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spiny norman

What is the funniest TV show ever?

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But yeah, Larry David leaving hurt a lot. If you watch the last two seasons and then the finale sequentially, you could have told he came back for the Finale without even seeing the credits.

Ah, yes, the finale, widely considered the most disappointing Seinfeld episode ever. But I'll give you this: Seinfeld was genius when it was at its peak.

I honestly think the finale is much better in hindsight.


And who didn't think to themselves, "Seinfeld . . . Four!!!" when the Asian waiter was talking to Shane last night on Raw?

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AoO, I don't recall who said that line about "taking a dump," but I do remember seeing an episode of Beavis and Butthead, where during one of the music videos, Beavis said the exact same line you used.  I believe he was quoting someone, but he said the same thing, nevertheless, hence my comment.


Well, for one, I'm not AoO, even if we have the same musical taste


I honestly don't ever remember that... I've been using that line myself for a couple years whenever I want to mock Seinfeld's "Whyyyy..." style

They were watching the video for "Funk Dat" (by Sagat?), and Beavis did a couple himself (the "taking/leaving a dump", as well as "why is it, after I pick my nose, it;s full again in a few minutes? Funk dat.")


And I'll 3rd Newsradio. Season 5 is pretty hit or miss, but I love everything before that.

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Star Ocean mentioned Kids in the Hall on the first page, and it deserves some love.


Probably my favorite sketch comedy show of all time. Yes, even over SNL.

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Monty Python

The Simpsons



South Park

Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In (even if half the jokes are horribly dated, it still never fails to make me giggle at least twice an episode)

Night Court


As for Seinfeld or Friends, I had my periods where I would watch the show religiously, but then I would just stop, hence my not including them on my personal list.



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Newhart, Taxi, Mr. Show, Cheers, and Sports Night are my top 5 that people have forgotten so far.

I almost cried when Sports Night went off the air.

You too? :(


The one-two punch of Sports Night and The Job getting cancelled is the reason I don't watch ABC.

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Guest stardust
Newhart, Taxi, Mr. Show, Cheers, and Sports Night are my top 5 that people have forgotten so far.

I almost cried when Sports Night went off the air.

You too? :(

Yup. I seriously need to get the DVD collection of Sports Night.

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Newhart, Taxi, Mr. Show, Cheers, and Sports Night are my top 5 that people have forgotten so far.

I almost cried when Sports Night went off the air.

You too? :(

Yup. I seriously need to get the DVD collection of Sports Night.

Yes you do. Even with no extras whatsoever, it RAWKS. I got it for Christmas last year, and I watched the entire thing nonstop on Boxing Day.

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Too many to mention.....no order



Red Dwarf

The Simpsons

South Park

Brass Eye


Family Guy

Father Ted

Alan Partridge

Monty Python

The Young Ones


The Office and Phoenix Nights have already just about gone down as modern classics as both have near faultless scripts and excellent supporting characters. An American version of The Office (Phoenix Nights would be impossible) appearing wouldn't surprise me in the least.

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Guest SideFXs

"All in the Family"


"The Mary Tyler Moore Show"

"The Bob Newhart Show"

"The Carol Burnett Show"


For those who remember the Saturday night lineup in the mid- 70's. There has never been anything better.

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the lack of sketch comedy love makes me physically ill (especially after hearing about how innovative & groundbreaking 'seinfeld' is and how it's the greatest show ever). sketch comedy is where it's AT, yo. when done right, they have a freshness & a freedom that sitcoms don't have. the only sitcom i've seen to have that kind of "oh my god what the hell is going on" quality is south park.


python is, of course, the gold standard for sketch comedy, & basically everyone since has been in its shadow (and most of them admit it, either in interviews or in the format of the show). not only could they write sketches better than anyone else*, but the way they put their shows together held this great comic energy throughout the episode (which is a big problem for lots of sketch comedy). not only was it hilarious, but it flowed incredibly well, with the links they used & gilliam's animation.


anyway, my top 5:



the state


the simpsons

talk soup (pre-hal sparks)



*A reception desk in a sort of office building.


Receptionist: Yes, sir?


Man: I'd like to have an argument please.


Receptionist: Certainly, sir, have you been here before...?


Man: No, this is my first time.


Receptionist: I see. Do you want to have the full argument, or were you thinking of taking a course?


Man: Well, what would be the cost?


Receptionist: Yes, it's one pound for a five-minute argument, but only eight pounds for a course of ten.


Man: Well, I think it's probably best of I start with the one and see how it goes from there. OK?


Receptionist: Fine. I'll see who's free at the moment... Mr. Du-Bakey's free, but he's a little bit concilliatory... Yes, try Mr. Barnard -- Room 12.


Man: Thank you.


[...] The man knocks on the door.


Mr Vibrating:(from within) Come in.


The man enters the room. Mr Vibrating is sitting at a desk.


Man: Is this the right room for an argument?


Mr Vibrating: I've told you once.


Man: No you haven't.


Mr Vibrating: Yes I have.


Man: When?


Mr Vibrating: Just now!


Man: No you didn't.


Mr Vibrating: Yes I did!


Man: Didn't.


Mr Vibrating: Did.


Man: Didn't.


Mr Vibrating: I'm telling you I did!


Man: You did not!


Mr Vibrating: I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half-hour?


Man: Oh, just a five minute one.


Mr Vibrating: Fine. (makes a note of it; the man sits down) Thank you. Anyway I did.


Man: You most certainly did not.


Mr Vibrating: Now, let's get one thing quite clear... I most definitely told you!


Man: You did not.


Mr Vibrating: Yes I did.


Man: You did not.


Mr Vibrating: Yes I did.


Man: Didn't.


Mr Vibrating: Yes I did.


Man: Didn't.


Mr Vibrating: Yes I did!!


Man: Look this isn't an argument.


Mr Vibrating: Yes it is.


Man: No it isn't, it's just contradiction.


Mr Vibrating: No it isn't.


Man: Yes it is.


Mr Vibrating: It is not.


Man: It is. You just contradicted me.


Mr Vibrating: No I didn't.


Man: Ooh, you did!


Mr Vibrating: No, no, no, no, no.


Man: You did, just then.


Mr Vibrating: No, nonsense!


Man: Oh, look this is futile.


Mr Vibrating: No it isn't.


Man: I came here for a good argument.


Mr Vibrating: No you didn't, you came here for an argument.


Man: Well, an argument's not the same as contradiction.


Mr Vibrating: It can be.


Man: No it can't. An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a definite proposition.


Mr Vibrating: No it isn't.


Man: Yes it is. It isn't just contradiction.


Mr Vibrating: Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.


Man: But it isn't just saying "No it isn't".


Mr Vibrating: Yes it is.


Man: No it isn't, an argument is an intellectual process... contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.


Mr Vibrating: No it isn't.


Man: Yes it is.


Mr Vibrating: Not at all.


Man: Now look!


Mr Vibrating:(pressing the bell on his desk) Thank you, good morning.


Man: What?


Mr Vibrating: That's it. Good morning.


Man: But I was just getting interested.


Mr Vibrating: Sorry the five minutes is up.


Man: That was never five minutes just now!


Mr Vibrating: I'm afraid it was.


Man: No it wasn't.


Mr Vibrating: I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to argue any more.


Man: What!?


Mr Vibrating: If you want me to go on arguing, you'll have to pay for another five minutes.


Man: But that was never five minutes just now... oh come on! (Vibrating looks round as though man was not there) This is ridiculous.


Mr Vibrating: I'm very sorry, but I told you I'm not allowed to argue unless you've paid.


Man: Oh. All right. (pays) There you are.


Mr Vibrating: Thank you.


Man: Well?


Mr Vibrating: Well what?


Man: That was never five minutes just now.


Mr Vibrating: I told you I'm not allowed to argue unless you've paid.


Man: I've just paid.


Mr Vibrating: No you didn't.


Man: I did! I did! I did!


Mr Vibrating: No you didn't.


Man: Look I don't want to argue about that.


Mr Vibrating: Well I'm very sorry but you didn't pay.


Man: Aha! Well if I didn't pay, why are you arguing... got you!


Mr Vibrating: No you haven't.


Man: Yes I have... if you're arguing I must have paid.


Mr Vibrating: Not necessarily. I could be arguing in my spare time.


Man: I've had enough of this.


Mr Vibrating: No you haven't.

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Daily Show

South Park


The Simpsons

Family Guy


For overall consistancy, Seinfeld gets it. For "peak" laughs where I basically am gasping for air because I laughed so hard - it's a 3 way tie between FG, DS, and SP. Family Guy doesn't age as well as I would have liked, and their jokes are very VERY spotty. Daily Show is generally high quality, but it can hit some bumps. Stephen Colbert is a fucking god, though. South Park has the satire of the Daily Show mixed in with the crudeness of Family Guy. Some episodes are out-right brilliant, while some leave a lot to be desired.


In terms of aging well, the "peak" seasons of the Simpsons takes the cake. I can (and have) watched some shows a 20 times and I still laugh.

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Mystery Science Theater 3000 has some episodes where the movie is too bad to be enjoyed, but more often than not it's one of the funniest things ever. It's impossible not to have this in the top 5.


There are shows like The Tick, Andy Richter, The Critic, and more which could have been up for contention had they lasted longer. Family Guy was only 3 seasons but I think it can still be one of the funniest ever. And of course Simpsons is there.

Consider this: Simpsons, Seinfeld, and MST3K were all at their best around 1991-1996.


Another good animated show is Dr. Katz, but not best ever.

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Dr. Katz got the shaft. It was a great show and really a sleeper, since no one really expected much out of it and on the surface, it just looked like a shitty-looking animated show, but it was actually hilarious, thanks in part to all of the patients being comedians doing their material.

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I love Monty Python. I seriously do. I own all the movies and think Graham Chapman is extremely funny and is one of the most underrated comedians ever. In fact, John Cleese only comes third on my Pythons list (after Chapman and Palin). But in no way is it better than Fawlty Towers. Fawlty Towers had a far greater consistency level than Monty Python, and the flow of Fawlty Towers was the most flawless I've seen for any TV show of any kind, ever. It just built and built and built until it reached this amazingly funny climax.


Fawlty Towers > Monty Python > Everything Else.

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Guest Anglesault

The Honeymooners and I Love Lucy.


And Three's Company is officially my vote for worst TV show I have ever seen more than one episode of.


I thought it was stupid when I was a kid, I think it's worse now.

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And Three's Company is officially my vote for worst TV show I have ever seen more than one episode of.


I thought it was stupid when I was a kid, I think it's worse now.


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Guest Anglesault

Around, oh, the fourth or so time that one of them misunderstood someone and caused whacky results, I thought the formula was getting old.


Lucky for me, they did it three hundred more times.


Christ, I know sit com charcters aren't supposed to be the brightest bulbs, but by the, you know, 20th or so time it happened a month you would think they'd make an effort to figure out what the hell was really going on.


I just never got the appeal.


At least with I love Lucy where they ran a million "Lucy wants to get into sho business, Ricky says no, Lucy does it anyway)" it was always funny and believable that the Lucy character would keep doing it no matter how many times she failed.

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I actually agree on the Three's Company thing. I've only seen a couple episodes, but all of them were focused on one of the characters misunderstanding something and the episode going from there. Not even funny misunderstandings.


And call me crazy, but I'm actually more a fan of the Lucy Show than I am I Love Lucy. The latter got a little too repetitive and you can't call me out on not liking it just because it's old and I'm young, because I grew up on Nick-at-Nite and for a long while, many of the shows they aired on there were among my favorite programs to watch.


As for the sketch comedy getting little love, I think it's because what we get here in the States is just so inconsistent that people are thinking it's more luck than anything when it's actually funny. I don't care for Monty Python at all, but that's just me.

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Guest Crazy Dan

I would like to throw my vote towards the Simpsons, one of the most consistant funny shows of all time. I also still laugh at Seinfeld, Friends, and Married with Children.


As for old school, I like Mork and Mindy (Robin Williams at his "coked-out" best. Cheers is also a great comedy as well, one that as I get older, I begin to get all the jokes and stuff.


But which show can claim the "Most Unintentional" Comedy out there. One that is supposed to be all serious, but ends up making you laugh due to the premise and such.

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On the Honeymooners yesterday afternoon. Ralph and Norton got handcuffed together. As I'm watching i'm thinking. An old sitcom favorite. Than it occurs to me this very well might of been the first time that was done. It just seemed funnier after that, knowing it was actually an originial idea.

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Guest Anglesault
Saturday Night Live

What time period(s)?


One could argue that the suck (like, say, now) far outweighs the good of the seventies or ealy nineties.

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