austin's team loses. Coach gets to do his interview, blah blah, with a dejected Stone Cold, who'll "step down, tomorrow night on RAW bah gawd the rattlesnake no!" But Austin'd have nothing to lose anyway, so he'd have to be taken out by someone...


For that to occur, I think someone's gotta turn.


I had two theories. 1)Booker T. They're pimpin' "he was the first man to step up!" thing a little much...plus, T's return interview hinted at his desire to chase the IC Title. He's been kinda bland (IMO), although has popped crowds nicely. Still, I don't think he's a big enough character in the WWE World to be a catalyst for screwing over Austin. He'd only get beat up in a grocery store afterwards.


Leading to...2)Shawn Michaels. I do NOT see Mark Henry eliminating Michaels. Nor Orton, who got to do that at Unforgiven. Christian ain't pinning Michaels, nor will Steiner. Leaving Jericho. Jericho would be the man who eliminates HBK, and that could happen. Or Michaels takes out Jericho.


I just really think Michaels, with the return of Booker T as a top face, would A)produce shock value by screwing Austin and would B)make a better heel than a face right now.


There's a lotta intrique going into this PPV.


A turn in the RAW Tag...Will Hosses R Us doinate...Benoit pushed...Cena pushed...The "big bump" with Kane/Shane...Evolution and the World Title Match...


Could also be the first 8-Time WWF/WWE World Champion.

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The Dallas, TX crowds are always super hot.


Smackdown Elimination Match: Lots of good stuff here, actually. Yeah, I know, the heels are HOSS-IFFIC, but who cares? Honestly, I think the cool point about this match is you get a classic mat/science little guy team (well, most of them...but Bradshaw will be out 1st) against a gigantic, and I mean HUGE team.


John Cena will arrive and get a super pop...this show will make him as a fan favorite. Kurt Angle will finally be phased away from Brock (for now), and I honestly believe Benoit will shine.


And stop bitching about Team Hoss! OK, A-Train can wrestle, but he's huge. Jones and Morgan are huge. Brock can wrestle and is huge. Show is a monster. Sure, most of them SUCK at matwork, but for one show could we stop BITCHING about "Oh gee, Jones sucks, he can't do a dragon suplex!" and have FUN watching both the MARKS and the SMARKS clear-cut favorites, Angle's Team try to chop down the huge heel team. I'm telling you, this is gonna have a lot of heat, and be FUN, if anything.


Noble/Tajiri: I think Tajiri holds the strap and all, but it'll be a good match. Crowd should be hot for Tajiri's kicks and Noble has some cool ipact moves.


Vince Vs. Taker. OK, I'll agree...two old men using punch and kick attacks is kinda boring. But it's different, I guess, we've never really seen these two go at it. Shit, Vince and the one-legged wonder was decent, and Taker's in great shape. This should be passable.


Goldberg/HHH. I don't even want to hear complaining. These two have ruled RAW for the past year, and the match should have great heat (not sure for who...the crowd could turn on Goldberg, easily). Hopefully Hunter is able to perform close to 100%. Rumors of Evolution turning on HHH....HHH taking the belt....Goldberg retaining leads to a pretty unpredictable contest.


RAW 10-Man: The Dudleys involvement won't gain extra stars, but it won't lose any either. They'll pop the crowd and work hard. Jericho is always a player, Christian is improving, and even Steiner sees more comfortable and at least a little more watchable as a heel. RVD and Booker T, whose movesets are getting VERY boring (though RVD sees to be putting some extra effort in lately...hmmm...) will also improve the match. Orton will add some heat and will likely draw a good pop when/if he is eliminated. Austin is a heat machine, as is Bischoff, so expect their involvement. An HBK turn wouldn't be crazy...


I dunno, Survivor Series looks better than say SummerSlam, or any PPV this year (except WM 19). IF everything hits, I think we'll be raving about it.


I would've liked to see Eddie G involved.:(

I guess, unlike you, certain people aren't able to see SD before it airs or perhaps they don't want to read any spoilers.

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"I guess, unlike you, certain people aren't able to see SD before it airs or perhaps they don't want to read any spoilers"


Tajiri/Noble wasn't announced.  I'm throwing that in there because I think they need a cruiser match.



Honestly, Ultimo Dragon doesn't have the crowd reaction to face Tajiri on PPV (yet...) and Mysterio/Tajiri has been beaten to death.


A lot of talent left off, yeah....Dragon, TWGTT, London Spankings, Guerreros, etc.


Edited by claydude14

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I'm looking forward to it in terms of where the storylines are going. I don't hold out for the tag matches to be any good. Well given the workers and personalitys involved in the RAW 10-Man(minus Henry) I think it could turn out to be good.

Like I said...I don't hold out for the wrestling end of things but I am holding out one where the storylines are going.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I am actually more interested in seeing the Raw matches than the SD ones. I think HBK will turn on Team Austin and Matt Hardy will show up to screw over Christian and his team.


The SD matches all seem pretty rushed and thrown together except for the Buried Alive match.

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[i guess that's one way to get excited about a wrestling PPV…]


A little pump before a PPV never hurt anyone.  :lol:

Hey, haven't you been paying attention to all those public service announcements? Save it for when you're married.


Take it from me... when the time comes, that's all your gonna get. :(

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Thing is, as I said in a different topic, the elimination matches really do hide the limitations of those involved. I mean, look at the first Series- sure the Smackdown match is Hosstastic, but the main event of the first was Fat Bastard Tastic with Andre/Bundy/Gang on the heel side and that was pretty damn good because it told a story. Have Benoit fighting the odds as sole survivor against 3 big men and the story should carry the match

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Guest Mulatto Heat
And stop bitching about Team Hoss!



I'm telling you, this is gonna have a lot of heat, and be FUN, if anything.


Is this the new "Be Entertained" mantra? Look, you saying what will be 'fun' is an indicator of nothing. Some people find bungee jumping fun. Others find chess fun. They are two very different things. See my point? I don't know you so I have no idea what your definition of 'fun' is. So it means nothing to me in terms of selling the PPV, which is Vince's job. But I hope you're getting paid.

Edited by Mulatto Heat

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Smackdown Elimination Match: Lots of good stuff here, actually. Yeah, I know, the heels are HOSS-IFFIC, but who cares?


I don't care, since there's no way I would ever watch this PPV so my money or time won't be lost, but let's say I was and I did... They aren't even good hosses. When ALBERT is 2nd place in workrate, there's a problem. Considering all the talent the WWE has, if THIS is the best they think they've got, there's a problem. And when BIG SHOW is the "safest" worker in the match, THERE IS A PROBLEM - especially since 3 of the guys on the other team have had a history with neck injuries.


Honestly, I think the cool point about this match is you get a classic mat/science little guy team (well, most of them...but Bradshaw will be out 1st) against a gigantic, and I mean HUGE team.


Um, you have 2 "mat wrestlers" who only do "mat wrestling" against each other. Holly, Cena, and Bradshaw are brawlers. Hell, Benoit and Angle for 95% of the time are brawlers too. The only interesting thing about this match is the vengeance card - Bob Holly is coming back to avenge his neck injury, Bradshaw is avenging his partner, Benoit/Angle/Cena are avenging their beat downs... oh, and how they might position benoit in the match - that's interesting too.


John Cena will arrive and get a super pop...this show will make him as a fan favorite. Kurt Angle will finally be phased away from Brock (for now), and I honestly believe Benoit will shine.




And stop bitching about Team Hoss!


Why? Team Hoss sucks.


OK, A-Train can wrestle, but he's huge. Jones and Morgan are huge. Brock can wrestle and is huge. Show is a monster.


Wow, I never knew JR posted here.... "You have to see these guys live to really know how BIG they are"


Sure, most of them SUCK at matwork, but for one show could we stop BITCHING about "Oh gee, Jones sucks, he can't do a dragon suplex!"


Nathan Jones can't even do a bodyslam... babysteps... babysteps.. and what has the WWE done to warrant anything other than bitching??


and have FUN watching both the MARKS and the SMARKS clear-cut favorites, Angle's Team try to chop down the huge heel team. I'm telling you, this is gonna have a lot of heat, and be FUN, if anything.


Wow, do you think sticking pins in your eyeballs is fun too?


Vince Vs. Taker. OK, I'll agree...two old men using punch and kick attacks is kinda boring. But it's different, I guess, we've never really seen these two go at it.


Yeah, this whole "Vince McMahon dominates Television time for a pointless match that headlines a PPV and buries 90% of the roster in the process" sure is a new fucking concept.


Shit, Vince and the one-legged wonder was decent, and Taker's in great shape. This should be passable.


I thought Survivor Series will be "Great", not "passable".


Goldberg/HHH. I don't even want to hear complaining. These two have ruled RAW for the past year, and the match should have great heat (not sure for who...the crowd could turn on Goldberg, easily). Hopefully Hunter is able to perform close to 100%. Rumors of Evolution turning on HHH....HHH taking the belt....Goldberg retaining leads to a pretty unpredictable contest.


Goldberg has ruled Raw? Really, wow, and here I thought Mark Henry making him his Mae Young was damaging... Zzzzz....


RAW 10-Man: The Dudleys involvement won't gain extra stars, but it won't lose any either. They'll pop the crowd and work hard. Jericho is always a player, Christian is improving, and even Steiner sees more comfortable and at least a little more watchable as a heel. RVD and Booker T, whose movesets are getting VERY boring (though RVD sees to be putting some extra effort in lately...hmmm...) will also improve the match. Orton will add some heat and will likely draw a good pop when/if he is eliminated. Austin is a heat machine, as is Bischoff, so expect their involvement. An HBK turn wouldn't be crazy...


Wow, such powerful words... "won't lose any either", "work hard" "Little more watchable" "the crowd will pop" - BOY OH BOY you sold me! Next you'll be saying "Better than ya think" and "not the worst thing ever"


I dunno, Survivor Series looks better than say SummerSlam, or any PPV this year (except WM 19). IF everything hits, I think we'll be raving about it.


I think anyone who is dumb enough to order this show will probably be dumb enough to think it's good. As usual.

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You gotta relax.


The Smackdown Survivor Series Match isn't advertised to be a "scientific" wrestling clinic. It is a story between Smackdown's 5 Monster Heels Vs. Smackdown Faces.


The dead weight will be gone early. It'll be Angle/Benoit left in with Brock and Show at some point. Say what you will about The Big Show, but he can be carried to good matches and is an opposing force.


If two small at wrestlers against all odds facing 5 colossal giants, in a "survivor" match isn't appealing to you, then I suggest you use your time to fish out some tapes of matches that appeal to you instead of ripping my comments.


You make yourself look pretty foolish when you blatantly make NEGATIVE comments about EVERY match. Perhaps you're right, and some of these bouts won't be super...but for you to rip EVERY match is ridiculous. The WWE PPVs of late have given us at least a FEW watchable contests...and this card potentially has a bunch of them, too.


My apoligies that a potential turn in the RAW Tag, a screwjob, or kickass match doesn't interest you...and that Smackdown has booked moreorless an "internet" match between everyone's darlings Benoit and Angle against everyone's hated Hoss Connection...I find this bout intriguing, as well.

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God this Big Show love has to stop... Seriously, it's just as bad as the "Benoit was dogging it" myth. Big Show sucks; he's the equivalency of a giant oak tree that better workers run into and around and make it seem like it's actually moving when it's really not...


You make yourself look pretty foolish when you blatantly make NEGATIVE comments about EVERY match


I didn't rip the cruiser match.


The WWE PPVs of late have given us at least a FEW watchable contests...and this card potentially has a bunch of them, too


... As long as SOME matches are WATCHABLE~! I'm so glad the biggest Wrestling company in the world with millions of dollars at their disposal and some of the best talent on the planet and whom charges $35 for PPVs can come up with something watchable... otherwise, I'd just be disappointed.


My apoligies that a potential turn in the RAW Tag, a screwjob, or kickass match doesn't interest you...


Oooh SCREW-JOBS~! Haven't had one of those in a ... week... A turn?!?! WOWZERS! Just what I needed, MORE Shawn Michaels and MORE senseless turns! As for it being a "kickass match" - you're pulling that one out of your ass; but that must be easy for you, since your head is clearly up there - good visibility, not as much rectal damage...


and that Smackdown has booked moreorless an "internet" match between everyone's darlings Benoit and Angle against everyone's hated Hoss Connection...I find this bout intriguing, as well.


I would say "less"... as an "internet match" would feature BOTH sides being good... if there ever was such a thing as an "internet match"..


If two small at wrestlers against all odds facing 5 colossal giants, in a "survivor" match isn't appealing to you, then I suggest you use your time to fish out some tapes of matches that appeal to you instead of ripping my comments.


I'll go watch Inoki vs. Vader... then I get to see someone I don't care about dying at the hands of a hoss (though a good one, which you won't find much of on this card)..

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